E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 28, 2021 No. 112 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was crisis. To them, it is a PR crisis. To the If this is President Biden’s idea of called to order by the Speaker pro tem- American people, the Biden border cri- progress, we must demand better. pore (Mrs. DINGELL). sis is so real. Once again, I stand ready to work with the President and my colleagues f As I have said time and time again, the illicit fentanyl that is made in on commonsense reforms to restore law DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO China or elsewhere crosses the porous and order and end the administration’s TEMPORE southern border and winds up on our border crisis. We must demand real The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- streets in Pennsylvania. It spurs addic- progress. fore the House the following commu- tion; it tears apart families; it destroys Lives are depending on our work. All nication from the Speaker: the workforce; and worst of all, it is of America is depending on our work. f WASHINGTON, DC, killing friends and neighbors. June 28, 2021. Last month alone, U.S. Customs and SALUTING DAVID WALLACE I hereby appoint the Honorable DEBBIE Border Protection intercepted more DOUGLAS DINGELL to act as Speaker pro tempore on than 900 pounds of fentanyl. In fact, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The this day. border agents have seized more Chair recognizes the gentleman from NANCY PELOSI, fentanyl at the border so far this year Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- Speaker of the House of Representatives. than in all of last year. utes. f As my friend and Franklin County Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, Coroner Jeff Conner just recently told MORNING-HOUR DEBATE I rise today to salute David Wallace me, fentanyl is easy to get and fast to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Douglas, an author, environmental kill. This is true in Pennsylvania, and champion, social entrepreneur, and ant to the order of the House of Janu- this is true across our country. ary 4, 2021, the Chair will now recog- philanthropist. Can you imagine what 900 pounds of He continues his family tradition of nize Members from lists submitted by fentanyl means for American commu- service. His grandfather was Vice the majority and minority leaders for nities, what it means to American fam- President of the United States for morning-hour debate. ilies? Franklin Roosevelt. He was perhaps The Chair will alternate recognition The chaos on the southern border is the most impactful Secretary of Agri- between the parties, with time equally absolutely a crisis for first responders, culture in American history. He was an allocated between the parties and each law enforcement, healthcare providers, inventor and a businessperson, and the Member other than the majority and and community leaders on the front extended clan continues that tradition minority leaders and the minority lines of the drug epidemic in our com- today. whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no munities. Every day, I hear from Penn- I became acquainted with this ex- event shall debate continue beyond 1:50 sylvanians who have experienced the traordinary individual because we p.m. ramifications of this crisis firsthand. shared a passion for safe drinking f For them, this is a stark reality. water and sanitation. I worked with Vice President HARRIS says that the him on our Paul Simon Water for the AMERICA MUST DEMAND BETTER Biden administration is making Poor Act and the subsequent Paul The SPEAKER pro tempore. The progress on this crisis. If that is the Simon Water for the World Act. David Chair recognizes the gentleman from case, what is the President’s definition was an invaluable ally and a mentor Pennsylvania (Mr. JOYCE) for 5 min- of progress? for me. utes. Does the President believe that his It should be noted that David is a Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam administration is making progress on Renaissance man. He is the author of Speaker, nearly 100 days after being ap- the Biden economic crisis, as inflation three books and has written widely in pointed as the Biden administration spirals out of control and hardworking publications featuring environmental, border czar, Vice President HARRIS fi- families bear that cost? religious, and developmental issues. He nally visited the southern border at the Does the President believe that his is the conscience of the United States end of last week. It was 800 miles away administration is making progress on for preserving our natural heritage. He from the crux of the problem, but I the Biden crime crisis, as violent was a tireless champion of respect for suppose it is a start. crimes skyrocket in cities across the science and public servants like in the Clearly, the Biden-Harris administra- country and our brave law enforcement EPA, the Park Service, and inter- tion knows that it is facing a border officers face unprecedented opposition? national development when they were b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3159 ® Pdnted on recycled papfil. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:25 Jun 29, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28JN7.000 H28JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H3160 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 28, 2021 under assault in the last administra- ing at implementing burdensome regu- Iowa is the breadbasket to the world. tion. lations that will crush rural Main That is why President Biden must back He has created nonprofit NGO advo- Streets and our agricultural commu- off rural America. Please back off agri- cacy infrastructure to support his var- nity in the Midwest. culture. ious missions. From 1986 to 2020 he Administrator Regan of the EPA re- f founded and led Waterlines, which pro- cently announced that the EPA would vided technical help and funding for look into undoing the 2020 Navigable CONGRESS MUST WORK TOGETHER over 1,000 water projects in rural com- Waters Protection Rule, which re- FOR PROGRESS munities in 15 developing countries placed waters of the U.S. as a smarter, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The around the world. more efficient, and more straight- Chair recognizes the gentleman from In 2005 David founded the D.C.-based forward approach to defining what Illinois (Mr. SCHNEIDER) for 5 minutes. Water Advocates, the first advocacy or- waters warrant Federal regulation. Mr. SCHNEIDER. Madam Speaker, as ganization devoted to increasing Amer- A return to WOTUS, which allowed we reach the middle of 2021, this House ican support for affordable and sustain- the Federal Government to regulate has made incredible progress, including able drinking water and sanitation. water on 97 percent of the land in Iowa, fighting the global pandemic by pass- He has two other time-limited advo- would force unnecessary and costly ing the American Rescue Plan. cacy organizations to further elevate government regulations on the backs Already, more than 300 million vac- national and global attention to of Iowa farmers. There are many places cine shots have been administered. WASH. the Federal Government bureaucrats Communities are opening up, and busi- Most recently, David is fighting to just don’t belong, and specifically, they ness is picking up, creating jobs and focus attention on safe water and sani- don’t belong on our family farms. opportunity. tation for hospitals, which impacts When the executive branch’s power Next month, parents will begin re- some 2 billion of the planet’s poorest exploded under the Obama administra- ceiving their monthly child tax credit, citizens. Try to imagine treating pa- tion, we saw ridiculous rules imple- legislation that will cut the Nation’s tients in a clinic where there is no safe mented and enforced, leading to rising child poverty rate in half. clean water to wash your hands. You costs in the ag industry and snuffing We have a pathway to recovery and can’t. out economic growth on our rural Main transformation that offers real promise David has a gift for creating organi- Streets and in our rural communities. to every American. But underneath all zations for a specific time, to con- This attempted power grab ulti- of this, our country faces a deep divide centrate efforts and get the job done mately proved why water regulation is that threatens to undo the foundations and move on. Some become captive of best left to States and localities. upon which our country rests. These divisions reached an apex on organizations. Not David. He is cur- Put simply, the Biden administra- January 6, when our Capitol came rently wrapping up efforts with the tion’s Big Government agenda for rural under attack and five people died. promise of spending more time in the America includes higher taxes and great outdoors and with his family. more regulation, but this administra- b 1215 However David spends his time, tion isn’t stopping at this one-two gut The immediate threat to the Capitol wherever he goes, whatever he does punch. President Biden is also looking may have receded, but the threat next, we are deeply indebted to him for to undermine the RFS and lowering across the country still simmers. his leadership and vision. The world is biofuel blending requirements. This It is therefore imperative that we better for his service and for his exam- will hurt both crop growers and biofuel fully understand the events leading up ple.
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