Read us online - www.heraldbonus.co.za - follow - like 25 500 FREE 9 SEPTEMBER 2019 Style the Pristine way With more than a decade’s experience between the three highly qualifi ed barbers of Pris� ne Barber Shop at the Tuscany centre, this is Rustenburg’s new benchmark for male grooming. For many men, having their hair cut is just that: having their hair cut. And trimming their beards is a chore. But no longer! Pris� ne’s owner Mohammed Belhaj and his barbers, Abdu Hesin and Reda Ali Eldine are taking styling to a new high. Pris� ne not only off ers hair cuts and beard trimming, while you are in that luxurious chair sit back for a relaxing facial treatment, or let them tame those wayward eyebrows using the skillful art of ‘threading’. You can also choose a more conven� onal hair removal method like waxing. To experience the Pris� ne way of styling, pay them a visit at the Tuscany centre, Mondays to Fridays 09:00-18:00 or Saturdays 09:00- 17:00. On public holidays they are open 09:00-15:00. For more informa� on on what Pris� ne Barber Shop has to off er, see their advert on the back page of this week’s Rustenburg Herald. Ex-Larries players in Currie Cup final - p 8 PAGE 2 BONUS 9 SEPTEMBER 2019 Changing lives, one bursary at a time BONUS - KLERKSDORP - 2019 marks the 9th consecutive year Top South African “Designer to the stars” Gert-Johan 2019 Coetzee partners proudly with North West School of Design, opening doors of the world of fashion to the ambitious youth, by granting two fortunate winners the opportunity to study a 3-year Fashion bursary programme to the value of R340 000. There are two separate bursary programmes that can be applied Applicants who make it to semi-finalist will be given for; the first is the 3-year Fashion Design programme, and the other free tickets to the highly sought after Platinum Fashion is the 3-year Fashion Communication and Buying programme. Festival, an annual fashion show hosted by the North The Fashion Communication and Buying bursary winner will be West School of Design, in which the Bursary winners receiving a sewing machine worth R10 670. The Fashion Design will be announced by Gert-Johan Coetzee himself. To Hunters Rest Sunday Market - every first and last Sunday of the month. 29 Sept. bursary winner will be given a Bernina sewing machine worth R33 be a considered an applicant of this prestigious award Join us for a fun-filled family day - bring dad for a round of golf, mom can shop 000, and both provided by Gert-Johan Coetzee and the North West at the market and even enjoy a mini spa treatment at the market. Protea Hotel will receive an School of Design, one of the most progressive and - Hunters Rest, R24 - Rustenburg. For more info 082 366 3851 or email gm@ all-inclusive huntersresthotel.co.za. practical fashion schools in South Africa, applicants n/c W37 study resource must complete the online bursary application on www. The Pretoria FM Book Festival is taking place at Loftus Park, Thursday 12 Sep for a complete nwsd.co.za. Entries close on the 4th of October 2019. tember - Saturday 14 September, 416 Kirkness str, Arcadia. Bring all your book three-year For further information, please contact charles@nwsd. loving friends - if you love Afrikaans literature, you have found the perfect book education. co.za or call us on 018 462 5149. festival. For more info contact 012 543 0120. n/c W37 Discovery Jacaranda Spring Walk 2019 - Join the fun walk on Saturday 14 Sep Want to make the world tember 2019 at 08H00, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria. Tickets are R110-R160 more beautiful, like per person. Book now at - www.jacarandafm.com. Gert-Johan Coetzee? n/c W37 Apply for a bursary Die Verenigde State van die Eindtyd. Datum: 9-19 Sept 2019. Tyd: 18H30 vir from the North West 19H00 (Ma-Do). Plek: Adventiste Kerk, 16 Moquasilaan, Proteapark. Kontak: School of Design to get 071 758 7447 (David). your career on the right n/c W37 track. Platinum Mark - maak ‘n verskil. Word aangebied as die Gereformeerde Kerk Rtb-Wes se hooffondsinsameling, evangelisasie- en kuiergeleentheid waar fondse ingesamel word. Die 2019 komittee is reeds hard aan die werk om die geleentheid weereens ‘n groot sukses te maak. Vir meer inligting, skakel Anso BirdLife Rustenburg - Birds of Vietnam by 014 533 3439 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan: [email protected]. Volg ons ook op [email protected] om op hoogte te bly van al die marknuus. n/c W37 Reünie Alle leerlinge en onderwysers van die Hoër Handelskool JJ Pienaar Blue Rumped Potchefstroom word genooi om ‘n reünie op 21 Maart 2020 by die Hoër Volkskool Pitta Potchefstroom by die Arend by te woon. Vir verdere inligting besoek JJ Pienaar - Vietnam - Amptelike 2007 Facebookblad of kontak 082 625 0330 (whatsapp/sms alleenlik). Geoff Finney. White Faced Jay - Vietnam - Geoff Finney. n/c W37 Dwergiefees - Waar dwergies (pikkies) van orals bymekaarkom vir ‘n naweek BONUS - RUSTENBURG - After being isolated from the lank van samesyn en bewusmaking van dergisme. Die fees is oop vir die publiek birding and travelling world for so long, Vietnam has become ook. Die fees vind volgende jaar plaas by Club Aigos in Ventersdorp. Die naweek one of the key destinations on the world birding travel map. beloof om groot pret te wees, met vermaak vir oud en jonk, kunstenaars wat op Apart from the birding, Vietnam also has a very rich culture, tree, baie stalletjies en vele meer. Vir meer inligting kontak Marinda by 071 639 2599. a wide diversity of people, and great scenery, making it n/c W37 worthwhile to visit for both birders and non-birders alike. Vietnam, being 1,600 km long, with over This will take place on Monday, 16 September 2019. The dam is famous for the 3,000 km of coastline, has a wide variety September 2019, at Methodist Church on returning African Skimmer that has visited of habitats and seasons. Geoff Finney and the corner of Brink and Schuurman Streets for many seasons. Leslie Ryan, two of BirdLife Rustenburg’s and starts at 19:00. A charge of R20 from Approximately 350 birds have been seen most experienced birders, recently had the non-members is payable. Roodekoppies with specials such as Great Crested Grebe, opportunity to visit this fascinating country. Dam, 30 kilometres north of Brits is Osprey, Double-banded Sandgrous, Ashy Tit, Geoff will be sharing their experience and the destination for the club’s outing this Barred Wren- Warbler, Great Sparrow and photo’s with the club. month. This will take place on Saturday, 21 Black-faced Waxbill. A wide variety of water birds and waders will also be seen. (67 The level of the dam /$7 3UHFDVW is currently at 87%. Please contact the 029,(6 CALL 0870550046 FOR TICKETS 2QVERX chairperson, Shaun McGillewie, on 083 KXLVHPXUH 702 1462 should you want to join BirdLife Rustenburg and &RQFUHWH would like to attend their events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¶WOLYHXSWRWKH&RGHZLWKLQ ULJKWVDQGUHSURGXFWLRQRIDOOUHSRUWVSKRWRJUDSKV DXGLWHGWRWKH GD\VRIWKHGDWHRISXEOLFDWLRQRIWKHPDWHULDO GUDZLQJVDQGDOOPDWHULDOVSXEOLVKHGLQWKLV SURIHVVLRQDOVWDQGDUGV SOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH3XEOLF$GYRFDWHDW QHZVSDSHUDUHKHUHE\UHVHUYHGLQWHUPVRI DGPLQLVWUDWHGE\WKH ID[<RXFDQDOVRFRQWDFWRXU&DVH 6HFWLRQ RIWKH $XGLW%XUHDXRI &RQWDFWXV 2ႈFHURQNKDQ\LP#RPEXGVPDQ &RS\ULJKW$FW1R &LUFXODWLRQVRI 7HO)D[ RUJ]DRUORGJHDFRPSODLQWRQRXU RIDQGDQ\ 1RUWK:HVW 6RXWK$IULFD (PDLOPDLOEDJ#UXVWHQEXUJKHUDOGFR]D ZHEVLWHZZZSUHVVFRXQFLORUJ]D DPHQGPHQWVWKHUHRI 1HZVSDSHUVHZHZZVSDSZVSV $GGUHVV&RHW]HU6WUHHW5XVWHQEXUJ 1RWH&OLHQWVUHDGHUVSDUWLFLSDQWVDQGDGYHUWLVLQJDJHQWVJXDUDQWHHWKDWWKHUHSURGXFWLRQRIWH[WDQGRULPDJHVSURYLGHGWRWKHPHGLDFRPSDQ\IRUDGYHUWLVLQJSXUSRVHVFRQWUDYHQHVQHLWKHUFRS\ULJKWOHJLVODWLRQQRUDQ\RWKHUODZ 9 SEPTEMBER 2019 BONUS PAGE 3 Rustenburg, SA supporting choir Taxi industry BONUS - RUSTENBURG - From a school choir in Rustenburg to the big stage of the planned strike Dolby Theatre in Hollywood – that is part Accidents at of the journey for Ralf Schmitt. BONUS- RUSTENBURG- Police here, as well as the municipality Schmitt, who is the musical director of the has assured residents that the planned taxi strike of this Thursday Grenswag school Ndlovu Youth Choir, is also the choir master (12 September) will be peaceful and well marshalled. The police of Rustenburg Hoërskool. made it clear that there is no need for panic and that all rumours Barricades to stop taxi drivers from driving on the bus lane were put up. But for now Schmitt’s focus is on getting the about violence erupting are, as far as they could ascertain, amazing young people from the Ndlovu Youth BONUS - RUSTENBURG- Wednesday (4 September), just before unfounded. Choir on the winners’ podium of the biggest school was due to start, yet another learner was hit by a taxi while The planned march which will culminate in the handing over of a talent show in the world - America’s Got attempting to cross the infamous R510 to get to Grenswag School. memorandum of grievances by the taxi industry to the municipality. Talent. Bonus has been following the Ndlovu According to eyewitnesses the taxi was traveling in a restricted bus Following the challenges within the taxi industry, the municipality Youth Choir’s incredible journey on this lane where vehicles are not supposed to drive. The injured learner was has already undertaken a process to address the issues that have been season of the talent competition and have from transported to a local hospital for treatment.
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