Primary Spanish: ¡Mi Madrid! Age 8 - 10 Resources to support Spanish language learning at Key Stage 2 KS2 Spanish - ¡Mi Madrid! Teacher’s Notes by Clare Seccombe Page 1. ¡Hola! ¿Qué hay? (Hello, how are you doing?) 6 2. ¡Fiesta! (Party!) 9 3. Al zoo (At the zoo) 12 Age 8 - 10 4. La sierra (The mountains) 18 The titles in blue used in this pdf have been hyperlinked so that you 5. Soy un genio (I am a genius) 22 can navigate with ease to the online page for each programme and to 6. ¡Masterchef! (Masterchef!) 24 the audio downloads for each pro- gramme 7. ¡Ay! ¿Qué me pongo? (Oh dear! What shall I wear?) 31 Credits: 8. ¡Hala Madrid! (Come on Madrid!) 34 Charlie - Ela Sandín Prior Quique - Jorge Álvarez Sofía - Raquel Gribler 9. Mi gente (My people) 38 Tío Manu - Emmanuel Lehmann Teresa - Yuriria del Valle Jimena - Aurora Wright-López 10. Somos una piña (We are a tribe) 41 Other voices : Paco Manzanedo and Cristino Romero Music and Lyrics: Emmanuel Lehmann with André Espiñeira Performed by: Emmanuel Lehmann, André Espiñeira, William Gerard Murphy, Angélica Leyva and Elisa Arbesú Written by: Lisa Stevens Produced by: Nicolas Jackson An Afonica production for BBC Learning For the BBC: Consultant: Clare Seccombe Producer: Kathryn Blennerhassett 2 Using these Notes The headings used in these Notes ‘Before listening’ Introduction Listed here is a range of activities which can be used to intro- duce or revise the key vocabulary featured in the episode. The content in this series has been designed to comple- It is recommended teachers present all or some of these ment a school’s existing programme of work for teaching activities to help children follow the content. Spanish. It has been written for 8 to 10 year olds who have been learning Spanish for one or two years. ‘Content grid’ However, teachers may also find that aspects of the Each episode is divided into four sections and you will find How to use the ¡Mi programmes are suitable for younger language learners. a description of what is happening in each in the content grid. Throughout the episode content there are suggestions Madrid! audio clips It is important that the children can all hear comfortably. to support children’s understanding and to help involve them The 40 clips that make up ¡Mi Ma- Make sure that the loudspeakers are at the right height as much as possible. These ideas might include pausing the facing the children and that the volume is comfortable drid! are available from the individu- audio playback to check children’s understanding or asking al website pages. for all. Arrange the seating so that none of the children is them to listen and respond to a specific word or phrase. too far away from the speakers / whiteboard and that any You can also download the content child with special hearing needs is in a good position. ‘After listening’ by going to the download page. The Here teachers will find activities designed to expand and content is arranged as 10 x 15 min- Steaming or downloading the content..? practise the language covered in the episode content. ute programmes, each comprising They provide opportunities to explore some of the areas four of the clips. Look out for the The content for ¡Mi Madrid! is arranged as 40 audio clips of grammar and pronunciation which have been focused download icon in these notes and on the website: each three to four minutes long, including ten songs. on in the episode. Some of the activities are for the whole The content can also be downloaded as 10 x 15 minute class while others have been created for pair or group work. programmes, each contraining four clips. Refer to the The follow-up activities offer ways in which teachers can content grids in these notes for more information on develop various aspects of the content further. They include each of the 40 clips. ideas for classroom displays, carrying out class surveys and displaying data, exchanging information with a partner ¡Mi Madrid! school, performing a song or role-play in assembly, revis- iting the programme song and integrating Spanish into the The content focuses on two friends: Quique (who is class’s daily routine. Spanish) and his friend Charlie (who is English and has just come to live in Madrid). Together they explore Madrid ‘Additional information for teachers’ and with Quique’s help Charlie begins to learn Spanish, Here there are bite-sized explanations of grammar and supported by Quique’s mum Sofía, his Uncle Manu, and pronunciation to support non-specialist teachers. their neighbour Maria. Each episode features a visit to a local landmark, a story, conversation and a song. ‘Links’ Where possible there are links to other resources to provide additional practice and reinforcement of language covered in the programme. 3 © BBC Learning 2018 Series content grid Theme and key vocabulary Grammar, pronunciation and Theme and key vocabulary Grammar, pronunciation and culture culture 1: ¡Hola! ¿Qué hay? (Hello, how are • vowel sounds 6: ¡Masterchef! (Masterchef!) • opinions, including me gustaría you doing? • comparing English and Spanish • opinions • onomatopoeia ¡puaj! • greetings place names • prices • Spanish words with Arabic origins • saying your name • Spanish first names and their Eng- • sequencing • saying where you are from lish equivalents • conjunctions • countries and cities • Spanish double surnames • animals • Spanish-speaking countries 7: ¡Ay! ¿Qué me pongo? (Oh dear! • masculine and femine nouns • food and drink from Spanish- What shall I wear?) • singular and plural nouns speaking countries • clothes • definite and indefinite articles • toiletries • adjectival agreement with plural 2: ¡Fiesta! (Party!) • question words : ¿cuándo? • llevo (I wear) nouns • numbers ¿cuánto? ¿por qué? • ¿me queda bien? (Does it suit • clothing and shoe sizes • months of the year • focus on pronunciation of ce / ci / me?) • El Rastro (Madrid’s flea market) • dates z sound • birthdays • saints’ days 8: ¡Hala Madrid! (Come on Madrid!) • comparative and superlative • festivals - la Tomatina • sports • opinions • ¡qué va! • porque 3: Al zoo (At the zoo) • es • ¡no me digas! • interjections • animals • gender • Spanish football - rivalry between • colours • adjectival agreement with singular Real Madrid and Atlético Madrid • describing size nouns • focus on pronunciation of ge / gi / j 9: Mi gente (My people) • infinitives (rojo, jirafa) • se llama • simple future tense • animal sounds • le gusta(n) • me gusta vs le gusta • va a + infinitive • school life in Spain 4: La sierra (The mountains) • frequency phrases • seasons • negatives • weather • focus on pronunciation of ll (llueve 10: Somos una piña (We are a tribe) • expressions with tener • points of the compass / llamas) • hay ... personas • focus on pronunciation - s/z sound • Spanish climate • vivo en vs vive en • Latin American and Spanish ac- cents 5: Soy un genio (I am a genius) • adjectival agreement and word • El Retiro • opinions order • directions • imperfect tense in set phrases • colours (era, había and tenía) to say what things used to be like • famous Spanish artists 4 © BBC Learning 2018 1 Content grid After listening Section Programme content • Revisit the greetings and add ¿qué hay?, por favor, gracias, de nada (how are you doing?, please, thank you, you’re ¡Hola! ¿Qué hay? Presentación welcome) to the dialogues performed earlier. (Hello! How are Quique, his friend Charlie, his mother Sofía and • Research and find out more information about Spanish- CLIP 1 his uncle Manu greet us and introduce themselves. speaking countries, such as their flags, capital cities, size of you doing?) Charlie is English and has come to live in Madrid. their population and any important geographical features. Quique and Sofía are helping her to learn Spanish. • Children use soy de to practise saying where they come En el piso de Quique y Sofía (In Quique and from. They could also use the capital cities of the Spanish- Sofía’s flat) speaking countries to practise this with their classmates, Charlie comes to visit and meets Sofía for the first working out which country they are ‘from’. The teacher can time. She also meets Quique’s uncle, Manu. use the question ¿de dónde eres? (where are you from?), as heard in the song, as a prompt. Children could guess the Cuento : El nuevo vecino (The new neighbour) country with eres de… (you are from…). CLIP 2 Teresa the hamster meets lots of new friends as • The Anclas Patanclas rhyme, as sung by Quique and they share food and drink from their home coun- Charlie, can be used to practise all the different vowel tries. sounds in turn. For a, use the first verse: En el piso de Quique y Sofía (In Quique and Anclas clas, Links Sofía’s flat) patanclas clas, Quique and Sofía help Charlie to say where she Azules les Greetings CLIP 3 is from using soy de, and they also help her to blancas cas. BBC Teach understand the names of some countries and cities Anclas, patanclas, azules y blancas. in Spanish. They give her help with her Spanish Then change each a to e: Introducing yourself vowel sounds. Encles cles BBC Teach petencles cles Canción : Mi barrio (My neighbourhood) Ezules les Christopher Columbus CLIP 4 A song about the district of Lavapiés in Madrid, BBC Bitesize blenques ques. what you can find there and what it’s like. Encles, petencles, ezules y blenques. Then change each vowel to an i, and so on. All the other sounds remain the same, with only the vowels Print/download the Before listening changing. Transcript/translation file • Display the following country and city names: Lima, Perú, • Introduce or revise basic greetings in Spanish, such as hola, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Montevideo. Ask the class to buenos días, adiós, me llamo and ¿cómo te llamas? (hello, identify the vowels in each word and to recall the sound that Download all four audio good morning, goodbye, my name is, what is your name?) each must make.
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