I ~ THE JOURNAL OF ~ ~~tttt~lCAL WOR!(J:bs AND OPERATORS . OFFI~IAL PUBLICATION INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS JU~-rjC! Uj\JffY IJ~tr1JJ)utyl \. J A . "~.; " ..: ;,\.. ~ ~+ . '.'". ~ '.~"... ·,,'1\.... -.,'-.. ,~:\,,: -:..\~:\ .'J} ..: ~i> ",~:.. , . ~~...... '" '-- ~/_!!' II VoL-r;.\ II : :;.: #"~..... " IIANP!n~]1 .'.:' .~;~ "," :u: ~:; ///\""- ~!¢? ~~ -;:? ! II G.A!' '1.AN J II II OHf'J II October, 1924 iU ;;l;\wnwll 111AHAOY II AFFILIATED WITH THE 111 ZClJ$)OJ'11! AMERICAN FEDERATION II J"JOri::ia II OF LABOR IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS "nDt.m.Q.UJ II II E}~!.,!' II DEVOTED TO THE CAUSE OF ( ORGANIZED LABOR ( ) II -f2:~lA II II HMl W 1'1 I II to!) Q.\-:flDrJ II II I II ~~ I I THE VALVE That Makes a Good Motor Better! NO.1 NO.2 Illustration No.1 shows a cross sec­ Illustration No. 2 shows a BOYLE tion of the BOYLE VALVE open. VALVE closed under pressure of Notice the separation at the outer edges between the solid crown and the valve spring and gas explosion. flexible seating plate, which is ex­ Note the flexible seating plate, aggerated to show the principle of which has been tightly drawn the valve. against the solid crown with an out­ This slight separation absorbs the, ward radial movement that cleans customary clicking' noises heard with ordinary valves, and is the basic the valve seat on the top of the reason for the silent operation of block at every operation. Conse­ the BOYLE VALVE. quently regrinding is unnecessary. Made lor All Poppet Valve Motors! DURABLE AND ECONOMICAL BOYLE VALVES improve with use. They save their cost in one valve grinding period. Installed in less time than re-grinding present valves. For Further In/ormation, Write the Boyle Valve Co. M. J. BOYLE 5821-23-25 So. Ada St. W. S. GOODELL Pres. Chicago. Illinois Gen. Mgr. WORKERS AND OPERATORS 673 October.~ Winter just 'round the corner - Time to think about your cold weather needs- Be a prudent buyer- Select the things you want now from our Big General Catalog for Fall and Wint~r- I f :YOU wonl Blankets, Men use 01U" Big Gen­ Thousands h~""outld Comforters or Draper­ eral Catalog when they service and sat' action ies yo" co n let them at are buying their outdoor ina HERCU Heal- money saving prices clothing, because they ing Plant. They'" from ou, New Calalog. know Out' auality is right. made sav.ngs. too. S ilks and Dress Goods, KnilGoods oflhe proper priced for' economy. are weight and style appear . ~is is displayed in 0"" Big i n our Catalog at the Book. Everything for lowest prices. No guess­ Ihe woman who sews, work about the quality/ bIit 1/zrjftDookqfaNatioii NE-QUARTER of all the families in the United Stales buy f rom it O when they need supplies for them­ selves, their homes, their shops, their farms, and their automobiles. These eight million families have found that they save money on every purchase: have learned tha t the World's Largest Slore will never sacrifice quality to make low prices; that we prefer per­ manent good will to temporary gain. Everything you need fut Slush and iu have no We are Radio Head­ We will gl~dly send you this wonder the automobile or JM terror for the man who qU4rlers. Here:)'O'U CO:1'C value book to get one o rder. Then our buys his boots from us. rel the marwlous Silver­ outdoor sports will be ton' N eutrooyn, or the service. our Quality and our values will found in our N MD Big He gets ,oad merchan­ make you a regular buyer. Book of 35,OOOBargains. dise at economy prices. smallest part at lower prius. Sears.. RoebuckandCO. r Mail the coupon TODA Y to the Send, for Your .tore n.ar.~t you. FltEE Copy- Sears, Roebuck and Co. 62K58 Chlcaco Philadelphia Hour Service! Dallas Seattle YOU haven't a The World's Largest Star, IF Send Latest General Cataloc. ~ copy of our New gives you the best service! Big General Cat­ 99 out of every 100 orders are alog, send for it today. Name ... ............. .. .. .• ••• shipped within twenty-four This con venient coupon hours after we r"ei.e them. will bring you free our great Fall and Winter Po.toffic:e: .... .. ..........• ••• _ book, with its 35,000 That!; Service! bargains. Don't over- Rural Route ........ BOl< No... .. , ~~.th~~r~~'!.ni~~ ~~ pon today, State ....................... ... • n Street and No. .• .. .. .. ••• ••• ' .... 674 THE JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL 500,000 More Customers 'Were 'Won by Ward's 1o'W prices and reliqble mer­ chandise last year. This book gi'Yes you the same opportunity for satisfac­ tion and sanng. Are you getting your share of the Savings this Catalogue offers? 'l: X THENEVER you need to E'Yerything for men, 'Women, this book. Bought for cash. V V buy anything for your Bought by our great interna· farm, your home or your children and the home tional staff of expert buyers, in family, do you look through We say look through your Cat· America, in Europe, wherever Ward's Catalogue? You will logue for everything you need cash would buy the largest find here great assortments of to buy. You will be amaz.cd to amount of actual value. just the things you want. You find how nearly all your needs will see the prices you should will be met in this Catalogue. pay - the lowest price for Use this catalogue­ goods of dependable quality. The latest fashions, dresses, coats, hats, everything a woman its large sa'Yings may It is easy and pleasant wears. Everything the man or just as 'Well be 'Yours boy wants for personal use or to order from Ward's for the farm. And everything for You may as well benefit by the Turning through your 726·page the home - furniture, carpets, almost weekly saving this Cat­ Catalogue, choosing the things the newest things for comfort alogue offers. Use this book as you want at your leisure, not and convenience - and always millions of other families do. being influenced to buy this or of Ward Quality. There is just as great a saving that, but deciding for yourself in the Catalogue for you. the thing you like best - that By "Ward Quality" we mean is the modern, the satisfactory just this - that we do not sell Your orders 'Will be way of buying. goods where the wear has been shipped 'Within 24 hourJ shortened, where the actual And you can select from service an article will give has Your orders are appreciated at Ward's Catalogue without any been lessened, in order to sell it Ward's. Your letter is opened doubt of value and without a little cheaper. immediately, your order filled the slightest risk, because you at once, and your goods are on are protected by our 52 year Over 50 million dollars' worth their way to you within 24 old guarantee "Your Money of new merchandise has bel!n hours. Back if you are not Satisfied I" bought and manufactured for 'MontgomeiYWard &Ca The Oldest Mail Order House is Today tM Most Progressive Chicago Kansas City St. Paul Portland, Ore. Oakland, Calif. Ft. Worth g ; L . """"'"""""""'"!11"'"""''""''"'"''''"''''.''''''''''"'"''I!II''"I11"''''''"11'''"11"1111"""""11"" OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ELECTRICAL WORKERS AND OPERATORS PUBLISHED MONTHLY CHAS. P. FORD, Editor, Machinists' Building, Washington, D. C. This Journal will not be held responsible for views expressed by corre­ spondents. The first of each month is the closing date; all copy must be in our hand. on or before. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD International President, J. P. NOONAN 506l\Iachinists' Bldg.,Washington, D. C. FRANK J. McNULTY Ohairman M'achlnists' Bldg., Wasbington, D. C. International Secretary, CHAS. P. FORD 506 Machinists' Bldg.,Washington, D. C. First District _ _ G. W. WHITFORD 1517 Third Ave., New York, N. Y. International Treasurer, W. A. HOGAN, Second District _ _ _ F. L. KELLY tl47 South Sixth St., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ~5 Beacon St., Hyde Park, Mass. I!IITER!IIATIONAL Third District _ _ _ i\I. P. GORDON VICE PRESIDENTS 607 Bigelow Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa. Fourth District _ EDWARD NOTHNAGEL E. INGLES, 559 St. James St., London, 110 R St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Ont., Can. Fifth District _ _ _ M. J. BOYLE JOHN J. SMITH, 63 Paul Gore St., 4923 Grand Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Jamaica Plains, Mass. Sixth District _ _ _ FRANK SWOR G. 1\I. Bl:GNIAZET, Machinists' Bldg., 2822 Forest Ave., Dallas, Texas Washington, D. C. Seventh District _ _ C. F. OLIVER A. 1\I. HULL, P. O. Box 1196, New Or­ 258 So. Marion St., Denver, Colo. leans, La. Eighth District _ _ J. L. McBRIDE 165 James St., Labor Temple, II. II. BROACH, Machinists' Bldg., Wash. Winnipeg, Can. ington, D. C. D. W. TRACY, 2(;05 Yupon Street, TELEPHONE OPERATORS' Houston, Tex. DEPARTMENT 'I'. C. VICKERS, 537 Pacific Bldg., San President _ _ JULIA O'CONNOn Francisco Calif. 1108 Tremont Bldg~, Boston, :.IIass. E. J. EVANS, 127 N. Dearborn St., Room Secretary _ _ MABLE LEsr~IE 1505, Chicago, 111. 1108 Tremont Bldg.~ Boston, Mass. Contents Pa,. Minutes of Meetill~ of International Executive Council 677 Labor's Part in Power Production 679 Necessity for Progressive Political Action 682 The Human Side of the Great Evacuation 685 Notices 686 Women Voters 687 System Council No. 3 689 Referendum Results on Question of Establishing Home 690 Editorial 691 Correspondence . 697 In Memoriam • 720 Local Union Official Receipts 722 Local Union Directory 725 ) ( 'ii'iimiIID"UIi""""IIIIIII'~ NATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, PKlNTERB, WASllINGTON, D .
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