MULTI-FUNCTIONAL BUILDINGS OF THE T-TYPE IN OTTOMAN CONTEXT: A NETWORK OF IDENTITY AND TERRITORIALIZATION A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY ZEYNEP OĞUZ IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE AUGUST 2006 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Sencer Ayata Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science/Arts / Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Dr. Suna Güven Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts. Asst. Prof. Dr. Elvan Altan Ergut Supervisor Examining Committee Members Inst. Dr. Namık Erkal (METU, AH) Asst. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Yürekli Görkay (TOBB ETÜ) Asst. Prof. Dr. Elvan Altan Ergut (METU, AH) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Zeynep Oğuz iii ABSTRACT MULTI-FUNCTIONAL BUILDINGS OF THE T-TYPE IN OTTOMAN CONTEXT: A NETWORK OF IDENTITY AND TERRITORIALIZATION Oğuz, Zeynep M.A., Department of History of Architecture Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Elvan Altan Ergut August 2006, 125 pages This thesis focuses on the Ottoman buildings with a T-shaped plan and their meanings with respect to the central and centrifugal tendencies in the Ottoman context in the fourteenth, fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. The emergence of the multi-functional buildings of the T-type in the Ottoman realm is simultaneous with the burgeoning of a state in the early Ottoman frontier milieu, which is profoundly intermingled with the notion of gaza; whereas the demise of the use of the T-plan is coincident with the transformation of the Ottoman State into an empire. The tension between the centralization of the Ottoman State and the peripheral forces counteracting it is operative in the social as well as territorial repercussions inherent in the network of T-type patronage. In this respect, the thesis concentrates on the network engendered by the variations in the layouts of these buildings vis-à- vis their geographical distribution and the identity of their patrons. Doing so, it is aimed not only to trace the claims to power expressed in diverse modes, but also to unveil the motive of the changes in the plan scheme and its halt in the sixteenth century. Keywords: network, frontier, heterodoxy, identity, territory, centralization, state iv ÖZ OSMANLI BAĞLAMINDA T-TİPİ ÇOK İŞLEVLİ BİNALAR: BİR KİMLİK VE YURTLAŞTIRMA AĞI Oğuz, Zeynep Yüksek Lisans, Mimarlık Tarihi Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Elvan Altan Ergut Ağustos 2006, 125 sayfa Bu tez, T-biçimli planları olan Osmanlı binaları ile bunların anlamlarını, ondört, onbeş ve erken onaltıncı yüzyıllardaki Osmanlı bağlamında, merkezil ve merkezkaç eğilimleri göz önünde bulundurarak ele almaktadır. Çok-işlevli T-tipi binaların Osmanlı topraklarında ortaya çıkışı, gaza fikriyatı ile harmanlanmış erken Osmanlı sınır kültüründe bir devlet oluşumu başlangıcıyla eş zamanlı iken; T-plan kullanımının ortadan kalkışı, Osmanlı Devletinin bir imparatorluğa dönüştüğü döneme denk düşmektedir. Osmanlı Devleti ile, beraberinde getirdiği, çepere dair güçler arasındaki gerilim, T-tipi bina hamiliğinin hem sosyal hem de yer tutmaya ilişkin etkilerinde belirleyicidir. Bu açıdan tez, bu binaların yerleşimlerinde, coğrafi dağılım ve hami kimliklerine göre ortaya çıkan çeşitlenmelerin oluşturduğu ağa odaklanmaktadır. Böylelikle, yalnizca türlü biçemlerde ifade edilen güç iddiasının izini sürmek değil, aynı zamanda planın şemasındaki değişiklikler ile onaltıncı yüzyıldaki yok oluşunun ardındaki nedenin ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: ağ, sınır, heterodoksluk, kimlik, yurt, merkezileşme, devlet v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would first like to thank my thesis supervisor Asst. Dr. Elvan Altan Ergut for her support and encouragement throughout this study; I have been greatly helped by her confidence in and endurance with me. I am also grateful to my jury members Asst. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Yürekli Görkay and Inst. Dr. Namık Erkal for their valuable contributions; they have both been more than jury members for this thesis. Zeynep Yürekli Görkay’s erudition and interest in my topic, has been a constant source of motivation not only for this thesis, but also for my interest in the history of Ottoman culture in general. Namık Erkal’s immense enthusiasm for diverse areas of scholarship and insightful teaching provided me with inspiration and made it a pleasure to learn from him. Several other scholars contributed, if not directly to this thesis, to my academic fervor in general. Among them, I am particularly indebted to Murat Uluğtekin, who has been an invaluable source of knowledge for Ottoman Turkish. I am also indebted to Prof. Dr. Ünal Nalbantoğlu, who provided the example of a perfect teacher distinguished by dedicated scholarship combined with humane kindness. Asst. Prof Ömür Harmanşah inaugurated the initial urge for me to be interest in the history of Ottoman architecture with his solicitous advices. I am also grateful to my dear friends Ekin Pınar and Deniz Okten for not only filling my years throughout this entire process with joy, but also for helping me with the technical obstacles. Deniz Okten offered me grand support in the reconfiguration of the maps. I would like to thank Luka Lucic, who cared for and supported me, engaged in long discussions about the topic of this thesis, and shared his intellectual zeal with me. And last but not least, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my parents for their moral support, encouragement and patience. vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Maps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11 traced onto Pitcher, Donald Edgar. An Historical Geography of the Ottoman Empire, Leiden: E.J.Brill,1972. 8 and10 traced onto Necipoğlu, Gülru. The Age of Sinan: Architectural Culture in the Ottoman Empire, London: Reaktion Press, 2005. Map 1. The reign of Orhan (r. 1324-1362)……………………………………….…30 Map 2. The Reign of Murad I (Hüdavendigar) (r. 1362-1389)………………….….38 Map 3. The Reign of Bayezid I (Yıldırım –the thunderbolt) (r. 13891402)………..49 Map 4. T-type Buildings Constructed by the End of the Reign of Bayezid I………50 Map 5. Interregnum (1402-1413)……………………………………………….…..58 Map 6. The Reigns of Mehmed I (Çelebi or Kyritzes) (r. 1413-1421) and Murad II (r. 1421-1444/1446-1451)……………………………………………………….….71 Map 7. The Reign of Mehmed II (r. 1444-1446/1451-1481)…………………….…86 Map 8. Interregnum and the Reigns of Mehmed I - Murad II - Mehmed II………..87 Map 9. The Reign of Bayezid II (r. 1481-1512)…………………………………...101 Map 10. The Reigns of Bayezid II – Selim I – Süleyman…………………………102 Map 11. All of T-type Buildings Constructed by the End of the Reign of Süleyman (the Magnificent, Kanuni or the Lawgiver) (r. 1520-1566)……………………….103 vii Figures All of the figures are taken from Doğan, Ahmet Işık. Osmanlı mimarisinde Tarikat Yapıları: Tekkeler, Zaviyeler ve Benzer Nitelikteki Fütüvvet Yapıları, İstanbul, 1977.) Figure 1. İsmail Bey – Kastamonu (1454), Figure 2. Yakub Çelebi – Kütahya (1411) .......................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 3. Firuz Bey – Milas, Muğla (1394) ................................................................ 15 Figure 4. Postinpuş Baba –Yenişehir, Bursa (prior to 1348), Figure 5. Orhan İmareti – Old Town Center, Bilecik (1335-1339) ................................................................... 22 Figure 6. Orhan İmareti –Outside the city walls İznik (1335), Figure 7. Orhan İmareti- Taşkapı, Bursa (1339/13340) ........................................................................ 25 Figure 8. Yakub Çelebi Zaviyesi- İznik (early fourteenth century), Figure 9. Nilüfer Hatun İmareti –İznik (1388) ....................................................................................... 31 Figure 10. Murad I (Hüdavendigar) İmareti- Çekirge, Bursa (1366-1385) ................ 35 Figure 11. Yıldrım (Bayezid) İmareti- outskirts, Bursa (1390s), Figure 12. Ali Paşa - Bursa (d. 1394)............................................................................................................ 43 Figure 13. Timurtaş Paşa – Bursa (1404), Figure 14. Firuz Bey – Milas, Muğla (1394) .......................................................................................................................... 44 Figure 15. Yukarı Cami – Kurşunlu, İnegöl (late fourteenth century), Figure 16. Yıldırım - Balıkesir (late fourteenth century) ............................................................. 47 Figure 17. Yıldırım - Edirne (Adrianople) (1389 -1402)............................................ 48 Figure 18. Hamza Bey - Tokat (1411), Figure 19. Yakub Çelebi - Kütahya (1411) . 54 Figure 20. Horozlu İmaret – Tokat (early fifteenth century), Figure 21. Yeşil İmaret- Bursa (1420)................................................................................................................ 55 Figure 22. Bayezid Paşa - Amasya (d. 1414–1419).................................................... 57 Figure 23. Muradiye – Bursa (1425/1426), Figure 24. Muradiye - Edirne (1435/47) 60 Figure 25. Gazi Mihal – Edirne (1422), Figure 26.
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