2011 – 2012 WORK PRIORITIES GOVERNANCE THE CLUB AT A GLANCE SAHEL AND WEST AFRICA Club he Strategy and Policy Group (SPG) brings together Club Members twice a year Secretariat 1973. Extreme drought in the Sahel; creation of the “Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Food security: West African Futures Tto defi ne the Club’s work priorities and approve the programme of work and Control in the Sahel” (CILSS). The Club’s work focuses on settlement trends and market dynamics, analysing how budget as well as activity and fi nancial reports. Members also ensure the Club’s these two factors impact agricultural activities and food security conditions in smooth functioning through their fi nancial contributions (minimum contribution 1976. Creation of the “Club du Sahel” at the initiative of CILSS and some OECD member countries aiming West Africa. Building on a literature review and analyses of existing information, agreed upon by consensus) and designate the Club President. The position is at mobilising the international community in support of the Sahel. it questions the coherence of data currently used for policy and strategy design. It currently held by Mr. François-Xavier de Donnea, Belgian Minister of State. Under Secrétariat du also highlights the diffi culty of cross-country comparisons, which explains why the management structure of the OECD Secretariat for Global Relations, the SWAC THE SAHEL 1984. Another devastating drought; creation of the “Food Crisis Prevention Network” (RPCA) at the DU SAHEL ET DE it is almost impossible to construct a precise description of regional food security Secretariat is in charge of implementing the work programme. It organises and Club L'AFRIQUE DE L'OU EST initiative of CILSS and the Club. issues. A comparative analysis of past food security trends in West Africa and facilitates the Club Forums, Working Groups and other meetings that capitalise AND WEST South-East Asia complements this work. A second phase concentrates on building on the experiences and viewpoints of Members as well as West African socio- 1990. Adoption of the “Food Aid Charter” by Sahelian countries. a prospective vision to help develop effective regional policies and support tools. A professional and civil society organisations, relevant OECD Directorates, experts, Working Group comprised of key stakeholders is at the centre of the entire process. and representatives from other regions of the world. AFRICA CLUB 1994. Release of the West African Long-Term Perspective Study (WALTPS), “Preparing for the Future: a vision of West Africa in the year 2020”. Food crisis prevention and management WORKING TOGETHER FOR REGIONAL INTEGRATION 1997. Adoption of the Banjul Memorandum by the Sahelian Heads of State for more effective aid. Within the framework of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA) and under PUBLICATIONS the auspices of ECOWAS, the CILSS and the SWAC Secretariat facilitate a dialogue > www.oecd.org/swac/publications 2000. Creation of the Network of Farmer Organisations and Agricultural Producers of West Africa. Belgium: Ministry of Foreign process on the adoption of the new “Charter for Food Crisis Prevention and he Sahel and West Africa Club is Affairs, Foreign Trade and Management.” This code of good conduct notably includes a peer review mechanism West African Studies West African Futures Ta group of West African regional Development Cooperation 2001. Expansion of the Club’s geographic coverage to all of West for monitoring the effective implementation of the Charter. Moreover, CILSS and An OECD book Documents and notes organisations, countries and inter- Africa. the SWAC Secretariat provide support for an ECOWAS/UEMOA initiative aimed series analysing West highlighting fi ndings national organisations that work ECOWAS: Commission of the at setting-up a regional network of national food security stocks. Capitalizing African development of the Club’s work on together towards the development Economic Community of West 2005. Support for the elaboration of the ECOWAS African States on its position within the OECD, the SWAC Secretariat also promotes issues from a regional settlement, market and integration of the West African Common Agricultural Policy (ECOWAP). this initiative by emphasizing West African concerns within the G20. perspective. and food security. region. The Club’s mission is to pool CILSS: Secretariat of the together Members’ experiences, ideas Permanent Inter-State Committee 2006. Launch of the ECOWAS Cross-border for Drought Control in the Sahel Energy and perspectives to help build more Initiatives Programme (CIP), conceived on the West African Challenges NewsBriefs effective regional policies. Drawing basis of Club work. France: Ministry of Foreign and The primary work objective is to develop a common vision (ECOWAS/ Syntheses of the A weekly press on factual studies and independent European Affairs UEMOA/CILSS) for the renewable energy sector and policy tools. state of the debate review monitoring analyses, the Club devises strategic 2007. Support for the ECOWAS Bringing together key stakeholders, including the ECOWAS addressing various regional trends in guidelines and policy tools for Germany: Federal Ministry Commission in drawing up its “Strategic Regional Centre for Regional Energy and Energy Effi ciency development West Africa. Members and other stakeholders. for Economic Cooperation and Vision for 2020”. (ECREEE), SWAC work draws particularly on lessons from challenges. Development (BMZ) Brazil’s bioenergy experience and OECD work on “green growth.” The Club is also a space for policy Luxembourg: 2008. Support for the setting-up of the dialogue. As a member of the OECD Ministry of Foreign Affairs ECOWAS Early Warning and Response Subscribe to the SWAC newsletter to keep informed: www.oecd.org/swac/newsletter Development Cluster, the SWAC Secre- Network for Confl ict Prevention (ECOWARN). Security and development tariat contributes to the work of the Netherlands (The): Ministry of The increase in instability and the hybridization of traffi cking and Organisation and ensures that West Foreign Affairs ASSISES 2010 2008. Support for the elaboration of the violence call for policies that link security and development. The SAHEL AND African concerns and initiatives are ECOWAS “Common Approach on Migration”. WEST AFRICA Switzerland: Federal Department underlying dynamics can no longer be confi ned to the West African Club taken into account in global debates, Aide-mémoireof Foreign Affairs region. Through a regional analysis of recent tensions, the SWAC Secretariat particularly those on food, energy and 2008/2009. Support for the ECOWAP “Regional Secretariat aims at promoting dialogue and improving the under- security issues. AUEMOA: une semaine Commission de la tenue of theà New West York de la réunion à hautAgricultural niveau sur laInvestment réalisation Programme”.des African Economic and Monetary standing of West African security issues in relation to Africa and OECD objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement (OMD), l’édition 2010 des Assises de la © SWAC/OECD, October 2011. Postal address SWAC/OECD Union member countries. Drawing on diverse expertise, it analyses how links between 2, rue André Pascal Coopération luxembourgeoise ne peut pas faire l’impasse2009. sur Supportcet exercice in defi de ning bilan strategic guidelines for the development security and development are refl ected in regional and international policies. F-75775 Paris, Cedex 16 intermédiaire,United States: à deux U.S. tiersAgency du cheminfor entre 2000, année d’adoptionof the livestock des OMD, sector et 2015, within UEMOA and ECOWAS. Secrétariat du O f fi c e Le Seine Saint-Germain rendez-vousInternational pris Development pour leur mise en œuvre. Après tout, dans sa stratégie générale DU SAH EL12, ET bdDE des Iles, building B d’intervention, la Coopération luxembourgeoise place très 2011.haut la Creation priorité d’atteindre of the new les Club; ECOWAS, UEMOA and CILSS become Club Members. L'AFRIQU EF-92130 DE L'OU Issy-les-Moulineaux EST Club OMD. Par ailleurs, elle se donne les moyens financiers et définit ses priorités sectorielles Phone +33 (0)1 45 24 89 87 de sorte à apporter sa part à la réalisation des OMD. En effet,2011. le Adoptionniveau élevé of dethe l’aide “Charter for Food Crisis Prevention and Management”, which covers 17 West Fax +33 (0)1 45 24 90 31 African countries. www.oecd.org/swac E-mail [email protected] publique au développement (APD) du Luxembourg n’a pas été revu à la baisse pour cause de crise économique globale, et les stratégies sectorielles de la Coopération luxembourgeoise visent à faire progresser le développement sur toute l’étendue du front des OMD. Au tout début de cette première décennie du nouveau millénaire la communauté internationale, réunie au plus haut niveau, avait adopté les OMD avec des cibles quantifiées et des indicateurs de mesure. Pour la première fois un agenda consensuel avait pu être défini, avec une clause de rendez-vous sur le long terme, tenant compte du fait que le développement durable est un exercice d’endurance et de longue haleine. Dans la foulée, un consensus avait mené à un autre : le Consensus de Monterrey de 2002 sur le financement du développement, mettant chacun et chacune devant ses responsabilités financières et de gouvernance respectives. Bien sûr que les bailleurs de fonds restent tenus par leur engagement d’une APD de 0,7 pour cent de leur RNB ; mais les ressources nationales, les fruits du commerce extérieur, les investissements étrangers directs
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