ACKNOWLEDGMENTS During the ten years that were spent in editing the three African Series volumes, the Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers project has incurred an unusually large number of institutional, intel- lect jal, and personal debts. The preparation of the volumes would never have bee i possible without the continuing support and assistance of a wide array of nanuscript librarians, archivists, university libraries, scholars, funding age icies, university administrators, fellow editors, and friends. While the debts thus accrued over the past decade can never be adequately discharged, it is still a great pleasure to acknowledge them. They form an integral part of whatever permanent value these volumes possess. We would like here to acknowledge our deep appreciation to so many for contributing so greatly to this endeavor. In a real sense, these volumes represent the fruition of the efforts of many hands that have worked selflessly to assist in documenting the story of the African Garvey movement. We would like to thank the many archives and manuscript collections that hav ; contributed documents as well as assisted the project by responding with unfiiling courtesy and promptness to our innumerable queries for informa- dor : American Colonization Society Papers; Archives africaines, Place Royale, Brussels; Archives de Ministère des affaires étrangères, Paris; Archives du Senegal, Dakar; Archives nationales du Cameroun, Yaounde; Archives of the Département évangélique français d'action apostolique, Paris; Archives of the Department of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Monrovia, Liberia; Archives of the Episcopal Church, Austin, Texas; Archivio storico del Ministero degli affari esteri, Pavia, Italy; Arquivo de Ministerio dos négocios estrangeiros, Lisbon; Arquivo histórico de Moçambique, Maputo; Bermuda Archives, Hamilton; Cape Archives Depot, Cape Town, South Africa; Centre des archives d'outre-mer, Aix-en-Provence, France; Department of Archives, Black Rock Saint James, Barbados; Federal Archives and Records Center, East Poi it, Georgia; Foreign Ministry Archives, Quatre Bras, Brussels; Free State Arc lives Depot, Bloemfontein, South Africa; God's Kingdom Society Papers, Nigeria; Government Archives Service, Central Archives Depot, Pretoria, South Africa; Harvard University Archives, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Northwestern University Library, Chicago, Illinois; Jamaica Archives, Spanish Town; Kenya National Archives, Nairobi; League of Nations Archives, Geneva, Switzerland; Manuscripts, Archives, and Rare Books Division, Schamburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library (Asior, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations); Ministère de la culture et de la communication, Direction des Archives de France, Archives nationales, xliii THE MARCUS GARVEY AND UNIA PAPERS Section Outre-mer, Paris; Natal Archives Depot, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa; National Archives, Washington, D.C.; National Archives Division, Ministry of National Education, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; National Archives of Ghana, Accra, and Regional Offices, Cape Coast and Kumasi; National Archives of Lesotho, Maseru; National Archives of Malawi, Zomba; National Archives of Namibia, Department of National Education, Windhoek; National Archives of Nigeria, Enugu and Ibadan; National Archives of Zam- bia, Lusaka; National Archives of Zimbabwe, Harare; National Historical Publications and Records Commission, Washington, D.C.; New York Times Archives, New York; Senegal National Archives, Dakar; Service des archives, Coromandel, ìle Maurice (Mauritius); Sierra Leone Public Archives Service, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown; South African Archives, Justice Department files, Pretoria; Talladega College Historical Archives, Talladega, Alabama; Transvaal Archives Depot, Transvaal, South Africa; Tuskegee Archives, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama; UCLA Department of Special Collections, Los Angeles; and Western Reserve His- torical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. A large number of libraries and their staffs have also provided documents and rendered extraordinarily valuable service in response to the project's flow of requests for bibliographical data as well as for historical and biographical materials. We wish to acknowledge and thank for their assistance: Aberdeen University Library, Aberdeen, Scotland; Biblioteca nacional de Lisboa, Lisbon; Bibliothèque nationale, Service photographique, Paris; Bibliothèque royale, Brussels; Boston Public Library, Boston, Massachusetts; the British Library, London; Butler Library, Columbia University, New York; Cambridge Univer- sity Library, Cambridge, England; Center for African American Studies Library, UCLA; Cory Library for Historical Research, Rhodes University Library, Grahamstown, South Africa; Edinburgh University Library, Edin- burgh, Scotland; Fisk University Library Special Collections, Nashville, Ten- nessee; George Arents Research Library for Special Collections, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York; Ghana Library Board, Research Library on African Affairs, Accra; Guildhall Library, London; Hackney Library Services, Borough of Hackney, London; Interact Research Centre, Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, England; InterDocumentation Company AG, Switzerland; Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria; Killie Campbell Africana Library, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa; Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; Library of Parliament, Republic of South Africa, Cape Town; Lincoln's Inn Library, London; Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Illinois; Michigan State University Special Collections, East Lansing; National Library of Jamaica, Kingston; New York Public Library; Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia; Rhodes House Library, Bodleian Library, Oxford, England; School of Oriental and African Studies Library, University of London; South African Library, Cape Town; State Library, Pretoria, South Africa; State Library, Salem, Oregon; Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, New York; Tacoma Public Library, Tacoma, Washington; xliv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS University of Cape Town, Africana and Special Collections Department, J. W. Jagger Library, Cape Town; University of Ibadan, Africana Collection, Ibadan, Nigeria; University of Lagos Library, Lagos, Nigeria; University of Liberia Libraries, Monrovia; University of Massachusetts Library, Amherst; University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg; Whitehall Library, Ministry of Defence, Great Scotland Yard, London; Yale University Divinity School Library, New Haven, Connecticut; and Young Men's Christian Association Library, New Yoik. Several governmental agencies contributed time and resources to the project by assisting with the collection and reproduction of documents. The project wishes to thank these agencies and their staffs for their cooperation: American Cultural Center, Johannesburg, South Africa; American Cultural Center, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; Belgian Embassy, Washington, D.C.; Centre cukurel américain, Dakar, Senegal; Consuls General of Belgium, Chicago (Jazques Melsens) and Atlanta (Robert L. Van Overberghe); Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.; Gambia Public Records Office, Banjul; Gemeentelijke Archiefdienst Delft (Municipal Art hives), the Netherlands; Greater Manchester County Record Office, New Cross, Manchester, England; Library and Records Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London; Ministère de relations extérieures, Archives et documentation, France; Ministère des affaires étrangères, Martial de la Foiirnière, Paris; Ministère des affaires étrangères, Archives africaines, de commerce extérieur et de la cooperation au développement, Brussels; Ministère de l'alphabétisation et de la culture populaire, Benin; New York Supreme Court, Hall of Records, New York; Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, England; Public Record Office, London; Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, Lo idon; Service des archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères, Brussels; South African Consulate, Beverly Hills, California; U.S. Embassy, Banjul, the Ganbia; United States Information Service, Accra, Ghana; United States InfDrmation Service, Lusaka, Zambia; and Washington National Records Ce iter, Suitland, Maryland. Other public and private institutions have assisted the project. They include the Arkansas History Commission, Little Rock; Baptist Missionary Society, Lo idon; British Museum, London; California Museum of Photography, University of California at Riverside; Caribbean Cultural Center, New York; Church Missionary Society of Great Britain and Ireland; Creighton University Archives, Omaha, Nebraska; De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd., Kimberley, South Africa; Edinburgh House, London; Edinburgh University Special Col- lectons, Edinburgh, Scotland; Evangelical Lutheran Mission Archives, Her- mannsburg, Germany; General Council of the Bar, London; Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia; Honourable Society of Gray's Inn Trust Fund, Lo idon; Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, London; Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, London; Institut universitaire d'études du développement, Geneva; Institute for Race Relations, Johannesburg, South Africa; Instituto nacional des estudos e pesquisa, Guinea-Bissau; The King- dom Archives, Fairwood Bible Institute, Dublin, New Hampshire; Meridor xlv THE MARC:US GARVEY AND UNIA PAPERS House, Cambridge, England; Midland Lutheran College
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