lllifa Ex Lrauis 3liiralw* (furnlu* (JlnrWrrp THE LIFE OF PHILIP THOMAS HOWARD, O.P., CARDINAL OF NORFOLK. [The Copyright is reserved.] HMif -ft/ tutorvmjuiei. ifway ROMA Pa && Urtts.etOrl,,* awarzK ^n/^^-hi fofmmatafttrpureisJPTUS oJeffe Chori quo lufas mane<tt Ifouigionis THE LIFE OP PHILIP THOMAS HOWAKD, O.P. CARDINAL OF NORFOLK, GRAND ALMONER TO CATHERINE OF BRAGANZA QUEEN-CONSORT OF KING CHARLES II., AND RESTORER OF THE ENGLISH PROVINCE OF FRIAR-PREACHERS OR DOMINICANS. COMPILED FROM ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS. WITH A SKETCH OF THE EISE, MISSIONS, AND INFLUENCE OF THE DOMINICAN OEDEE, AND OF ITS EARLY HISTORY IN ENGLAND, BY FE. C. F, EAYMUND PALMEE, O.P. LONDON: THOMAS KICHAKDSON AND SON; DUBLIN ; AND DERBY. MDCCCLXVII. TO HENRY, DUKE OF NORFOLK, THIS LIFE OF PHILIP THOMAS HOWARD, O.P., CAEDINAL OF NOEFOLK, is AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED IN MEMORY OF THE FAITH AND VIRTUES OF HIS FATHEE, Dominican Priory, Woodchester, Gloucestershire. PREFACE. The following Life has been compiled mainly from original records and documents still preserved in the Archives of the English Province of Friar-Preachers. The work has at least this recommendation, that the matter is entirely new, as the MSS. from which it is taken have hitherto lain in complete obscurity. It is hoped that it will form an interesting addition to the Ecclesiastical History of Eng land. In the acknowledging of great assist ance from several friends, especial thanks are due to Philip H. Howard, Esq., of Corby Castle, who kindly supplied or directed atten tion to much valuable matter, and contributed a short but graphic sketch of the Life of the Cardinal of Norfolk taken by his father the late Henry Howard, Esq., from a MS. in the Library of the Minerva at Rome. C. F. R. P. Vidimus et Approbavimus : Thcol. Lect. F. Vincentius King, Prior, Sac. ; F. V. H. Ferreri, Sacrae Theol. Lect. Attenta relatione duorum Revisorum Ordinis nostri a C. F. nobis designatorum super opus K. P. Fr. Raymundi Palmer, cui titulus: The Life of Philip Thomas Howard, dec. illud typis mandari permittimus. Fn. J. D. AYLWABD, S. Theol. Lect., Praed. Gen., Prior Prov. Ord. Prsed. in Anglia. Die 18 Aprilis, 1867- CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Prefatory remark. I. LIFE OF ST. DOMINIC. Birth. Family. Legends. Holy youth. Priesthood. A canon-regular of St. Augustine. Embassies to Denmark. Albigenses in Languedoc. His first visit to Eome. Preaching in Langue- doc. Success. Nunnery at Prouille. Mission in Langue doc. Crusade against the Albigenses. The Most Holy Rosary. Preaching among the crusaders. English Pilgrims. Foundation of the Order, Second visit to Rome. Name of the Order. F. Lawrence the Englishman. Choice of the Rule. Convent at Toulouse. Third visit to Rome and approval of the Order. Master of the Sacred Palace. Dispersion of the Friars. Fourth visit to Rome. Convent of St. Sextus. Miraculous supply of bread and wine. Foundations in Spain and in France. F. Lawrence. Fifth visit to Rome. Reform of the nuns in Rome. Miraculous restoration of a young man to life. Church of Bamborough in Northumberland. Sister Cicely Cesarini. Nunnery of St. Sextus. Convent of St. Sabina. St. Hyacinth and B. Ceslaus. Spread of the Order. First general chapter. Dominic s preaching in Italy. Militia of Jesus Christ, or Third Order of Penance. Last visit to Rome. Second general chapter : England. Illness and death of St. Domi nic. Canonization and festival II. MISSIONART LABOURS OF THE OiiDER. Provinces in Europe. Eastern missions ; St. of Hyacinth ; Henry Cologne pro- X CONTENTS. PAOB vincial of England : F. Thomas an Englishman bishop of Abo. Province of the Holy Land: F. Ivo an English Domi nican: F. Geoffrey bishop of Ebron. Dominican missions in of Asia: metropolitan see of Sultania; bishopric Maragha ; United Brethren of St. Gregory the Illuminator;" F. John an English Dominican; archbishopric of Nakichevan; F. William Belets an Englishman archbishop of Sultania; F. Richard an Englishman bishop of Cherson; F. Francis of of the Alans and Zicci Camerino archbishop Vospero ; ; Andronicus III. and the Greek schism. Early missions of Africa : convents East : ; Abyssinia ; Ethiopia Greenland convent. Decline of the missions of the East Destruc tion of some Dominican provinces and rise of many more. in Portuguese missions Africa and Asia : Congregation of the Holy Cross, of the East Indies: the Dutch. Spanish missions in Asia: province of our Lady of the Most Holy of the China Dis Rosary, Philippines ; ; Japan ; Tonquin ; of Missions of the covery America. West Indies: Mexico ; Florida; Peru; Lima, &c. Congregation of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, of the Antillas. St. Lewis Bertrand. New provinces. Present missions of the Order. Martyrdoms of the Order in the missions. Saints of the Order. Blessed of the Order. Influence of the Order in the Church, on learning and the arts and in universities 19 III. THE OBDEB IN ENGLAND. Establishment: Ireland and Scotland Short notices of the convents in England and Wales. Influence the in the among people ; State ; and in the Church Cardinals. Archbishops. Bishops. English Dominican writers. Printed editions of their works. The schism of VIII Henry Sufferings of the English province. ^-Dissolution of the convents. Wreck of the province 39 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Restoration of the Order by Queen Mary. Convent of Smith- field F. William Perin. Nunnery of DartforJ. -Destr uc- tion of the two communities. Exile and fate of the nuns. Struggles of the province. Regulations for its wants. Its government. F. Diogo de la Fuente. F. Thomas Middle- ton alias Dade Noviciate in England. F. Thomas Catch- F. William may. Fowler. F. Thomas Armstrong. F, Robert Armstrong alias Roberts. F. David Joseph Threatened Kemeys. extinction of the province, when ita restorer appears ......... CHAPTER II. Hon. Philip Howard. His family, birth, education and reli gious inclinations. Goes with his family abroad. Attempts to join the Carmelite Order at Antwerp. Travels in France and Italy with his grandfather the Earl of Arundel. Becomes acquainted with F. John Baptist Hackett an Irish Dominican at Milan. Consults him on his religious voca tion. Determines to enter the Order of St. Dominic__ Takes the habit in the convent of Cremona and becomes Brother Thomas. Anger of the Earl of Arundel. The Earl attempts to persuade or force Brother Thomas out of religious life. Enlists three cardinals on his side. The pope orders Brother Thomas to be removed from his convent, and P. Sig. Meocci is sent to carry out the order__Brother Thomas is taken to the palace of the cardinal-archbishop of Milan. Examinations into his vocation. His constancy. Opinions of the cardinals more favourable. Fruitless attempts of Henry Howard to shake his brother s resolu tion. Brother Thomas is sent to the Dominican convent at Milan. Renewed efforts of the Howards to carry their point. Letter of the Countess of Arundel. The matter Xii CONTENTS, PAGB referred to the Propaganda. Brother Thomas formally pro the The Earl of tests against being taken out of Order. Arundel engages the aid of Sir Kenelm Digby. Sir Kenelm s letter, Brother Thomas is removed to the con vent of St. Sextus in Borne. Henry Howard attempts to order from the to shut out Brother Thomas foget an PopeJT s letter from all religious life : his reasons. Henry Howard to the Earl of Arundel. Failure of the opposition. Brother Thomas s letter to the Earl. Brother Thomas is placed with the Oratorians of the Cliiesa Nuova, and finishes his noviciate there. He is examined by Pope Innocent X himself, is allowed to join the Order, and makes his solemn profession ,. 78 CHAPTER III. Brother Thomas Howard studies at Naples. Makes an address at the general chapter of 1650 in favour of the Order in England. Obtains an order for the province. Is sent to Rennes in Bretagne. Is ordained priest. F. Thomas Howard goes to Paris and then into Belgium, to found an English convent. Consults with F. Ambrose DruwS and other Belgian Dominicans. Three houses for consideration. He comes into England to raise means for his convent. F. William Fowler. F. David Joseph Kemeys. Mr. Martin Russel joins the Order. Castle of Folkingham in Lincolnshire. F. Thomas Howard returns into Belgium. Witnesses the solemn profession of Brother M. Russel. Chooses the convent of Bornhem 92 CHAPTER IV. Early history of the convent of Bornhem in East Flanders. Founded for Franciscans : Relic of the Holy Cross. Ques tion of possession Occupied by soldiers. Given to the Dominicans of Brussels. They leave it. Occupied for a CONTENTS. xiii PAGE time by the Dominicans of Bois-le-duc. Gulielmites of Wasia placed there. Negotiations in favour of the English Dominicans. Petition to the government. Mr. Matthew Bedingfeld s kindness Ecclesiastical leave for it granted. Kemoval of the Gulielmites. F. Thomas Howard made first prior. Terms of the royal license. Terms of the b<iron of Bornhem. F. William Collins. F. John Canning. F. Albert Anderson. Brother George Daggitt. F. Thomas Howard takes possession of the convent ... ... 93 CHAPTER V. State of the convent. F. Thomas Howard improves it. Has leave to dispose of his property as he thinks best. English Dominicans abroad called into the convent. F. Vincent Torre. F. Thomas Molineux F. John Fidden Other Dominicans abroad F. Gregory Lovel. F. George Gore. F. John Quick. Noviciate at Bornhem. F. John Canning. F. Albert Anderson. F. Lawrence Thwaits. Brother George Daggitt. F. John Jenkin. Baron of Born- hem declared founder of the convent. Variance with the baroness concerning her right to, enter the cloister. Un reasonable demand of the pastor of Bornhem. It is dropped. F. Thomas Howard often visits Prince Charles at Brussels. Is sent into England on a secret mission to aid the Royalists rising.
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