50¢ SEPTEMBER,1962 ORSE NATIONALCf'ictorial SHOWISSUE WASEEKA'S NOCTURNE Sire: Starfire Dam: Upwey Benn Quietude Winner A.H.S.A. High Score Award 1960 - 1961 Junior Champion Harness Horse National Mor- gan Show, 1957 Champion Saddle Horse National Morgan Show 1959 - 1960 - 1961 Shown consistently since 1957 at all major shows in the east. Never out of the ribbons having already acquired in the '61 season - The over Blue and Championship ribbons at "Rhode Island and Providence Plantation" Horse Show "Pequot Benefit Horse Show" "Children's Services" Horse Show "Great Barrington" Horse Show "Medfield P.H.A. Horse Show" "Barre Horse Show", Essex Jct., Woodstock , Vt. With this super show career this Staltion is very proud to say it looks as if . WASEEKA'S THEME SONG Sire: Waseeka 's Nocturne Dam: Mannequin Winner: Mares & Geldings Three Years Old Under Saddle National Morgan Show - 1962 Mares Three Years Old, National Morgan Show Junior Champion Mare, National Morgan Show GRAND CHAMPION MARE, National Morgan Show WASEEKA FARM, ASHLAND, MASS. MRS. D. D. POWER - MR. & MRS. E. KEENEANNIS JOHN J. LYOON Owners Trainer PARADE 10138 National Grand Champion Stallion 1955 National Reserve Champion Saddle Horse National Reserve Champion Harness Horse First in Combination and Harness Pairs several times PARADE SIRED Panorama: 1962 National Champ ion Harness Horse Bay State Estrelita : 1962 Reserve Champion Mare Broadwall St. Pat: Grand Champion Stallion Pacific North West 1962 Broadwall Brigadier : Grand Champion Stallion and winner of Get of Sire Class, 1962, Estes Park, Colorado. We have sons and daughters for sale - reasonable. It gives us great satisfaction to see so many Broadtvall horsej in tlze ribbons in the pleasure classes. BH!lJl Dill Jll l FJJ 11 n1 Mr. and Mrs. J. CECILFERGUSON Greene, R. I. CAMELOT FARMS T. H. Whi te, Jr. Ow ner Box 343 Route I John S. Diehl Fort Lauderdale Mana ger Tra iner Florida ... is making a three month tour of the major shows of the Northeast . Three stars of our show string . LADY ELIZABETH OF CAMELOT SPRING DELIGHT OF CAMELOT (Three Winds Betsey) - 5 year old mare (Easter Twiligh t (Kane 's Spring Delig ht) - 7 year ol d mare (John Ged ­ x Bald Mt . Petite Ann) . Undefeated in open pleasure des x Barbette) Michigan champion saddle and har ­ classes Florida Summer Circuit . ness horse . Young Visit us Stock at the Available Shows . SPRING GLO OF CAMELOT 3 year old stalli on (M or-A yr Supreme x Lilli Glo). A Phot os model Morgan possessing excellent acti on. Wi ll make Un ret ouched his debut at M id-Atlantic Show . by Jackma n Consigned to the Green Meads Weanling Sale Petalbrook Astrolect is a full brother to Petalbrook Amylect winner of 2 year old Mare Class and Reserve Junior Champion Mare, 1962 National. He is a full brother to Petalbrook Sigmalect, second place winner in 3 year old Stallion Class 1962 National and Grand Champion Stallion at the Sunnyhill Charity Show (Class A). Astrolect is sired by Sealed of Windcrest, winner of the Sire and Get Class at the 1962 National and out of UVM Annandale, winner of the Dam and Produce, 1962 National. His above full brother and sister were the winning produce of dam and members of the winning get of sire group. PETALBROOKASTROLECT 13804 Sealect of Windcrest x UVM Annandale Consider this colt carefully . He is bred to be a winner and a future sire. PETALBROOK FARM Chelsea Road, Wappingers Falls, New York MR. and MRS. PHILIP W. JACKSON. owners TABLEOF CONTENTS SPECIAL FEATURES .f~ttsis ~ From the Pre sident . .. 7 A We sterners View of the National . 9 Thia Wa s It . 15 Justin Morgan (Part 2) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 Just!n Morgan Horse Show ......................... , . 18 tk l~i~"' George Ru11ell . 20 8th Annual Mid Atlantic Trail Ride . 23 1962 All Morgan Horse Show at Grants Paaa . 26 Dear ir: Morgans In Arl tona . 27 2nd Annual New England Morgan Show . 35 Please excuse the delay in my renew ­ Important Notice . 35 al to your magazine! Belie e me, I Great Barrington Show . 39 have hunt ed high and low lookin g f.or The Horse's Prayer . 41 the bank check which is enclosed that I knew I had had made out, but upon REGULAR FEATURES moving from Woburn to Amesb ur y, Letters to the Editor . 6 Jes' Hossin' Around . 16 I will have to admit it not only got mis­ Pocllic Northw est News .. ........ , . 21 laid think it would be safer to say it Mid Atlanti c Morgan Club . 22 got buried! Central States News . 24 In your Nove mber issue, of 1961, the Morgans in the Land of Enchantment . 25 Buckeye Breeze . 28 results of the Deerfie ld Fair Morgan New England News . 29 division were print ed and there was a Justin Margan Assn. 30 mista ke in the Parade Class. My Mor­ Breeders and Exhibitors Assn. .• . 31 gan tud , Whitefield won that class New York News . 32 Penn Ohio Boosters . 33 with Steve Tompkins econd. Believe Mid West Morgan Horse Owners, Inc. 37 me that was a feather in my cap, and Southern News and Views ................................ 37 Steve was a real go d sportsman about Here Comes Indiana . 39 it, saying, ' If Leader had to be beaten, So. Calif. News . 41 I'm glad it was Whitefield. " At the Deerfield show was th e second time Officers of The Morgan Hone Club that Whitefield had ever had western Presid ent .................................... J. CECIL FERGUSON tack on him and after the win in the Greene, Rhode Island Eas tern Regional Vice Pres ident . ROGER E. ELA Morgan Parade lass, he was pinned Wa yland, Mass . second in the "O ther than Palomino " Mid-We al Regional Vice President .... .... ......... J. ROY BRUNK Parad e lass and was third in the Rochester , Ill. Parade Stake - third to the two hor es Western Regional Vice President . .............. DR. HENRY P. BOYD San Rafael, Calif. that finished hampion and Reserve Treasurer . CHAUNCEY STILLMAN ham pion Parade Hor se at Springfield I 230 Park Aveooe, New Yark, N. Y. m proud to say that W hitefield Secretary . .. .................. .. .......... SETH P. HOLCOMBE went on to finish the 1961 ea on as P. 0 . Box 2157, Bishops Comer Branch, West Hartford 17, Connecticu t hampion Morgan in Harness in New England and Reserve Champion Open The Morgan Hone Magazine Morgan in ew Eng land . Vol. XXII September , 1962 No. 8 Very truly yours, Marilyn Fisher Shea A Monthly - The Official Publicat ion of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, Incorporated Secretary 's Office, P. 0. Box 2157, Bishops Corner Bronch, West Hartford 17, Conn. mesbury , Mass. Plea se send all correspond ence regard ing subscriptions and ad•ert lslng to publlcatlon office: The Morgan Horse Magazin e, Leominster, Mass. - Dial KEystone 4-6506 . Plea se send all coneapondence regarding subacriptlona and advertlalng BIGGER to publ :catlon office: The Morgan Horse Magazine, LeomJ.n.ter. Maas . Publi she r ....... .... ..................... .. ....... Otho F. Euaey AND Special features .. ..... .. .............................. Em Pedler Circulation . Rosali e McGuire BETTER CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Phyllis Barber Gall L. Green Peggy McDonald Ayollon Richard s The Morgan Horse Magazine Lorrayne Byers Doris Hodgin Jeanne Mehl Ruth Rogers LoulH Beckley Dorothy Lockard E.. Oakl ey Paulino Zoller has continued to grow even Barbara Colo Dorothy Colburn Mabel Owen Charlott e Schmidt as the popularity of the Mor- Helene Zimmerman Jud een lo rwood Helen l a wlou Jo Ann M erian s gan horse grows. Ruth & Mary Allee Vidolofl The Publisher ond staff of The Morgon Horse Mcgozine ond the Morgon Horse Club, Subscribe today! Inc., are not respons ible for op inions ond statements expressed in signed articles or po ld advertisements. These opinions are not necessarily the opinions of the staff of 1 year $4.00 - 2 years $7 .50 this journol. 3 years $10.50 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 54.00 Two Years 57.SO Three Years Sl0.50 THE MORGAN HORSE Canada 54.SO Foreign Rates SS.SO per year MAGAZINE The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, publ ished monthly except January by THE MORGAN P. 0 . Box 149 HORSE CLUB, INC., Secretary 's Office, P. 0 . Box 2157, Bishops Corner Branch, West Hartford 17, Connecticut . Printed by The Eusey Press, Leominster, Moss. Entered os Leominster , Mass . second class matter at post office , Leominste r, Moss. Closing dote for copy ond adve, tlslng 1st of 'l\Onth preceding date of publication . Copyright 1962 by The Morgon Horse Magozine . O UR COV ER From the President A~ter our most successf.ul lational Morgan Hor e Show with 399 horses and every one a credit to the breed, it is difficult to writ e or talk about anythin g else. Th e show committ ee did a tremendou s job every­ th ing ran like clockwork. Th ese people deserv~ a lot of credit and thanks for the work before and durin g the show. Thi s year, we were greatly helped by our Wyomin g We are pleased to present on our members, Mr. and Mrs. Ch arles H amilton and Clyde cover this month our newly elected Roberts and his on, Emery, who brou ght on their four president, J. Cecil Ferguson, with his cuttin g Morgans and each day put on an afternoon and champion stallion, Parade and Broad­ evening demonstr ation. T his was narrat ed by the well­ wall Drum Major . In recent years it known cuttin g hor se expert, Mr . Dean Sage of Sheriden, has become increasingly apparent that Wyoming, Vice President of the Am erican Cuttin g Hor se this is the pair to beat, in the Pair Association .
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