www.ukrweekly.com 3 Ht Pu^lished ЬУ the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profR" association) Ukrainian Weekl Vol. Lll No. 52 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1984 25 cents CHRIST IS BORN - LET US GLORIFY HIM GssetssaesaG^^ Reflections on President's report profound mystery neglects Ukrainians WASHINGTON - A recent presi­ The Christmas message of the dential report on compliance with the Ukrainian Catholic hierarchy in the 1975 Helsinki Accords on human rights United States of A merica. and security in Europe, which includes a section on the Soviet Union, contains Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers, virtually no references to the rights Members of our Religious Commu­ situation in Ukraine and only a cursory nities, Beloved Faithful in Christ! mention of Ukrainian politic;.! pri­ soners, by far the largest group. Christ is Born! Let us glorify Him! The document, officially titled the With the holy Christmas season 17th Semiannual Report by the Presi­ upon us, let us send our thoughts to dent to the Commission on Security and distant Bethlehem! What awesome Cooperation in Europe, also fails to mystery penetrated that night and detail the plight of the Ukrainian permeated the City of David nearly Helsinki Group, the largest of the five 2,000 years agorlt truly was a "Holy citizens' groups set up to monitor Soviet Night" and a "Silent Night." It was compliance with the accords, which the night foretold by the prophets, were signed by 35 countries. Most anticipated by the patriarchs and just members of the group are serving long people throughout the Old Testa­ terms of imprisonment, a fact ommited ment. This night would forever be from the report, which also did not blessed by all those who would dwell identify individual members of the in that heavenly Jerusalem, for earth group except lor Yuriy Lytvyn and and time would be one with heaven Oleksiy Tykhy, both of whom died this and eternity as the "Eternal God was year while imprisoned. born to deliver all His people." By contrast, the report contains "Christ was born and God became detailed status reports on individual man, 'to unite heaven and earth,' " Helsinki monitors^ from other Soviet our traditional carol resounds. republics, including members of the On that blessed night, "The grace Moscow Helsinki Group, Anatoly of God appeared, offering salvation Shcharansky, Yuri Orlov, Naum Mei- to all men" (Titus 2:11), for uncreat­ man and Yelena Bonner, wife of exiled ed, eternal love came to earth as a activist Dr. Andrei Sakharov. Of the tiny infant for our salvation. few other political prisoners mentioned, The Blessed Virgin Mary, St. none is Ukrainian. Joseph, the shepherds and the kings Although it is referred,to as the from the Orient were eyewitnesses to president's report, the document was "Salvation, which had been prepared actually drafted by the State Depart­ for all people" (Lk. 2:30). Our earth ment. It covers the period of April I to became the dwelling place of the October 1. almighty and eternal God, who came In the area of religious persecution, to us "that all who believe in Him Vasyl Stus reported gravely ill the report does not mention the perse­ may have eternal life" (John 3:15). cution of Ukrainian Churches, includ­ And so it was that heavenly angelic JERSEY CITY. N.J. - Sources in refusing to conduct the visit in Russian. ing the outlawed Ukrainian Catholic choirs sang out jubilantly that night the Soviet Union have confirmed that A highly regarded poet. Mr. Stus. 46. Church. It does focus on the plight of proclaiming: "Glory to God in the imprisoned Ukrainian human-rights previously served a term from 1972 Pentecostals, Baptists, Russian Ortho­ highest and peace on earth." (Lk: activist and poet Vasyl Stus is gravely ill flbkJ979 for "anti-Soviet agitation and dox believers and Jews. Substantial 2:14) with tuberculosis. propaganda." Soon after'his release he attention is also given the persecution of Reflections on this profound mys­ Mr. Stus. who is in labor camp No. joined the Ukrainian Helsinki Group. ;t Jewish refuseniks and cultural activists, tery, wherein the Son of God comes 36-1 in Perm, is said to be running a citi/ins' group set up three years earlier and the spread of official anti-Semitism to earth should strengthen our grati­ constant temperature and experiencing in Kiev to monitor Soviet compliance and anti-Zionism. tude to Christ for, out of love. He chronic pain in his arms and legs Word with the 1975 Helsinki Accords on While the report docs touch on the came to us to bestow hope, life and of Mr. Stus's condition was related by security and human-rights in Europe. Soviet government's policies of Russifi- salvation upon us. The Son of God his friends, who said that they were He was re-arrested for activities con­ cation in the non-Russian republics, the came to show us the way to heaven, worried about his chances of surviving nected with the group. only regions referred to by name are the to happiness, to eternal life. The the harsh winter. Baltic republics of Lithuania, Estonia Child of Bethlehem is a most power - Despite his poor health. Mr. Stus. In addition to tuberculosis. Mr. Stus and Latvia. The Russification of ful sermon of God's abiding love for who in 1980 was sentenced to 10 years is known to suffer from ulcers and a Ukraine, the most populous non-Rus­ us who are sinful and frail. in a labor camp and five years' internal heart ailment. Sources have also re­ sian republic, is not included, however, These reflections should also exile, has been forced to perform ported that he never fully recovered creating the impression that the policy is strengthen evangelical Christian strenuous labor. He was recently denied from a stab wound suffered several limited to the Baltic areas. (Continued on page 9) a visit with his family, who he had not years ago when he was attacked by The report concludes that the over-all seen in four vears. apparently for another.camp inmate. (CoMimwd on pap 10) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1984 No. 52 A glimpse of Soviet reality Police break up Solidarity demonstration WARSAW - The police used teat- shoving. Mr. Walesa, reportedly look­ Top-level meeting in Kiev gas, riot truncheons and smoke gre­ ing disgusted, put his (lowers at the feet nades in Gdansk on December 16 to of the police and withdrew. Mr. Walesa, discusses sociology, politics disperse supporters of the banned who at one point was to have held a Solidarity trade union who tried to news conference, cancelled the meeting by Or. Roman Solchanyk undertaken in the republic with regard memorialize Poles killed while pro­ and went home'. He was described as to "increasing the contribution of the testing food price increases 14 years being upset by the show of police force The continuing Soviet search for a social sciences in solving real, practical ago, reported The New York Times. and concerned about the possibility of more rational basis for the formulation tasks," and "the growing role of socio­ - About 12 people were reported de­ more violence. of political, social and economic logical research in perfecting the tained by police. At the Gdansk memorial liturgy that policies has taken another, step forward practice of party leadership and state 'After a commemorative liturgy at St. preceded the street clashes, the Rev. with the convening of a top:leveI management of social processes." Brigida's Church. Lech Walesa, the Henry Jankowski. an advisor to Mr. meeting in Kiev to discuss the V. 1. Ivanov, director of the Institute founder of the outlawed union, led a Walesa, preached a low-keyed sermon theoretical and applied aspects of of Sociological Research in Moscow, group of 3,000 people, according to an in which he said that "violence, terror sociological research in the USSR. The reported on the findings of various official Polish press agency account, and power are alien to us." meeting, which was held in the research projects throughout the toward the 120-foot high steel mon­ "Our strength is in pure hearts and Ukrainian capital on November 20 and country, including the work being done ument. The monument was built in unfrightened souls," the Times quoted 21, is officially described as a scientific- at the institute on "long-term social memory of the victims of the 1970 him as saying. practical session on questions of the prognoses." shootings during the food protests in development of sociological research, Other speakers included G. N. the Baltic seaport. and brought together Communist Enukidze, the ideological secretary of Behind Mr. Walesa, in the worst Party, government and academic the Georgian party, who discussed the violence in Gdansk in more than seven Polish trade unionist figures from Moscow and various work of the aforementioned public months, several people in the crowd republics. opinion center of the Georgian Central were beaten by policemen who charged wants political role The renewed interest in sociology as a Committee, and Zh. T. Toshchenko, into the throng, the Times said, citing working tool in the hanus. of head of the Department of Ideological eyewitnesses. WARSAW - Bogdan Lis, a leader policymakers has its'immediate origins Work of the Academy of Social The witnesses said at least a dozen of the outlawed Solidarity trade union, in the plenum of the Central Committee Sciences of the CPSU Central'Commit- people were detained. The official said on December 9 that he wanted a of the Communist Party of the Soviet tee, who. focused attention on Polish press agency said "the most political role in Poland's future and Union that was held in June 1983.
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