Gold Coast Regional Snapshot Gold Coast Regional Snapshot Year Ending June 2016 Visitors Holiday VFR Business Expenditure ($m) Domestic Overnight 3,723,000 1,974,000 1,268,000 360,000 $2,920.9m Annual % change1 ▲ 11.8% ▲ 12.0% ▲ 18.7% ▼ -11.8% ▲ 4.3% Trend % change2 ▲ 0.6% ▼ -3.8% ▲ 7.9% ● -0.3% ▼ -2.0% International Overnight 984,000 783,000 144,000 31,000 $1,265.7m Annual % change ▲ 14.3% ▲ 15.6% ▲ 11.7% ▼ -4.2% ▲ 14.8% Trend % change ▲ 8.9% ▲ 10.2% ▲ 3.8% ▼ -4.3% ▲ 14.1% TOTAL 4,707,000 2,757,000 1,412,000 391,000 $4,186.7m Annual change ▲ 12.3% ▲ 13.0% ▲ 18.0% ▼ -11.2% ▲ 7.3% Domestic Visitors International Visitors Average Length of Stay (ALoS) Domestic Visitors International Visitors AverageIntrastate Length of Stay (ALoS)Interstate Gold Coast Queensland Gold Coast Queensland Intrastate Interstate International 4,000 25 1,200 3.0 6.0 12.0 7,0003,800 GoldBrisbane Coast QueenslandQueensland 24 Brisbane Queensland Nights International 3,500 visitorsQld (million) 1,400 2,500 5 International 25.0 International International International Nights Nights Qld visitors (000) visitors Qld Qld visitors (000) visitors Qld 5.0 10.0 Qld Qld Qld visitors Qld visitors (million) 6,0003,700 20 Qld visitors (million) 1,000 2.5 3,000 1,200 2,000 4 20.0 3,600 18 visitors 5,000 4.0 8.0 2,500 1,000800 2.0 3,500 15 4,000 800 1,500 3 15.0 2,000 (million) 3.0 6.0 3,400 12 600 1.5 Domestic Nights Domestic 3,0001,500 10 600 1,000 Visitors Visitors (000) Visitors Visitors (000) 2 10.0 Visitors Visitors Visitors (000)(000) Gold Coast Coast (000) Gold Visitors 3,300 Gold Coast Coast (000) Gold Visitors 2.0 4.0 Domestic Domestic Nights 400 1.0 Domestic Nights 2,000 400 3,2001,000 6 5 500 200 0.5 1.01 5.02.0 1,0003,100500 200 0 0 3,0000 00 0 0.0 0.00 0.00.0 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0708 0809 0910 10 11 11 12 12 1313 1414 15 1616 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0708 0809 0910 10 11 11 12 12 1313 1414 1515 1616 YearYear Ending Ending June June Year Ending June Year Ending June ..ForDomesticthe yearovernightended Junevisitors2013to, thethe numberGold Coastof . TheThenumbernumberof internationalof internationalvisitorsvisitorstravellingto .. TheDomestically,average lengthvisitorof staynightsfor remaineddomestic domesticregion increasedvisitors to11.Brisbane8% in theincreasedyear ending2%. ThisJune Brisbaneto the GoldgrewCoastmarkedlyincreasedover14.the3% foryeartheendedyear visitorsstable despiteto Brisbanea 4.4%remainedincrease unchangedin holiday was2016the, dueresulttoofstronggrowth ingrowthintrastatein thosevisitation,visitingas Juneended2013June. 2016. Holiday visitors dominated overnightsthe. Asyeara result,. Boththeintrastateaverage andlengthinterstateof stay thefriendsnumberandofrelativesinterstate(VFR)visitorsanddeclinedholiday. visitors international travel with a 79.6% share and length(ALoS)ofdeclinedstay remained12.5% overallstable,andhowever13.2% forthe (18.7% and 12.0% respectively). These increases .growthOverallovergrowththe yearreachedof 1510.6%%,.includingThere wasa nearalso numberinterstateofvisitorsvisitor. nights grew, particularly .wereThe intrastateoff-set somewhatincreasebywasandriven11.8% decreaseby strongin universalgood growthincreasein VFR invisitorsvisitors. from every key holiday and VFR. growthbusinessin holidayvisitorsvisitors. HolidayfromvisitorswithinstillthemakeBrisbaneup the source market. This general increase was also . The growth in visitors without the growth in regionbulk ofasvisitorswell as theto theresourceregionregionswith 53of.0SQC% marketand evident. Chinainremainedevery typetheof purpose,Gold Coast'sincludinglargestthe .visitorThe averagenights resultedlength ofin staymarginalfor internationalincrease in Centralshare. Queensland. There were also gains due to numberinternationalof holidaysourcevisitorsmarketwhichwithincreased28.7% share,14%. visitorsdomesticto Brisbanevisitor expenditure,grew slightlygrowingto 21 nights,by intrastate business travel from Central Theand proportionvisitation tooftheinternationalregion whichholidaygrewvisitors33.2% including4.3%. to $2holiday.9 billionvisitors. which increased to Queensland. Intrastate andvisitationthe Sunshineto the GoldCoastCoast. increased increasedover the yearto .50Chinese% of allholidayinternationalvisitors visitorsincreasedto 12.4 nights. 9.1% and was underpinned by strong growth from Brisbaneto 267,000. Overall visitor nights for Chinese . International visitor nights have increased .acrossInterstateSouthholidayEastandQueenslandVFR travel includingto Brisbanean visitors increased 52.6% which resulted in an .by Though17.1% but withthe thenumbernumberofof visitorsinternationalalso increased,increase howeverof aroundthere120was,000a largevisitorsdeclinefromin .increaseChina continuedin the averageto havelengththe highestof staygrowthfrom 4of.8 businessincreasing,visitorsthe ALoSgrew has2%, increasedthe numberonlyof interstateBrisbane.businessOver thetravel,year,particularlyBrisbane fromcontributedNSW allnightsBrisbaneto 5.5.source markets, increasing by 19% internationalmarginally from####business10.1 to 10nights.3 nightsgrew(2.026%).% (or and34.4%Victoria,of all domesticwhich resultedvisitors.inIntrastatethe overallVFR over the year. Direct flights from the USA to more than 200 000 nights) over the year. interstatecontinueddeclineto improve. with growth of 16.4% over Brisbane. New Zealandcontinuedremainedto improvetheannualnumbervisitationtwo This. Theliftedincreasethe inaveragevisitationlengthcombinedof staywithof the year. Business and holiday visitors from withinternationala 20% sourceincreasemarketin visitorsfor theandGoldaCoast68% businessthe slightlytravellerslonger averageto 7.7 nightsstay resulted. Singaporein a .intrastateThe declinebothingrewinterstatemarginallybusiness(bothtravel5.0%)is. part increasewith a 19.8in% visitorshare andnightsa 3..2Visitors% increasefromin visitorsthe UK. had14.8%theincreaseoppositeineffectinternationalwith an increaseovernightin of the normalising of interstate business travel increasedThere was 9some% andadditionalvisitor nightsgrowthimprovedfrom markets36%, visitorsvisitor expenditureof 20%, howeverfor theonlyGolda 1Coast% increaseregionin following. Visitorsthefromspikesinterstatecreatedto theoverGoldtheCoastlast regionthree assuchtheirasdomesticUnited States,economyUnitedcontinuedKingdom,a tentativeFrance visitorto $1.3.nightsbillion. yearsincreasedby natural14.7%disasterand maderecoveryupprograms48.7% ofandall recoveryand Netherlandsfrom the. TheGFCUnited. BrisbaneKingdomalsoremainedhad a resourcedomesticrelatedvisitorsconstruction. Again, growthprojectsin. holiday and welcomethe third increaselargest sourcein Japanesemarketvisitation,for thewhichGold . The overall increase in visitor nights VFR was offset by declines in business visitors. liftedCoast35with%. 7.0% share which represented a contributed to international expenditure Most of the interstate growth was in holiday slight growth of 3.0%. The Japanese market growth of 6%. visitors from Sydney. continued its upward trend with a 16.9% increase in visitors. International Annual % Change in Total Visitation 16.9% 20.0%15% International GoldBrisbane Coast QueenslandQueensland 20.9% 15.0% 10% Intrastate Intrastate48.3% 10.0% 40.5% Research Updates 5% ToTo receivereceive anan emailemail alertalert wheneverwhenever newnew tourismtouism figures are released click here 5.0% 0% 0.0% Interstate 34.8% -5% Interstate -5.0% 38.5% There were 6,096,000 international and -10.0%-10% domestic overnight visitors to Brisbane in the year 0809 0910 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 1515 1616 ended June 2013, this was a increase of 3% on the Year Ending June year ended June 2012. Year Ending June Gold Coast Regional Snapshot, Year Ending June 2016 www.teq.queensland.comwww.tq.com.au/researc Gold Coast Regional Snapshot Gold Coast Regional Snapshot Domestic visitation Year Ending June 2016 Domestic Visitors to Gold Coast Key domestic source markets to Gold Coast Year Year Length Year Year Year Visitors Nights All Visitors Visitors Nights % Chg % Chg of Stay # Chg % Chg % Chg Holiday 1,974,000 12.0% 7,945,000 4.4% 4.0 -0.3 Brisbane 1,280,000 10.2% 3,046,000 14.5% VFR 1,268,000 18.7% 3,557,000 -6.8% 2.8 -0.8 Regional Qld 628,000 6.8% 1,730,000 -21.7% Business 360,000 -11.8% 1,216,000 -8.9% 3.4 0.1 Sydney 616,000 13.9% 2,638,000 -1.7% Domestic3 3,723,000 11.8% 13,073,000 -0.8% 3.5 -0.5 Regional NSW 470,000 31.7% 1,727,000 11.5% Intrastate Melbourne 375,000 10.9% 2,000,000 -3.5% Holiday 964,000 5.0% 2,715,000 3.1% 2.8 -0.1 Regional Vic 106,000 15.2% 589,000 11.6% VFR 754,000 16.4% 1,581,000 3.9% 2.1 -0.2 Business 146,000 5.0% 360,000 -31.3% 2.5 -1.3 State Comparison - Domestic Intrastate 1,908,000 9.1% 4,776,000 -2.0% 2.5 -0.3 Year Year Interstate All Visitors Visitors Nights % Chg % Chg Holiday 1,010,000 19.7% 5,230,000 5.1% 5.2 -0.7 Queensland 20,183,000 5.7% 79,956,000 1.0% VFR 514,000 22.4% 1,977,000 -13.9% 3.8 -1.7 NSW 28,851,000 5.1% 93,030,000 3.7% Business 215,000 -20.1% 855,000 5.4% 4.0 1.0 Victoria 21,590,000 4.6% 64,012,000 3.0% Interstate 1,814,000 14.7% 8,297,000 -0.2% 4.6 -0.7 Australia 88,881,000 6.8% 328,447,000 4.8% Year Year Holiday Visitors Visitors Nights Domestic day trip visitors % Chg % Chg remaineddomestic Year Expenditure ($) Year Total Visitors Day trip visitors Queensland 8,091,000 13.5% 35,445,000 11.4% unchangedholiday % Chg million % Chg interstatestay Gold Coast 8,585,000 15.6% n/p n/p NSW 11,717,000 8.5% 41,692,000 7.7% forthe particularly Queensland 40,504,000 14.1% $4,468.1m 18.0% Victoria 9,507,000 7.1% 29,185,000 5.7% in Australia 187,059,000 10.6%
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