television, cable and satellite media outlets operate. Accordingly, we do Overview not confine the discussion in this report to those specific issues within the Commission’s regulatory jurisdiction. Instead, we describe below 1 MG Siegler, Eric Schmidt: Every 2 Days We Create As Much Information a set of inter-related changes in the media landscape that provide the As We Did Up to 2003, TECH CRUNCH, Aug 4, 2010, http://techcrunch. background for future FCC decision-making, as well as assessments by com/2010/08/04/schmidt-data/. other policymakers beyond the FCC. 2 Company History, THomsoN REUTERS (Company History), http://thom- 10 Founders’ Constitution, James Madison, Report on the Virginia Resolu- sonreuters.com/about/company_history/#1890_1790 (last visited Feb. tions, http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/documents/amendI_ 8, 2011). speechs24.html (last visited Feb. 7, 2011). 3 Company History. Reuter also used carrier pigeons to bridge the gap in 11 Advertising Expenditures, NEwspapER AssoC. OF AM. (last updated Mar. the telegraph line then existing between Aachen and Brussels. Reuters 2010), http://www.naa.org/TrendsandNumbers/Advertising-Expendi- Group PLC, http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/ tures.aspx. Reuters-Group-PLC-Company-History.html (last visited Feb. 8, 2011). 12 “Newspapers: News Investment” in PEW RESEARCH CTR.’S PRoj. foR 4 Reuters Group PLC (Reuters Group), http://www.fundinguniverse.com/ EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM, THE StatE OF THE NEws MEDIA 2010 (PEW, company-histories/Reuters-Group-PLC-Company-History.html (last StatE OF NEws MEDIA 2010), http://stateofthemedia.org/2010/newspa- visited Feb. 8, 2011). pers-summary-essay/news-investment/. 5 Reuters Group. 13 The editorial workforce for daily newspapers in 1971 was estimated to 6 This calculation assumes that the bird carried about 1,000 words and be 38,000. JOHN W.C. JOHNSTONE, EDWARD J.SLAWSKI, & WILLIAM W. that 64,782 Microsoft Word pages can fit per gigabyte. How Many BOWMAN, THE NEWS PEOPLE: A SOCIOLOGICAL PORTRAIT OF AMERICAN Pages in a Gigabyte?, LEXISNEXIS, http://www.lexisnexis.com/applied- JOURNALISTS AND THEIR WORK 195 (University of Illinois Press, 1976). discovery/lawlibrary/whitePapers/ADI_FS_PagesInAGigabyte.pdf (last The American Society of Newspaper Editors put total newspaper visited Feb. 8, 2011). If one assumes stripped down text files, then a 256 newsroom employment in 2010 at 41,600. Newsroom Employment Up gigabyte flash drive could carry 86,779,264 times more than the pigeon. Slightly, Minority Numbers Plunge for Third Year, AM. SOC’y OF NEws Id. EDItoRS, Apr. 7, 2011, http://asne.org/article_view/articleid/1788/news- room-employment-up-slightly-minority-numbers-plunge-for-third-year. 7 See WikiSource, Letter to Edward Carrington—January 16, 1787, http:// aspx. This means that roughly the same number of journalists are en.wikisource.org/wiki/Letter_to_Edward_Carrington_-_Janu- working at newspapers today as in 1970, even though the population of ary_16,_1787 (last visited Jan. 25, 2011). the US has increased by more than 50 percent. The population in 1970 8 THE KNIGHT CommIssION, INfoRMING CommUNITIES: SUstaINING was 203,302,031, while the population in 2010 was 308,745,538. Popula- DEMOCRACY IN THE DIGItal AGE at XI (2010), available at http://www. tion, Housing Units, Area Measurements, and Density: 1790 to 1990, U.S. knightcomm.org/read-the-report-and-comment/. CENSUS BUREAU, http://www.census.gov/population/www/censusdata/ 9 The Commission’s statutory mandate includes responsibility for a wide files/table-2.pdf; Press Release, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Census Bureau range of media issues, including policy and licensing for the regulation Announces 2010 Census Population Counts—Apportionment Counts of cable television, broadcast television and radio, and satellite services Delivered to President (Dec. 21, 2010), http://2010.census.gov/news/ in the United States and its territories. See 47 U.S.C. Titles I, III and VI. releases/operations/cb10-cn93.html. See also id.at § 303(g) (requiring the FCC to “encourage the larger and 14 “Overview” in PEW, StatE OF NEws MEDIA 2010, http://stateofthemedia. more effective use of radio in the public interest”); NBC v. United States, org/2010/overview-3/. 319 U.S. 190, 217 (1943) (Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 15 “Magazines: News Investment” in PEW, StatE OF NEws MEDIA 2010, confers on the FCC “comprehensive powers to promote and realize the http://stateofthemedia.org/2010/magazines-summary-essay/news- vast potentialities of radio”). More specifically, the CCF ’s media regula- investment/. tory responsibilities include, but are not limited to: broadcast television and radio station licensing, technical standards, ownership, localism, 16 “News on the Radio” in PEW RESEARCH CTR.’S PRoj. foR EXCELLENCE IN equal employment opportunity, children’s programming, political JOURNALISM, THE StatE OF THE NEws MEDIA 2011 (PEW, StatE OF NEws programming, sponsorship identification, and indecency. See 47 U.S.C. MEDIA 2011), http://stateofthemedia.org/2011/audio-essay (citing Arbi- §§ 301, 303a, 303b, 307–310, 315, 317, 334–336, 507; 18 U.S.C. § 1464 tron Inc., Radio Today 2010 Edition); Email from Claudine Kinsley, Dir., (1994); Telecommunications Act of 1996 § 202, Pub. L. No. 104-104, 110 Syndicated Standards & Analysis, Arbitron Inc., to Alexandra McKinney, Stat. 56 (1996). Additionally, cable television rates, technical standards, FCC, Nov. 17, 2010. Arbitron provided aggregate data to the FCC but did consumer protection and customer service, ownership, broadcast not identify the stations that identified themselves as all-news stations. station signal retransmission and carriage, program access, wiring, 17 Adam LYNN, MARK CoopER & S. DEREK TURNER, NatIONAL OWNERS equipment, and channel leasing are also included in the FCC’s media DOMINatE LOCAL CABLE NEws: LOCAL CABLE NEws CHANNELS DO Not regulatory responsibilities. See 47 U.S.C. §§ 611–617, 623, 624, 628, SIGNIFICANTLY CoNTRIBUTE TO SOURCE OR VIEWPOINT DIVERSITY 1, 5 632. Digital Broadcast Satellite licensing, ownership, broadcast station (Free Press) (2006) http://www.freepress.net/files/study_4_cable_lo- signal retransmission and carriage also fall under the purview of the cal_news.pdf (“these stations serve about one-fifth of the total popula- FCC. See 47 U.S.C. §§ 335, 338–341. We believe effective performance of tion...”). The number could be slightly higher. Our own FCC analysis, these responsibilities requires FCC Commissioners and staff to have an based on research in September 2010 by FOM team members Simon understanding of developments within the broader sphere where radio, Banyai and Ava Seave (Banyai and Seave Research), we previously 366 found there to be approximately 39 local or regional cable news chan- 29 Interview of Mary Walton by M.K.Guzda Struck, FCC, Aug. 29, 2010. nels that produced their own news. These channels serve subscribers 30 The total number of members has increased, with the bulk describing on cable systems in approximately 71 out of the total 210 Designated themselves as freelancers. They had 1,100 members in 2000 and 1,500 Market Areas in the country, and many of these DMAs contain large members now. Interview with Beth Parke, Executive Director, Society of metropolitan regions—New York, Boston, Chicago, or San Francisco— Environmental Journalists, by M.K.Guzda Struck, FCC, Aug. 23, 2010. with multiple channels. Using 2010 data, out of the total of 54,335,000 31 PEW RESEARCH CENTER’S PROJECT FOR EXCELLENCE IN JOURNAL- TV households located in 71 DMAs, we found that 52.4 percent or ISM, THE NEW WASHINGTON PRESS CORPS: AS MAINSTREAM MEDIA 28,471,540 were cable subscribers. Therefore, we estimated that these DECLINE, NICHE AND FOREIGN OUTLETS GROW (Feb. 11, 2009), http:// 39 cable news channels were available to at least 24.6 percent of the www.journalism.org/analysis_report/new_washington_press_corps. 115.8 million total TV households in the country in 2010. Our cable news channel count incorporates only those channels that continue to utilize 32 Email from Debra Mason, Religion Newswriters Association, to Steven journalists to originate local or regional news. While Americans may Waldman, FCC, Feb. 18, 2011. receive news from a somewhat greater number of cable channels that 33 GARY SCHWITZER, KAISER FAMILY FOUNdatION, THE StatE OF HEaltH merely rebroadcast or simulcast network news program ming, we have JOURNALISM IN THE U.S. 16 (Mar. 2009), http://www.kff.org/entmedia/ omitted such channels from our tally. The “20 to 30 percent” figure upload/7858.pdf. also includes local cable news channels referenced in footnote 264 of 34 Email from Richard Colvin to Steven Waldman, FCC, Jan. 19, 2011. Chapter 3, Television. 35 Interview with Andrew Lack by Steven Waldman, FCC, Dec. 16, 2010. 18 FCC staff analysis of data from Tribune Media Services for Nov. 1–Nov. 14, 36 Testimony of David Simon, former Baltimore Sun reporter and Creator, 2009 and May 6–May 12, 2010. HBO series The Wire, Hearing on the Future of News and Journalism, 19 LEONARD DowNIE JR. & MICHAEL SCHUdsoN, ColUMBIA JOURNALISM U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the REV., THE RECONstRUCTION OF AMERICAN JOURNALISM, Oct. 19, 2009 Internet, May 8, 2009, available at http://www.onthemedia.org/tran- (DowNIE & SCHUdsoN, RECONstRUCTION OF AMERICAN JOURNALISM), scripts/2009/05/08/01. http://www.cjr.org/reconstruction/the_reconstruction_of_american. 37 Interview with Mark Silverman, (Nashville) Tennessean, by Steven Wald- php?page=all. man, FCC, May 24, 2010. 20 How NEws HAPPENS: A STUDY OF THE NEW ECosYstEM OF ONE 38 Interview with Brian Hamlin, Senior Reporter, Vacaville (CA) Reporter, AMERICAN CITY, PRojECT foR EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM 2 (2010), by M.K.Guzda Struck, FCC, June 2010. Hamlin provided an example of http://www.journalism.org/sites/journalism.org/files/Baltimore%20 the distances he was required to drive in a single day to cover far-flung Study_Jan2010_0.pdf. stories, due to staff reductions: Stockton to Vallejo, 65.7 mi.; Vallejo to 21 JAN SCHAFFER, J-LAB: THE INstITUTE foR INTERACTIVE JOURNALISM, EX- Fairfield, 17 mi.; Fairfield to Sacramento, 43 mi.
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