06/ 30This/ 92 document 09:30 is from the collections atSENATOR the Dole Archives,BOB DOLE, University PITTSBURG of Kansas 002 http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 1 of 50 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas FRDM=KDNICA FAX http://dolearchives.ku.edu TO: 313162648446 JUN 25, 1992 4:19PM P.02 FINAL 6/25/92 I SENATOR DOLE SCHEDULE JUNE 26-27, 1992 CONT~CTS: Dole: Jo-Anne Coe 316/651-0333 Rm 1007/1009/1003 FAX: 651-0990 Nixon: Kathy O'Connor 201/391-4404 (O) FAX: 391-3725 914/779-5782 (H) Marriott Hotel Rex Morris Director of Catering ADVANCE: John Bush 316/651-0333 Rm. 1006 Mike Glassner Rm, 1009 Friday, June 26, 1922 B:10 AM Lv. Residence 8:25 AM A·r. Washington National Airport Butler Aviation 703/549-8340 8:30 AM Lv, Washington AIRCRAFT: us Tobacco Hawker TAIL NO: N 24 SB PILOT: Dave Fontanella CO-PILOT: Frank Desetto MANIFEST: Senator Dole Tom Korologos Chris Swonger, us Tobacco Sara Lowe, NRSC (Swonger guest) MEAL SERVICE: Juice, coffee & rolls FLIGHT TIME: 2 hours 45 mins Page 2 of 50 .· .. ·.<: .· This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu FRDM=KDNICA FAX TO: 313162648446 JUN 25, 1992 4:20PM P.03 PAGE TWO ,. :.. , ·· coNTACT: Ted Kratovil 203/622-3667 (0) 203/656-1516 (H) Elaine Ward 203/622-3349 203/661-1129 (FAX) Chris Swonger 202/429-2010 202/429-9574 (FAX) 10:15 AM Ar. Wichita, Kansas Beech Aircraft Factory Field 316/681-7134 or 676-7111 CONTACTS: Dwain Starr, Chief Pilot & Chief of Operations 316/676-8411 Jess Poteet, Director of Security 316/676-5341 Mobile phone: 676-5321 Dispatoherz 676-5300 Jim Gregory, Public Relations Director 316/676-7689 (0) 316/263-209S (H) 316/655-4621 (Car) MET BY: . Dick Griffiths Vice President of Beech for Human Resources & Administration Mike Glassner 10:20 AM Lv. Beech Field DRIVE TIME: 5 minutes NOTE: You will drive past 35-50 individuals protesting what they view as your lack of adequate action on behalf of POW/MIA's. (US Marshal & Wichita Police Dept. have arranged for them to be in a staging area away from the hotel complex.) 10:25 AM Ar. Wichita Marriott 316/651-0333 Proceed to Holding Room Presidential Suite - 10th Floor Page 3 of 50 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu FROM:KONICA FAX TO: 313162648446 JUN 25, 1992 4:13PM P.04 PAGE THREE MOTORCADE: Car 1 - John Bush, Jordan Haines, Russ Meyer & Riobard Sohroeder, (US Marshal service) car 2 - President Nixon, us Marshal Kent Pekarek and Nixon security car 3 - Nixon staff and Chief of Police Rick Stone car 4 - Follow-up ear NOTE: Motorcade may pass by 35-50 individuals picketing Senator Dole for what they view as insufficient action on his part relative to POW/MIA issue. 11:30 AM Ar. Wichita Marriott Hotel 9100 corporate Hills Drive Wichita 67207 316/651-0333 Proceed to holding room: Arkansas Meeting Room 316/651-0353 MET BY: Senator Bob Dole Toll\' Korologos ADVANCE: MIKE GLASSNER (Diet Pepsi and light refreshments available) BRIEF : photos with Senator Dole, Jordan Haines and Russ Meyer 11155 AM Senator Dole escorts President Nixon to Kansas "Grand Ballroom tor t DOLE FOR SENATE '92 FUNDRAIBING RECEPTION (In progress since llt30) 12:00 NOON Lights dim and Lights-up for Off-stage announcement of senator Dole and President Nixon Proceed to Speaking Riser PRESS; OPEN (Riser, Mult Box, etc.) CROWD SIZBz soo+ at $20 each Page 4 of 50 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu FROM=KONICA FAX TO: 313162648446 JUN 25, 1992 4: 13PM P. 05 PAGE FOUR FORMAT: Mix and Mingle informal reception No receiving line Roaming photographer MAY take few candid shots Free-standing mike for President Nixon Podium and mike for senator Dole (Rope and stanchion in front) PROGRAM: 12:00 PM- INTRODUCTION OF PRESIDENT NIXON 12:05 PM SENATOR DOLE 12:05 PM- REMARKS -- PRESIDENT NIXON 12:25 PM (NO Q&A) 12:25 PM President Nixon concludes remarks Luncheon Guests are asked to proceed immediately to lunch 12:30 PM Senator Dole escorts President Nixon to Wichita Ballroom for 12:30 PM DOLE FOR SENATE 1 92 FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON Luncheon is served S~lads :. pre-set FORMAT: Seated luncheon, open seating Rounds of 10, and Head Table Free-standing mike for President Nixon Podium and mike for senator Dole HEAD TABLE: President Nixon Senator Dole Jordan Haines Russ Meyer Kim Wells, Kansas GOP Chairman concludes 1:15 PM Meal servicej Page 5 of 50 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas JUN 4:31PM P.02 FROM:KONICA FAX ro: http://dolearchives.ku.edu313162648446 25, 1992 PAGE FIVE 1:15 PM PROGRAM COMMENCES: SENATOR DOLE -- INTRODUCTION OF GOP CANDIDATES FOR THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: congressman Dick Nichols {currently Member from 5th District) State Senator Eric Yost Former Police Chief Richard LaMunyon SENATOR DOLE INTRODUCTION OF WICHITA MAYOR BOB KNIGHT 1:17 PM- INTRODUCTION OF PRESIDENT NIXON 1:20 PM SENATOR DOLE 1:20 PM- REMARKS PRESIDENT NIXON 1:28 PM 1:29 PM Guests are asked to move to adjacent hallway for 1:30 PM- PHOTO OPPORTUNITY 1,ss PM President Nixon tunoheon Guest Senator Dole Photographer: Larry Plemming Assistant: Dan Close PO Box 3823 Wichita 67201 316/267-0780 (O) 316/687-3018 (H) 316/655-4670 (Mobile) FORMAT: Rope and stanchions Area set off by pipe and drape 2:00 PM President Nixon leaves Marriott Hotel en route Jabara Airport ------~-----~------~~~--------------~------~---------------------' ~· SEPARATE J(ANBAS SCHEDULE TO FOLLOW FROM JUDY KAY BROWN ---~~-----~----------------~-----~~----~-------~~-----~-----~-~-- Page 6 of 50 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 16: 22http://dolearchives.ku.edu SENATOR BOB DOLE, TOPEKA 002 FJNAL CONTACTS: Judy Brown 913/295-1745 (o) 913/836-2319 (h) Gale Grosch 913/371-6108 (o) 816/373-8468 (h) Rita Riley 316/232-2030 (o) 316/231-2463 (h) WEATHERS WICHITA-PITTSBURG - Partly sunny skies, mild temperatures in the low 80's, no precipitation. KANSAS CITY - Partly sunny skies, high 75-BOt no precipitation. KANSAS SCHEDULE FOR SENATOR DOLE - FRIDAY, JUNE 26 MD SA'I'URDAY, JUNE 27 2:00 p.m. Nixon event concludes ... 3:00 p,m. Lv. Marriott 3:15 p.m, Ar. Jabara Airport Midwest Corporate Aviation 316/636-9700 3115 p.m. Lv. Wichita for Pittsburg AIRCRAFT: u.s. Tobacco Hawker 800 TAIL NO.: N 24 SB PILOT: Dave G. Pontanella CO-PlLOTt Frank B. Desetto FLIGHT TIMmi 35 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Walt Riker Chris Swonger, u.s. Tobacco 3s50 p.m. Ar. Pittsburg ~ittsburg Air Service Inc. Page 7 of 50 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 1http://dolearchives.ku.edu6: 23 sa~ATOR BOB DOLE' TOPEKA 004 2 316/231-9052 . Airport Manager 316/231-5760 MET BY, Rita Riley DRIVE TIME TO SUPERIOR WHEELt 10 mins. 4100 p.m. SUPERIOR WHEEL - Tour & visit with to Employees - 400-450 4:45 p.m. SHIFT CHANGE AT 4:30 p.m. CONTACT: Ifti Kazmi, Regional Vice Pres. Pete Corio, Plant Manager 316/232-3344 4145 p.m. PITT PLASTICS - 200-300 employees to Tour and visit 5:15 p.m. (owned by Gene Bicknell) CONTAC'l'; Kurt Deruy, President · "" 316/231-4030 5:15 p.m. Lv. Pitt Plastics for Crestwood country Club - DRIVER: Rita DRIVE TIME: 15 mins. 5i30 p.m. Ar. Crestwood Country Club. Brief meeting with Republican candidates *Rita will have names of candidates who will be there. Photos will ba taken at the Country Club. Crestwood Country Club 316/231-9767 6:00 p.m. PITTSBURG AREA CHAMBER OF· COMMERCE ANNUAL to BANQUET - cocktail party 6:30 p.m. CONTACT; Lynda Hamm 316/231-1000 6:30 p.m. Lv. Country Club for airport DRIVER: Rita DRIVE TIME: 10 mins. Page 8 of 50 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas _...;.;;.,_:..:;__ _::.._ __________06 / 25/ 92 16:22http://dolearchives.ku.edu SENATUR BOB DOLE, TOF'EKR 003- 3 6s45 p.rn. Lv, Pittaburg for Kansas City AIRCRAFT: US Tobacco Hawker 800 TAIL NO.: N 24 SB PILOT; Dave G. Pontanella CO-PILOT; Frank B. Desetto FLIGHT TIMEi 35 mins. MANIFEST: Senator Dole Walt Riker Chris Swonger, US Tobacco 7:20 p.m. Ar, Kansa5 City Downtown Airport Executive Beechcraft - 815/842-8484 MET BY; Gale DRIVE TIME TO EVENT: 10 mins. 7;30 p.m. Ar. Donnelly College - Retirement party for Bill Ray, President, Kansas City, Ks, Chamber of Commerce. BARBEQUE IN PROGRESS CONTACT; Mary Patterson 913/371-3070 Donnelly College 913/621-6070 8:00 p.m. Lr, Donnelly College for Hyatt DRIVER: Gale DRIVE TIME; 15 mins. 8115 p.m. Arrive Hyott - 816/421-1234 SATURDAY, JUNE 27 9:10 a.m. Lv. Hyatt for Downtown Airport Executive Beechcrafti 815/842-8484 ORIVERi GALE DRIVE TIME: 15 mine, 9:30 a.rn. Lv, Kanaas City for Springfield Pick up separate schedule. Page 9 of 50 :,; . 1992 4:31PM P.03 This document is TO:from the collections313162648446 at the Dole Archives, UniversityJUN of Kansas25, FROM=KONICA FAX http://dolearchives.ku.edu PAGE SIX Saturday, June 27, 1992 9:30 AM Lv. Kansas City Downtown Airport Executive Beechcraft 816/842-8484 AIRCRAFT: US Tobacco Hawker TAIL NO.: N 24 SB PILOT: Dave Fontanella CO-PILOT: Frank Desetto MANIFEST: Senator Dole Walt Riker Chris Swonger, UST Sara Lowe, NRSC 10!05 AM Ar.
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