Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences library. Beverly Hills, Calif. of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences NUMBER 7 FALL,1974 HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. AcademyNames Theater For Samuel Goldwyn The Board of Governors of the Acad­ emy has voted to honor veteran filmmaker Samuel Goldwyn by nam­ ing the 1100-seat theater in its new building in his honor. Samuel Goldwyn, Jr., speaking on behalf of his mother and the Samuel Goldwyn Foundation, responded to the action by announcing, "We are honored that the Academy has cho­ sen to name its new theater for my father. He always believed in the future of the motion picture industry The seven·story building rising on the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Almont Drive in Beverly s and the role of the Academy in that is no longer just an architectural sketch nor a scale·size model. Academy President Walter Mirisch (left), recently guided Samuel Goldwyn, Jr. on a tour of the new Academy headquarters. The theater in future. And as tangible evidence of the new building will be named in honor of filmmaker Samuel Goldwyn. that belief, the Samuel Goldwyn Foundation will make a gift of $750,- 000 to the Academy Foundation." Fall Retrospective Series Features Samuel Goldwyn (1882-1974) was born in Warsaw, Poland. He emi­ grated to the United States at the 'Best Performance' Award Winners age of 13. His career in film began On November 4, the Academy's fall The international character of mo­ with "The Squaw Man," in 1914. retrospective began with a pair of tion pictures is just as apparent in Between that and his final film, films in which Ingrid Bergman and screen acting as it is in all other "Porgy and Bess" (1959), Goldwyn Charles Laughton gave "Best Per­ aspects of movie making. Nearly half made more than 80 films, including formances." Actors associated with of those who have won acting awards such classics as "Arrowsm ith," "The productions introduced their films have been born abroad. Miss Berg­ Dark Angel," "Barbary Coast," and discussed them afterwards. man, for example, was born in Stock­ "Dodsworth," "The Hurricane," The Actors Branch of the Academy holm and entered the Royal Dramatic "Dead End," "Stella Dallas," "The was the first of the branches to be Theater there at sixteen. David O. Cowboy and the Lady," "Wuthering formed in 1927. Conrad Nagel Selznick brought her to Hollywood Heights," "The Westerner," "The chaired the Branch meetings, and after seeing her in the original, Little Foxes," "The Pride of the Yan­ Douglas Fairbanks was elected the Swedish version of "Intermezzo." kees," "The North Star," "Up in first President of the Academy. Soon she was in great demand and Arms," "The Best Years of Our The upcoming retrospective will has remained so to this very day. Lives," "The Bishop's Wife," "My focus on the art of screen acting and, The same is true, of course, for the Foolish Heart," "Hans Christian through program notes and the com­ performance Charles Laughton gave Andersen" and "Guys and Dolls." ments of actors introducing and dis­ in "The Private Life of Henry VIII." Actors, writers, directors, photo­ cussing films in the series, the unique The idea of so weighty a historical graphers, designers, musicians and nature of acting for the screen will figure being played for broad come- technicians working with Goldwyn be examined. Continued on page 4 Continued on page 2 Second Annual Student Film Awards Technical Achievements Competition Details Announced Considered for Awards Sixteen technical achievements of Enthusiastic response to the Acad­ the past year have been selected for emy's First Student Film Awards from the 47th Annual Academy Awards all parts of the country has encour­ consideration, announced Wilton R. aged the Board of Governors to Holm, Chairman of the Academy approve plans for a second competi­ Scientific or Technical Awards Com­ tion. However, suggestions received mittee. from the ten regional coordinators Meetings and demonstrations to indicate that the Awards will allow evaluate the achievements are now for even greater student participa­ in progress, with a final meeting tion if they are scheduled at the end scheduled for November to deter­ of the production year which, for mine which of the achievements the most students, means late spring. committee will recommend to the Detailed announcements of the Board of Governors for Awards re­ Second Annual Student Film Awards cognition. will be available in February and the Under Academy policy, the fol­ deadline for submission throughout lowing list of achievements is publi­ the country is May 1, 1975. Any film cized to permit those with claims of in 16mm gauge or higher which is prior invention or with devices simi­ completed after October, 1973, the larto those under consideration to deadline for the First Awards, will be advise the Academy: Jack Lemmon speaks to an excited winner from eligible. The rules for the Second last year's Student Fi lm Awa rds competition. Th e Scoring Console System, Quad­ Awards are essentially the same as Regiona l Ce nters recei ved more t ha n 300 ent ries. Eight Sound Corporation and The they were for the First Awards. Burbank Studios; Scoring Console The first competition, held in No­ library Subscribes to FIAF System, Glen Glenn Sound Com­ vember of 1973, drew more than pany; Dubbing Console, Quad-Eight The Margaret Herrick Library has three hundred entries to the Re­ Sound Corporation and Samuel subscribed to the International Fed­ gional Centers. Thirty-seven regional Goldwyn Studios; DubbingConsole, eration of Film Archives' periodical Glen Glenn Sound Company; Dub­ winners were sent to the Academy indexing . service, according to Li­ bing Console, Quad-Eight Sound for final judging in December of brarian Mildred Simpson. Corporation and The Burbank Stu­ 1973, fifteen of these were nomi­ The service provides prepared dios; Computerized Tape Punching nated, and four Awards were pre­ subject index cards to a list of 32 of System, Carter Equipment; HFCTape sented. A photo of the Award Tro­ the most important film periodicals, Preparation System, Hollywood Film phy, designed by Saul Bass and all of which are received by the Li­ Company; and Bell & Howell Tape Associates, will appear in a future brary. Information is supplied by Preparation System, Bell & Howell. issue of the Bulletin. cooperating member institutions, Conti nued on page 6 As before, students are invited to edited and duplicated centrally, and compete in five categories: Dramat­ distributed to subscribers, arriving ic, Documentary, Animated, Experi­ approximately the same time as the current issues of the periodicals. mental, and "Special," this last cate­ Subscribing to the FIAF service Goldwyn Theater. .. gory being reserved for exceptional means that very little original index­ Continued from page 1 films not easily classified in the first ing needs to be done in the Library, received 117 Academy Award Nom­ four categories. Incidentally, Bob freeing Academy staff to assist w ith inations and 19 Academy Awards. Dahlin's film, "Norman Nurdelpick's the ever-increasing numbers of visi­ Suspension: A Tribute to Alfred tors, callers, and correspondents. Goldwyn won an Oscar himself as Hitchcock," recently enjoyed a long Membership in FIAF is limited to producer of "The Best Years of Our theatrical run at the Los Feliz Theatre institutions or organizations wh'kh Lives" (1946). in Los Angeles. This "Special Jury collect and preserve films, but any He was also honored by the Acad­ Award Winner" was featured on the individual or institution may sub­ emy with two special awards, the same bill with another Academy scribe to the indexing service. Con­ Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award Award Winner, Francois Truffaut's tact the Margaret Herrick Library for in 1946 and the Jean Hersholt Hu­ "Day for Night." further information. manitarian Award in 1957. Page Two Book Review Message from the President I(anin Examines acoustics, technical engineering and equipment will allow us to screen films made in almost every dimen­ Film Industry sion. Mr. Goldwyn would have liked By Sidney Ganis that. He was a perfectionist, and he "Long careers are interesting careers, would have wanted any theater especially in the film business," named for him to be the very best. writes Garson Kanin who has cer­ The Academy is a professional tainly had one of the longest and association looking toward the fu­ most interesting of them all as evi­ ture of our industry. We believe in denced in his newest book 'HOLLY­ fostering the interest of young peo­ WOOD: Stars and Starlets, Tycoons Wa lter Mirisch ple in the industry, in recognizing and Flesh-Peddlers, Moviemakers, the achievements of the newcomer and Moneymakers, Frauds and Ge­ Among all the hundreds of people as well as the old pro, in advancing niuses, Hopefuls and Has-Beens, who have left significant marks on the future of film, not just memo­ Great Lovers and Sex Symbols', a the motion picture industry, few rializing its past. But at the same fascinating and affectionate look at have enjoyed careers as distin­ time, we want to be sure that our Hollywood as seen through the eyes guished, as honored or as lengthy past is not forgotten. of one of this town's most prolific as Samuel Goldwyn. And one of the most important citizens. There is no need for me to praise names in that past is Samuel Gold­ Kanin arrived in Hollywood at the him here; his screen achievements wyn. age of 24 and was hired by Samuel and his contributions to this industry Goldwyn as an assistant whose job speak for themselves. It is certainly it was to " Iearn the business." From most appropriate that the theater in this vantage point he became privy our new building be named The Awards Timetable Announced to Hollywood in its heyday, a mag­ Samuel Goldwyn Theater, but I The following timetable for the 47th ical era of movie stars, movie moguls must also admit to a personal satis­ Annual Academy Awards has been and movie madness.
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