Centre de Lingüística Teòrica de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Centre de Lingüística Teòrica de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana Vol. 15, 2016 Catalan Journal of Linguistics ISSN 1695-6885 (in press); ISSN 2014-9719 (online) Vol. 15, 2016 http://revistes.uab.cat/catJL ISSN 1695-6885 (in press); ISSN 2014-9719 (online) 15 Vol. http://revistes.uab.cat/catJL Exceptions in Phonology Index 5 Bonet, Eulàlia; Torres-Tamarit, Francesc. Introduction. ATATALAN INGUISTICS C 9 . Exceptionality in Spanish Stress. C Baković, Eric L 27 Mascaró, Joan. Morphological Exceptions to Vowel Reduction L in Central Catalan and the Problem of the Missing Base. 53 Moore-Cantwell, Claire; Pater, Joe. Gradient Exceptionality OURNAL in Maximum Entropy Grammar with Lexically Specific JJ Constraints. 67 Piñeros, Carlos-Eduardo. Exceptional nasal-stop inventories. OURNAL OF C J 101 Rebrus, Péter; Szigetvári, Péter. Diminutives: Exceptions to J OF INGUISTICS M Harmonic Uniformity. LL AN Y 121 Rysling, Amanda. Polish yers revisited. CM 145 Zuraw, Kie. Polarized Variation. ATAL MY AT Volume 15 C C CY 2016 CMY K Exceptions in Phonology Edited by Eulàlia Bonet & Francesc Torres-Tamarit Exceptions in Phonology Coberta CJL 15.pdf 2 24/10/16 12:21 Catalan Journal of Linguistics Editors Centre de Lingüística Teòrica de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana Catalan Journal of Linguistics style sheet Informació general i subscripcions General information and subscriptions • Document format. Manuscripts should be should be listed chronologically, with the CATALAN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS és una revista de lingüís- CATALAN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS is a journal of theoretical written in English. Font 12 point Times New oldest publication at the top and the newest at tica teòrica, publicada pel Centre de Lingüística Teòrica linguistics published by the Centre de Lingüística Roman, interline at 1.5, use margins 2,5 cm the bottom. Please, provide the DOI of articles de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (format per Teòrica de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1 inch). Phonetic symbols must be set in if available. lingüistes dels departaments de Filologia Catalana i de (comprising linguists from the departments of Catalan Doulos SIL or Charis SIL. a) Book: Filologia Espanyola) i per l’Institut Interuniversitari Philology and Spanish Philology) and by the Institut • Heading. Title, with title capitalisation, in Borer, Hagit. 1983. Parametric Syntax. de Filologia Valenciana (que integra lingüistes de les Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana (which boldface. Name of the author(s), affiliation(s) Dordrecht: Foris. universitats de València, d’Alacant i Jaume I de Castelló). comprises linguists from the universities of València, and e-mail address(es). Acknowledgements, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/97831 CATALAN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS publica articles d’inves- Alacant and Jaume I at Castelló). as a footnote, called by a flying asterisk. 10808506 tigació en lingüística teòrica que desenvolupin teories CATALAN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS publishes research papers sobre l’estructura de les llengües particulars dins la in theoretical linguistics developing theories on the • Abstracts. A 150 word abstract is required. b) Journal article: perspectiva d’una teoria general del llenguatge humà. structure of particular languages within the perspective A Catalan version of the abstract should be Kayne, Richard S. 1993. Toward a modu- Els volums seran sovint monogràfics, editats per un of a general theory of the human language. Volumes will included. Authors are also asked to provide lar theory of auxiliary selection. Studia especialista en el tema. often be monographic, edited by a specialist in the topic. the keywords of the article. Linguistica 47: 3-31. € € DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467- El preu de subscripció anual és de 18 . The yearly subscription price is 18 . • Sections and paragraphs. Headings of 9582.1993.tb00837.x main sections: in boldface. Headings of first Comitè assessor Redacció order paragraphs: in italics. Headings of c) Book article: Josep Maria Brucart Marraco Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona second order paragraphs or others: in italics Jaeggli, Osvaldo & Safir, Ken. 1989. The (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Departament de Filologia Catalana with text beginning at the same line. Null Subject Parameter and Parametric Maria Teresa Espinal Farré 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona). Spain Theory. In Jaeggli, Osvaldo & Safir, Phone: +34 93 581 23 71 (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) • Text. 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References should be according repositories under this protocol; therefore, to the following pattern, with full names of sending a manuscript to the journal also entails CATALAN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS es publica sota el sistema de llicències Creative Commons segons la modalitat: authors included. Reference entries for the explicit acceptation by its author/s of this Reconeixement - NoComercial (by-nc): Es permet la generació d’obres derivades multiple works by the same author(s)/editor(s) distribution method. sempre que no se’n faci un ús comercial. Tampoc es pot utilitzar l’obra original amb finalitats comercials. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 15, 2016 1-3 Summary Catalan Journal of Linguistics = CatJL Volume 15, pp.
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