<Longrcssional 1Rccord st United States PROCEEDINGS· AND DEBATES OF THE 8I CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION of America ment of the Senate to the following bills The Senator from North Carolina [Mr. SENATE of the House: GRAHAM], the Senators from Alabama [Mr. HILL and Mr. SPARKMAN]. the Sena­ TuESDA Y, APRIL H. R. 1861. An act for the relief of Eliza­ 25, 1950 beth and Lawrence Wong; tor from Wyoming [Mr. HUNT], and the H. R. 4857. An act for the relief of Mrs. Senator from Florida [Mr. PEPPER] are <Legislative day of Wednesday, March Katsuko Nakahara Huntley; and 29, 1950) absent on public business. H . R. 5580. An act for the relief of Mrs. · The Senator from Minnesota [Mr. Tsuneko Shimokawa Guenther. The Senate met at 12 o'clocl• meridian, HUMPHREY] is absent on official business. on the expiration of the recess. The message further announced that The Senator from Louisiana [Mr. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown the House had passed a bill <H. R. 5965) LONG] is absent by leave of the Senate. Ha:..ris, D. D., offered the following to provide for the construction of certain The Senator from Illinois [Mr. LUCAS], prayer: Veterans' Administration hospitals, and the Senator from Wyoming [Mr. for other purposes, in which it requested O'MAHONEY], and the Senator from Almighty God, who hast entrusted this the concurrence of the Senate. Georgia [Mr. RussELL] are necessarily earth unto the children of men and ENROLLED BILL SIGNED absent. called us unto a heaveuly citizenship, The Senator from Montana [Mr. grant us, we humbly beseech Thee, such The message also announced that the MURRAY] is absent because of illness in shame and repentance for the disorder Speaker had affixed his signature to the his family. and injustice and cruelty that blights enrolled bill <H. R. 3482) granting the Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that our world that, fleeing unto Thee for consent of the Congres~ to the negotia­ the Senator from Missouri [Mr. DON­ pardon and for grace, we may with full tion of a coupact relating to the waters NELL], the Senator from New Jersey [Mr. purpose of spirit set ourselves to estab­ of the Canadian River by the States of SMITH]. the Senator from Minnesota lish that city which has justice for its Oklal1oma, Texas, and New Mexico, and [Mr. THYE], and the Senator from Utah foundation and love for its law. it was signed by the Vice President. [Mr. WATKINS] are absent by leave of the Forgive our national sins and our LEAVE OF ABSENCE Senate. social sins. Forgive our sloth and in­ Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, I ask The Senator from New Hampshire difference to great public issues when [Mr. BRIDGES] and the Senator from through the indifference of the many unanimous consent that the junior Sen­ ator from Utah [Mr. WATKINS], who is Michigan [Mr. VANDENBERG J are neces­ injustice and greed and tyranny flourish. sarily absent. In this hour of peril raise up men of returning to his State for the purpose of spiritual vision and decisive action. Let attending hearings on a Federal judge­ The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. the flag of freedom for which so many ship for the district of Utah, be granted DouGLAS in the chair). A quorum is have suffered and died fly from the castle leave of the Senate to be absent from the present. of every heart as the bugle of Thy call sessions beginning today and through TRANSAC'I_'.ION OF ROUTINE BUSINESS May 8, inclusive. wakens our souls in this crucial day and Mr. MYERS. Mr. President, I ask musters for service our feeble wills. In The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ jection, leave is granted. unanimous consent that Senators be ti1e Redeemer's name. Amen. permitted to present petitions and me­ THE JOURNAL CALL OF THE ROLL morials, introduce bills and joint resolu­ On request of Mr. MYERS, and by Mr. MYERS. I suggest the absence of tions, and submit routine matters for the unanimous consent, the reading of the a quorum. RECORD, without debate and without The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ speeches. Journal o~ the proceedings of Monday, April 24, 1950, was dispensed with. tary will call the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there The roll was called, and the fallowing objection? The Chair hears none, and it MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT- Senators answered to their names: is so ordered. APPROVAL OF JOINT RESOLUTION Aiken Gurney Magnuson VISIT OF MEU\!BERS OF GERMAN Messages in writing from the President Anderson Hayden Malone BUNDESTAG of the United States were communicated Benton Hendrickson Martin Brewster Hickenlooper Maybank The VICE PRESIDENT. Assembled to the Senate by :W.: :. l\'j'.iller, one of his Bricker Hoey Millikin secretaries, and he announced that on Butler Holland Morse in the office of the Vice President are 15 April 24, 1950, the President had ap­ Byrd Ives Mundt members of the German Bundestag, Cain Jenner Myers which is the Parliament of the new gov­ proved and signed the joint resolution <S. Capehart Johnson, Colo. Neely J. Res. 166) to authorize the award post­ Chapman Johnson, Tex. O'Conor ernment in western Germany. Their humously of an ar.propriate decoration Chavez Johnston, S. C. Robertson schedule is such that they are required Connally Kefauver Saltonstall to fill other engagements. If there is no to members of the crew of the United Cordon Kem Schoeppel States Navy Privateer who lost their Darby Kerr Smith, Maine objection, the Chair will appoint two lives in or over the Baltic Sea on April 8, Douglas Kilgore Stennis Senators to escort the distinguished 1950, while in the performance of duty. Dworshalt Knowland Taft Germans into the Chamber, to be re­ Eastland Langer Taylor ceived and welcomed by the Senate. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Ecton Leahy Thomas, Okla. Ellender Lehman Thomas, Utah They may stay as long as they wish. It A messag'e from the House of Repre­ Ferguson Lodge Tobey may be interesting to them to observe Flanders McCarran Tydings our procedure in the preliminary stages sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its Frear McCarthy Wherry reading clerks, announced that the Fulbright McClellan Wiley of the session. If there is no objection House had agreed to the amendm1!nts of George McFarland Williams the Chair will appoint the Senator from the Senate to the bill <H. R. 1862) for Gillette McKellar Withers Pennsylvania [Mr. MYERS] and the Sen­ the relief of Mrs. Walter K. Miyamoto Green McMahon Young ator from Nebraska [Mr. WHERRY] to (formerly Miyoko Takahashi). Mr. MYERS. I announce that the accompany the distinguished membei·s The message also announced that the Senator from California [Mr. DOWNEY] of. the German Legislature into the House had severally agreed to the amend- is absent because of illness. Chamber. It will not be necessary to XCVI-358 5669 5670 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL 25 take a recess. Under the rules our dis­ has said, they may remain as long as $30,000,000,000, since the war, to friend tinguished visitors are entitled to the they desire to do so, and we hope that and foe alike, must indicate to you that fioor. they will come back to see us again in the we are simply engaged in the large task The delegation from German Bund­ near future. [Applause. J of seeking to bring together men and. estag, consisting of Frau A. Brauksiepe, Mr. ROBERTSON. Mr. President, I women of great minds, to the end, as the Dr. G. Bucerius, Herr J. DegeIYr, Dr. R. ask unanimous consent to proceed for 1 President of this gr~at body has said, Tillmanns, Prof. E. Wahl, Herr W. minute. that peace will prevail. Fischer, Frau I. Keilhack, Herr E. Lange, The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ob­ So I am happy to welcome you, and I Herr W. Lausen, Herr B. Leddin, Dr. jection? The Chair hears none, and it is hope to see you tomorrow morning at W. Nomack, Dr. J. Trh:chler, Herr A. so ordered. our little breakfast group. Ahrens, Dr. G. Seelos, and Dr. B. Reis­ Mr. ROBERTSON. Mr. President, I Mr. WHERRY. Mr. President, I am mann, were escorted into the Senate wish to take this opportunity, before de­ sure I bespeak the sentiments of every Chamber by the committee appointed bate begins on the ECA authorization, Senator on this sidf. of the aisle and, I by the 'l_~ ice Pi"esidcnt, and took the seats to join with other Members of the Sen­ feel sure, of every Member of this body, assigned to them on the respective sides ate in welcoming our distinguished when I join the Vice President in extend­ of the aisle. guests from Germany. Last fall I was ing a most cordial welcome to our dis­ The VICE PRESIDENT. In order that privileged to pay a brief visit to Ger­ tinguished guests from Germany. our distinguished visiting friends might many, and while there I .went to Frank­ We are glad to welcome you, as we not be regarded exclusively as either furt, Heidelberg, Bremerhaven, Bremen, have welcomed groups from other coun­ Democrats or Republicans, the Chair has and Berlin. Other members of our party tries. We hope yo~ will make the most suggested tLat they ~it on both sides of visited Munich and other places. I came of ycur opportunities while you are here, the aisle. [Laughter.] away with certain very definite impres­ not only in visiting our various cities, but Members of the Senate, we have with sions, one of which was that Germany in se-'.!ing our country as a whole. I hope us this morning 15 distinguished Ger­ would need some financial aid from us you 'Vill be invited to visit and will visit, n:.ans who are members of the Parlia­ after the Marshall plan ends, and I hope many of our homes, school systems, and ment of Germany, the Bundestag, and the Congress will provide it.
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