EcoSocio Analysts WORKPLACE, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC ASSESSMENTS Construction CIVIL & INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION ю MINES ю BUSINESS CENTRES ю CHEMICAL PLANTS ю RETAIL CENTERS ю RAILWAY TERMINALS ю TOURIST RESORTS ю MARINE BASES ю HOTELS ю PIPELINES ю HOUSING ESTATES ю SCHOOLS ю TRANSPORT FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE For Statement of Qualifications and other brochures go to www.EcoSocioAnalysts.kz EcoSocio Analysts AboutО компании EcoSocio Analysts ОWЦOЕRНKКPАL AРCАEБ, ОЧЕEЙN, VОIRКOРNУMЖEАNЮTAЩLЕ Й ИA NСDО ЦИSАOЛCЬIНOОEЙC OСNРOЕMДIЫC ASSESSMENTS EstablishedСозданная вin 2014г2014. EcoSocioКомпания Analysts«ЭкоСоцио LLC Аналист (ESA) isс» a(ЭС successorА) являе ofтся CaspiEcology приемником EnvironmentalТОО «КаспиЭк Servicesолоджи formedИнвайромент in 2001.ал WСервисеe provideз», full основ spectrumанной ofв health,2001г. Мыsafety пре, environmentalдлагаем полный and спек socioeconomicтр услуг по servicesоценке includingрабочей, HSEокружающ due ейdiligence, и социальной impact среassessment,ды, включая management аудит, оценк systemsу воздействия, and monitoring; системы управstakeholderления иengagement, мониторинг ОТБinformationОСС; в disclosure,овлечение resettlementзаинтересов andанных livelihood сторон, restoration, раскрытие contamination информации, assessment, переселение cleanup, и восст revegetationановление благосостояния; оценку загрязнения, очистку, рекультивацию и управление отходами. Мы общаемся и выдаем and waste management. We communicate and produce reports in the required language be so the English, отчеты на необходимом языке, будь то английский, русский и казахский. Russian or Kazakh. Сочетание западного образования и местной практики позволяет нам успешно выполнять работу для меOurждунаро blend ofдных western финанс educationовых орг withанизаций local experienceкак ЕБРР, HSBChas allowed и МФК usи дляto provide компаний, commendable финансир уworkемых forэтими the оргinternationalанизациями lending или поorganizationsдающих заявки like theна регистрацию HSBC, EBRD на and Лондонск IFC andой the Фондов companiesой Бирже. that applyКогда for для their проек loansта неor хвforа listingтает специфичног on the Londonо Stockопыта, Exchange. мы объединяемся When we lackс нашими specific до experienceлгосрочными for aпар projectтнерами we join из withВелик ourобрит long-termании, Гpartnersермании, from Италии, UK, Germany Испании, иItaly других, Spain стран, and а other так же countries привлек аемas well отде asльных contract западных international экспер free-lanceтов. Это по experts.зволяет намThis приallows нашей us to узк accumulateой специализации experience на ме inждунаро practicallyдных all инвindustrialесторов, sectors накаплив presentать широкийin the Central опыт Asiaпрак тическиdespite вspecialisationо всех индустриях on the имеющих internationalся в Центральнойinvestors. Азии. Смотрите Заявление о квалификации на www.EcoSocioAnalysts.kz See www.EcoSocioAnalysts.kz for Statement of Qualifications. ЭСESAА имее is licensedт лицензию to conduct на проведение audits CIVIL & INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION ауandдита, present предо andстав defendление itsи зfindingащиту данныхin a Kazakhstan в суде Ка зcourtахстана of law. ГРАЖДАНСКОЕ И ПРОМЫШЛЕННОЕ EXPERIENCE IN KAZAKHSTAN PETROPAVLOVSK СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК YBYRAY TAYYNSHA ЫБЫРАЙ ТАЙЫНША KZYLTU КОСТАНАЙ АЙЫРТАУ САУМАЛКОЛЬ КЗЫЛТУ KOSTANAY SAUMALKOL ОПЫТ В КАЗАХСТАНЕ AYYRTAU КОСТАНАЙ ПАВPAVLODARЛОДАР СТЕПНОГОРСК ЗЕРЕНДАZERENDA SHUCHINSKЩУЧИНСК STEPNOGORSK ORLOVKA БBURABAУРАБАЙY ЧАCHAPПАЕВAYEVOО ОРЛОВКА ШОРSHORTТАНДЫANDY EKIBASTUZЭКИБАСТУЗ AАTBASARТБАСАР ЕРЕМЕНТАУ MAKINSK EREMENTAU URALSK МОРMORTUKТУК МАКИНСК УРАЛЬСК ASTАСТANAАНА SOGRAСОГРИНСК OSKEMENОСКЕМЕН ARKALАРКАЛЫКYK KARAGANDA AKTАКТOBEОБЕ BADAMSHAБАДАМША КАРАГАНДА СЕКИСSEKISOVKAОВКА SHARШАР ИНДЕРINDER КАЗАKAZALINSKЛИНСК ZHANGIZЖАНГИЗ САГЫЗ KENKIYAK КЕНКИЯК AKADYRАКАДЫРЬ ЖЕЗКАЗГZHEZKAZGANАН GANYUSHKINOГАНЮШКИНО SAGYZ SHASHUBAШАШУБАЙY АКAKTТОГOGAАЙY GULSHAГУЛЬШАTТ AАTYRAUТЫРАУ BALKHASHБАЛХАШ БОРBORANKOLАНКОЛ УULKENЛЬКЕН ЖАЛАГАШ БАУТИНО ZHALAGASH BAUTINO КЫЗЫЛОРДА КУРKURTYТЫ- - БУРЫЛБBURYLBAАЙТYTАALЛ KAPCHAGAY KYZYLORDA ZHANATAS КА ПЧАГАЙ ЖАНАТАС АКТАУ BAYKONUR SHOKPШОКПАРAR SHU ZHYZYMDIK ШУ SHELEK AKTAU ЖУЗЫМДЫК KULANКУЛАН ШЕЛЕК ZHANAKORGANЖАНАКОРГАН TТARAZАРАЗ ALMAАЛМАTYТЫ ARАРЫСYS BURNOYEБУРНОЕ ШЫМКЕНТ SHYMKENT TransportТранспор тныеfacilities сред ства СельскAgriculturalохо- и инфраструктура Северное зяйственные and infrastructure кольцоNorth обdevelopmentsъекты Ring БBAKADАКАД MinesДобыча руды BusinessБизнес-центры centers Algabas PlantsЗаводы RetailТорговые centers центры Алгабас Satpayev Сатпаев Al-farabi СSainаин Аль-Фараби Туристические СВетряные Medeu Tourist resorts Solarэлектро andстанции wind power plants курорты AFDAFD ShymbulakМедео Абай AFDAFD Шымбулак OnshoreНаземные bases базы andи железно- дорожные терминалы Abay EsentayЕсентай 22 Гостиницы rail terminals Кок- Hotels ЖKok-айлау Баганашыл Marine bases Baganashyl Zhailau Морские базы ЖилыеHousing ко Estatesмплексы NavoiНавои Ili-AlatauИле-Алатау PipelinesТрубопроводы ШкSchoolsолы 1 EcoSocio Analysts Answering Questions for the WORKPLACE, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC ASSESSMENTS Sectors We are Experienced in l Do I need environmental Philip-Morris Almaty plant expansion help at the planning Medeo Village conceptual plan, Almaty stage? l What kind of surveys are needed? l Do I need to consider social impacts as well? l What are Equator HOSPITALITY & Principles? INDUSTRY RECREATION l What is sustainibility and should I consider it? Almaty Financial District Planning Al-farabi Towers l Are there environmental or health and safety risks? l How do I handle relocations to avoid unplanned costs or delays? OFFICES RESIDENTIAL Haileybury School l Are there legacies of contamination associated with the site? l Why do I need an environmental consultant? l Is monitoring of the construction required? If RETAIL Metro Outlet in Almaty so, what kind? SCHOOLS AND LABS KazExportAstyk Port Terminal l Will my responsibilities end when construction is finished? l Is further environmental management needed? l Will I need an Environmental Shymkent Highway AGRIBUSINESS Management Plan? TRANSPORT FACILITIES 2 EcoSocio Analysts Investor Liability Concerns WORKPLACE, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC ASSESSMENTS It is hard to prove in the court that contamination or hazardous waste burial is responsibility of the early owner or neighbor. The new owner has to cleanup and pay a fine that equals to the cleanup cost that is either calculated by the environmental authorities using a simplified indirect method or derived from a cleanup plan produced by a certified consultant and approved by the authorities. These authorities can also stop part of the whole operation until the identified contamination is eliminated. Environmental non-compliance can be used by the government as a tool to enforce its objectives. What to Do to Minimise Risk? To make a decision on a loan or listing the company on e.g .the London AIM, the international lending institutions require a reputable environmental Liability for old contamination during company to conduct the following work: Renaissance Hotel construction in Aktau Environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) is conducted for the EBRD Category A projects. In Kazakhstan the assessment includes a Declaration of Intent, a Preliminary EIA at feasibility study stage, and an EIA for detailed design. These data provide solutions for the prevention of adverse impacts on the environment and people. Environmental and social impact assessment (cont.) At the ESIA stage the gaps in the previous studies are identified and a plan is developed to fill them. Health, safety, social and environmental due diligence and assessment is conducted for the EBRD Category B projects and involve Reconstruction of a polyaramid plant in Kostanay faced social comittments audit of the loan affected part of the existing operation and the planned activity impact evaluation. At this stage the local EIA is also analysed for gaps but the gaps are filled only for significant aspects of impact. Environmental Management System is developed in Kazakhstan at the EIA stage in the form of an operational ecological control plan to obtain the Emission Permit that allows to start construction. To ensure international financing, an Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP). Once the construction begins, monitoring takes place to validate predicted by the ESIA impacts significance and effectiveness of suggested by the ESAP measures. The Category A projects ESAP implementation is to be checked once or twice a year by an independent bank approved consultant. Stakeholder Engagement is an obligatory process that should start at an Opornaya gas compressor station early stage and continues in a systematic manner for the duration of the shop demolition staff health hazard project or the loan. In contrast with the Kazakhstan requirements, when only from asbestos containing waste the stakeholders that are directly negatively affected by the development must be informed, the EBRD and IFC standards include persons or groups that are also indirectly affected (positively or negatively) by the project and generated by it activities or have interests in the project or the developer or have the potential to influence project outcomes or the developer operations or contribute to the work due to their expert knowledge of and/or experience in the region. These standards also require engagement rather than just informing the identified stakeholders and paying specific attention to the
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