N.Brnjac,I.Æavar:ExampleofPositioningIntermodalTerminalsonInlandWaterways NIKOLINABRNJAC,Ph.D. IntermodalTransport E-mail:[email protected] Review IVANAÆAVAR,B.Eng. Accepted:Apr.21,2009 E-mail:[email protected] Approved:Oct.22,2009 UniversityofZagreb, FacultyofTransportandTrafficSciences Vukeliæeva4,HR-10000Zagreb,RepublicofCroatia N.Brnjac,I.Æavar:ExampleofPositioningIntermodalTerminalsonInlandWaterways 433-439 EXAMPLEOFPOSITIONINGINTERMODAL TERMINALSONINLANDWATERWAYS ABSTRACT and identifies the main problems and bottlenecks of the process and the operation at terminals. Still, the Positioning of intermodal terminals is of key importance time losses and high costs do not refer only to the pro- since it affects the very investment into the terminal, ecological, cesses at terminals. Attention needs to be directed to physical issues and the costs of the operation of individual ter- the entire intermodal chain. The integration of all the minals. Detailed analysis has to be performed by decision-mak- participants in intermodal transport by using informa- ing regarding the siting of intermodal terminals. The work ana- lyzes the relevant criteria necessary for the siting of intermodal tion systems and communication technologies (carri- terminals. The problem of the proposed research is the structure ers, logistic service providers, rail operators, inter- of intermodal systems in the Republic of Croatia with the case modal operators, terminal operators, forwarding study of inland waterways. The research and the study of the agents, agents, shippers, etc.) makes the integration of characteristics of intermodal terminals network on inland wa- variousprocessesevenmorecomplex. terways should result in a concept of system reorganization, i. e. This has been implemented in accordance with the terminal planning methodology. By analysing relevant indica- organizational, operative and infrastructural prob- tors according to the existing facts, and by using scientific meth- ods and methodologies, the relevant criteria necessary to define lems that affect the quality and success of the terminal the position and categories of intermodal terminals on inland operation and the entire intermodal transport. This waterways in the Republic of Croatia have been defined and paper recognizes the main barriers to the terminal op- evaluated on the examples of Sisak, Osijek, Vukovar and Sla- eration: vonskiBrod. – organizational problems: inadequate form of ter- KEYWORDS minal organization, differences between operative concept of rail transport and the terminal concept, intermodal terminal, intermodal transport, location criteria, in- absence of cooperation between different inter- landwaterways modaltransportstakeholders; – problems of management and operative problems: 1. INTRODUCTION limited working hours of the terminal, absence or poor management of arriving trucks, inefficient in- In the area of intermodal transport in Europe and ternal administrative processes, insufficient safety the world, a large number of projects and studies have management systems, low awareness of the termi- been carried out, both at international and national nal operator regarding environmental issues, prob- level. The means from the programs such as the lems in communication and lack of efficiency, poor Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Frame Program of the Euro- control of containers at arrival, insufficient infor- pean Union1, Marco Polo2, INTERREG III3, mation flow in case of delay, poor control of opera- CARDS4, etc. are used to finance numerous projects tionsinrealtime; regarding transport and intermodality, in the majority – infrastructural problems: shortage of storage of cases based on terminal infrastructure, analysis of space, lack of packaging space, insufficient capac- cargo flows as well as the network of intermodal termi- ity of crane / manipulation, incompatible transport nalsintheEUregion. means / loading units / terminal equipment, poor Since the terminal is the central part of the entire rail connections with the terminal, failures and intermodal transport chain, in order to identify rele- equipment malfunctions, insufficient equipment vant indicators of the quality and performance, the and inadequate procedures for dangerous cargo work analyzes the important processes at terminals, handling,etc. Promet–Traffic&Transportation,Vol.21,2009,No.6, 433-439 433 N.Brnjac,I.Æavar:ExampleofPositioningIntermodalTerminalsonInlandWaterways The purpose of research is to analyze the complexity ban centres. Legal regulations approve or prohibit the and the problems of intermodal system, i. e. the loca- land usage for the terminal development. The eco- tion of intermodal terminals, their elements and the nomic factor plays an important role in terminal selec- interaction of the subsystem according to the follow- tion since the presence of big industrial enterprises in ing criteria: physical, technical, technological, and or- the environment of potential intermodal terminals ganizational, all for the purpose of identifying relevant can have a crucial and incentive influence on their de- criteria necessary to locate the network of intermodal velopment. The catchment areas of the terminal are terminalsoninlandwaterways. determined by the number, structure and location of logistic users and the accompanying services provided by the intermodal terminal. The factors that affect the 2. TECHNOLOGICALELEMENTSOF catchmentareadefinitioninclude[3]: PLANNINGINTERMODAL 1. structureofservicesattheterminal; TERMINALS 2. usersofterminalservices; 3. structureoftrafficflows; Several different criteria affect the site selection of 4. trafficcorridors; the intermodal terminal. The most important criteria 5. geo-traffic location of the place in which the termi- are the criteria of cargo flows, technical, technologi- nalisaccommodated; cal, location and organizational criteria. The physical 6. trafficconnectionsofterminalswiththeusers; and technological characteristics of intermodal termi- nals depend on several factors which are used to clas- 7. status of the terminal in the network (local, re- sifytheterminalsaccordingto[1]: gional,national). The catchment area, geographic position, trans- – type of intermodal units (transport technologies port corridors and traffic flows classify the terminals and the structure of intermodal units affect the into four categories: global, international, national generation of different forms of intermodal trans- and local; whereas physical possibilities for the con- port); struction of a terminal refer to its micro and macro en- – positioninthetransportchain; vironment. – connectionstoothertransportbranches; Some of the criteria for the decision-making in – functionsattheterminal; planning terminal site selection are divided according – areaofcoverage; to[4]: – roleofcontainertransport,etc. a) analysis of the technical feasibility of the terminal The location of terminals depends on the number (infrastructure,transportequipment…) of users who will use a certain terminal. The structure For successful introduction and implementation of and characteristics of the flows determine the type of innovations in the area of terminal organization and intermodal terminal and affect the very site selection. technology a number of factors are considered. For Due to their specific characteristics the technologies the innovations to be sustainable their interoperability of the transport chains of container terminal, Ro-Ro with the conventional technologies is important. terminals, huckepack terminals, also affect the site se- Therefore,thefollowinghastobedetermined: lection. The technology requires a certain infrastruc- – used intermodal transport units (containers, semi- ture,facilitiesandsuperstructure. -trailers,exchangeabletruckcases,etc.); The characteristics of an efficient intermodal ter- – transport equipment (wagons, trucks, container minal include [2]: location, access to road and rail ships); routes, accompanying servicing activities and techni- cal equipment. The terminals located close to urban – connection of potential new terminals into the ex- areas need to have characteristics of logistic distribu- istinginfrastructurenetwork; tion centres. The modifications of the existing termi- – implementation of the regulations – harmoniza- nals are reflected in their technical, technological and tionoftheactsandregulations; environmental possibilities. Transport characteristics – need to take over the cargo transport liability in the have an important influence on the site selection of entire transport chain and improvement of the ex- intermodal terminals. Apart from a good location, istingpersonnel; also the connection to the European traffic corridor – characteristicsofterminalenvironment. network is important. Economically looking, inter- Up to now, about USD30 billion have been in- modal terminal on a transport corridor has the devel- vested into ISO containers, as well as 30 billion in cel- opment priority. The ecological and climatic actors lular ships that transport them [6]. There is the need to also influence the site selection. Especially in case of implement into new IT technologies at the terminal, in dangerous cargo, the terminal has to be located at a the promotion of standardization of units (electronic certain distance away from the densely populated ur- certificates ISO 18185 at the terminal are understood 434 Promet–Traffic&Transportation,Vol.21,2009,No.6, 433-439 N.Brnjac,I.Æavar:ExampleofPositioningIntermodalTerminalsonInlandWaterways as the standards
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