VIRGINIA LAW WEEKLY 2017, 2018, & 2019 ABA Law Student Division Best Newspaper Award-Winner A Look Special Facts about Each Circuit Court!................................2 Hikers v. Bikers: Who Has the Right of Way.........................3 Inside: Among Us: Are You a Crewmate or an Imposter?..................3 Last edition for the fall. See you all in January! Wednesday, 11 November 2020 The Newspaper of the University of Virginia School of Law Since 1948 Volume 73, Number 12 SBA Update: around north End of the Fundamental Questions for grounds Semester Send-Off Our Democracy Regarding a Thumbs up to the library extend- Katharine Janes ‘21 ing their hours SBA President Federal Right to Education through finals. UVA Law, ANG both appreciates stay- What a semester we have ing inside in the warmth for had. To the students, profes- a few more hours at night, sors, administrators, and staff but also will enjoy knowing who have made the past twelve ANG is not alone in failing weeks possible, a massive to adequately prepare for thank you is owed. It has been finals. an adventure to learn and live alongside you, whether virtu- Thumbs down ally or from six-feet apart. to Netflix for rais- To our 1Ls, as you approach ing their prices, your first set of law school fi- again. ANG al- nals: We (upperclassmen) are ready is balling on a bud- thinking about you and send- get, but raising prices when ing so many good vibes your everyone is watching even way! I am sure you are receiv- more is just cruel and un- ing lots of great advice from usual. your peer advisors, professors, and friends, so I won’t dupli- Thumbs up to cate that here. However, as all of the lawsuits one small but often overlooked coming from the reminder, know that taking Trump Campaign. breaks is an essential part of While ANG won’t comment finishing the end of this se- on the merits, ANG will al- mester strong. Spending time ways appreciate more work away from school with friends that helps a lawyer’s bot- or loved ones over Thanksgiv- tom line. ing, for example, is really im- Pictured: Professor Kimberly Robinson, a recognized expert on educational law and policy, spurred this conversation. Photo Courtesy of twitter.com portant to avoid burning out. Eric Seifriz ’22 Thumbs down The same is true on the days Guest Writer tion.” B. lawsuit asserts a federal to the weather following your finals; friends In her welcome, Dean right to obtaining basic edu- changing it up and I would visit a winery or Goluboff discussed how the cation in literacy in order for this week. ANG snag food together immediate- On Monday, November 9, US Supreme Court in 1973 all children in the country to already put away ANG’s ly after we finished our exams, 2020, the University of Vir- rejected a federal right to be able to be baseline partic- crop tops and short shorts which provided some much- ginia School of Law hosted education in San Antonio ipants in our democracy and for the winter, so hopefully needed R&R. Treating yourself a Zoom symposium entitled Independent School District public life. The full US Court ANG still looks only semi- well will help you feel—and “Fundamental Questions for v. Rodriguez. However, she of Appeals for the Sixth Cir- decrepit in sweaty sweats. ultimately perform—better, so Our Democracy Regarding a explained that this was not cuit has agreed to rehear this I highly encourage you to set Federal Right to Education.” the last word on the mat- case, however, to review the Thumbs up to aside the time. The discussion was borne ter—it has been an ongoing initial panel’s ruling. Kayne for receiv- Finally, for those interested, out of issues raised by UVA legal question in the decades Professor Davis then ing 50K votes in SBA has set up two end-of- Law professor Kimberly Jen- since. took the floor to advocate for the election. ANG semester opportunities for kins Robinson’s new book, A Professor Bowman started the United States to finally is gonna let Kayne finish, students to reflect on and ex- Federal Right to Education: the panel off by explain- recognize a federal right to but Jo Jorgensen got more press their gratitude. The first Fundamental Questions for ing that we need a federal education, which she says is votes this election… is for our professors and fac- our Democracy. The book in- right to education, because now broadly considered a ba- ulty. On Tuesday, I emailed cludes articles from leading if we leave it to the states, sic human right. In her view, Thumbs down links to Google Docs where education scholars, edited they may not always provide education is a fundamental to no PILA dance you can leave quick comments by Professor Robinson. Pro- substantive protections. Ac- right crucial to the function- this year. How is of thanks to your professors. fessor Robinson is a nation- cording to Professor Bow- ing of a democratic republic. ANG supposed to Have they worked particularly ally recognized expert on man, Michigan has weak and Professor Davis also pro- know when to not start out- hard to make Zoom classes educational law and policy, unenforceable educational vided a history lesson on the lining without this seminal successful, offered special ses- as well as on closing educa- rights at the state level, com- struggles of education for event? sions for assistance, or created tional opportunity gaps and bined with limited fiscal ca- African-Americans through- space to talk about life beyond civil rights. pacity and a limited politi- out American history, from Thumbs side- the classroom? We would love Dean Risa L. Goluboff wel- cal will to improve matters. slavery to Reconstruction. ways to the Law for you to share your apprecia- comed the virtual attend- These factors together are Next, we heard from Weekly. ANG tion for the effort they have ex- ees, and President James undermining educational Professor Nance, who shared appreciated the pended to make this semester E. Ryan ’92 moderated the opportunities for Michigan a snapshot of the chapter he wonderful content pub- possible for us all. We will com- first panel, named “Should students, who don’t cur- wrote for Professor Robin- lished, but ANG is sad ANG pile your notes and send them the United States Recognize rently have an effective av- son’s book. He believes that won’t get to see students for along to professors before the a Federal Right to Educa- enue for relief when basic the United States should two months now. end of the year. Additionally, tion?” The speakers on the standards in their education implement a stronger fed- SBA’s Community Engage- panel were Professor Kris- are not being met. She gave eral response to address the Thumbs down ment Committee is spearhead- tine L. Bowman from Michi- examples of schools in De- inequalities in the public to the rapidly ris- ing a letter-writing campaign to gan State University Col- troit having textbooks that education system and con- ing number of write words of encouragement lege of Law, Professor Peggy are decades old, windows sidered five rationales to COVID-19 cases. for staff who work in the UVA Cooper Davis from New York that don’t open in the sum- back up this view—econom- ANG would prefer Health COVID Unit. If you are University School of Law, mer, and no central heat in ic, criminal justice, health, ANG’s GPA rose that fast, interested in writing a note to Professor Jason P. Nance the winter. democracy, and fairness. so ANG wouldn’t be stuck these individuals, please reach from the University of Flori- On this topic, an exciting He also shared sobering re- at a mid-level BigLaw job out to Colin Lee (cjl5cm) or da Levin College of Law, and case just came out of Michi- search on how a child’s self- forever. Niko Orfanedes (njo8fm) and Professor Eloise Pasachoff gan—Gary B. v. Whitmer— perception is negatively af- they will provide you with from the Georgetown Uni- where the Sixth Circuit held fected by poorly resourced Thumbs up to cards. versity Law Center. Profes- that the Constitution affords schools. Tom Cruise. ANG Best of luck to everyone on sor Robinson participated in a fundamental right to basic Professor Pasachoff would leave it at their finals, and I hope you the second panel, “How the minimum education (run- agreed with the other panel- that, but ANG also have relaxing and rejuvenating United States Can Recognize ning counter to the Rodri- is excited to rewatch The breaks! See you all next spring. and Define a Right to Educa- guez decision). The Gary EDUCATION page 2 Firm and Tom be a star. 2 Columns VIRGINIA LAW WEEKLY Wednesday, 11 November 2020 EDUCATION continued from page 1 Movies with Flimsy Legal Premises ists’ broader goal of working After spending almost two Law graduate, Tom Cruise,5 But without this unnecessary good divorce lawyers around toward an equitable educa- and a half years in law school, I who graduated near the top of legal hurdle, there would be no town, told them her story, all in tion system for all students Jacob Jones ‘21 his class and chose to work at reason for Wilford Brimley to an attempt to disqualify them. but doesn’t believe pursu- Features Editor a boutique firm in Memphis, chase Tom Cruise around the And it works! So poor Kylo Ren ing a federal right to educa- Tennessee (this is not the flimsy landmarks of Memphis.
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