![Text and Translation](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
TEXT AND TRANSLATION ~ _5) _5) ,,, .,.,.., / 9 6/J 11 //1 ? 4-?? ~ 'E!l)< ./VVJ ß/ q #-#J::z__ ~.)/ ~r~~1:· "(% ~~~ /»? ~~i~~~~?!j' /1/Y} ~·~ -Y,) A:-1 "? d\4 t'LO ~' 'gL_ c.;. /VI rM YJ?J N;!{ f4.7f!/r»? M ~ -n \ /VYJ" ~--" ~ ,q.-N(__ cp \ . c #: .\ ~ IM"'? ß-1-1 ~ rq "} ;<(~· ~' /W? 7 7~/»1;:'7~ t;l t"l ' / nlf-.... / lvYJ -r/'.<7 ~ l:lj 1 %l\:__ ~7 -?~ ~~ 1~''t,~ ~~tm44$' ~ q #"() "7 ~ nJ1' ~. Z()? :J...;z_ ~ 7 .. h'J.r. n U L.'J ~ -::}~ hJ1 ~ 1 ~-- >l:lj IV'YJ -M 4n? ~ ~ #\1, Y/ N ~l"l­ W' ~--:-/ ~ "7' J~k'r. ' :>'1 dJ) 4. ?/ "'Y1 ~ ~ /D} "'YJ ~ d~1 , /~ I '-i ~ · ,.,." am ~"""·~ ~' 7""'' // (.;,_ ~ ' #-1 1{.-;jCJ /D) 7J ;YJ1 10J -n~- ß'-<77 ~&tm'JI'~ c.ljlff/.t?'Y~'1! ~. ~<l ~ -"! t /1-(J /!:"4 ~ ~ 17\ /VJ1 -rflj r.7 //WJ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~- ~ ~-:'( 4n'J tVYJ . '--·· G ~/ 17 ~ 4 ft? q-/4v? /1?'J·-YJ, LI~ M,$j~~-.,,~~e3 ( ~ Facsimile of stanzas 1-2 of Canto I from Ms. A ( [R C'l I -~~QM~.,~~ltlll~ir..l~ ID~1ftlllla-. t.M\5\_\,IfliiPII~;,ItQII, i~_-1J:1~~,,~~~~ ~~u~.,~t~1~"\~öl~ ,"SlliQI\ 1 Vlli-'IKI~-IKI.-I~":J"JCVI~ ~~WII" Kl ~ta,~ lllll<ll-i\·, PI., ~j\~nin44leuO,~l~ Ul'Yl D ~·~~Er U~JA~6Ul ~ .,~ ( 't.& U ~ l ~~~riU~®ftO<ln;1 lltlll\ttQ .-..G~~~1(} 11>1J~la:a&""'''' ~~n~ a "' .R) D Q _ Qlb. ~~tM~\~ ~ ~ ~, ~~t:llö­ ltO--lt&DIUI-1 ~-. n "ln 11-11....1\ • ~ r.u ~ t;j ~ ·-aclct~~.Ll\,11~--'\'=:otO :>< ,... , -..:~~ ,;t,.'l, 1'-'ii: >-l > Ull\ Ql)q \ 0 z "lll11tud-11~·rR'11;~~/ u ftol1 » Kl~ ~'Il ~ ~ ~~ I:) Q- q C\ _ q \JI c::-. D >-l '1t.Q1&~,RQ1~~-,~IlllQj~ 1.~1RlLllli1P1{~~~\'~1~:a'~ ~z g Ul 'j~Ultl\IIVIIKli-GIIl3ßQ!.)&I ~ usiüi:R Rrul Q ~~ '-1'11 r:l lQ)L ~r:IIMII, lbll RU s ~1&~1~a~~~r(fu-~~ D--A~~~,;,i~Q{~t~ ~ IWI Cl \~'tjiLQ 1011~ IUliiiZOI ~aul t..n\ ~ ~, :rQ1~"IlGQ---A ~, (}~ ~ C\ ~ q . o ~~!lllrl,t.-HJIIP., ~~~~\lllll~t tq~~-,ID-\Ciai~~\~VIOS>A~ rm C\ a u !. <) ... I Ia) \ t:ln{~ ~ ~ ~ ol )_Ct 11K,11\ ln3l IZll 1_bi_(l\"»IIS>II~Il.Cl~\fQ ~~ III>Qiflii---"'GI ~ ~- ~· ~ ;i~l-~'~,~~ö1&~~l L\lNiq~0~1J".QQ1~,~~ ~ 1~4 114P lllS1lll<l~O-.\ 11<111~9 0~ lrsl c, I q. cveJ Cf U a 1-ä-GllnA1 , ~-*\,eq 1"~<M~d-1~lO,~~, ll:li,~,Ulii~DTJ~ß-114~ l~ ä 0\ (.Tl Facsimile of stanzas 1-4 of Canto XII from Ms. E SERAT CABOLEK J?anf!arJgula PUPUH I CANTO I 1 Wuryanil} sarkara manulad sri The beginning [of this poem] is in pinanduk il} reh al}kara cipta IJanf!arJgula; it sets a good example di­ karti sampeka pafi jore * rected against evil conduct and thoughts I jujur tyas katelafijur. [against] the extollment of treacherous Pal}ajarin pakarti kontit behaviour I [against) honest hearts which tan tatal tinatula * have become reckless. I Teaching leading katalike13 kalbu to deficient conduct I has been followed kombul kabul i13 isti jrat. without evidence, I this is apparent from kombul kabul i13 isti jrat. * the hearts [of its disciples] I who have arah i13 bumi Tuban [ makin * accepted and revered deception. I The story concerns Haji Amad Mutamakin I from the region of Tuban 2 amec;larken kawruhe kal} gaib who disclosed esoteric knowledge / and ambuka rarasanil} l}elmu kak revealed the secrets of the Science of a13ukuhi kakekate Reality I holding firm to the l;ta~'i~a I buwa!J sari[Jatipun. * [ while] re jecting the shan:ca. / Yet be­ Pan sarake den-orak-arik cause he repudiated the Law I [his un­ saru sruh kawal}uran; derstanding of l;ta~'i~a] became improper, warana blinawur confused and defiled; I the veil [con­ sebit wiwara kaweran, * cealing those secrets] was twisted I rent, awurahan kentar kontap i13 nagari perforated [and) rolled up, I [and so] pakarti reh tan yogya. there spread violently through the coun­ try I improper conduct. 3 Kawaureren i13 tekad tan mirid His audacity in his conviction was sirna senenil} janma utama without restraint I eminent people lost sasat kemat pal}ambile. * their distinction I like magic was his Ambabarken takabur power to entice [them]. I His arrogance peksi birat barata yogi increased I as he violently abandoned the gagal tyas kateragal. ascetic life, I his heart was cautionless and Denfiambeg gul-agul * hasty. I Because of his arrogance I he gigal pul}gel kawatgata. * feil head foremost and was overtaken by Paguti13 reh sa13 nata kalulun lilih misfortune. I At last, the king was per­ masalah i13 pal}ulah. suaded [ to intervene] I [to attempt] to settle the question in dispute. TEXT AND TRANSLATION 67 4 Destun setan sarat saji-saji * Even devils brought offerings I for [ this] sarjana tan sujana sinedya learned man without character I who led mikena pasamohane his community astray I whose words were kewala les i13 wuwus completely empty, I whose heart was weak i13 tyasira tipis kawi13kis. and faint. / His skill in propounding Makire ri13 rarasan * mystical knowledge I captured the sym­ a13irup raras rum pathy [of many] , I indeed his wish was kayunfia keh kilayuwa. * to bewitch many. I At first his Science Mula-mula J3elmune ma~Jka was just a pretence I but later it actually malah ulah mamala [ling-aling caused evil, 5 tuhu nahen gurnita kariris [ and] indeed the following was on every­ wus kajinis i13 eblis sawelas one's lips: I there were eleven people tan subasita sebute reckoned as devils I whose speech was i13 musibat sabitun. reckless I [ and who were] in constant Wonten hujah ka13 dadi warti * calamity. I So there was a story which J3ulami tanah Jawa became celebrated I about this cu[amä' of i13 nalikanipun Java I [who lived] during the time of I je13 Sunan Prabu Ma13kurat. the honourable Sunan Prabu Ma1jkurat. I Awit dadya rarasan ambabayani The reason people discussed him was be­ sagu13 ka13 pra J3ulama. cause he endangered I the entire body of cu[amä'. 6 8eliri13an rarasan i13 13elmi His teaching of mystical knowledge which deni13 takluk i13 kodrat iradat was heterodox I because [he claimed to ka13 dadya wit parbutane. be] subject to the Divine Power and Asru asora saru Will, / was the cause of the dispute. / tanpa wekas tekad wina!Jkid Persistently, loudly and coarsely I he temah cacad-cinacad expounded his conviction unceasingly / ajuwet kabacut. which resulted in mutual recrimination I Pasisir wetan oteran * and this became serious [and] extreme. I tanah Tuban Kaji Amad Muta- The East Coast [of Java] was in com­ dadya lawani13 katah [ makin motion I andin the region of Tuban Haji Amad Mutamakin I became the opponent of many 7 sora saru i13 sare!Jat Nabi. [because] he treated coarsely the Law of l13 Cebolek pa<;lusunan Tuban the Prophet. I I t was in Cabolek, a village ka13 dadi lok lalakone. * of Tuban, I that his conduct became Ginereg ginarumu13 notorious. I He was attacked and counter­ deni13 para 13alim pasisir: ed I by the cu[amä' of the coastal region, I 'Aja a13rusak sarak [ who said] : 'Do not repudiate the Law I duraka i13 ratu; for this is treason against the king; I truly pan ratu wenaiJ aniksa * the king has authority to punish, I since 68 THE BOOK OF CABOLEK wus mina13ka badal sa13 nayake13 he is the representative of the greatest man babaya it} ubaya.' [bumi on earth [the Prophet], I [whoever] endanger his authority.' 8 Na13i'3 sira Kaji Mutamakin However Haji Mutamakin was I un­ datan keguh ape!Jkuh agagah shaken, resolute [and] courageous; I he tan sumi13gah pakewuhe did not flee from danger I but dared to wani t}urebi kukum. face the punishment. I Many attempted Akeh 13ukih bakuh tan 13okih to persuade [him], [but] he did not katah !Julama prapta waver; I and many cu[amä' came I to i!Jka!J apitutur. offer him advice. / Yet he still continued Malah at}i!Ju sre!Jgala to breed dogs I from Kudus twelve in asu Kudus rolas la!Jku!J ge13 ka13 number, the biggest of them I named i13aran Abdul Kahar. [siji c Abdu'l-}$:ahhär. 9 Papat asu kikik cilik-cilik He had four pups I the leader of which I pat}arepe 'su kikik satu13gal was called :f$:amaru'l-Din. I Extremely pun Kamarodin namane. arrogant I was Haji Amad Mutamakin. I Kala1Jkul) kumalu1Jku1J The cu[amä' agreed I [ that the matter] Kaji Amad Ki Mutamakin. should be communicated I to His Royal Wus rembag pra !Julama Highness the King, I since he [Muta­ pantes katuripun makin] did not want to be advised I he i13 kaiJjelJ sri maharaja, was despising the State. i13 katoge tan kena den-pituturi majanani nagara. 10 Sagu13 para IJulama pasisir All the cuzamä' from the coastal region I c;li13inaken iber-iber layal) * sent a circular letter I to all the cuzamä' I mri13 para l)ulama kabeh of Paja!J, Mataram, Kec;lu 1 Pagelen and PajalJ Mantaram Kec;lu the Maficanagara I together with the i!J Pagelen Maficanagari transcripts. I In their view I the con­ sarta kal) nunukilan. viction which Cabolek firmly held I 113 pa!Ja!Jgepipun resided in his claim to be the Reality that i13 tekad kaiJ il)anc;leman is Mul).ammad, I and [he] would dare to Ki Cebolek, !Jaku Muhamad face punishment. wani yen den-ukuma. [hakiki 11 Duk semana bugal mri'3 nagari At the time that [ the cuzaniä'] set out dadya kontrag pasisir sadaya for the capital I the whole coastal region pra 13ulama kerig kabeh.
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