DENBY POTT 'RY HistorICRoute 66 stretches ACross thEU.S.From CHICago to Los AnGElEs.AlonG thE way, in LeBAnon, Missouri Is A growinG popular lAndmark stop For Any history EnthusiAst, tourIst, or loCAl Ozark resIDEnt.SHEpherD Hills FaCtory Outlets starteD in the outlet Busin~ss in 1972 as An outlet For locally mADE Walnut Bowls. IdAAnd REA Reid, founders, BEGAn tHEIr entrepreneursHip operatInG A motel In the 1960's CAlleD thE Capri Motel wHICH was loCateD rigHt alonG Route 66, known toDay as Interstate 44. < THey sold thE Capri Motel In 1966 anD AlonG witH tHEIr sons, RoD and RAndy, started A new Business in 1972 CallED thE ShepHerD Hills GiFt SHop wHICH was leased as A pArt of tHESHepHerD Hills MotEl And HAppeneD to BE locatEDIn virtually tHE samE spot as thE Capri MoteL Later, as tHey BEGAn expanding, they BouGht A portion oF the motEl as well as thE GIFt sHop And BEGAn constructIon oF thEIr Current BuildinG in 1999. In thE mEAntime, SHEpherd Hills ADDED ADDItIonAl loCAtions inCluDinG those In OsagE BEACH, MO, Branson, MO, AnDEDDyville, KY , And brought in otHer quality products to tHE lineup includinGCHicago Cutlery, DEnby PottEry, AnD of course Case XX pocketknives--makinG thE lAtter Also availablE througHCAtalog mail ordEr AnD eventuAlly on the web at www.CaseXX.com. MISSOURI US 66 contents unt features 2 OFFICERS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS I AND COMMITTEES 3 MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Robert Gehl 4 NEWS FROM THE ROAD 10 ROUTE 66 IN KANSAS Joe Sonderman and Cheryl Eichar Jett 16 THE MOTHER ROAD: THE GOOSE THAT LAID THE GOLDEN EGG Sue Blesi 20 NATIONAL BLUES MUSEUM Kip Welborn 24 PHELPS SCHOOL FACELIFT Nancy Young 28 AT REST ON A ROUTE 66 RIVERBANK: THE STORY OF THE BETSY ANN Joe Sonderman 34 BARBECUE BLISS IN SPRINGFIELD- THE CROSSTOWN BBQ Joe Sonderman 39 NEW MEMBERS • Robert Gehl 40 BUSINESS MEMBER DIRECTORY Robert Gehl THEN AND NOW 48 I Joe Sonderman ADVERTISING RATES PER ISSUE Inside Cover Full Page Color - $175, Back Cover Full Page Color - $185,112 Page B&W - $70,112 Page Color - $85,114 Page B&W - $50, 114 Page Color - $60, 1/8 Business Card B&W - $40. Other rates are available upon request, call (314) 965-5751. PUBLICATION SCHEDULE Summer Issue, July 2016 Fall Issue, October 2016 Winter Issue, January 2017 Spring Issue, April 2017 Submission deadline 5.19.16 Submission deadline 8.19.16 Submission deadline 11.19.16 Submission deadline 2.19.17 FUTURE MEETING DATES Saturday July 9, 2016 - City Hall in Joplin, MO / Saturday October 8, 2016 - Stovall's Grove Dance Hall & Saloon in Wildwood, MO Saturday January 14, 2017 - Hoppers Pub in Waynesville, MO FOLLOW THE ASSOCIATION ON FACEBOOK ON THE COVER Please become a fan to stay up to date on meetings, activities, news from the road ROUTE 66, GALENA KANSAS. and magazine previews. You are welcome to post your favorite Route 66 pictures. JOE SONDERMAN PHOTO Thanks to Internet Services Director Chris Debosek. www.fac:ebook.c:om/missouri66 Show Me Route 66 Magazine is the official publication of The Route 66 Association of Missouri. Show Me Route 66 Magazine is published quarterly and is distributed free of charge to all paid members in good standing of The Route 66 Association of Missouri. Additional copies may be purchased for the cost in advance of $6 USD each including postage.Request for additional copies may be made direct to The Route 66 Association of Missouri, P.O. Box 8117, Sf. Louis, Missouri 63156. Manuscripts and photographs submitted for publication are welcome and should be sent electronically to Joe Sonderman, Magazine Coordinator, Route 66 Association of Missouri, at [email protected]. Reproducrion of this magazine in part or in whole, is prohibited without written permission from the President andlor Board of Directors of The Route 66 Association of Missouri. The Route 66 Association of Missouri and the production staff are not responsible for errors or omissions contained herein. The Route 66 Association of Missouri and the production staff retain the right to edit any submitted materi- als and to not publish an article of questionable content or that goes against the purpose of The Route 66 Association of Missouri. The Route 66 Association of Missouri is a non-profit corporation established to preserve, promote and develop Old Route 66 in Missouri. missouri66.org 1 ~I officers/directors/committees OFFICERS PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER Tommy Pike James Crooks Tonya Pike Robert Schulz 1602 East Dale St. 2540 Christopher Oaks Ct. P.O. Box 9623 708 South Market St. Springfield, MO 65803 St. Louis, MO 63129 Springfield, MO 65801 Waterloo, IL 62298 (417) 865-1318 (314) 293-2540 (417) 872-7280 (618) 939-7021 furyon66(O)earthiin k.net jimmy52(O)sbcglobal.net tjp_666(O)yahoo.com schulz(O)htc.net BOARD OF Jerry Benner Robert Gehl Bob Schwartz James J. Thole 1115Chatelet Dr. 1667 Timber Ridge Est. Dr. P.O. Box 498 1264 Jade Wind Cir. DIRECTORS Ferguson, MO 63135 Wildwood, MO 63011 Osage Beach, MO 65065. Manchester, MO 63011 (314) 521-4255 (636) 458-4585 office (573) 348-4053 home (636) 227-2258 ~benner(O)mindspring.com (314) 971-6366 cell (314) 650 5767 cell 66thole(O)sbcglobal.net rgehl66(O)earthlink.net bobobeck1(O)msn.com David J. Eslick Diane Warhover 3311 South Elmira Jerry L. Law Mark Stauter 418 Cloister Walk Springfield, MO 65807 434 N. 5th Street 309 Hutchinson Dr. Kirkwood, MO 63122 (417) 889-9332 Wood River, IL 62095 Rolla, MO 65401 (314) 965-5751 djeslick(O)undata.com (314) 440-0040 (573) 341-2932 warhoverdiane(O)gmail.com thelaw1(O)sbcglobal.net markcstauter(O)gmail.com Larry Frickenschmidt 2131 S. Farm Road 199 Joe Schulte Springfield, MO 65809 940 Saint Antoine St. (417) 861-2969 Florissant, MO 63031 Imfnations(O)aol.com (314) 921-1329 GJoes99(O)yahoo.com COMMITTEES HISTORIAN I MEMBERSHIP MOTOR TOUR PUBLICATIONS ORAL HISTORY SERVICES Robert Schulz Diane Warhover, Jerry Benner, Chairperson Robert Gehl, Director 708 South Market Chairperson 1115Chatelet Dr. 1667 Timber Ridge Est. Dr. Waterloo, IL 62298 418 Cloister Walk • Ferguson, MO 63135 Wildwood, MO 63011 (618) 799-8021 Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 521-4255 (636) 458-4585 office schulz(O)htc.net (314) 965-5751 ~benner(O)mindspring.com (314) 971-6366 cell warhoverdiane(O)gmail.com Tommy Pike rgehl66(O)earthlink.net 1602 East Dale St. NEON HERITAGE SHOW ME ROUTE 66 Springfield, MO 65803 PRESERVATION MISSOURI HISTORIC MAGAZINE (417) 865-1318 James J. Thole, Chairperson ROUTE 66 BYWAY Joe Sonderman, Editor furyon66(O)earthlink.net 1264 Jade Wind Cir. CONTACT 1710 Coachway Lane Manchester, MO 63011 Tommy Pike Hazelwood, MO 63042 INTERNET SERVICES (636) 227-2258 1602 East Dale St. (314) 609-6370 Chris Debosek, 66thole(O)sbcglobal.net Springfield, MO 65803 stlrt66(O)aol.com Director (417) 865-1318 637 Rayburn Ave. PRESERVATION furyon66(O)earthlink.net Crestwood, MO 63126 Jane Dippel, Chairperson (314) 609-6927 7920 Captain Conn Dr. cdkd(O)earthlink.net St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 843-7132 vestaon66(O)att.net membership matters iJlt BY ROBERT GEHL, DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP SERVICES, (314) 971-6366 OR RGEHL66(@EARTHLlNK.NET pringtime journey that leads OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS - on Route to yet unknown MAY THROUGH SEPTEMBER: S66 is now contributions to Outlined below are a number of events on full display the culture of that we intend to have an Association and our passions Route 66 - and information / merchandise booth set up about the road finding yourself at as of this writing. If you would like are reenergized along the way. to volunteer to help us at any of these by just being out Embrace your activities, your participation would be there after long passion, share welcomed and appreciated. It is an enjoyable days indoors. your story, experience as we meet friendly people, make What ignites your and be the new connections, and share our enthusiasm personal passion for inspiration to with eager fans of Route 66. Please mark the road? Likely it's others that these dates on your calendar: a complex answer Johnnie V comprising a rich mix was to me. • 5/13/16 - Hot Summer Nights "Route of objects, people, 66: Detour to the Lake" Cruise-in at the places, and emotions, Bagnell Dam Strip - Lake Ozark, MO. some of which elude description. It's • 5/21/16 - Bourbeuse Valley Harley- a feeling of restlessness, freedom, Davidson Annual Spring Bike Show - escape from everyday duties, a yearn Villa Ridge, MO. to find out what lies beyond the next • 5/30/16 - 28th Annual Cobblestone pill, the inner urge to head west. Nationals Car Show at Fast Lane Classic For me, amongst all of the road's Cars - St. Charles, MO. cultural broth, its vintage neon • 6/4116 - Mustang Club of St. Louis signage stands out highest on my Car Show at Museum of Transportation - personal passion index. I believe St. Louis County, MO. the sentinel moment for me when • 6/25/16 - 14th Annual Pacific Car Show I realized this - and recognized - Pacific, MO. that these classic signs must be preserved - was when we stayed .8/12/16 - 8/14/16 - 6th Annual at the Western Motel in Sayre, "Birthplace of Route 66" Festival - OK in 2001. The Western Motel sign is Springfield, MO. one of my top favorites of all Route 66 2016 looks to be a very • 8113116 - Route 66 Festival & Car Show - signage. Then in 2002, Johnnie V Meier active and special year for the road as we Crestwood/Sunset Hills, MO. with the New Mexico Route 66 Association celebrate 90 years of storied history. Here .9/10/16 - Bourbeuse Valley Harley- submitted a transformative grant application in Missouri, in addition to numerous fairs, Davidson Fall Open House & Bike Show to the National Park Service's Route 66 festivals, and car shows on Route 66 or - Villa Ridge, MO.
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