panalf.10th' February,'lm (Magha 21, 1893) SERIES III No. 46 OFFICIAL GAZETTE • GOVERNMENT' OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN from 1st April, 1972, wJrt:h right only _for !the usufruct of the e~ist!ing trees on startli1ng bId of -Rs. '555/~ under the general conditions of lease available in the office of the AND DIU Mamlatdar for consultation of the interested parties. General Administration Department , It 'is hereby made knoWiIl to aU 'concerm~d ttha.t on ~19th • February, '1972, at 10,30 a. m., publ'ic auction will be held Mamlatdar's Office of Goa Taluka' i'1 the office of the Marulatd-ar of T.iswadi 'Ta:luka, Panaj! under the Goa, Daman and Diu Lamd Revenue (Dtsposal of Government trees, Pr:oduce of trees, Gr32Jing and other Natu­ Notices .r~ products) Rules, 1969, for the lease of Governmentt plot .. iSItuated -near the Hospttal of Ribandar, bounded on the north -It· 'is; hereby made knoW\l1 ito all concerned that on '19th by the property ·-belonging to the _Comunidade of .Chimbel, February. '1972, at 10,30 a. m., publ'ic auction :WiH be held o:n the south by 'the propeIlty :of Mr. Vaz, on the west by. in the offf.ce 'of the Mamlatdar of Tiswad-i Taluka, Banaji the propert.y belonging to Ribandar HospItal a,.nd. on the under the Goa, Daman and Diu ·Land Revenue (Dispooal of east by Ithe property of Mr. Tarkar, for a period 'Of five Government trees, Produce of trees, Gra2iing and other Natu­ years ·commencing from 1st APflill, :1972, Wlilth lIight only ra}. products) Rules, 119£9, for Ithe lease :of Government plot· for the usufruct of the existing trees on ·starting bid of Situated at Santa~Cruz near the Prtimary Scheol, bounded Rs. 5'50/- under the general condDbions of lease available on- the north hy the propeI'fty of ,Shri Kenkre" on the south in the office of the Mamlatdar for· consultation of the inte­ am.d west by the property of !Bebiana Vaz and on the east rested parties. by the School propenty, for a period of five years ,-commencing from 1st April, 1972, with right only for the usufruct' of Panajl, ~th February, 1972. - The MamJartdar, M. S.' Sail. the existing trees, on Sltarting bid of Rs. 105/- under the , general conditions of lealSe available -in the office of the .~ Mamlatdar for consultation of the ~rterested p~i'es. ) . ... Ilome Department 'A' It 'is" hereby made known to all -concerned that on ~19th February, 19712, at 10,30 a. m., publ'ic auction will be held in the office ~o~ the Mamlatdar of Tiswadi· Ta"luka, Panaji Notificotion under the Goa, Daman and Diu Land Revenue (Disposal of. Government ;trees; Produce of trees, GraZing and other Natu­ No. HD-44Ji55/70-A ral products) Rules, 1969, for the lease of Government pJot " Naval M'rcraft win carry out Air-to ground practlce firing situated near Government Polytecnic School. Pana}i, bounded on target in pos)t'ion 'H> 21' 0" N 73 50' 37" E from 2Ind on the north, south and west by road and on the east .... y February, 1972 onwards between 07,30 hrs and 17,30 hrs dally • the property of ShJ:'i Ghanekar, for a period· of f.ive years tUll further notice (except ISundays). commencing f.rom 1st Apf'liI, 1972, with l'Iighrt only or the usufruct IQf the existing trees, on starting· bid of Rs. 13/­ 2·- Public· and partficularly shipping, fish~ng craft and tinder· the g-eneral conditions of lease available in the office aii-rcraflt· OlJeNllting 111 the vicinity of the area are hereby of the MamlaJtdar for consul'balbi'on of the interested pamtJies. warned that: . a) Safe flying hedghrt; is 10,000 feet. b) See danger area exttemds to five m11es from tile target It lis hereby made known to all ·concerned /that on '19th in all dLreo1;ioos to the seawards. wiH February, 19712, at 10,30 a. m., publ'ic auction be held c) All aircraft and vessels should lreep well -clear. in the .office of the ·,MamlAtdar of TJ.swad,i Ta'luka, Panaji under the Goa, Daman and Diu Latnd ReV1el1ue (Disposal of d) Pedestrian traffiC east of Bogmollo village should Government tlrees, Produce of trees, Gra21ing and othe·r Natu­ keep clear of the area ma.rke:d by red flags. ral,products) Rules, 1969, for the lease.of Government plot Panaji, 5th February, 19.712:....:.. M. K. Bkaaulwri, Under Secre­ situated [lear ·Governmem.t Primary School, Ribandar,· bounded tary (Home). on the north by the property of Shri Panvelkar, on the west by Governmenrt road, 'On the east by the prooo1"rt;y of Shl'li F'i­ deBs Gracias and on the south by Itbe property of ShTti CoJaco, ... for.. a perio? of five y:ear'S ,comm'encing ilrom 11sl!; April. '19712, with ·right only for· the usufrct of the existing trees on Food and Civil Supplies Department st;antlmg bid lOf Rs. -60/- under lthe general condirtJions of lease available in the office of the Mamlatdar for consulta­ tion of Ithe 'interested part.1:es. Notification No. 7-7/71/FCS-CS It ·!js. hereby made known to all -cOncerned thalt. on :l9th Febru:a'ry. '19712, at 10,30 a. m., publ~c auction wiH be held In exercise of the powers conferred by clause 10 of the 'in the .office of the JMamlatdar of "Diswad,i Ta:luka, Panaji Cement Control Order, 1967 the Lieutenant Govertor of Goa. under the Goa, Daman and Diu Land Revernue (DispOsal ()If Daman and Diu, hereby directs that no dealer ( whether ··Government wees, Produce of trees, Gra2fing and other Natu­ wholesale or retail) in the Zone as specified ·in column No.2 ral Pr9ducts) Rules, 1969, for the lease ·af Govermmenrt: plot of the .schedule appended hereto, shall sell cement at the rate known as «Padribata")) situated at Morombim-o-Grande, boun­ exceeding the maximum price as shown in the corresponding ded on the west, noI1th and sowth by the property Shfli Dhamu entry of column No, 3 and 4 of the sai-;l schedule, wj.th effect Madval· and on the east by the property belonging to «Santa from ·1-1-1972; ,The prices shown in column 3 and 4 of the· <Casa de' Misericordia», for a period of five years commencing schedul~ appended ·hereto, are exclusive of local taxes. • --~-. ...' _ ........... -----------,._. __ . ~[ 402 SERIES 111 No. 46 • SCHEDULE Public Works Dep.rtment Rs. per Rs. per Sr. No. Name of the Zone mit Ex. bag of godown 50kgs Works Division VI- Fa+orda-Margao (Goa) 1. Zone I (comprising of Sambhaji, Margao, Quepem and Sanguem Auction Notice no. WDVIjAdm.4/14/7J·72 Talukas) .............................. 231·47 11-57 2. Zone IA (comprising of Ponda Auction for the lease of P~W.D. trees lYling along Margruo­ Taluka) ................................ 239-27 11-96 -Oolva road Wlill be held on 25th February, ,1972 at 11 a. m.,. 3. Zone II (comprising', of Panaji In this OfJlWe. Taluka) ................................ 247-07 12-35 'bid as 4. Zone III (comprising of Bardez, The amount of is tollows: Bicholim and Satari Talukas) 254-92 12-75 ISeotion-I Rs. :>22-50 5. Zone IV ( comprising of Pernem Section.- ]I Rsc '3!l7.{)0 Taluka) ..........................' ...... 200-92 13-01; 6. Zone V (comprising of Canacona Secbion - III . Rs. 4>15·00 Taluka) ................................ 236-57 11-83 Condiitions of leaae, detalns of ttre-es etc., may. be obt8line-tt By order and in the name of me Administrator of Goa. from this Office on any worldng day dUl'ing Office­ Daman and Diu.. hours~ . G. M. Saraes8ai, Under'Secretary '(Pla.nn.ing). Margao, 7!th Fel>ruary, 1912. - The EXiecu~iv" Engineer. Panaji, 20th January, 1972. 8. V. Naik. rend., Notice 00. WDVI/Adm·2/23/71-72 The Executive Engineer, Works Division VI, Margao, Goa, tractors of C. P. W. D. ano: those of appropriate liSt of" mv.1tes on behalf :of the President 'Of Indi'a, seaJled ltem/ Union Terrltorles/State PWD/M. E. S. Rallways, upto 4 p. m. /Percentage Rate .Tenders from approved and el'igi'ble con- on .19,..242 for the following works separately: - . Eanest Cost ot Sr. No. Description EstImated cost in Rs. mone.v tender Time limit inRs. in Rs. 1. IOonstruction of Malc:orne;m CUrdi road for a length of 4.00 lmn. section betw~en Malkarnem to Unand •.• 2,03,714-00 5,092-00 15-00 360 2~ COnstruction of Mama Pirla road for a nength of 5360m. • ............................................................. 1,59,150'()() 3,978-00 10-00 270 <I. 1Bla<lloropplng of .oukarkhand Oalay road In a lengdl of 2700m................ ~ .......................................... 67,618-00 1,440-00 5-00 120 14. !Bla'Cktopping for widening of Benaulim CaveloSS'lm road sectton 'between Khareband to V'Odi.errt Bhatt ... 19,037-00 450-00 5-00 120 Tenders w!l[ be open~d Jrnmediately after /I p. m. <)n the The mtending tenderer W'illl have to ~roduce Income Tax: same day. Clearance Certificate at the time of buying. tender. Earnest mOODey shown against w.orks should !be depostted The tender of the contract-ors who do not deposit Eamest :iu the State Bank 'Of India, Margao. -or any Scheduled Ban.k Money in the prescribed manner will 'be summa-r.lly rejected~. dn the form of Deposit at CaU Rece1pt and enclosed it with the tender. Oond'ktlt:ons .of' -contract and tender forms .can. be ,R:ight to reject any -or a.1.il the tend-ers w"i,thout asSigning had from the above mentioned Office upto 4 p.
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