FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA Translation Series No. 1290 Practice of fishing and technology of the processing of fish and other marine products. By Bogdanov, D.V., Yu.A. Korzhova, N.P. Kornilov, L.I. Leonova, T.G. Lyubimova, A.L. Obvintsev, E.S. Prosvirov, N.E. Sarnikov, E.S. Terekhov, and N.S. Khromov Original title: Tekhnika lova i tekhnologiya obrabotki ryby i nerybnykh oblektov promysla. Razdel III. From: Mersikanskii Zaliv. (Spravochnoe posobie dlya rabotnikov e rybnoi promyshlennosti). Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatel'- - skii Institut Morskoyo_Rybnogo Khozyaistva i Okeanografii • (VNIRO). Publ. by Izd. "Pishchevaya Promyshlennost'", Moscow, : 135-89, 1967. Translated by the Translation Bureau(HS) Foreign LanguageS Division Department of the Secretary of State of , Canada Fisheries Research Board of Canada Halifax Laboratory Halifax, N.S. 1969 • 111 pages typescript (3 I , DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT TRANSLATION BUREAU : 1›,e•r - BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS FOREIGN LANGUAGES '1d/e»0£ir DIVISION DES LANGUES DIVISION CANADA ÉTRANGÈRES TRANSLATED FROM - TRADUCTION DE INTO - EN Russian English • AUTHOR - AUTEUR D.V. Bogdanov, Yu.A. Koréhova, N.P. Kornilov, T.I. Leonova, T.G. Lyubimova, A.L. Obvintsev, E.S.Prosvirov, N.E. Salinikov, E.S.Terekhov, N.S. Khramov. TITLE IN ENGLISH - TITRE ANGLAIS Practice of fishing and technology of the processing of fish and other marine products. Ti tle. in foreign language (transliterate foreign, characters) Tekhnika lova i tekhnologiya obrabotki ryby i nerybnykh ob'ektov promysla. Razdel III. R EFERENCE. IN FOREIGN I,ANGUAGE (NAME OF BOOK OR PUBLICATION) IN FULL. TRANSLITERATE FOREIGN CHARACTERS. REFÉRENCE EN LANGUE ETRANGERE (NOM DU LIVRE OU PUBLICATION), AU COMPLET. TRANSCRIRE EN CARACTERES PHONETIQUES. Meksikanskii Zaliv (Spravochnae posobie dlya rabotnikov rybnoi pramyshlennosti) e./ REFERENCE IN ENGLISH - RÉFÉRENCE EN ANGLAIS The Gulf of Mexico (A reference text-book for workers of the fish industry) PUBL ISH ER - ÉDITEUR PAGE NUMBERS IN ORIGINAL DATE OF PUBLICATION NUMÉROS DES PAGES DANS Pishchevaya Promyshlennostl DATE DE PUBLICATION L'ORIGINAL 135-188 YEAR ISSUE.NO . VOLUME ANNÉE NUMERO PLACE OF PUBLICATION NUMBER OF TYPED PAGES LIEU DE PUBLICATION NOMBRE DE PAGES 1961 DACTYLOGRAPHIÉES Moecow 111 REQUETING DEPARTMENT Fisheries TRANSLATION BUREAU NO. 7631- _- MIN ISTERE-CLIENT NOTRE DOSSIER N° • BRANCH OR DIVISION • Office of the Editor TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) H. S. DIRECTION OU DIVISION TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) Dr. L.W. Regier, Halifax Lab., PERSON IREQUESTING DATE COMPLETED DEMANDE PAR Halifax, N.S. ACHEVÉ LE YOUR NUMBER 769^.1.814 VOT RE DOSSIER N ° , DATE OF REQUEST 11.3.69 UNEDITED DRAFT TRANSLATION • ' DATE DE LA DEMANDE Only for information TRADUCTION NON RVISEE ; Information seulement •t FLD 69A SO 5-200.10.6 ( R EV. 2/(58) DEPARTMENTOFTHESECRETARYOFSTATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS FOREIGN LANGUAGES DIVISION DIVISION DES LANGUES ÉTRANGÈRES CANADA CITY . VOURNO. DEPARTMENT DIVISION/BRANCH VOTRE N ° wrovrànc DIVISION/DIRECTION VILLE 769-18-14 FisherilUrearch Office of the Editor Ottawa TIALs) DATE OUR NO. LANOUAGIE TRANSLATOR ore NOTRE N ° LANQUE TRADUCTEUR UMTIALES, 7631 Russian H.S. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TNIRO) The Fisheries Research Centre of the National Institute of Fisheries of the Republic of Cuba (Tel). Q - THE GULF OF MEXICO c Z E (A. reference text-book for workers of the fish industry) r Cl) 9 Compiled by: D.V. Rogdanov, Yu.A. Korhove, N.P. Kornilov, L.I. Leonova, T.G. Lyubimova, A.L. Obvintsev, E.S. Prosvirov, N.E. Sallnikov, E.S. Terekhor, N.S. Khromov. fo. 0 Section III Q r.LI H. PRACTICE OF FleBEGAND TECHNOLOGY OF THE PROCESSING OF FISH AIT) OTHER MARINE PRODUCTS. %thee qe Fishing 41 the Gulf of MO23.00 /135 The Gulf of Mexico has a great many shelves in shallow waters with coral colonies, islands, lagoons and the deltas of great and small rivers. This gives a special character to the development of fishing in this area, and explains the use of various fishing gears. On the average, in the Gulf of Mexico the yearly catch of fish and other marine species amounts to approximately 7 million centnere; of this * Revisor's note. One centner equals 100 kilograms': . I • *05-100...10-I'l F--e % "I - 2 - amount more than 6 million centnere are caught by the USA; about 500.000 metric tons by Mexico and approximately the saine amount is harvested by Cuba. In the Gulf of Mexico approximately 32) 000 men are occupied in fishing. Depending on demand for the fish, on fishing seasons etc., re- distribution both of men and of units of the commercial fishing fleet takes place among the different branches of the trade. The fishing industry fleet taking part in commercial fishing in the Gulf of Mexico is very large. The fleet of the USA consists here of around 3500 vessels with displacements of from 5 to 170 tons. Most vessels are in the displacement range of 30 to 70 tons. Apart from this, in the coastal zone, the USA uses 8500 motor boats. The fleet of Mexico has about 750 vessels with displacements of from 5 to 100 tons, and approxi- mately 2500 fishing boats. The Cubans on the Campeche Bank use 5 vessels of the uSRT-R" type, bought from the USSR, and 100 vessels with displa- cements of 50 to 90 tons. Apart from that, in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Mexico 290 vessels are working with displacements of 5 to 50 tons as well as 280 motor boats. So, the total number of the fishing trade vessels is approximately 4500 in addition to about 11000 motor boats. For commercial fishing purposes in the Gulf of Mexico are used: the purse seine, the drag seine, trawls, gill nets,en kinds of hook fishing tackle, fixed trape, drags, traps, meàhanical grabs, lift * Revisor's note. Expands to "medium refrigerator fishing trawler.. ••• 3 I nets, cast and hcisting nets, spears, hooks etc. The significance of each of this kind of fishing gear is shown in Table 7. Purse seines. At the present time they are used exclusively for fishing menhaden-herring (Brevoortia patronus), the annual catch of which amounts to from 4 to 5 million centners: Fishing continues in USA territorial waters from May to September. Usually the fishing occupies 70 to 75 /136 vessels of different tonnage, which playi the role of mother-shipe; as a rule these are vessels with displacements of 200 to 600 tons, and their sPeed is.up to 16 knots. Each vessel has two auxiliary aluminum boats about 11 metres long and 2.6 m. beam, for working with a purse seine. The boats are fitted with 100 horse-power motors and on each of them, or on one of two, are power blocks for heaving the purse seine. In addition there is also a small rowbcat up to 4 m. long. The crew of the vessel numbers 20 to 30 men. For every 5 or 6 vessels there is a reconnaissance plane. When the planes discOver a _school, the vessels having the auxiliary boats on board leave the port. Once on the fishing ground, a small boat with one rawer is lowered to the wster. The man takes a position over the school, indicating the place for launching the purse-seine. Almost all the crew take their places in boats where the net is. The launching of the net is made simultaneously from the two boats, taking one minute. The purse seines are u to 400 m. long and 20 m. high. They are made of cotton or nylon webbing with 18 mm. mesh. * Revisor e s note. A literal rendition of the Russian •••4 pod nemnaya setka, for which no other suitable equivalent is available. -4 The peculiarity of the purse seining technique is the usage of the special weights weighing (by mas)from 300 to 350 kilogrammes with pulleys through which the pull rope is -hauled. During recovery, the weight drops to a depth of 15 to 20 metres. This burden during the haulage of the pulling rope prevents the ends of a net fromrising and also prevents the escape of fish from the encircled space. On the average, catches amount to from 20 to 25 tons, maximum is about 200 t. Usually the emptying of the catch on the vessel is made by a fish pump. Véssels fish for one to two days, because, as a rule, the fishing grounds are not more than 100 miles from the harbours. The total number of fishermen engaged in menhaden fish-trig is usually from 1500 to 1800 men. In Cuba at the present time research is being conducted as to the use of purse seines for sardine and bonito fishing. The sardine shoals are concentrated with the use of light and they are then surrounded by a purse seine of the 400 m. by 75 m. size of 10 millimetre mesh. It is expected that fishing will be carried out on the Campeche Bank. Two vessels work in collaboration when fishing bonito with a purse seine. On board of one of the vessels, liva bait is kept for the purpose of concentrating the fish into a shoal. In order to give the second vessel the opportunity to set the purse seine, the first vessel movas along a circular course (Fig. 35). •••5 -5 Catches amount to approximately 1.5 tons. Fishing by purse seine of the 650 by 80 m. size and of 40 mm. mesh is expected to develop in the coastal waters of Cuba, where hook and line fishing is now used. Drag seines.* In the Gulf of Mexico the yearly catch of fish with the drag seine amounts to approximately 100,000 centners, while the average yearlY2catch by- oneseine is about 500 centners.
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