Index Page numbers in italic, e.g. 305, refer to figures. Page numbers in bold, e.g. 99, signify entries in tables. Aalen, modelled subsidence curves 305 Bourneville Ahun Basin 59 air-loaded tectonic subsidence curves 303 Albacete 466 modelled subsidence curves 304 Albarracin 466 Bowland Basin 45 Alcoroches 468 Brande Graben 77 Ales/Cevennes Basin 59 Bray Fault 337 Alps, Stephanian-Autunian magmatism 57 Bremen 51 Altmark 14 Bresse Graben 290 Anayet 442, 443 Brive Basin 59 Ancenis 104 Bronchales 468 Andross Fault 46, 53 Brousse Basin 59 Arag6n-Subordfi. Basin 442, 443 Burgundy Trough 296, 302 Aranaz 442 Burntisland 196 Armorica-Barrandia Terrane 2 Bute 196 Armorican Composite Terrane 43 Buxton 47 Armorican Massif 43, 95 age and thickness of strata 99, 100 Caherconlish 48 Carboniferous basins 104 Calatayud 468 transect 105-107 Caledonian Deformation Front 14, 140 Arran 196 Campanil 442 Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh 43, 44 Campsie Fells 196, 220 Asker Group sediments 17 Canfranc 442 Asta Graben 77, 160 Cardigan Bay/St George's Channel Basin, age and thickness Ateca 468 of strata 103 Atienza 466, 468, 469 Carlisle 196 Avalonia terrane 2, 14, 244 Castell6n de la Plana 466 Ayr 196, 200 Castleton 47 Central Graben, North Sea 14, 77, 160 Bad Kreuznach 56 age determinations 17 Bad Liebenstein 321 Central Irish Sea Basin 108 Bad Sachsa 55 age and thickness of strata 103 Bad Salzungen 321 Champotran, modelled subsidence curves 304 Bakewell 47 Chantonnay Basin 104 Ballybrood 48 Chart6w 394 Baltic Sea 261 Chateaulin 104 Baltic Shield 14 Cheshire Basin 77 Baltica terrane 2 age and thickness of strata 103 Barcelona 466 Cinco Villas Massif 444 Benken Clare Basin 45 air-loaded tectonic subsidence curves 303 Cleveland Basin 45 modelled subsidence curves 305 Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation 44-45, 44, 45, 46, 220, 227, Berlin 51 229, 231 Birrenswark 45, 46, 196 Cockermouth 42~43, 45, 196 Black Forest 290 Codos 468 Black Forest Massif 95 Colonsay 196 Blanzy-Montceau Basin 59 Commentry Basin 59 Bohemian Massif 43, 290, 320 convective thinning model of orogenic collapse 93 Bornholm dyke swarm 14, 260 Copenhagen 51 major- and trace-element chemistry 26-27, 27 Corston Hill 196 petrochemical classification of magmatic rocks 19 Crediton Trough 49 summary of magma types 35 Creuzburg-Ilmenau Fault 321 volumes of magrnatic rocks 20 Croghan Hill, Ireland 44, 44, 45 Bosmoreau Basin 59 Cuenca 466 Bourbon l'Archambault Basin 59 Culm Basin 45 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3874469/9781862394711_backmatter.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 492 INDEX Daroca 468 electron microprobe analyses 263,264--267, 267 Dartmouth 49 petrogenesis of mafic dykes 273 Decazeville Basin 59 crustal contamination and secondary alteration 273, delamination model of orogenic collapse 93 277-279 Derbyshire basalts 45-47, 45, 47 fractionation and magma sources 279-280 Dowsing Fault Zone 77 petrography of dykes in Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone 262- Doyet Basin 59 263 Dresden 51 regional and tectonic implications 281 Dromkeen 48 dolorite sills in V~istergrtland 281-282, 283 Dublin Basin 45 Rfigen tholeiites 282-284 Dumfries 196 Fidra 200, 244, 247 Dundee 203 Figeac Basin 59 Durham 53 Firth of Clyde 196, 200 Dutch Bank Basin 77 Firth of Forth 196, 200, 203 Dzieduszyce 394 Firth of Forth Fault 46 Firth of Tay 203 East Brandenburg 14 fluid inclusion data 249 East Erzgebirge-Elbe Zone 340 Fombuena 468 East Irish Sea Basin 103 Forth Approaches Basin 77 East Midlands 45 France, Variscan belt 415-416, 427-428 Eastern Irish Sea Basin 77 genesis of most primitive rocks and influences on magma Ebro Basin 466 sources 432-433 Ecton 47 geodynamic model 433-435 Edinburgh 196, 200, 203, 220 major- and trace-element geochemistry 421-427, 422--425 NW intrusions 227, 229-233, 232 petrographic characteristics 420-421 Effective Elastic Thickness) 141-143 regional tectonic-geodynamic framework 416, 417 Eger 290 role of magmatic differentiation 428-432 Egersund Basin 77 sampling 416-417, 418, 419 Eildon Hills 220, 228, 230, 233 time of emplacement 417-420 Eisenbach 321 Franconian Fault 337 Eisenbach Basin 320 Franconian Platform 290, 302, 307-308 Elie Ness 244, 247 deep reflection-seismic line 300 Emsland 14 Frankenwald 320 Engestieg Fault 321 Freiburg, modelled subsidence curves 305 England Dinantian basins 45 Gargunnock Hills 220 stratigraphic range of Permo-Carboniferous magmatic Garleton Hills 46, 196 rocks 44 Garleton Hills Volcanic Formation 220, 226, 229, 230 SW 43-44, 44, 49, 50-51 Germany (northern), Carboniferous-Permian rifting 11-14, Epinac-Autun Basin 59 34-36 Eslida 466 chemical characteristics of mantle and crustal sources 30- Exeter 49 33 distribution of Stephanian-Autunian volcanic rocks 51 Faille du Midi 337 Ges 442 Faroes-Shetland Basin 77 Glasgow 196, 200, 220 Farsund Basin 77, 160 Glencartholm volcanic beds 196 Fennoscandian Shield, extension-related magmatism 259-260, GliJckstadt Graben 302 284-286 Gondwana terrane 2 see also Scania dyke swarm Gorzow Wielkopolski 394 bulk rock chemistry G6rzyca 394 isotope signatures 273 Gotha-Arnstadt-Saalfeld Fault 320 major and trace elements 269-271, 271-273 Graissessac Basin 59 major- and trace-element variation diagrams 274-277, Grange 48 278, 279, 282 Great Glen Fault 77, 244 sample locations 272 Grzymiradz 394 Sm-Nd isotope analyses 272 geological setting 260 Halle Volcanic Complex 44, 51 fault pattern 261 Hamburg 51 orientation of the Scania dykes and amount of crustal Hannover 51 dilation 262 Hardangert]orden Shear Zone 77 SW margin 260-262 Harz 337 mineral chemistry of mafic dykes Hawick 196 alkaline mafic rocks 267-268 Hebrides Sea Basin 77 dolerites 263~67 helium isotope signatures 250-252 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3874469/9781862394711_backmatter.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 INDEX 493 mantle plumes 244-245 L~erdal-Gjende Fault 77 mantle xenoliths 245, 249-250 Lalaye-Lubine Baden-Baden Line 337 Herbertstown 48 Lammermuir Fault 196, 203, 220 Hessian Depression 302 Lanark 196 Hessian grabens 290 Langholm 46 Highland Boundary Fault 46, 53, 77, 196, 200, 203, 220 Largentiere Basin 59 Hohleborn 321 Larrun 442, 443 Horn Graben 13, 14, 77, 162 Larvik pluton 16, 17 age determinations 17 Laurentia 244 late Carboniferous-Permian tectonics 161-165 Laurentia terrane 2 seismic sections 162-163 Laval 104 Hunsrfick 56 Le Plessis 104 Leiza Fault 440 Iapetus Suture 244 Lesaca 442 Ibantelli 442, 443 Limagne Graben 290 Iberian Chain/System 43, 44, 465-467, 477-488 Limerick Basin 45, 47, 48 see also Spain Ling Depression 77, 160 geochemistry of high-level intrusions 477 Little Cumbrae 196 Sr and Nd isotope compositions 479 Little Wenlock 45 whole-rock major- and trace-element analyses 478-479 Littry 104 lower Permian igneous rocks 467 Lizard Complex 43 chronology of magrnatic events 474476, 475 Lizard Head 49 crustal xenoliths 473, 474 Llet6 442 hypabyssal rocks 470-474 Llieda 466 volcaniclastic units 467-470 Loch Fyne 203 petrography and mineral chemistry of high-level intrusions Loch Leven 196 amphibole-rich andesites 476 Lodeve Basin 59 pyroxene-rich andesites 476477 London-Brabant Massif 43, 77, 108 Stephanian-Autunian magrnatism 55-57 Loscos 468 Ilfield Basin 54 Lower Rhine (Roer) Graben 290 Stephanian-Autunian sedimentary and volcanic rocks 55 Lucenay Basin 59 Inge Volcanics Formation 178 181 Lyon-la-For&, modelled subsidence curves 304 Inselsberg Fault 321 Ireland Machrihanish 46, 196 Dinantian basins 45 Maicas 468 stratigraphic range of Permo-Carboniferous magmatic Mainingen Basin 320 rocks 44 mantle plumes Islay 196 helium isotope signature 244-245 mantle xenoliths 245 Jaujac Basin 59 helium isotopes 249-250 Jeloya 16 Massif Central 43, 95, 290 Jeniniec 394, 395 Stephanian and Permian basins 59 Jezyki 394 Stephanian-Autunian magmatism 57-58 Jura 196, 290 strata age and thickness 99 Jutland 260 transect 101, 100-105 Matlock 47 Kaiserslautern 56 Mauchline 196, 200 Kattegat Platform 14, 77, 157 158 Mauchline Basin 53, 113 114, 220 Kelso 45, 46, 196 age and thickness of strata 103 Kergogne 104 Mecklenburg 14 Kerse Loch Fault 200 Melina de Arag6n 466 Kershopefoot 46,196 Mendaur 442, 443 Kilpatrick Hills 196, 220 Messeix Basin 59 Kilteely 48 Mid-German Crystalline Rise 337, 338-339 Kinghorn volcanic formation 220 Midi d'Ossau Complex 442 Kingscourt Graben, age and thickness of strata 103 Midland Massif 77 Kish Bank Basin 108 Midland Valley of Scotland 2, 13, 43, 44, 45, 77, 219-221,235- age and thickness of strata 103 236, 237-238 Klinge Fault 321 see also Scotland Kraichgau Trough 296, 302 4~ geochronology Krokskogen 16, 18 dating using different types of mineral separate 235 discordant results 235 La Quifioneria 470 methodology 228-229 La Raca 442 sample locations 222 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3874469/9781862394711_backmatter.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 494 INDEX sample quality 228 tectonic framework and crustal structure 14, 12-16 summary of ages for igneous rocks 224 tectono-magrnatic evolution and age relationships 26 tectonic and magmatic implications of the revised ages timing 178 236-237 volume estimates 27 timescale implications 237 volumes of magmatic rocks 20 distribution of alkali dolerite sills 200 North Variscan Deformation Front 14 Elie Ness 247 North-east German Basin 14, 77 Fidra 247 age determinations 17 geological setting major- and trace-element chemistry 29 local tectonic and magmatic evolution 225-226 petrochemical classification of magmatic rocks 19 regional tectonic and magmatic evolution 221-225
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