'-"'odossoh / ~ The Women's Zionist Organization of America, Inc. / 65 East 52nd Street, New York, N. Y. 10022 • ELdorado 5-7900 March 4, 1969 Dr. Albert Sabin The Childrenls Hospital Research Foundation E1land Avenue and Bethesda Cincinnati, Ohio 45229 Dear Albert: Let me begin by expressing both Hadassahls and Israelis deepest gratitude for your efforts in helping us acquire the measles vaccine we were asked to provide. I think I told you that after A number of telephone calls to Mr. R. W. Robertson of Pitman-Moore, that firm reversed its position requiring us to purchase 33,000 doses of the 50,000 for which we HAD asked. In addition to the 17,000 doses donated by Pitman-Moore we received 2,000 from Eli Lilly and 1,000 from Lederle. After you called me and told me about your conversation with Dr. Max Tishler of Merck & Co., I got in touch with him. He offered 50,000 doses for immediate shipment and DID not make A grant or A gift to the Weizmann Institute A condition of Merckls offer. I made it clear to Dr. Tishler that I would have to consult with Israel regarding their needs before I could accept his most generous offer. Yesterday we received A reply by cable in which it was said that there is still need of 40,000 doses to "complete immunization in additional areas." This, then, will complete the mission, the success of which is due in so large A measure to your sympathetic understanding, your cooperation and your indispensable assistance. With my very kindest personal regards, Sincereltx yours, ~··-/JLtttV ~J <1/ . Mrs. Siegfried Kramarsky Buildings Chairman, Hadassah Medical Organization LK:nk Founder Vice-Presidents Miss Henrietta Szold Mrs. Philip Kroskin Mrs. High Salpeter President Mrs. Edward H. Lewis Dr. Helen Schaffer Mrs. Max Schenk Mrs. Oscar Lozabnick Mrs. Israel Usdan Treasurer Washington Representative Mrs. Nathan D. Perlman Honorary Vice-Prestdents Mrs. Raphael Tourover Secretary Mrs. Moses P. Epstein Mrs. Siegfried Kramarsky Mrs. Saul Katz Dr. Miriam K. Freund Mrs. Irma Lindheim Executive Director Recording Secretary Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin Mrs. David de Sola Pool Miss Hannah L. Goldberg Mrs. James Feldman Mrs. Edward Jacobs Mrs. Herman Shulman Mrs. Charlotte Jacobson Mrs. Robert Szold ,-------NATIONAL BOARD ------, NATIONAL ASSOCIATES Mrs. Leon J. Allen Mrs. Harry Kairys Mrs. Lester Berlove, Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. Louis H. Barnett Mrs. Everett Kalb Mrs. E. J. Evans, Durham, N.C. Miss Julliet N. Benjamin Mrs. Martin Lebedoff Mrs. Lewis Goldberg, Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Hazel Greenwald Berkowitz Mrs. Stanley Lieberman Mrs. Jack A. Goodman, Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. Sydney Berkowitz Mrs. Edward A. Lusterman Mrs. Jacob H. Karp, Beverly Hills, Calif. Mrs. Lester Berlove Mrs. Irving Mack Mrs. Max Matzkin, Waterbury, Conn. Mrs. Nathan Bernstien Mrs. Irving E. Marks Mrs. Sidney Munter, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Walter Brecher Mrs. Max Matzkin Dr. Lilli Rahn, Denver, Colorado Mrs. Leo R. Burson Mrs. Benjamin Meiselman Mrs. Jacob N. Rose, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. D. Leonard Cohen Mrs. Max M. Meth Mrs. George Rossyn, Malden, Mass. Mrs. Leo I. Dana Mrs. Morris Popki n Mrs. Ezra Shapiro, Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Harry Donner Mrs. Louis Rosenstein Mrs. Carl Spector, Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Julius Doppelt Mrs. Charles Ross Mrs. Chas. E. Wyzanski, Jr., Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. William K. Dorfman Mrs. Milton Rothbaum Mrs. Arthur H. Ellis Mrs. William H. Rubin Mrs. Emanuel Gamoran Mrs. Lawrence Schacht Mrs. Samuel M. Gold Mrs. Emanuel Schechter HONORARY COUNCIL Mrs. Henry Goldman Mrs. Albert P. School man Mrs. Isidore Goldzimer Mrs. Ezra Shapiro Miss Julliet N. Benjamin Mrs. David B. Greenberg Mrs. Benjamin E. Gordon Mrs. Carl Spector Mrs. Hazel Greenwald Berkowitz Mrs. Emanuel Halpern Mrs. Benjamin Gottesman Mrs. Raphael Tourover Mrs. Sol Boneparth Mrs'. Joseph Hamerman Mrs. Milton Handler Mrs. Abraham Tulin M~ssSusan Brandeis I Mrs. Milton Handler Mrs. Morris S. Handler Mrs. Alfred Tuvin Mrs. Leo I. Dana' Miss Lotta Leven-solin Mrs. Samuel H. Hartley Mrs. Samuel lales Mrs. Sundel· "!I'.niger Mrs: Benjamin Meiselman Mrs. Emanuel M. Joblin Mrs. I. Mark leligs Mrs. Arthur H. Ellis ,~ Mrs. Nathan b. Perlman Mrs. Harry P. Fierst M,s. Albert' P: Schoolman REGIONAL PRESIDENTS Mrs. Benjamin Gottesman Mrs. Raphael Tourover Mrs. Abraham Tulin Mrs. William J. Kramer Mrs. Julian Arnstein Brooklyn Northern Pacific Coast Mrs. David Golner Mrs. Philip N. Golomb Central Pacific Coast Northern Seaboar~ NATIONAL SERVICE COMMITTEE Mrs: Ma<Jric.eFleisAman-.·, Mrs·. David H. c;.ohen ., ~"- ~; . -. Central States . Queens . Mrs:,Ross' D. 'Sanders . ~)' Mrs:~Henry Caplan ., Mrs:-Ralph Berkson Mrs. Geoffrey H. Myers .. Connecticut Southeastern Mrs. Philip Bernian Mrs. Jack W. Perlman Mrs. Sidney Lappen Mrs. Sol Herzog Mrs. Reuben Bienstock Mr~. Norrnan.Roger s- Eastern Pennsylvania Southern Mrs. Norman Bram Mrs. Joseph Rose Mrs. Leonard Wolpe Mrs. Benjamin lamost Mrs. Mace L. Deitz Mrs. David J. Schachter Florida '" Southern New Jersey Mrs. Nathan Elbaum Mrs. Victor Schlesinger Mrs. Stanley Hamilton Mrs: SarnuelP. Young Mrs. lrvtng H. GOld Mrs. Murray M. Shernoff . Great Lakes Southern Pacific Coast •. '... Mrs. Theodore Gore Mrs.-Soa. Shore Mrs. Melvin H. Goldman.. Mrs. Arthur. Li.eve'n;Jan ~ _ Mrs. Joseph Heller Mrs. Morton Silberman lJlinois·lndiana Southern Seaboard Mrs: Benjamin Hoffman Mrs: A. Howard Silver-man Mrs. Sanford D. Kimball. Mrs. Milton G. Smith Mrs. Jerome Paikin .. Mrs. Milton M. Weinbe.r,ger' -'~ -, Lower New York'Siate Sou·thwest'· Mrs. Irvin·H. Mason" Mrs. Charles Weiner Mrs. William Surath Mrs. M. M. Hamburger Mrs. Henry B. Wernick Michigan Texas Southern Mrs. Maurice S. Bucksbaum Mrs. Irvin Schermer Missouri Valley . Ueper Mid~est Mrs. Philip C.•Levy Mrs. Henry·M. Brown NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Nassau-Suffojk Upper New York State '""' + ~ ~ , • t'" Mrs. B. Roberi Levin Mrs. Irving J. Mishkin' . Education Advisory Committee: New IU1gland Westches1.er 'J'. Dr. Ira~Eis~nstein, Chairman ~ Mrs. Aaron 'Kaplan Mrs. Arthur :S. Walder Northern Ne;y Jersey Western New England' '. Finance Advisory Committee: Mrs. David Chamovitz .~ ~ Weste-rn Pennsylvania Joseph Gruss;'.Chairman Hadassa h·HeS-rew'University Medical Center Adviso ry'Committee: CHAPTER PR)ES IDENrS· .: M.rs. Maoy Wo?<!.ardLasker, Ho.norary Chairman " Mrs. A. Ernest Platt Mrs -;Charles Snider. ~ Medjcal Advtsory Board ofthe HebrewUnive rslty and Had-assah: "Baltimore e Setroit Dr. .M. Ralph Kaufman, Chairman . Mrs. RObert,Naigles Miss Sally MiA-tz ') . Boston .l.os Angeles or. 'Louis Leiter, Yice-Chairrnan . Mrs.~yman Kolins~y Mrs"philip F. Thau ",' r Bronx . Miami Beach , Youth Aliyah Advisory Committ~e:' Mrs. A. Robert Eisenberg Mrs. Harry Torczyner Mrs. Herbert H. Lehman, Honorary Chairman Chicago New York Mrs. Emanuel J. Slavin Mrs. Morris Yermish ,. Youth R~ference Boaref: Cleveland Philadelphia Morris Laub, Chairman IN AM ER ICA: Hadassah helps interpret Israel to the American people; provides basic Jewish education as a background for intelligent and creative Jewish living in America; carries on a program for American Jewish youth; and participates in efforts which help safequard the democratic way of life here and work toward peace and security throag'ho'ut the world. IN ISRAEL: The members .of Hadassah support Hadassah's countrywide medical and public health system, its extensive child welfare and vocational education projects; provide maintenance and education for youth new- comers through Youth Aliyah, of which Hadassah is the principal supporting agency in the United States; and participate in a program of Jewish National Fund land purchase and reclamation. HASHACHAR: Hadassah is sole sponsor of a new youth movement for boys and girls, ages 9 to 25, which combines the strength of Young Judaea and Junior Hadassah in four age and program divisions. In America it includes a summer camp program and year-round activities to enable Jewish youth to understand and act upon problems facing them as Americans, Jews and Zionists. In Israel, to develop concrete links with the land and the people, programs include: Summer Institutes, year-round study courses, Meier Shfeyah Youth Village, Israel Scout Movement (Tsofim). HADASSAH carries out the program described above through two corporations: Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, Inc., which administers the American program, and Hadassah Medical Relief Association, ,,,., . Inc., which administers the Israel program. -~-.~.~ •......
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