COMPLIMENTARY COPY.免費贈閱 SANDS SHOPPEs 澳門金沙購物城邦 SUMMER 2015 夏季 THE BIG HOT SUMMER ISSUE 盛夏大特集 7 OF THE BEST TRENDS FOR SUMMER 夏季7大潮流 –62– –69– AD low res template.indd 2-3 15/05/2015 6:11 PM S Style_6-2015.indd 1 2015/05/15 16:34:35 DISCOVER THE NEW SUMMER COLLECTION SANDS SHOPPES 澳門金沙購物城邦 第十七期.夏季 issue 17 • summer CONTENTS目錄 04 22 EDITor’s noTE LIFESTYLE 編輯的話 享樂生活 06 24 EDITor’s PiCK TRENDS 編輯之選 時尚情報 08 38 NEW SHOPPES FASHION 新店速遞 時裝時刻 10 48 HAPPENINGS AccESSORIES Sterling silver charms 現今當下 配飾風采 from MOP$256 12 56 CELEBRITY STYLE BEAUTY 名人風範 美容護理 14 60 STYLE INSPIRATION LUXE LIFE 酷型靈感 奢華生活 16 62 HOW TO WEAR IT SIGNATURE DISH 潮流學堂 招牌美食 18 20 64 RUNWAY REPORT ACCESSORIES SHOP LIST 天橋報導 配飾風采 店鋪名錄 MY STORY, MY DESIGN Express your story and create your design at pandora.net PANDORA. Founded in Denmark in 1982. cover封面: PHOTOGRAPHY攝影 olivier Yoan STYLING造型 Jolene lin MAKE-UP & PRODUCER化妝及製作 marian Woo HAIR髮型 TrisTan Waikong MODEL模特 Daria o aT moDel managemenT MODEL WEARS模特衣著 cHanel mulTicoloureD Top 彩色上衣; PRADa DiamanTÉ earrings 寶石耳環 SHOP 721, ST MARK’S SQUARE,SHOPPES AT VENETIAN | TEL: +853 2882 8092 ABOVE IMAGES上圖 clockWise from Top lefT 本頁左上起順時針: louis vuiTTon, marc Jacobs, VERSACE, GUCCI anD eTro GALAXY MACAU SHOP G036, ESTRADA DA BAIA DE NOSSA SENHORA DA ESPERANCE, S/N, COTAI | TEL: +853 2882 3580 EM MACAU, RUA DE S. DOMINGOS N°1-G, SAN VO RÉS-DO-CHÃO A | TEL: +853 2832 3381 E ditor’s Note 編輯的話 SUMMER IN STYLE 夏日魅力時尚 I make no apologies for the fact that, after you have 事 先 聲 明:假 如 您 閱 讀 過 今 期 S Style後,發 覺 您 的 購 物 清 單 read this issue, your shopping list will be lengthy. The 因而變得愈來愈長的話,我是不會為此而致歉!因為這個問題 problem, then, is how to choose your must-haves. In 關乎您如何選擇自己必備的衣飾。今期的封面故事裡,我們的 this month’s cover story, our model wears the season’s 模 特 兒 身 穿 當 季 最 令人 渴 望 的 新 裝,看 罷 38頁 的 新 裝 介 紹 後, most coveted pieces. View the full shoot on page 38 and 把自已的心頭好標籤,然後到四季名店、威尼斯人購物中心、 earmark your choices, later to return to Sands Shoppes. 金沙廣場慢慢選購。你會發現這季的新裝總離不開70年代的 You’ll find that there’s no escaping the seventies this 色彩,受這年代影響的飾物都美麗動人,翻到第6頁就會發現 season, and the accessories inspired by that decade are 哪些是今季的首選!作為一個太陽鏡粉絲,您可以在第20頁 delicious. Turn to page six to discover which brand 找 到 本 季 的 精 選 款 式。然 後 第 24頁至37頁有我們精心挑選的 is boss! For sunglasses obsessives, page 20 is all about 最新流行熱選,讓您從頭到腳都亮麗可人。 picking new-season’s frames. And then we have the latest trends on pages 24 to 37 so you can select your 7月份舉行的珠寶鐘錶展,展出的經典時尚豪華腕錶,會為你的 whole look from top to toe. 裝 扮 帶 來 更出眾 的配 搭靈 感。Breguet、Butani、Carl F. Bucherer、 Chopard、Damiani、Jaquet Droz、Montblanc、Omega、 Put that final touch to your outfit with one of the Parmigiani、Piaget、Rado、Rolex、Tiffany & Co及Tudor world’s most exclusive and fashionable watches, which 等等功藝精湛的時計,會一一陳列在設計有如園林一般的 can be seen at the Jewellery and Watch 會場中。選擇金屬鏈帶或通花金屬帶的款式,配襯隆重或 Exhibition throughout July. Surrounded 輕鬆的場會都同樣合適。 by horticultural arrangements, sophisticated timepieces will be displayed by Breguet, Butani, Carl F. Bucherer, Chopard, Damiani, Jaquet Droz, Montblanc, Omega, Parmigiani, Piaget, Rado, Rolex, Tiffany & Co and Tudor. Opt for a metal-link or light-mesh strap for serious style, even when you’ve finally clocked off. Kirsten Lock Editor 編輯 CHRISTIAN DIOR SS’15 Follow me on Instagram: @kirstenlock Follow Sands Shoppes on Instagram: @sandsshoppes sandsresortsmacao.com –4– Sands Macao & SG AD template.indd 1 30/04/2015 6:05 PM E ditor’s pick 編輯之選 Who’S THE BOSS? 問誰領風騷? SS’15 really is the season of the stellar accessory. The must-buy mini bag? It would have to be the Hugo Boss clutch. Wearing one is akin to a makeover. And footwear? The gladiator sandal. Irresistible! 2015春夏是明星飾品的世界。必買小包包? 肯定是Hugo Boss手拿包,必能讓你煥然一新。鞋子呢?鬥士涼鞋吧。 所有都是不可抗拒的誘惑。 HUGO boss HOUG boss HOUG boss Heels 高跟鞋 Sandal 涼鞋 Clutch 手拿包 HUGO BOSS SS’15 –7– New shoppes 新店速遞 GIUSEPPE ZANOTTI 3上海灘 H&M Italian designer Giuseppe Zanotti began his fashion 1 career working with local craftsmen. It’s the brand that puts a youthful and His mega brand is now the statement shoemaker covetable spin on everything from for style stars such as Beyoncé and Kylie Minogue. Step sleek tailoring to cocktail dresses – all out in vertiginous heels or opt for flats, fit for tackling the urban environment. which often feature diamanté or stud decoration. H&M is every man, woman and child’s Shop 2808, Shoppes at Four Seasons affordable go-to for relaxed separates 意大利鞋履設計師Giuseppe Zanotti的 事 業 起 步 點, that feel entirely modern and on-point. 由跟當地經驗豐富的工匠合作而展開,今天他的超級 Shop 205, Shoppes at Venetian 品牌已成巨星如碧昂斯和凱莉˙米 洛 的 心 頭 愛。 從剪裁流麗的西服至酒會洋裝,所有適合 這些亮麗高跟鞋、平底鞋,都鑲嵌了閃爍的 在大都會穿著的服飾,H&M自有一套富 晶 石 或 飾 釘,令人 眩 目。 青春氣息和令人欣羨的演繹方式。H&M是 四季名店2808鋪 男女老幼都負擔得起、穿得輕鬆自在的 現代品牌。 威尼斯人購物中心205鋪 MARC JACOBS 4 KITON Marc Jacobs has a rare ability to set the 2 season’s fashion agenda. The designer precisely predicts what women want to Founded in 1956, Kiton is the ultimate wear each season – from vintage-inspired bespoke suit, coat and shirt brand fashion to cutting-edge downtown cool. for fashionable folk. Those looking It’s a talent that has garnered him a to invest in custom clothing would devoted legion of followers. Invest in his do well to splash out on its famous impeccable detailing and flawless silhouettes. cashmere-blend delights. Shop 2838, Shoppes at Four Seasons Shop 1220a, Shoppes at Four Seasons 憑著引領潮流的獨到眼光,Marc Jacobs可算是 創立於1956年,Kiton是時尚圈內不可 每一季締造時尚的佼佼者。設計師準確預測哪些是 或缺的訂製西服、外套、襯衫的名店。 每位女性都想擁有的最新衣飾,從復古風格的時裝 願意投資在訂製西服的男士,一定會 至時尚前衞的都會型格打扮,讓他贏盡追隨者的喝采。 對其著名的羊絨混紡面料傾心。 擁有無可挑剔的設計細節和完美的衣飾造型,大家 四季名店1220a鋪 可以放心投資在Marc Jacobs身上。 四季名店2838鋪 –8– –9– Happenings 現今當下 T HE MOST GLAMOROUS HAPPENINGS 夏日盛事 4 Summer lends itself to exciting events and flirty clothing. The season’s trend is the perfect style expression to wear to see Bon Jovi, playing at Macao’s Cotai Arena on 25 and 26 September. Translate the look from stage to party with an easy-wear element – try a shimmery all-in-one with simple heels. 5 Get the look at Blumarine (pictured right), Calvin Klein, H&M, Giuseppe Zanotti, Marc Jacobs or Kiton, which are all opening at Sands Shoppes this season. Shoppes at Four Seasons, Shoppes at 1 Venetian and Shoppes at Cotai Central always deliver in the fashion stakes. And if you are looking to entertain the kids or just want to channel your inner child, Beauty and the Beast, the musical, is coming to the Venetian Theatre from 19 June to 26 July. Disney is celebrating the 21st anniversary of the show and this is its first Asia Tour. Having hit five other cities, Macao is the last stop! Finally, be inspired by the luxury watches on show at the Jewellery and Watch Exhibition throughout July. Presented in a relaxing green-themed environment, sophisticated timepieces will be on display from the likes of Breguet, Butani, Carl F. Bucherer, Chopard, Damiani, Jaquet Droz, Montblanc, Omega, Parmigiani, Piaget, Rado, Rolex, Tiffany & Co and Tudor. 夏季是集合精彩盛事和性感服飾的日子,本季的時尚潮流服飾最適合穿去今年9月26日至27日 於金光綜藝館舉行的Bon Jovi演唱會。若不想大費周章即可從舞台裝扮變成參加派對的衣飾,不妨以 一襲閃閃生輝的直筒連衣褲配一雙簡單的高跟鞋,這些都可以從金沙名店裡的Blumarine( 右 圖 )、 Calvin Klein、H&M、Giuseppe Zanotti、Marc Jacobs和Kiton找得到。四季名店、威尼斯人 購物中心和金沙廣場是提供最新潮流時尚的朝聖地點。 8 7 假如你要為小孩子尋找最佳的娛樂節目,又或者想自己這個 「大小孩」找些樂子,由6月19日至7月26日於金光綜藝館演出 的 音 樂 劇 《 美 女與 野 獸》會 是 你 的 最 佳 之 選,這 套 迪 士 尼 音樂劇正好踏入21週年紀念,亦是首度作亞洲巡迴演出, 在區內五大城市公演過後,澳門成為亞洲之旅的最終站! 3 6 最後,7月份舉行的珠寶鐘錶展,展出的經典時尚名貴 腕 錶,會為 你 帶 來 更 多 配 搭靈 感。Breguet、Butani、 、 、 、 、 Carl F. Bucherer Chopard Damiani Jaquet Droz 1. BON JOVI Concert 演唱會 2. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST The musical 《 美 女 與 野 獸 》音 樂 劇 Montblanc、Omega、Parmigiani、Piaget、Rado、Rolex、 3. BLUMARINE SS’15 runway look 春夏T台造型 4. CALVIN KLEIN Silver metallic bag 銀色漆皮包包 Tiffany & Co及Tudor等等功藝精湛的時計,會一一 5. CHOPARD Watch 腕表 6. BLUMARINE Bellissima fragrance 香水 7. MARC JACOBS Lip gloss 唇彩系列 2 在氣氛氛輕鬆悠閒的園林設計會場中陳列展示。 8. GIUSEPPE ZANOTTI Suede fuchsia sandals 麂皮坡跟鞋 –10– –11– Celebrity style 名人風範 4 KENDALL JENNER 3 Move over Kim, Kourtney and Khloe, your younger sibling is fast becoming celebdom’s most stylish Kardashian. The clan’s resident supermodel walked the runways for the top brands in 2015, including Chanel, Marc Jacobs, Givenchy, Diane von Furstenberg, Ports, Fendi and Emilio Pucci, to name a few. When she’s not busy on the catwalk or posing for fashion shoots, Kendall steps out in public with verve and elan, cementing her place as a street-style trendsetter. While her go-to shade is black, Kendall breaks out the colours when it comes to the red carpet. Steal her style by wearing sexy skirts, short dresses or maxis with a split. For summer 2015 we’re keeping up with Kendall! Kim、Kourtney或Khloe都 要 退 下,因 為 她們的妹妹已經成為最新的時尚明星。 這位Kardashian家族成員已成為 5 2015年頂級品牌的新寵,包括 Chanel、Marc Jacobs、Givenchy、 6 Diane von Furstenberg、Ports、Fendi、 Emilio Pucci。T台 和 攝 影 棚 以 外, Kendall Jenner以自信輕鬆又不失 優雅的街頭時裝風格俘虜大家的 1 目光。雖然她鐘情沉黑色調,但 Kendall Jenner在紅地毯又會發放 耀眼的色彩。從她的性感裙子、 短 洋 裝 或 超 長裙 取 經。2015年 夏天,我們一定要跟隨 2 Kendall Jenner! 8 7 ESSANDRA IGI HADID, AL IES圈中好友: G TON ’S besT , CHRISTY Turling K DALLEN ENDALL Jenner & LIU WEN AMBROSIO, K INDSEY WIXSON CAMPBELL , L 1. SWAROVSKI Earrings 耳環 2. PRADA Jewelled necklace 水晶項鏈 3. GUCCI Horsebit bangle 馬銜扣造型手鐲 URNS, NAOMI B 4. KOOKAI Print scarf 印花圍巾 5. KOOKAI Sketched bag 圓形包包 6. MARC JACOBS Khaki military dress 軍服連衣裙 7. CHANEL Leather and gold-plated belt 皮革 金腰帶 8. DOLCE & GABBANA Embellished boots 透明蕾絲靴 –12– –13– Style inspiration 酷型靈感 THE TOMMY HILFIGER SS’15 4 RESORT 5 EDIT 度假風情 A spirit of wanderlust is behind summer’s latest fashions.
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