Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland report and annual accounts: report of session: 1967-68: and lists of Fellows and Members. Item Type Report Authors Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Citation Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland. 1968. Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland report and annual accounts: report of session: 1967-68: and lists of Fellows and Members. Dublin: Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland. Publisher Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland. Download date 27/09/2021 17:37:11 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/574283 Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse __.... ",...._ .-.--.~ .• ;rt;:<. ST. ITA'S HOSPfTJU:.. J Si. !tn's Hospital Lihrary LIBRARY r Portranc, Donahatc. t !i ,\U6 1994 I Co. Duhlin. I PLE,\SE DO NOT ~ RE,\10VE ROYAL I ~tabem!, of mebitine ! , ., AND Reports & Annual Accounts !" REPORT . I OF SESSION - .. 1967-1968 , I• .. ; AND LISTS OF FELLOWS AND MEMBERS I • ST. ITA'S HOSPITAL LIBRARY ,1IIIIiili I ~ AUG 19S4 REPORT OF THE GENERAL COUNCIL Session 1967-68 The GeI)eral Council announces that the number of -Fellows is now 751. a ilet increase"f 11 during the year. This number represents those. wbpse subscriptions have been paid and it wilI,prol>i'bly be substan· tially increased when the list of Fellows in 'the new SectiO!l. of Psychiatry is complete. The number of mem~rs is 34 and the number of honorary Fellows is 8. A notable eveni in the -history of th<: Academy was the decision to add a fourteenth section to be named the Section of Psyohia1ry. The Graves Lecture under the auspices of the Academy and the Medical Researoh Council of Ireland was delivered on 3rd May 1968. The lecturer was Or. Noel Peter Gerard Clairke of the sChool of Pathology. University College. Dublin. His subject was Mechanisms of Thrombosis. The attendance !!lumbered 121. Details of aitendances at Section Meetings are summarised as follows:- Meetings Fellows Members Visitors Total Medioine 6 154 0 78 282 Surgery 5 178 0 69 242 Obstetrics 6 172 I 76 248 Pe.thology . 6 182 0 68 200 Epidemeology and Preventive Medicine 6 86 0 84 120 Odontology . 5 68 0 89 102 "Laryngology and Otology .. 4 52 0 28 80 "Anreathetio8 4 98 0 49 147 Bi91ogiOaJ Science 4 III 0 168 274 Paediatrics 4 107 0 43 lGO Dermato.1°sr .. .. 3 42 0 26 68 Ra<liology .. 2 36 0 7 43 History or Medicine .. 4 48 0 49 97 '5~ 1 . 27~ I ' 725 2,003 "The attendance at a Joint Meeting'"of Anaesth\t,!08" and ~Laryngology. and Otology is included in the figure for the latter'Seotion. ' Section of Medicine. ~ The first meeting was. beld on 13th O,etober1.9/l7. :Qr. James Fennelly swke on The Management of.Advali1:ed Maliglumcy and ~he Contribution of Fluorinated Pyrimidines and Dr. M . Carey the Significance of Folic Acid in Homocystimuria. ' ,. .". On 10th November 1967 there was a symposium on Thyroil! Disorders in which tbe following took' ·par~ ..: Or. _ Micll.aef /' '~ ---.2 ~eport of .the General Council, Session 1967-68 ~ -::- -- ~ ~ -- - --~'\.l!allorah, Professor ~._ K. O·Donovan. Professor P. G. Collins, alf\t\D6·Patrick Browne. .. " - On\~th--pecember Dr. J. G. Devlin and Miss N. Stephenson .described Hormonal Changes· id Acute Myocardial Infarction Dr. D. Weir anet Dr. D. O'B. Hourihane the -Efjects of Alcohol on Bone Marrow 'and Dr. John Healy My~lomatosis. On 26th January 1968 there was a number of ten:min'ute presentations which included Post­ Parathyroidectomy", !:.ipoca)cal'nlia ,and its Reversal by MagT1£sium . (Dr. McKenna and'Ur. Muldowney); Ultrasonic Measurement of the Celebral Ventrieles b:\r. Garg); An Outbreak of Swayback on a Galway Farm ~r. Poole); Trial of a new steroid Prophylactic Disodium Chromoglycate '"in Asthma (Dr. W. Linehan); Sebum and Serum Lep'ids in C()ronary {irtery Disease (Dr. Goon Tat); and A Screening Programme for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (Dr. P. T. Moore, Dr. Martin and Dr. Coffey). On 15th March 1968 Professor J. ValIa"ce-Owen of Belfast lectured on The Mechanisms of Diabetes. the after sPeakers being Professor Denis O'Sullivan (Cork). Dr. M. t. l?rury,and Dr. J. G. Devlin. On 10th May 1968 a clinical meeting waS ..held in SI. Luke's Hospital. I \ Se,ction of Surgery. :Six meetings were held. On 24th November 1967 Dr. Tom Stamey of Stanford J]niversity, U.S.A., read a paper on !!he Diagnosis and Trea,lment of Reno-Vascular Hypertension. On 7th December 1967 -Mr.·H. Browne and· Mr. T. Noonan compared The Operative versus Conservative Treatment of Perforated Peptic Ulcer. This was followed by a discussion on Enucleation versus Transurethral Prostatectomy iii which the following. took part : -Mr. Dufi, Mr. O'F1ynn, Mr. Corcoran and Mr. Walsh.. The third meeting was held in SI. Vincent's Hospital on 5th January, 1968, at which fourteen cases were shown and dis­ cussed. On 16th February, 1968, Mr. R. Guy Pulver.taft of Derby addressed the section on the subject of Fundamentals in the Care of the Injured Hand and on 19th April. 1968 Mr. M. V. Sheehan-delivered his Presidential address, his subject being Road Traffic Accidents. The final meeting on 24th ~ay, 1968, was held in conjunction with the Society of Gastro-enterology wherr the following subjects were dealt with: Crohn's Disease of the Duodenum (professor Collins) ; Parathyroid Adenoma (Mr. F. X. O'Connell); Coarctation of Ab­ dominal Aorta. post-operative (Mr. Mehigan and Mr. Brady); Cush­ ing's Syndroma (Mr. H. Browne); Allo Vin Graft (professor MacGowan); Case of Intestinal Obstruction (Mr. Coolican); Gross Lower Limb Deformity (Mr. Brady and Mr. Regan); Spontaneous Perforation of the Colon (Mr. Lavelle) and Renal Vein Thrombosis in Siblings (Mr. B. O'Donnell and Mr. E. Guiney). Section of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Six meetings M'ere held. On :>rd November, 1967 (Registrar's Meeting), the following contribnted; Dr. M. Carson (Belfast) Report of the General Council, Session IY67-68 3 Oxytocin as an Adjunct to Surgical Induction of Labour; [)r. Gallagher (Dublin) Unstable Lie; Dr. J. Stanley (Dublin) Three Years' Experience of Incompetent Cervix; Dr. D. Smith C!lel(ast) Follow-up of Cervical Screening; Dr. A. R;chardson (Dublin); Transverse. Lie; fDr. A. Greene (Dublin) Anie-pimum 1(enous Thrombosis. - On 1st December, 1967, the section considered the annual reports of the three Dublin Maternity Hospitals, the visiting speaker being PIOfessor Geoffrey Dixon (Bristol). On 12th January, 1968, the matter discussed was Hospital Planning with particular reference to Mater­ nity Hospitals. The speakers were Dr. M. Ffrench-O'Carroll and Mr. T. P. Kennedy (Architect) and the subsequent discussion was led· by Dr. O'Driscoll (National Maternity Hospital) and Dr. W. Gavin (Coombe Hospital). On 23rd February, 1968, the subject was Recent Advances in the Preparation of Haemolytic Disease. The 'pril!cipaJ speaker was Dr. R. B. McConnell (Livepool) iUld the discussi!ln was introduced by Dr. Robert Carroll and Dr. D. Mellon. On 22nd Ma:rch, 1968, Cl~rrent Views on Genital Tract Carcinoma were con­ tributed by the following: Professor de Valera (Surgical treatment of Carcinoma of the Vulva); Dr. FinbaIlf Cross '(Radiotherapy "in Genital Tract Carcinoma)-; D~. J. J. Fennelly (Che1ilOtherapy in Overian, Uterine and Trophoblastic Malignancy); Dr. DOuglas Thornes (Fibrinolysis in the Management of Carcinoma). Th.,. final meeting was beld in Limerick. The following were the speakers: Dr. I. Holloway (Obstetrics in Limerick) ; Dr. John Leahy (Cardio­ myopathics in Pregnancy); :Qr. M. Curtin (Multiple Pregnancy/; and -Dr. D. O'Sullivan (Vaginal Hysterectomy with film). Section of Pathology. Six meetings were held. On 6th Oc\ober, 1967, Dr, EUen. Moor­ house reported on A Hospital Study of Transferable Drug ~esis­ tance. This was followed, by a case report on Congeniial Toxo­ plasmosis by Professor 0, J. Holland and Dr. M, Harle Barry. On 17th November, 1967, there was a discussion on the subject of Electrophoretic a~d Immunodiffusion Techniques and their Value as a Diagnostic Aid to the Clinician, introduced by Dr. John Kohn of SI. Mary's Hospital, London. On 13th December, 1967. the agenda included papefB in Bacteriuria in Pregnancy (Dr. Robj:rt Carroll) and the Histological Features of Hepaloblastoma (Dr. c. T., Doyle), On 19th 'January. 196)l, the Sectiolj heard two papers. Dr. T, Healy dealt with Cellular -Reaction in .Gancer under two Ceads. "Pushing Carcinoma" of Ihe slomach in. Man Imd &/ila!!,ous Carcinqma in the hamster cheekpouch, This was followed by a paper on Myelosclerosis in a mongol infanl presenting Os Leukaemia 'by Dr. F. Hillman (Wigan). On 1st March, 1968. Dr. J. Dempsey deliv~Od J.1~ presiden­ tial Address. his subject being Gasrrilis, a Hisiol(JgU:ll( Study pf _600 Biopsies and a review of some possible conseqyeQce.\;. 'In 22nd May. 1968: Dr, Cahalane and Dr.!" -0, !'Ieena'! in!foduOed a' Case of Malignant Melanoma in an Eight Y ~Il( Old Chit4 and~~. _~. J. DinIi discussed the subject. of Xanthogrpi.!!!19malous_.pyelonep/lrilis.- r _- __4 Re[JOrt of th~ Gendal Council. Session 1967-68 .., :-- ...{ :s.ection of EpUlemilflogy and PreventIve Medicine . ..:on the 18th October. 1967. Dr. Joseph Laffan. President of the Civil Pilots Medical 'Board read a paper on Fitness for Flying. On 6th ·December. 1967. Professor Ivor Browne spoke on The Place of Com­ munity Medicine in a Regional Health Service. O~ 17th JailUary. 1968. the subject discussed was Domiciliary Obstetrics; including a PersontiI Series of 1.500 Cases by a General Practitioner {Dr. James Barnes). On 9th Febnlary. 1968. Dr. J. P. Corridan (Cork) reaa a paper on Trichinosis in Cork.
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