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Monday December 201993 ·SA won liberation wars· SOUTH AFRICA wontherevo­ rica" or South Africa. lutionary war against SWAPO, Speaking in the parliamentary de­ the ANC and PAC, says former bate on South Africa's Constitution colonial govenor of Namibia, Bill, Pienaar went on to say that, Louis Pienaar. through courage and perserverence, Pienaar, who is now a National the South African government had Party member of the South African averted the dangers of a revolutionary parliament, said none of the libera­ conflict through evolutionary democ- tion movements had ever established military bases in "South West Af- At least 1,6 die in bloody wee~end THIS HOLIDAY is on its way survivor from a vehicle that burst into to being the bloodiest Christ­ flames killing the other eight occu­ mas season yet as mayhem pants - including five more children spreads on the roads. aged from four upwards - and three people in a bakkie. At least 16 people have died in road This, the worst road smash of the accidents since Thursday, with the holiday so far, happened some two police reporting one arrest for culpa­ kilometres north of Otjiwarongo on ble homicide after a man wiped out a Friday evening when the two vehicles pedestrian while overtaking. HANGING UP THEIR BOOTS - Members of the ANC's armed wing Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK - A three-year-old boy was the only Continued on page 2 Spear of the Nation) have held their last parade before April's elections in South Africa. At the ....---------------------­ parade, which took place in Johannesburg on Thursday - the 32nd anniversary ofMK's formation - ANe President Nelson Mandela said it was time the organisation become the "shiefd oftbe nation". ~leanwhile, South Africa's Pan-Afrlcanist Congress has decided to contest the forthcoming elections (see story and more pies. on Pages 6 and 7). Picture: Reuters via Nampa ee so However. the good Ploughing and plant­ STAFF REPORTER news does not spread to ing of mahangu and sor­ NAMIBIA finally appears to be recovering the much of the west and ghum in the northern re­ from the drought with ploughing and plant­ south of the country gions of Owambo and in ing now in full swing in most crop-growing where rainfall has been Okavango are regions. , sparse and tens of thou­ underway. Maize in the sands still need food aid. floodplains of the Planting in communal Caprivi is reported to be and commercial areas , knee-high and in good started after better. than condition. Meanwhile normal raiIlfall in No­ farmers in the commer­ vember and October. cial maize triangle have PMUND: Breltesstr. 17, ,- Some areas rec~ived just started to plQugh in T.,: (0641) 5411 • TSUMEB: Hoofstr. • W1NDHOEK: Independence Av.nue ~ T.I: (0671) 2561 • WALVlS BAY: 380 T.,: (061) 3-1951 lE ' over lOOmm of rain dur­ anticipation of planting. 8ste SIr. Tef: (0642) 6-3591 _________________... ing' November with These signs that Na- , peaks at Grootfoptein mibia is at last recover­ (120mm), Katima ing from the crippling Mulilo (149mm). drought of 1991/92/93 Tsumkwe (11 Omm) and are reported in the latest Uitkomst (140mm). Continued on page 2 ,2 . Monday .. ,Q~,C~mber .,?P .1993 Road carnage Cont. from Page 1 l ternoon?n the Oshikuku- I, - Oshakatl road. crashed into each other All eight were report­ New hope for and burst into a flaming edly seriously injured and inferno. Three-year-old were taken to the hospi­ Dua"ri Herbst and an oc- < tal. cupantofthe bakkie were A young boy called the only survivors. < Victor Willem died on the The crash happened af- Oshakati-Okatana gravel ter a N issan I-tonner road on Satur9ay after­ wild .. ·. d.o gs bakkie reportedly pulled noon when the vehicle h~ out to see if it could over- was in overturned. PeterTyldesley,director their original cage, even < t a ~e "a larger , truck. It. , Two ,mor~ people died , 'dd. CHRIS NDIVANGA - of the Nami'bia Nature . i(,:,'\ .~~~~~~9 Ii11)!(.ba~q~t h e r af~e~ two tyr~ s. bUfsto n a , <,We. ' though the zoo had been lng . " . ' . Foundation (NNF) told re- closed for mor.e than a dec­ "i;~:.;~~s f\~'{~h !cl~ ;tak ~ !1g tw O,:; ,~~mJ?4~ : ~1i!y mg ~ along :, ," ' TWO of ~amlbl~.s endangered ':Afhcan , wild porters on Friday that the " ". families north •for ,holi- ,Ondangwa-Ohangwena I-r- C-o-n- t-.-r-ro-m-p-a-g-e-l-I ade and the property sold to dogs, bred ID captIvIty at OkahandJa,.have (ourd , dogs were the last remain­ days in Tsumeb. road with one dead on the Koos. M\l 11 er. a new home at the De Wildt Cheetah Research ing animals Of a breeding Ty,ldesley said the dogs Those who died in the spot and another dying at Accord ing to police Centre in South Africa. : . prog'ranil))e started hy Uwe could not be released into north-bound vehicle in- Onadjokwe hospital, said spokesperson Inspector A male and female were five other wild dogs from'. Shu ltz atthe Okahandjazoo game therves as they .eluded five young chi1- Shoopala. Junius Shoopala a 28-year­ yesterday airlifted to De Namibia to form a breed- in the 1950's. would fi nd it too difficult dren. Police struggled to Loide Ithete, daughter old man was arrestedat'ter Wildt where they will join ing pack. They had remained in to adapt to the wild. Keep­ identify the bodies which of Home Affairs deputy the shooting. However, it ing them in Namibia was were badly burnt, but by minister Nangolo Ithete, could have been the very difficult and too ex­ last night the roll of dead died on Wednesday after younger man was simply pensive as the country had from one vehicle was a head-on smash between try ing to shoot the gun in no breeding facilities. given as: Gert du Plessis, two vehicles on Okahao- the air in celebration and There were less than a the driver aged 43 years Okanyoto road. hit Nafuka in a tragedy. 100 wild dogs in Namibia There have been no ar- ~~ , ,qmbhl~. v..:jf~,'rMf!rj~tjie-" 1:' i·... A ) W.itldho.e..k J m;a~ , has and they were endangered y t)g~~Ji'3:.8.ii ;.; .!"l-sni:! rIS) 21i i .b.e.enBr.resterliCln<N~rgetF~ ,~~sJ.~i ~flt[ Ht:aq gfJ!~~aJ~~~ ; " as they were hunted by li­ " " . With ·them! died 26- with' culpable', homicide up to ",,9J.ifjJeqp 5 , ~~~N.'& . on~.TheDe WildtResearch past a cemetery Just before :1 Centre had already initiated year-old Liesel Herbst after a 35-year-old man midnight on Saturday. and 4-year-old Armado died at Usakos as he was a suc'cessful breeding'pro­ There are few details on the gramme, Tyldesley said. Herbst, Jaco du Plessis walking along the road case, but it seems the lone A breeding programme aged 13 years who sur- late on Thursday after- night-walkerstuckhisknife usi ng five pups from Na­ vived the crash for some noon, One vehicle was into one of the four, kill ing mibian stock as well as ani­ hours but died in inten- overtaking another near him, butpolice ha ve not yet mals from South Africa was sive care in W indhoek Hakhaseb T -junction and caught up with him. The started in 1978. He said that hospital, and Charmaine hit the pedestrian. incident was at 23hOO on with addition of th is pair, (aged 12) and Herman A job-seeker standing Saturday while the fo ur every effort would be made (aged 8) Alberts, children on a Windhoek street-cor- were ,:alking past the O!d to breed a Namibian group of parents who live in ner died when a' candle- L~cat lOn cemetery In and so keep the two blood Tsumeb. making machine fell onto W mdhoek. lines separate. In the bakkie that him off the back of a lorry A man, n~m. ed by pol~ce The African wild dog . h ' h as Hans Hemnch Shrabltz (Lycaon pictus) is an en­ smashed mto t em was on Saturday. PolIce ave h h' 'f h . ' . s ot IS W I e tree times dangered species in many Thom~ sI n u uaha a.g ed 34 not yet establIshed who and then shot him self African countries and has who died along Wi th two the dead man was as he th h the head about a WILD THING - One of the Wild Dogs before it wa s transported to Sou th become extinct in several otheq~opl~ who have n ot appa~ently had no identi- h~~~~uraftermidnighton Africa. regions. been Identtfied. A local ficatlOn. Saturday morning. The 1-1---------------------- --- -------------- weekly newspaperyester- Las,t m ght Inspector wife, who was not named, , 'a>~uab.l~~~~~~~~'!~~:.~'!0.9p.~.ta .'~~ 110: ~ a.ppare;1tJy "suiv-ivep "the , 'IjaOir<S aged'3}yeai~ al~o -. ctetaIls aT the company shooting and is in hospital. died, although police which apparently packed The shooting apparently MUNiCipALITY OF TSUMEB spokesperson Inspector the machine so badly. happened on farm Junius Shoopala last night Luckily there were no Omunjereke nearthe Wind­ NOTICE NO. 22/93 said there was one survi- serious injuries when two hoek International Airport vor. vehicles collided at a T - and police are investigat- VACANCIES Mrs Herbst and her junction in Ongwediva. ing. children were reportedly On woman was injured A man wa~ shot as he Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the following vacancies: from South Africa and on Tuesday morning last ~pparent1y ~ned.
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