I Loved Thy Creation A collection of short fiction by Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff O SON OF MAN! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Bahá’u’lláh Copyright 2008, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff and Juxta Publishing Limited. www.juxta.com. Cover image "© Horvath Zoltan | Dreamstime.com" ISBN 978-988-97451-8-9 This book has been produced with the consent of the original authors or rights holders. Authors or rights holders retain full rights to their works. Requests to reproduce the contents of this work can be directed to the individual authors or rights holders directly or to Juxta Publishing Limited. Reproduction of this book in its current form is governed by the Juxta Publishing Books for the World license outlined below. This book is released as part of Juxta Publishing's Books for the World program which aims to provide the widest possible access to quality Bahá'í-inspired literature to readers around the world. 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Publishers should contact Juxta Publishing Limited in writing to enquire about the Juxta Publishing micropublishing agreement. Without entering into a micropublishing agreement, this book cannot be republished by other publishers. Any other reproduction or redistribution in any format is forbidden without the expressed written consent of Juxta Publishing Limited. Contents Foreword............................................................................6 Hand-Me-Down Town.....................................................8 The Devil His Due..........................................................78 Sons of the Fathers .........................................................94 ontent With the M"sterious......................................138 Do%tor Dod&e................................................................190 Heroes ............................................................................204 )n" Mother’s Son.........................................................272 Home Is Where..............................................................296 Marsh Mallow...............................................................346 ) Tear in the Mind’s E"e.............................................384 -i.e Dreams...................................................................428 The White Do&..............................................................478 Foreword / Foreword The short fi%tion contained in this colle%tion was ori&inall" .u0lished in the United States and the United Kin&do* in su%h *agazines as Analog Science Fiction, Amazing Stories, Century, and Interzone. All the stories are s.e%ulative in nature, and ran&e fro* s%ien%e fi%tion to fantas" to ma&i% realis*. The" are bound to&ether b" the fact that the" contain referen%es to the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in the for* of ins.iration, characters4 and5or the*es. The" are grou.ed, in these pages4 b" genre and su06e%t *atter. The title of the colle%tion derives fro* a verse in he Hidden "ords o# Bahá%u%lláh: O SON OF MAN! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee... The idea that creation is driven b" a pre-e7istin& love of the %reature and of the ver" act of creation itself4 is so*ethin& I 0elieve is understood b" most artists whether the" be writers, .ainters4 s%ul.tors, or musi%ians. It certainl" des%ri0es m" feelin&s about the worlds and peo.le I created in these stories. O SON OF MAN! 'eiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity o# My essence, I knew My love for thee* there#ore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image and revealed to thee My beauty. 6 I +oved hy Creation !and,Me--own Town 7 Hand-Me-Down Town A story of speculative fiction !and-Me,-own Town was ori&inall" pu0lished in Analog Science Fiction Magazine in 1989 and was m" first pu0lished wor8 of fi%tion. I wrote it in reaction to the cri*inalization of ho*elessness b" a California town tr"in& to prote%t its tourist industr". The name of the town in this novella is fi%tionalized. Bahá’u’lláh, in His volu*inous writin&s4 refers to the poor as .the trust o# /od in your midst,0 and further writes9 $e generous in prosperity, and than)#ul in adversity. $e worthy o# the trust o# thy neighbor, and loo) upon him with a bright and friendly face. Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer o# the cry o# the needy, a preserver o# the sanctity o# thy pledge. /leanings from the "ritings o# Bahá%u%lláh, . 285 These are the prin%i.les on whi%h m" hand-*e-down town was built. -1- Stu Williams pulled his jac8et across his chest and zi..ed it all the way u. to his chin. It was damned cold for Fe0ruar". He du& his hand into his left coat po%8et and counted the chan&e there without takin& it out to loo8. A0out $4.00 in quarters; enou&h to bu" a de%ent brea8fast at Caroline’s or a not-so-de%ent 8 I +oved hy Creation 0rea8fast and a news.aper. He de%ided in favor of a de%ent 0rea8fast and a tri. to the Sears ele%troni%s de.art*ent around noon to cat%h the news on the tu0e. Of course, T>’s didn’t have tu0es an"*ore, he refle%ted. Old habits die hard. Mi8e Hanrahan fell in with hi* on the way down Henness"4 &ru*0lin& about how diffi%ult it was to make it on re%"%lin& these da"s. “Pro0le* is4@ he co*.lained, plu%8in& burrs off the front of his disre.utable Ro0-Ao", “ever"0od"’s doin’ it now. 2verybody! And his Aunt on to. o’t. Th’onl" place the mar8et’s not jam pac8ed is the freeways.” “Freeways4 Mi8eB” Stu wrin8led his nose. “Naw4 you don’t want to get into freeways.” “Damn ri&htD But a man’s gotta eat, doon’t heB@ aroline’s was war* and s*ellin& of coffee and baked stuff and bacon coo8in&. The" ordered brea8fast and sat bac8 to en6o" a dis%arded news.aper. Stu disap.eared behind the s.orts page. “Well, damn it all to hellD@ Stu lowered the paper and peered at Mi8e over its ed&e. ?,7%use meB@ “Those blue-suited bureau%rats an’ their idiot measures an’ 0illsD Good Lord, the" thin8 the" can le&islate the world away. Do you know what the"’re pro.osin’ to vote on toda" at noonB@ ?+ have no idea.” “That damn Bag Lad" bill.” Stu dro..ed the s.orts se%tion. “Let me see that.” Mi8e fli..ed the paper across the table. Stu fielded it and found the offendin& colu*n easil" without the aid of Mi8e’s out-thrust fin&er. There it was in blac8 and whiteGH it" Coun%il Votes on Cri*inalizin& Vagran%".” Noon today. “We should pi%8 u. ever" transient on the Boulevard and go .i%8et cit" hall,” Mi8e de%ided. !and,Me--own Town 9 “What, and provide the* with ’,7hi0it AB’” Stu shoo8 his head. Mi8e stared at hi* thou&htfull". “+ su..ose a colle&e man li8e yerself’s got a better idea?@ Stu lau&hed. “Mi8e, if I’d had a better idea, I wouldn’t be sittin& here with seventeen cents in m" po%8et worr"in& about 0ein& ‘%ri*inalized.’” He glan%ed down at the colu*n again. “But I mi&ht be pi%8etin& cit" hall, an"way.” -2- )nnie Lee Pai%e ste..ed off the cur0 al*ost into the path of an on%o*in& tru%8. The air horn shoved her bac8 a ste. and the tru%8 ru*0led har*lessl" b". oo bad, she thou&ht. Might%ve been for the best. ) wash of cold guilt followed i**ediatel". Her e"es found the dilapidated old Chev" wagon in the shaded lot across the street and misted when she saw Sam*ie wavin& at her fro* the roof. The guilt curled in the pit of her sto*ach and moved u.ward toward her throat. She swallowed it a&ainG.acified it 0" wal8in& to the corner and crossin& with the li&ht. “Did you get it, Mo*B” Sam*ie boun%ed off the hood of the %ar and met her nearl" e"e to e"e. So tall for his a&eG&oin& to be 6ust li8e his Dad. She shoo8 her head, glan%in& over her shoulder at the H,! 0uildin&. “She didn’t even have new for*s for me to fill out. She said I ou&hta see a law"er.” “What the hell’s a law"er gonna do for usB@ Her oldest son, David, had hauled his lan8" frame out of the passen&er seat and hun& on the roof of the car, chin pro..ed on his crossed ar*s. ?-r" so*e mone" out of your Dad4 I s’.ose.” “HuhD The"’d have to find hi*4 first. Did you tell her thatB@ #' I +oved hy Creation She gri*aced.
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