Copyright © 2002, 2004 ESRI All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of ESRI. This work is protected under United States copyright law and other international treaties and conventions. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as expressly permitted in writing by ESRI. All requests should be sent to Attention: Contracts Manager, ESRI, 380 New York Street, Redlands, CA 92373-8100, USA. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. U. S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED/LIMITED RIGHTS Any software, documentation, and/or data delivered hereunder is subject to the terms of the License Agreement. In no event shall the U.S. Government acquire greater than RESTRICTED/LIMITED RIGHTS. At a minimum, use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR §52.227-14 Alternates I, II, and III (JUN 1987); FAR §52.227-19 (JUN 1987) and/ or FAR §12.211/12.212 (Commercial Technical Data/Computer Software); and DFARS §252.227-7015 (NOV 1995) (Technical Data) and/or DFARS §227.7202 (Computer Software), as applicable. Contractor/Manufacturer is ESRI, 380 New York Street, Redlands, CA 92373-8100, USA. ESRI, ArcCatalog, ArcExplorer, ArcObjects, ArcGIS, ArcIMS, ArcMap, GIS by ESRI, ArcReader, Spatial Database Engine, SDE, ArcSDE, Geography Network, the ArcGIS logo, the Geography Network logo, www.esri.com, and www.geographynetwork.com are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of ESRI in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. Microsoft and the Windows logo are registered trademarks and the Microsoft Internet Explorer logo is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other companies and products mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective trademark owners. 1 Introduction 1 Contents What is a Metadata Service? 2 Putting it all together 3 Tips on learning about Metadata Services 4 2 Finding data in Metadata Explorer 7 Starting Metadata Explorer 8 Finding data using Metadata Explorer 9 Browsing metadata 12 Searching for data 13 Viewing the results of your search 14 Viewing metadata 15 Viewing a map of the data 16 Printing search results, metadata, and maps 17 3 Creating Metadata Services 19 Setting up your Metadata Service 20 Creating a Metadata Service 26 Creating usernames and passwords 28 Troubleshooting publishing problems 31 Metadata for ArcIMS services 32 Defining a service’s index 33 Manually indexing documents 37 Adding an administrative table to a service 39 4 Publishing metadata in ArcCatalog 41 Requirements for publishing metadata 42 Preparing metadata for publication 46 Publishing to a Metadata Service 53 Managing published documents 54 Finding data 58 iii 5 Connecting Z39.50 clients 61 Incorporating Z39.50 into your metadata system 62 What is Z39.50? 63 Getting started 64 Changing the service’s port 66 Setting the default Metadata Service 67 Setting log options 68 Protocols and restricting access to your metadata 71 12 Setting a communication protocol 74 Limiting access to your metadata 76 Customizing the connector 78 Controlling the format of responses 80 Available Z39.50 resources 81 A Configuring Metadata Explorer 83 Which ArcIMS services does Metadata Explorer need? 84 Starting the services 84 Configuring Metadata Explorer 85 Do you need a login? 86 Loading the gazetteer data 87 Customizing the gazetteer 89 An unattended Metadata Explorer session will expire. 94 Integrating Metadata Explorer into ArcExplorer 94 B ArcSDE considerations 95 Specifying ArcSDE connection information 96 Metadata Service database schema 96 Removing Metadata Service objects from the database 101 Configuring an Oracle database 102 Configuring a DB2 database 103 Configuring a SQL Server database 104 Configuring ArcSDE 105 iv CREATING AND USING METADATA SERVICES Increasing the ArcIMS time-out for ArcSDE 110 Getting the best performance from the database 110 C Harvesting documents 113 Collecting documents to create a community GIS portal 114 Exporting and importing documents between Metadata Services 116 Adding the OAI-PMH Connector to a Metadata Service 122 Harvesting documents using the OAI-PMH Harvester 125 D Publishing non-English metadata 131 What languages will a Metadata Service support? 132 Configuring your Metadata Service 132 Indexing and harvesting considerations 132 E What’s new with ArcIMS 9? 133 Changes for Metadata Services with ArcIMS 9 134 Migrating a Metadata Service to ArcIMS 9 135 Index 139 CONTENTS v Introduction 1 IN THIS CHAPTER Whether you realize it or not, you’ve seen metadata before. A wide variety of everyday items has metadata, with varying levels of detail. The nutritional • What is a Metadata Service? information on the label of a can of soup is metadata. A department store catalog is metadata. The price sticker on a new car is metadata. Anything that • Putting it all together describes something else can be thought of as metadata. • Tips on learning about Metadata Metadata is useful because it tells you about something without you actually Services having possession of that something. For example, you might browse through a store catalog before deciding to make a purchase. The metadata about the items in the catalog gives you valuable information, such as price, size, and material, to help you determine whether the item is right for you. Metadata for geographic data is often described as data about data. Metadata for geographic data typically describes the content, quality, type, collection date, and spatial location of the actual data. Looking at metadata can help you determine whether a particular dataset is appropriate for your use. In fact, it’s often easier to judge the suitability of the data from its metadata than by examining the actual data itself. This is because metadata is generally much smaller and easier to share than the actual data. And it’s the ability to share metadata—through an ArcIMS® Metadata Service—that makes it so valuable. Sharing metadata lets you see what geographic information system (GIS) resources, such as data, others have and also lets others see what you have. 1 What is a Metadata Service? geographic content, including live maps, downloadable data, and more advanced services. One component of the Geography A Metadata Service provides a forum for sharing metadata. If Network, the Geography Network Explorer, is a Metadata Service. you’re looking for data, you might search or browse a Metadata With the Geography Network Explorer, you can search for data by Service to find what you need. Similarly, if you have data that you geographic location; theme, such as environmental, business, or want to share with others, you can do so by publishing it to a health data; scale; date collected; and so on. Metadata Service where others can see it. Think of a Metadata Service as a geographic search engine that you use when you want to find data and other GIS resources. A Finding data Metadata Service works over the Internet, allowing anyone who Suppose you’re creating a map for a presentation and you need has access to the Web to use it. The Geography Network is just some basemap data to display behind the data you’ve collected one place you can go to look for data. Just as you can use ® about your study area. Many organizations collect geographic different Internet search engines such as Yahoo! , you can also information and build datasets. Some organizations freely search different Metadata Services hosted by other distribute their data while others may charge a small fee. The organizations. If you know the Web address of those Metadata question is, how do you find that data? Services, you can easily search their contents for geographic data. The first place you might look is ESRI’s Geography NetworkSM (www.geographynetwork.com). The Geography Network is a When you search for data on a Metadata Service, your search global network of geographic information users and providers. will yield a list of resources that match your search criteria. You Through the Geography Network, you can access many types of can view the complete metadata for each one to see if it’s what you’re looking for and can sometimes view an interactive map. Once you find a suitable dataset, you can download it or, in some instances, use it right from the Web. By examining metadata, you can see if the data is right for you. Sometimes The Geography Network Explorer helps you find the data you need. you can view an interactive map of the data. 2 CREATING AND USING METADATA SERVICES Sharing data Putting it all together If your organization is like most, you’ve invested a great deal of Once you’ve decided that you want to create your own Metadata time and money collecting the data from which you’ve built Service, where do you begin? With metadata, of course. The your geographic database. Often, the people who build databases fundamental components of a Metadata Service are the actual aren’t the same people who need to use them. So, how do you metadata documents that get published to the service. Most share your data with others who need it? Depending on who likely, if you’re the administrator of the Metadata Service, you’re needs access to your data, there are several approaches to not the person who will be authoring metadata—the departments utilizing the capabilities of a Metadata Service. or people who manage the data will be. You’re simply providing a Share your data on the Geography Network—The Geography way to share metadata. Network is a good place to start.
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