(19) & (11) EP 1 058 113 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.: of the grant of the patent: G01N 31/22 (2006.01) G01N 21/78 (2006.01) 18.03.2009 Bulletin 2009/12 (21) Application number: 00201783.8 (22) Date of filing: 19.05.2000 (54) Method for quantifying molybdate in absorption refrigeration system brines Verfahren zur Quantifizierung von Molybdaten in Salzlaugen für Absorptionskälteanlagen Procédé pour la quantification de molybdate dans les saumures de réfrigérateurs à absorption (84) Designated Contracting States: • Tang, Xia DE ES FR GB IT West Hartford, Connecticut 06119 (US) (30) Priority: 02.06.1999 US 324376 (74) Representative: Booth, Catherine Louise et al (43) Date of publication of application: Frank B. Dehn & Co. 06.12.2000 Bulletin 2000/49 St Bride’s House 10 Salisbury Square (73) Proprietor: CARRIER CORPORATION London Farmington, EC4Y 8JD (GB) Connecticut 06034-4015 (US) (56) References cited: (72) Inventors: US-A- 5 106 581 US-A- 5 744 365 • Condit, David A. Avon, • PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN vol. 1996, no. Connecticut 06001 (US) 08, 30 August 1996 (1996-08-30) & JP 08 105835 • Jaworowski, Mark R. A (NIPPON CHEM IND CO LTD), 23 April 1996 Glastonbury, (1996-04-23) Connecticut 06033 (US) Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 1 058 113 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 1 058 113 B1 2 Description inhibiting performance of the fluids being superior to lith- ium chromate inhibitors. This improved system of corro- [0001] This invention relates generally to absorption sion inhibitors is described in greater detail in US Patent refrigeration systems. More particularly, the invention re- 5,547,660 for Absorption Refrigeration System working lates to diagnostics for absorption refrigeration systems. 5 Fluid with Molybdate, Borate, Silicate Inhibitor Blend by More particularly still, the invention relates to a method Downey and assigned to Carrier Corporation. Moreover, and apparatus for performing diagnostics on a corrosion this improved system of corrosion inhibitors is employed inhibitor present in absorption refrigeration systems. in the WB-1 inhibited LiBr absorption chillers manufac- [0002] There are a number of different pairs of refrig- tured and sold by Carrier Corporation. erants and absorbents that are used in absorption refrig- 10 [0006] The aforementioned WB-1 inhibited LiBr ab- eration systems. One such pair is water and a halogen sorption chiller of the Carrier Corporation uses an aque- salt of lithium, such as lithium bromide, lithium chloride ous solution of water and a lithium halide, specifically or lithium iodide mixed to form a concentrated aqueous lithium bromide (LiBr), as the working fluid (sometimes solution of the lithium salt. Another such pair is water and termed "brine"), and employ a further solution of lithium 15 ammonia. molybdate (Li2MoO4), lithium borate and lithium silicate [0003] Iron and iron alloys like steel and copper and as the corrosion inhibitor. Although the lithium borate and copper alloys are typical construction materials used in lithium silicate inhibitors remain in solution in the aqueous absorption refrigeration systems. Corrosion of these ma- working fluid in adequate quantities throughout the life terials can cause difficulties. Not only is metal loss of of the fluid system, the same may not be so with respect concern but also the oxidation of ferrous metal can be 20 to the molybdate inhibitor. The lithium molybdate is only accompanied by evolution of gaseous hydrogen. If not sparingly soluble in the LiBr brine, and must be main- purged, the hydrogen can interfere with the proper oper- tained in the 100-200 ppm range to assure the desired ation of the system. Corrosion is of particular concern in action as a corrosion inhibitor. However, during start-up systems that use halogen salts of lithium. And regardless and/or during other times of stress on the refrigeration of the refrigerant/absorbent pair used in a particular sys- 25 system, the molybdate inhibitor may become sufficiently tem, metal corrosion rates increase as system tempera- depleted as to take it below the preferred concentration tures increase. range and thus expose the system to corrosion problems. [0004] It is well known in the prior art that the addition [0007] To minimize the risk of corrosion problems of a salt of chromium, such as lithium chromate, to the which may result from an insufficient concentration of the refrigerant/absorbent solution in an absorption refriger- 30 molybdate inhibitor, it has been the practice to obtain ation system, is effective in reducing metallic corrosion. samples of the LiBr brine in the field at the site of the The presence of the chromate compound promotes the absorption refrigeration system and to then send them formation of a protective layer of iron and chromium ox- to another location for analysis. That analysis is typically ides on the surfaces of the system that are in contact with performed by a non-portable, relatively expensive tech- the absorbent. With a decrease in iron oxidation, there 35 nique and equipment, such an inductively coupled plas- is also a corresponding decrease in the production of ma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). This proc- noncondensible hydrogen. There is some concern, how- ess occasions undesirable delays (measured in days) ever, about the health risks that chromium presents. At and significant monetary costs. Although various types least one government authority, the U.S. Environmental of on-site analyzers and analysis techniques have been Protection Agency, has identified chromium as a carcin- 40 employed for monitoring the level of chromate inhibitor ogen, and has prohibited the presence of chromium com- concentrations, including color comparators and spec- pounds in systems that are open to the atmosphere. Ab- trometers, those techniques as they presently exist are sorption refrigeration systems are, of course, closed sys- not suitable for determining molybdate concentrations. tems, but a certain amount of working fluid from the sys- Similarly, existing analytical processes for determining tem can become exposed to the atmosphere through the 45 concentrations of molybdate in refrigeration systems are taking of samples, the manufacturing process and spills operative if the working fluid is water, but not if it contains during handling and filling. And, at the end of the service a lithium halide brine, such as lithium bromide. Other prior life of a system, the system charge will necessarily re- art systems for measuring molybdate ions in a refrigerant quire disposal of the working fluid, including the chromi- are disclosed in JP 08105835, in which multiple steps um compounds that it contains. 50 are carried out including forming a turbid solution and [0005] To address the foregoing concern, there has using thioglycolic acid, and in US 5106581, in which the recently been developed a chromium-free aqueous so- use of test strips having dithiol or thyocyanate and tin lution, typically of a halogen salt of lithium, for use as a chloride in the presence of acid for detecting molybdate working fluid in an absorption refrigeration system. In ad- ions is discussed. dition, the solution also contains a compound containing 55 [0008] Accordingly, there is a need for determining mo- a molybdate, a compound containing a borate and per- lybdate inhibitor concentrations in lithium halide brines haps also, a compound containing a silicate. The added using a method and/or apparatus which facilitates on- constituents act as effective corrosion inhibitors, with the site analysis. The method and apparatus for making such 2 3 EP 1 058 113 B1 4 on-site analysis should be relatively portable and eco- tometer is field calibrated using a brine sample having a nomical, and provide rapid and accurate determination known concentration of molybdate inhibitor, typically ze- of molybdate inhibitor concentration. ro, to establish a reference. For a lithium bromide brine, [0009] The present invention provides a method and the selected reagent is stannous chloride in hydrochloric apparatus for making a rapid and accurate analysis of 5 acid, and the resulting characteristic color corresponds the concentration of molybdate inhibitor in a lithium halide to a wavelength in the range of 520-580 nm, typically brine at the site of a refrigeration system containing the pink with a maximum near 550-560 nm. brine. The analysis may be performed using relatively [0014] Fig. 1 is a spectral plot of the absorbance spec- standard, portable equipment in a non-complex manner. trum of a lithium bromide brine, treated with a reagent, [0010] In accordance with the present invention, there 10 for differing concentrations of included lithium molybdate is provided a method of quantatively analyzing molybdate inhibitor. inhibitor as claimed in claim 1. In its preferred embodi- [0015] Fig. 2 is a graphical plot of the spectral absorb- ments at least, there is provided a method for quantita- ance at 550 nm for different concentrations of lithium mo- tively analyzing molybdate inhibitor in a lithium bromide lybdate in lithium bromide brine, showing the
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