XNC>XVJLLE MEMPHJS NAS~VJ:LLE Heart Strings raises $158K Ringing in the '90s by JEFF EIJJS Radecic addresses Town Meeting Editor by MARK I.AWRENCE cate with one another, said Prostko. Almost $86,000 was raised by last Staff Writer Emily Whitcomb, from the Nash­ week's Nashville performance of Peri Jude Radecic, legislative di­ ville Women's Alliance, discussed HEART STRINGS: The National Tour, rector for the National Gay and the difficulties of giving lesbians according to steering committee Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), and more access to the community. chair John Bridges. Along with the representatives from different seg­ "Our main thrust has been having more than $70,000 raised by the ments of the Nashville lesbian and coffeehouses and dances" to make Memphis performance three days gay community spoke at a Gay and up for the fact that lesbians do not earlier, AIDS-service organizations Lesbian Town Meeting on Monday. frequent bars as much as gay men. in the two cities will add 85% of the The meeting was sponsored by Whitcomb said she wants '·'to net profit to their coffers. the Tennessee Gay and Lesbian have a place for women to support The Nashville performance, in Alliance (T-GALA). According to women in their lifestyle,• but found the sold-out Polk Theatre of the Jack Prostko, a member of T­ it difficult to attract new people to Tennessee Performing Arts Center GALA's board of directors, one of events because of the low profile of (TPAC), was a tremendous success, the purposes of the meeting was to the community in Nashville. judging not only from the gross look for "the best way an organiza­ Ken Freedman, who performs as ticket receipts, but from the reac~ tion like T-GALA can represent the a female impersonator under the tions of the audience as well. community in Nashville." name Diana Hutton, spoke about "Everyone was just amazed and One of the early purposes of T­ the concerns of gay performers, thrilled by the whole evening," GALA was to reach out to the com­ especially female impersonators. Bridges said. "When you do an munity through a newspaper or Freedman said the community event such as this, the moment you Eva Willis Tata, center, and two other members of the HEART STRINGS cast perform "The television, Prostko said, but organi­ was split between those ~ho enjoy walk into the hall and see the room Trojan Horse Medley," one of the highlights of the musical revue's second act. The touring µ.tions such as Dare and the Gay going to see female impersonators, is crowded- and the parties before company raised atotal 01$156,000 during two Tennessee performances last week. - PHOTO Cable Network/Nashville have pro­ and those "who don't want to have are well-attended- you know the BY TOMMY LAWSON vided such services independently. anything to do with it." evening's a smashing success." "We need to have some other way "We are all gay and lesbian - we Bridges said donations are con­ said. "Minnie's elation backstage Memphis' Ellis Auditorium. An esti­ to focus T-GALA," he said. have that in common - but we are tinuing to come into the HEART , was as high a point for me as any­ mated $70,000 was raised during Prostko said the fact that others all different people,• said Freed­ STRINGS/Nashville office and that a thing that happened on stage." the show's Memphis stand. have stepped in to undertake such man. However, he was concerned final tally has yet to be determined. Sanders and Minnie Pearl, Among local celebrities partici­ projects is positive. •1 think it's a al?<>ut prejudice within the commu­ The Broadway-style musical re­ known offstage and in Nashville pating in the Nashville show were good sign that so many people are nity against crOSS-Oressers. vue was narrated in Nashville by social circles as Sarah Ophelia Can­ television anchor Brenda Black­ working on their own toward cer­ "Personally, I've never had a Grand Ole Opry star and Country non, provided the narrative thread man; country music greats Tom T. tain goals.• tough time with that,• he said. "I Music Hall of Farner Minnie Pearl which connected the musical song­ Hall and Roseanne Cash; and Ten­ The danger of such activities, think there's a lot of misconceptions and the Rev. Edwin Sanders. and-dance numbers performed by nessee Repertory Theatre's Mac however, is that the community about drag anyway." For example, "Minnie Pearl and Ed Sanders the professional company. Pirkle. may "fragment and fly off in differ­ Freedman said it is difficult for per­ really warmed the hearts of the The Nashville performance fol­ Performing a ballet to the song ent directions" because members of formers to maintain romantic people in the audience," Bridges lowed a show earlier in the week at • continued on page 11 different groups do not communi- • continued on page 5 Radecic: work on US, Tennessee legislators NGLTF Legislative Director says future depends on organizing byJEFFELUS "The future depends on the direction taken by or­ Editor ganizations in the state," Radecic said. "There are a While lesbian and gay leaders throughout the coun­ number of things an individual can do in the process of try plot political strategies for a new decade, National creating change. For example, it is important to target Gay and Lesbian Task Force's (NGLTF) Capitol Hill legislators who are swing votes on particular issues or lobbyist said Tennessee's future depends upon choices who can be persuaded to vote with us on certain made today. matters." Peri Jude Radecic, NGLTF's legislative director and In addition to targeting specific lawmakers for lobby­ congressional lobbyist, said the future success of les­ ing efforts, Radecic recommended targeting others for bian and gay-oriented legislation depends upon the de(eat at the polls. electorate sending progressive representatives both to For those efforts to succeed, she said, it is imperative Washington and the statehouse. that leaders of lesbian and gay organizations have a Radecic was in Nashville earlier this week for an better understanding of the legislative process on the informal meeting with lesbian and gay leaders Sunday local, state and national levels. and a Monday night "Town Meeting" hosted by the "All members of these organizations should become Tennessee Gay and Lesbian Alliance CT-GALA). During familiar, more experienced, with the legislative proc­ an interview with Dare, Radecic discussed legislative ess. But it is vital the organization leaders understand strategies and the future of lesbian/gay activism in the it," she explained. state. • continued on page 5 2;:===========================.--------------- Qm?J----------------------------- the ha~r Limited enrollment. Just like clockwork Big events Small classes. Chattanooga Meeting, Belmont United Methodist Church. For enrollment information call: Fridays 8pm. (615) 228-0178 Sundays Phoenl1 (Gay Alcoholics Anonymous) living well with aids M1tropollta11 Community Churcll Open meeting. Memphis Lambda Center. Thursdays Worship service, Unitarian Church. 7:30pm. 5:30 and 10pm. Info 901 272-9549. Incest Survivors lnon,mous Closed SerlouslJ loller (Gay Alcoholics women's meeting. First Church Unity, Fran­ J.oan .'Ju_'I.ITl.Cl.f2.-dwbo"f}, M.S.N., R.N. Mondays Anonymous) Meeting. Memphis Lambda klin Rd, 6:30pm. Chattanooga CAREi Closed support Center. 8pm. Info 901 272-9549. Nashville CARES Visualization Group. • Counseling group. 6:30pm. Info 615 266-2422. 7:15pm. Info 615 385-1510. • Reiki Therapy Saturdays Alternatives (Alcoholics Anonymous) • Visualization for Health Thursdays Twlstlld Sisters (ACOA) Open meeting. Closed meeting for lesbians alll gay men, Gay/lnbla ■ AA Open meeting. Unitarian Memphis Lambda Center. Noon. Info 901 MCC.Bpm. 524 East Iris Dr. (615) 2'n.fHJ5 Church. 8pm. 27~7379. leslllaa Adult C~lldra11 of llcohollcs Nashville, 1N 37204 320-8508 Phoenl1 (Gay Alcoholics Anonymous) (ACOA) Meeting. Bpm. Info 615 385-4TT6. Open meeting. Memphis Lambda Center. 8pm. Info 901 272-9549. Fridays Friday, October 6 Knoxville luahollcs lnollflllOIS Closed meeting, Discussion SURVIVING WELL WITH Kowalski Chiropractic Clinic Sundays MCC. 5pm. AIDS.Steve Pieters will speak about living ·sundays Agape Newllf• Church Sunday School, llcohollcs AnollflllOUS Program Study with AIDS and about alternative treat­ · Dr. Deborah Kowalski M1tropollta1 Community Churcll 9:3Dam. Worship service, 11am. Info 901 Group Meeting, Belmont United Methodist. ments. Metropolitan Community Church 7:30 pm. Chiropractic Physician Worship service, 6pm. Corner Weisgarber & 27~1872. / Nashville, 131 15th Ave North, Nash­ Lonas. Info 615 521-6546. · HolJ Trinity Community Churcll Wor­ ville. Free. 7pm. Info 615 320-0288. ship service, 11am. 1216 Forrest Ave. Info Saturdays 108 Harding Place, Belle Meade Mondays 901 72~9443. lncNt Survivors lnollJIIIOIII Open (615) 352-1234 aids R•po .. laonlllll PWA Support Into th• Ught(Women'sAlcoholicsAnony­ meeting. First Church Unity, Franklin Rd, Saturday, October 7 Gro~. 7-8:30pm. Info 615 523-AIDS. ·mous) Meeting. Memphis Lambda Center. 5:30pm. · Discussion SURVIVING WELL WITH Gay Gratitude Grau, Open, nonsmoking Noon. Info 901 27~7379. Metropolitan Community Church Com­ AIDS.Sieve Pieters will speak about living Alcoholics Anonymous. Tennessee Valley Phoenl1 (Gay Alcoholics Anonymous) munity Dinner, all you can eat. 7:30pm. $5. with AIDS and about alternative treat­ Unituian Church, 3219 Kingston Pike. 7pm. Open meeting. Memphis Lambda Center. Info 615 320--0288. ments. Sponsored by Metropolitan ABBY R RlmENFELD 8pm. Info 901 272-9549. Sundays Community Church /Tri-Cities, at Hol­ ATIORNEY AT IAW Tuesdays aids Rapa .. laonlll• Circle of Love Metropolltan Community Churcll Wor­ ston Valley Unitarian Church, Johnson family illd friends support group, 8pm. Info ship services, 11am and ?pm. Info 615 320- City. Free. Potluck, 5:30pm, presenta­ WATIS, UNDER.WOOD & RuBENFELD 615 523-AIDS.
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