Quaternary Geology of the Indiana Portion of the Eastern TODD A. THOMPSON, STATE GEOLOGIST Extent of the South Bend 30- x 60-Minute Quadrangle By José Luis Antinao and Robin F. Rupp Bloomington, Indiana OVERVIEW OF THE GEOLOGY, STRATIGRAPHY, AND MORPHOLOGY 2021 The map area is underlain by unconsolidated deposits of Pleistocene and Holocene age having thicknesses greater than 350 ft north of South Bend, and more than 450 ft -86°7'30" 580000E -86°0'00" -86°15'00" 5 575 northeast of Mishawaka, usually reaching 200 ft elsewhere. All surficial deposits are -86°22'30" 5 5 565 70 -86°30'00" 5 5 55 60 800 45 50 800 mid- to late Wisconsin Episode or younger (<50,000 years ago, or <50 ka), occurring Qma 31 Qas Qac 800 as a minor (<100 ft) cover above a thicker pre-Wisconsin package. A thin, Qml Qwv2 % Dreamwold ? Qwe1 Qwv1 Qwpp1 Heights Qwe1 Qwe1 discontinuous cover of postglacial alluvial, lacustrine, paludal, and aeolian deposits Qwv3 800 800 41°45'00" Qac5 % Qwe1 41°45'00" Qao5 % not exceeding 25 ft caps the glacial sequence. 80 Qwe2 700 800 Qwpp3 Qwe1 Qao5 % 23 Qwpp3 800 Landforms and near-surface deposits reflect the interplay between the Saginaw and I 800 ND % Qao3 I % AN Qao5 Lake Michigan Lobes of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. In the Mishawaka fan upland Qwpp2 A T Granger INDI OL ANA TOLL RD 80 L RD Qwpp2 Qwpp2 Qao4 (Bleuer and Melhorn, 1989) at the center of the map, the morphology is marked by a 31 ? Qac 46 Qml BUS 46 shallow (30–50 ft depth) pre-Wisconsin buried surface, similar to the one present in 20 Qao4 Roseland 800 20 Qao4 800 800 southwestern Elkhart County (Fleming and Karaffa, 2012). Qwpp2 Qml Qaca 700 Qao4 Qac % Qwpp2 Qml 800 Geochronologic data from southern Michigan suggests an older than 24 ka (mid- % Indian Qac2 80 Wisconsin?) advance from the Lake Michigan Lobe (LML) that is covered and Qwv3 Qac1 Qao5 Village Qml Qao2 Qac overridden in the map area by advances leading to the Last Glacial Maximum E MICHIGAN ST % Qao3 Qao1 20 Chain-O Qwpp2 800 (LGM), ca. 24 ka. Between 24 and 17 ka, retreating LML ice left a succession of ice- -Lakes 933 Qao1 Qao2 % Qao5 Qwpp1 Qwpp2 Qao1 % Maple contact sediment ramps and associated pitted and collapsed fan-moraine complexes Lane Qao1 Terre Coupee Olive 800 Qma Notre Dame throughout the southern and western parts of the map area. Diamicton and sand and Qwv2 Zeigler Qac1 20 % Hubbard BUS Pleasant gravel sediments are stacked in fan heads at the hinged interlobate area north and Qao2 Valley 19 Lydick Qao5 northeast of South Bend. Northeast of Mishawaka, deposits from ice advances Qwpp3 Ardmore Qao2 % having an eastern source (Saginaw Lobe) seamlessly blend with the hinged ice-margin Qao2 Qao5 % 4615 Qao1 Qml 331 4615 landform. Near Wakarusa, older, diamicton-cored subtly ridged topography of the Qao6 Qma Qma Saginaw Lobe controls the distal onlap of LML deposits. Ice-contact features (fans, Qao6 kames, and subtle ice-walled lake plains) define positions of the ice margin as the South Bend Mishawaka Qma Qwpp1 WESTERN AVE Qao1 W WESTERN AVE LML retreated from south and east to the northwest, in N-S and minor E-W ridges 2 700 Qao5 Qma Qao6 and fan complexes. Qma Qao2 Osceola % Qao1 Qwv3 Qao4 933 % Lowlands are mostly occupied by post-LGM (ca. 18 ka) valley-train outwash Qac3 Qma Qao5 Qas Qac5 deposits, with interpreted flow toward the south and west, derived from a LML ice 31 Qac4 Qao4 margin retreating first from south to north, near Mishawaka, then from southeast to northwest across the Kankakee valley. Collapse features attributed to stagnant ice are 800 Qac Qas 800 common on the pitted landscape around the Kankakee valley. The outwash discharge over this area was short-lived, and low spatial connectivity of fluvial systems is 4610 Qac 31 900 Qma 4610 reflected in poorly drained areas underlain by lacustrine and paludal deposits. All Qas Qwpp2 BUS Qac3 800 Qwm Qas Qao2 Qao4 20 outwash fans from the Saginaw Lobe and the interlobate area in the northeast 800 Qml 800 800 20 800 portion of the map are truncated or covered by the slightly younger distal Huron-Erie % 800 800 Qwml Qao3 Qac3 800 41°37'30" Lobe outwash deposits flowing westward from the Lima Plain, the Pigeon River Qao4 Qao3 20 41°37'30" Crumstown 800 meltwater channel, and the Topeka fan (Fleming and others, 1997; Valachovics, JACKSONR SAIN ? D T J Gilmer OSE Qml 23 PH V 2019; Antinao and others, 2019). Late-glacial aeolian activity is evident in dune Park ALLE Y PARKWAY 19 Qao2 ? fields north and southeast of South Bend, along the St. Joseph River valley. ? Qma Gulivoire Qwml Qml Qao4 Park Qwm KERN RD KERN RD Qml Informal names are introduced to develop the stratigraphic framework. These Qwpr 331 include specific units of the Atherton Formation (Wayne, 1963), members of the Qao2 Qml Qwh Qwm ? Qao2 ? Tamarack Qwml Wedron Group (Hansel and Johnson, 1996), with tentative equivalent units, and the Qao4 Qma Grange Qwml Elkhart formation and associated members as introduced for the Elkhart area by 46 46 ? ? 05 % 05 Qml ? Nutwood Qml Antinao and others (2019). MIAMI MIAMI ST Qwml Qml Y Qml BREMEN HIGHWAY WA ? IGH ? Qml H REFERENCES RTY Qao2 E ? LIB Qml Qma ? % Qao2 Qma Qml Qwpr ? Qml Qao4 Antinao, J. L., Rupp, R. F., and Valachovics, T., 2019, Quaternary geology of the ? Indiana portion of the Elkhart 30- x 60-minute quadrangle: Indiana Geological Qac2 ? ? Qwml 931 31 Qwml Qwp Woodland and Water Survey, Indiana Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 1, scale 1:100,000. doi: Qao4 ? ? Qma 10.14434/ijes.v1i0.27232 Qao2 Qma Qwh ? Qml ST NAPPANEE Qao5 Qwp Bleuer, N. K., 1974, Distribution and significance of some ice-disintegration Qwpr RD DOGWOOD 23 OSBORNE RD features in west-central Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey Occasional Paper 8, Qml ? 4600 Qma 4600 11 p. Qao5 Qac2 Qml Qwpl ? Bleuer, N., and Melhorn, W.N., 1989, Glacial terrain models, north-central Indiana Qao3 Qma ? Qml Qwml PIERCE RD % PIERCE RD —the application of downhole logging to analysis of glacial vertical sequences, ? Qao2 4 Qml ? DIXIE HIGHWAY Qel North ? Wakarusa in: Field Guidebook for the 23rd Annual Meeting of the North-Central Section Liberty Midway of the Geological Society of America, p. 41–93, 171 pp. Pine Station ? Corners Wyatt ? Qed Qma Qml Lakeville Qwml ? Qml Qwh Brown, S. E., 2003, Glacial geology of South Bend area, Indiana: Indiana M I ? A Qel M Geological Survey Open-File Study 03-15, scale 1:80,000. Qml ? I H Qao2 I Qao3 Qwp G H W ? Qwml A Qel ? Y Curry, B. B., Hajic, E., Befus, K., Clark, J., Carrell, J., and Brown, S., 2014, The Qao3 Qml ? Qwpr RILEY RD Kankakee Torrent and other large meltwater flooding events during the last 4595000N Qml 41°30'00" deglaciation, Illinois, USA: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 90, p. 22–36. 5 5 41°30'00" 5 5 565 70 75 580000E -86°0'00" https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.02.006 550 55 60 -86°15'00" -86°7'30" -86°30'00" 545000E -86°22'30" Curry, B. B., Kehew, A. E., Antinao, J. L., Esch, J., Huot, S., Caron, O. J., and SCALE: 1:100,000 Thomason, J. F., 2020, Deglacial Kankakee Torrent, source to sink, in Waitt, Contour interval 20 feet R.B., Thackray, G.D., and Gillespie, A.R., eds., Untangling the Quaternary Period–a legacy of Stephen C. Porter: Geological Society of America Special MN KILOMETERS Paper 548, p. 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1130/2020.2548(16) 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 GN 5°1´ INDIANA 89 MILS Fleming, A. H., and Karaffa, M., 2012, Quaternary geology of the Nappanee West 0½° 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 MILS 7.5-minute quadrangle, Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map 89, scale 1:24,000. MILES UTM GRID AND 2020 MAGNETIC NORTH DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET Fleming, A. H., Brown, S. E., Smous, A. J., Schrader, T. L. 1997, Glacial terrain map 5,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 (includes data points) of the Shipshewana 7.5-minute quadrangle, LaGrange County, Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey Open-File Study 97-14.2. US FEET LOCATION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE Gray, H. H., 1989, Quaternary geologic map of Indiana: Indiana Geological Survey SOUTH BEND 30- X 60- MINUTE Miscellaneous Map 49, scale 1:500,000. QUADRANGLE Hansel, A. K., and Johnson, W. H., 1996, Wedron and Mason Groups– lithostratigraphic reclassification of deposits of the Wisconsin Episode, Lake Michigan Lobe area: Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 104, 116 p. Martinsville Formation (Holocene) Haeger Formation of the Wedron Group (Late Pleistocene) Elkhart formation (Late Pleistocene) Horton, J. M., 2015, The deglacial chronology of the Sturgis moraine in south- central Michigan and northeast Indiana: University of Toledo, Ohio, master’s Qml Paludal and lacustrine deposits Qwpp1 Portage Prairie diamicton and outwash fan complex member Qed Wakarusa diamicton member Gyttja, marl, sedge peat, and sphagnum peat, interbedded with silt and sand. Organic- Boulder-bearing gray to grayish-brown silt-clay diamicton and sand and gravel fans at an Loamy- and silty-clay brown diamicton interbedded with clast-rich sandy diamicton thesis, 100 p.
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