The Princeton Theological Review ,#***«« I U N 3 1913 Logical EDITORS J. Ross Stevenson Francis L. Patton Benjamin B. Warfield John D. Davis John DeWitt Wm. Brenton Greene, Jr. Geerhardus Vos Robert Dick Wilson WillIam P. Armstrong Charles R. Erdman Frederick W. Loetscher J. Ritchie Smith 'Caspar Wistar Hodge J. Gresham Machen Henry W. Smith Oswald T. Allis Joseph H. Dulles VOLUME XV 1917 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON LONDON : HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE John D. Davis, Wm. Brenton Greene, Jr., Geerhardus Vos, William P. Armstrong Copyright 1917 by the Princeton University Press ARTICLES “God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” By Benjamin B. Warfield I i The Kyrios Christos Controversy. By Geerhardus Vos 21 The Title “King of Persia” in the Scriptures. By Robert Dick Wilson 90 The New Testament Terminology of “Redemption.” By Benja- min B. Warfield 201 The Use of Iron in Ancient Times. By James Burt Willson 250 The Baring of Archaeology upon the Higher Criticism of the Psalms. By Oswald T. Allis 277 Christ our Sacrifice. By Benjamin B. Warfield 385 The Reasonableness of Vicarious Atonement. By William Bren- ton Greene, Jr. • 423 Lead and Tin in Ancient Times. By James Burt Willson 443 The Ninety-Five Theses in their Theological Significance. By Benjamin B. Warfield 501 Martin Luther and John Calvin, Church Reformers. By David S. Schaff 530 Luther and the Problem of Authority in Religion. By Frederick W. Loetscher 553 Galatians, the Epistle of Protestantism. By George L. Rob- inson 604 Some Economic Results of the Protestant Reformation Doc- trines. By Chalfant Robinson 623 3 CONTRIBUTORS Allis, O. T., 277-324 Armstrong, W. P., 181-182 Boyd, J. O., 328-339 Chaffee, A. R., 361, 456-462 Davis, J. D., 166-178 Erdman, C. R., 188-191, 367-371, 376-380,462, 464-465, 480-487, 488, 489, 492-493, 494-495, 671-672. Greene, W. B., Jr., 162-164, 194-196, 339-349, 374-375, 42 3-442, 462-464, 465-467, 495, 647-648, 650-652 Hodge, C. W., 185, 476-479, 654-665 Hunt, T. W., 182-183, 380, 493-494 Janssen, R., 479-480. Johnson, George, 645-647 Johnson, W. H., 325-328, 361-365, 452-454 Loetscher, F. W., 553-603 Longwell, H. C., 451-452 Machen, J. G., 179-180 Martin, S. A., 164-166, 454-456 Minton, H. C, 146-147, 157-162 Palst, B. F., Jr., 375-376 Ramsay, F. P., 349-358, 648-650 Rankin, Henry, 372-374 Robinson, Chalfant, 623-644 Robinson, G. L., 604-622 Russell, G. M., 358-361 Schaff, D. S., 530-552 Smith, J. R„ 187-188, 191-194, 365-367, 371-372, 487-488, 488-489, 489-492, 652-654, 665-671 Stevenson, J. R., 186-187 Vos, G., 21-89, 180-181 Warfield, B. B., 1-20, 147-157, 183-185, 201-249, 385-422, 467-476, 501- 529 Willson, J. B., 250-276, 443-450 Wilson, R. D., 90-145 4 BOOKS REVIEWED Agar, Church Finance 484 Albertson, Chapel Talks • 193 Alexander, North America ( Mythology ) 164 Alleluia 377 Anti-Prohibition Manual 195 — Archibald, The Modern Man Facing the Old Problems 491 Ashworth, The Helper and American Trade Unions 195 Atkinson, Arbitration in Industrial Disputes 495 Baines-Griffiths, D., When Faiths Flash Out 667 Baldwin, The Juniors 379 Balfour, Theism and Humanism 157 Bashford, China 186 Beets, The Compendium Explained 183 Bennett, The Challenge of the Church, Rationalism Refuted 462 Benson, Book of Family Worship • 369 Benson, The English Hymn 376 Best, Applied Religion for Every Man 379 Biederwolf, The Unvarnished Facts About Christian Science 461 Bizzell, Social Teachings of the Jewish Prophets 372 ~ Black, The New World 188 Bolwell, After College, What? 379 Bourne, Towards an Enduring Peace 494 Boyle, Miracles 464 * Brown, Is Christianity Practicable? 358 Brown, E. P., Point and Power in Preaching 670 Burton, Comrades in Service 485 Bushnell, Horace, Christian Nature 671 Campbell, Prayer in its Present Day Aspects 189 Carnoy, The Mythology of All Races: Iranian 463 Carroll, The Community Survey in Relation to Church Efficiency 484 Carus, The Dawn of a New Religious Era 460 Chafer, The Kingdom in History and Prophecy 368 Clibborn, Blood against Blood • 196 Coe, The Psychology of Religion 454 Cook, The Christian and the War 488 Coleman, H. T. J., Thoroughly Finished 672 Danielson, Lessons for Teachers of Beginners 481 Davis, J. T., The Book of Joy 667 Dean, The Book of Revelation 464 Dickinson, The Foundations of a League of Peace 195 Dixon, Oceanic ( Mythology ) 164 Donaldson, State Administration in Maryland 495 Doyle, The Holy Family • 193 Ecicman, G. P., When Christ Comes Again 662 Eiselen, The Books of the Pentateuch 166 Erdman, The Gospel of John 367 Farbs, Reapers of His Harvest 188 Faris, The Book of Personal Work 484 5 VI BOOKS REVIEWED » Fox, Greek and Roman ( Mythology ) 164 Fulliquet, G., La Foi du Chretien pendant la Guerre 670 Gerberding, G. H., The Way of Salvation 663 Gerould, Saints’ Legends 182 Goddard, Jesus and the Problem of Human Life 191 Goddard, The Good News of a Spiritual Realm 191 Good, Famous Reformers 375 Goode, K. T., The First Fruits 668 Gray-Moore, The Mythology of All Races 163 Gulick, America and the Orient 186 HalDeman, Christ is Coming to This World a Second Time : 481 Haldeman, J. M., Is the Coming of Christ before or after the Millenium 654 Hastings, Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, vol. i 147 Heagle, The Lord God of Elijah 164 Heathcote, The Essentials of Religious Education 480 Helpful Prayers for all Occasions • 672 Henke, F. G., The Philosophy of Wang Yang-Ming 645 Holt, The Freudian Wish and its Place in Ethics 325 Hough, The Man of Power 482 House, E. L., The Mind of God 665 Husband, The Prosecution of Jesus 181 Hutton, Ancestral Voices • 489 If Ye Fulfill the Royal Law 365 Janes, The Control of Strikes in American Trade Unions 194 Jenness, Campaign of Personal Evangelization 379 Jordan, The European War from the Bible Standpoint 488 Jowett, The Whole Armour of God • 187 Keith, The Mythology of All Races: Indian 463 Kent, C. F., Social Teachings of the Prophets and Jesus 650 Kirk, The Religion of Power 452 Kretzmann, The Liturgical Element in the Mediaeval Drama .... 493 Langley, Leibnitz" New Essays concerning Human Understanding 451 Law, R., The Grand Adventure • 666 Lawson, Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians 374 Lawson, Proofs of the Life Hereafter 361 Leake, The Virginia Committee System • 495 Leete, The Church in the City 482 Leuba, The Belief in God and Immortality 339 Levermore, Miracles in France *94 Ligon, Paul the Apostle 37 1 Lynch, The Challenge 480 Mains. Religious Experience : its Evidential Value 456 Matthews, What is The Great Tribulation • 488 McGarrah, A Modern Church Program 4&3 McLean, The Living Christ for Latin America 186 Miller, Living Without Worry 485 Moore, The Religious Thought of the Greeks 162 Morris, Sleeping Through the Sermon 49 1 BOOKS REVIEWED Vll Mozley, The Doctrine of the Atonement 467 Murray, D. A., The Supernatural 647 Newton, An Ambassador 492 Nicoll, Prayer in War Time 487 Nutting, Reorganised or Josephite Mormonism 463 Oman, The War and its Issues 195 Orr, International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia • 328 Quayle, Recovered Yesterdays in Literature 380 Pell, Our Troublesome Religious Questions • 190 Rational Orthodoxy 476 Rice, The Return to Faith • 370 Richardson, Conscience, Its Origin and Authority 347 Richardson, The Boy Scout Movement 369 Roberts, The Presbyterian Handbook, 1917 489 Robinson, E. M., Tennyson’s Use of the Bible 668 Ropes, Commentary on the Epistle of St. James • 361 Ross, The Sign of His Coming 492 Ross, The Under-World of the Dead 486 Scroggie, Method in Prayer 487 Shannon, The Enchanted Universe 192 Sheldon, Theosophy and the New Thought 190 Shook, American Anthropology Disproving the Book of Mormon 463 Skirm, J. H., The Survival of Jesus 648 Smyth, Christian Certainties of Belief 185 Snowden, The Psychology of Religion 164 Soares, The Social Institutions and Ideals of the Bible 479 Souter, A Pocket Lexicon of the Greek New Testament 179 Stanton, Father, Faithful Stewardship 669 Stone, The Invitation Committee 483 Stork, The Will in Ethics 325 Sudlow, The Cradle Roll Department 481 Tomoteo at the Front 482 van Veldhuizen, Paulus en zij Brief aan de Romeinen 180 Veach, Bible Reading and Religious Training in the Home 369 Veach, R. W., Thoroughly Finished 672 Vernon, The Making of the Bible 486 Walpole, Witness: the Work of Disciples and Friends 488 Walter, Subject and Object 146 Welch, King, Nicholson, The Christian College 486 Wertheimer, Why I Left Christian Science 462 White, The Old Order Changeth 494 Wilkinson, Concerning Jesus Christ the Son of God 187 Wilson, Contrasts in the Character of Christ 372 Wilson, S. T., A Century of Maryville College 652 Wilson, T. W., The Last Weapon 671 Wimberly, Behold the Morning 3/8 Work, The Church’s Children 369 Wri'ght, Faith Justified by Progress 349 Wright, Story of My Life and Work 465 Zwemer, Childhood in the Moslem World 189 The Princeton Theological Review JANUARY, 1917 “GOD OUR FATHER AND THE LORD JESUS CHRIST” In the opening sentence of the very first of Paul’s letters which have come down to us—and that is as much as to say, in the very first sentence which, so far as we know, he ever wrote,—he makes use of a phrase in speaking of the Christians’ God, which at once attracts our interested attention. According to the generous way he had of think- ing and speaking of his readers at the height of their professions, he describes the church at Thessalonica as liv- ing and moving and having its being in God.
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