The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project DANIEL WHITMAN Interviewed by: Charles Stuart Kennedy Initial interview date: November 20th, 2012 Copyright 2013 ADST TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Born in Michigan raised in Ohio 1946 %ewish upbringing in Cleveland Oberlin College Brown University French language study Longy School of Music Paris France volunteer Paris Review Boston MA French language instructor,interpreter Foreign travel Escorting Africans in US .French interpreter/ Kaidara% Ancient African epic poem Tierno Bah Fulbright grant to the Congo 1901 Congo2Bra33aville4 Fulbright Program English Professor Universit5 Marien Ngouabi International faculty members Political orientation 8overnment The French Soviet s Cubans Environment Ambassador 9illiam Lacy Swing Contacts with local Congolese Russian language study .Pushkin Institute/ Tribes Kinshasa Student body Chad students Bernard Malamud 1 University operations Providence Rhode Island4 Awaiting job offer University Ahmadou Bello 9ashington DC4 Delphi Research Associates; International 190321905 Visitors USIA Soviet visitors Operations Reagan inauguration televised ceremony Entered the USIA Foreign Service 1905 9orldwide staff reductions Director Charles 9ick Alex Almasov USIA Staff and operations in 1901s Cultural Centers Changes in programs LibrariesA effectiveness Officer training program Edward R. Murrow State Department4 Foreign Service Institute .FSI/4 Danish 1905 language training Copenhagen Denmark4 Information Officer,Press Attach5 190521909 %ames Baker Ambassador Terence Todman NATO Intermediate CRange Nuclear Forces .INF/ accord Chernoble Soviet objectives Straits of Kattegat Danish elections Socialist Party K8B activity Dueen Margrethe Madrid Spain4 Assistant Information Officer. Broadcast media 190921993 Ambassador Reginald Bartholomew TV Broadcast expansion US broadcast training programs Bob Trachinger US military base negotiations US2Spanish relations USAID Local view of Americans 2 University of Navarra Complutense University School of Communications Ministry of Environment Drug consumption Francisco FernEnde3 OrdFne3 European Union .EU/ Franco 8ulf 9ar BasGue Homeland and Freedom .ETA/ terrorism BasGues European terrorism French2Spanish border cooperation Catalan separatists Spanish lunch culture Importance of knowing local cultural conduct Unemployment The ReconGuista .1492/ King Carlos Catholic religion Madrid Middle East Conference 1991 Hanan Ashrawi Palestinians %ames Baker Prince Bandar Shamir Arab2Israeli game playing Sabotaging the conference Post management failures Foreign Service Nationals I8enteel communismJ PSOE .Spanish Socialists/ European communists Political party rigidity Atocha bombings Castro 9estern Hemisphere HeadGuarters USIA4 Cultural Coordinator Africa Bureau 199321995 Murder of Amie Biehl Fulbright Scholar Crossroads South Africa Effect on Fulbright Program Biehl family Voluntary Visitors Program American Cultural Specialists USIA dismantled Repercussions 3 Libraries eliminated %oe Duffy Madeline Albright Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs .ECA/ International Visitors Program JModerni3ationJ 9hite House Conference on Africa Financing Bob La8amma Al 8ore Views on Africa US Africa policies Colonialism Peace Corps African views of US Fair share for Africa Pretoria South Africa4 Public Affairs Officer 199521999 Nelson Mandela Pretoria 8eographic segregation Afrikaners Environment USAID 8ore2Mbeki Binational Commission Deral Patrick Affirmative Action Duotas US policies Domestic violence HIV,AIDS Vigilantism Dutch Reform Church Period of euphoria Non 8overnment Organi3ations .N8Os/ 8auteng Formali3ed racist system Peter and Marion Edelman Night of the Long Knives Truth and Reconciliation Commission .TRC/ Capital punishment Thabi Mbeki South Africa,Europe relations Port au Prince Haiti4 Public Affairs Officer 199922111 Elections 4 %ean2Bertrand Aristide Foreign Service Nationals Ambassador %im Carney Fort2Libert5 training session Ady %ena28ardy Minister of Education President Pr5val Radio stations Voluntary Visitors Program Miami Haitians Slave background Haiti,Dominican Republic comparison Haitian culture US political interference Political murders %ean DominiGue murder Cocaine trade US Policy Boat people 9ashington ,Embassy differences Dissent channel cable Chief of Mission Leslie Alexander US Haitian pro and anti Aristide groups Black Caucus pro2Aristide Clinton,Aristide relations Personal views of Haitians Culture of deceit Street gangs Environment Clinton IintervasionJ US military USAID Mission USIA Merger with State Department .1999/ State Department4 European Bureau; Program and Coordination 211122112 Officer .PACO/ Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Bureau organi3ation Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs defined 9,11 Saddam Hussein 9eapons of Mass Destruction Afghanistan Charlotte Beers European Public Opinion Surveys European briefings Bureau conflicts Inter2Agency Task Force IraG 9ar briefing 5 Reactions al Daeda US top2level IraG policy disagreements Colin Powell Comments on Presidential decisions Private Russian language study State Department4 Board of Examiners .BEX/ 211222114 Diplomatic Readiness Initiative .DRI/ Volume of applications Examination process ITestersJ Candidate types 8eneral comments on diplomats and leaders Duality of candidates Illness,Blindness Vodou .Temporary duty to Khartoum Sudan/ 2114 Colin Powell visit to Khartoum Darfur,8enocide Khartoum negotiations Abuja negotiations Bruce Ehrnman 8reat Lakes region Oil US embassy bombings State Department4 Office of Public Diplomacy; Central Africa 211422115 Desk Officer Operations Duties as acting Deputy Director Africa Bureau morale Training Bob Loellick Mali 9omenAs Empowerment Francophone African journalists Recruitment French information program for Africa Reporters sans Frontieres UNESCO 6 Maound5 Cameroon4 Public Affairs Officer,Charg5 dAaffaires 211522116 Office Accommodations Ambassador Niels MarGuardt Foreign Service Nationals President Paul Biya Corruption Culture Environment Operations Community library Heavily Indebted Poor Countries .HIPC/ United Nations French Democracy Cameroon Constitution American Corner Recreation Rosa Parks Boulevard Foreign investors Religions Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training4 Executive 21162211N Director Organi3ation operations and objectives Oral History Program Budgets and grants U.S. Institute of Peace .USIP/ The Peacemaker(s Tool Kit State Department4 Deputy Director Office of Public Diplomacy; 211N22119 Bureau of African Affairs Office organi3ation United States Africa Command .AFRICOM/ Military Information Support .MISO/ Stuttgart meeting Claudia Anyaso Personnel assignments Corridor reputation Bruce 9harton Arranged press coverage for POTUS visit to Africa 2119 Retirement 2119 Time in class American University Mentor program 7 Teacher IForeign PolicyJ Massive Open Online Courses .MOOCs/ South Africa visit Excessive cost of university education INTERVIEW ): Dan represents a special type for this program, in that Dan has been with us for some years and done a considerable number of interviews and has been avoiding interviews -- 9HITMAN4 Most energetically. ): -- until now. So I finally got him in a corner, and off we go. Dan, when and where were you born- 9HITMAN4 9ell you think IAm going to answer that Guestion directlyO IAm going to evade it. For the record IAm honored to be in a room with you Stu let alone to be the subject of your attention. ): .K, the flattery period is over. 9HITMAN4 So this is an interrogation I see. ItAs not flattery. I was born in Ann Arbor Michigan 1946 the first anniversary of the Nagasaki bomb. I never knew Ann Arbor because my parents New Morkers had gone to the far west beyond the Hudson River as soon as they could when they married for a job. The next job was in Cleveland Ohio and thatAs where I was raised. ): .K. /ell Dan, let(s start with the pattern, what do you know about /hitman(s side of the family- 9HITMAN4 9ell there you raise a flat rock and there are worms underneath that. My paternal grandfather at Ellis Island was given the name 9hitman though it was misspelled at that time. It was spelled 92I2T2H I think by a benevolent but sort of illiterate customs official. I have no idea what my name would have been if it had not been changed at Ellis Island. So in fact I know nothing about the paternal side of my family. ): Do you know where your grandfather or somebody came from- 9HITMAN4 9hen I say Eastern Europe you understand that with the borders changing in the 1911sPLithuania 8alicia RussiaPnobody knows. I certainly donAt. And maybe I should have made more of an effort to find out but by the time I asked my father what 8 his fatherAs name was my father was already gaga and could no longer remember. So IAll never know. I know a bit more about the maternal side. ): Let(s bring your father(s side up to your father. 9HITMAN4 I know nothing Stu. Under oath I will say my father is the only thing I know about the paternal line that I come from. ): /hat was your father up to- 9HITMAN4 My father a child of the Depression in New Mork City did what all good %ewish boys do. He went to school to become a teacher. There were two options for people of low income in New Mork City during the Depression IAm told. Mou could be a gangster. But if you werenAt if you didnAt have some sort of connection you could be a teacher or a social worker. My father went to City College. He was very proud of that. I think City
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