APRIL 2014 Vol. 02 | Issue 07 Do not be afraid to welcome Christ and accept his power, Open wide – the doors for Christ. Vol. 02 | Issue 07 A MAGAZINE FROM DIOCESE OF KALYAN APRIL, 2014 (Private circulation only) 03 The Lord is Risen! Alleluia! Alleluia!! Easter Greetings! EDITORIAL The Lantern The Lantern COVER STORY 04 APRIL, 2014 APRIL, 2014 05 Pope John Paul II C´y³ ]ucXzw 1920 - 2005 \m[n]Xyw B[n]Xyw am{Xaà aäpffhÀ¡pth­n amän hbv¡p¶h\pw D¯chmZnXzw IqSnbmWv. Hmtcm `cW]mShapffh\pw th­n thm«p thms«Sp¸pw ]ucs\ HmÀ½n¸n¡p¶Xv sN¿pt¼mgmWv. None Of The Above ‘NOTA’ DP¯chmZnXzamWv; Xsâ cmPy¯nsâ bpsS BhnÀ`mhw hcpw XncsªSp¸n \\vabv¡pth­n k½XnZm\AhImiw C´y³ P\m[n]Xy¯nsâ Hcp hniIe\¯n\v ]qÀ®ambn hn\ntbmKn¡Ww F¶ ImcWamIpw F¶Xn kwibanÃ. D¯chmZnXzw. hni¡p¶ tImSn¡W¡n\v hbdpIfpw, temIw I­ Gähpw henb P\m[n]Xy hnIk\sa¯nt\m¡m¯ h³ `q`mK§fpw cmPyamb C´ybn Hcp thm«n\v F´p hne Hcp kÀ¡mÀ C¶v hn`mh\w sN¿Ww. F¶p Nn´n¡p¶Xv ]ucXz¯n\v FXncmWv. Hcp aX{`m´pw, PmXnhyhkvYbpw, ]ucsâ AhImihpw ISabpamWv Ahsâ A\v[hnizmk§fpw CÃm¯ kaql§Ä thm«v. 1947þ {_n«ojpImcn \n¶v Ncn{Xw X½nepff sFIyw Du«nbpd¸n¡p¶ Hcp \s½ kzmX{´y¯n\mbn XncsªSp¯p `cWIqSw. Ignªp. C\n XncsªSpt¡­Xv C´y¡mcmb \½psS D¯chmZnXzamWv; kz´w hn[nsb, kaql¯nse \yq\]£§sfbpw kz´w t\XrXzs¯, kz´w `mhnsb... ZpÀ_ehn`mK§sfbpw ]cnc£n¡pIbpw AhcpsS AhImi§Ä kwc£n¡pIbpw icnbmb P\m[n]Xy {]{InbbpsS Ahsc kap²cn¡p¶Xn\v bXv\n¡pIbpw A´k¯bmWv thm«v tcJs¸Sp¯Â. sN¿p¶ `cWkwhn[m\w. P\§Ä¡pth­n P\§fm- XncsªSp¡s¸Sp¶ Hcp `cWIqSw. ChnsS cmPy¯nsâbpw P\§fptSbpw km¼¯nI `cWIÀ¯m¡Ä P\§fpsS kwc£IÀ. kwhn[m\¯n\pth­n {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ km¼¯nI, kmwkvImcnI, kmaqlnI t\Xm¡³amÀ. sshIrX§sf XpS¨p \o¡m³ PohnXw Dgnªp s]mXp\³a¡pth­n Gähpw \ÃXv hbv¡m³ X¿mdmsW¶v hm¡psImSp¯v F´msW¶v Xncn¨dnªv AXn\pth­n Cd§n¯ncnt¡­hÀ. {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ \sÃmcp Kh¬saâpv Hmtcm C´y³ ]uctâbpw D¯chmZnXzw D­mIm³ \½psS ]ucmhImiw His early years ]qÀ®amIp¶Xv PohnXw XoÀ¯pw hn\ntbmKn¡mw. Karol Jozef Wojtyla (voy-tee-wah) was born on May 18, 1920 to Karol Wojtyla Sr., an officer of the Polish army and Emila, who was a school teacher, in a small market town called Wadowice. His mother died when he was 8 years old. His father, an intensely religious man who did most of the house work, brought up Karol. As a child he was called Lolek by his family and friends. His family was not wealthy and he was obliged to work during EDITORIAL The Lantern The Lantern COVER STORY 04 APRIL, 2014 APRIL, 2014 05 Pope John Paul II C´y³ ]ucXzw 1920 - 2005 \m[n]Xyw B[n]Xyw am{Xaà aäpffhÀ¡pth­n amän hbv¡p¶h\pw D¯chmZnXzw IqSnbmWv. Hmtcm `cW]mShapffh\pw th­n thm«p thms«Sp¸pw ]ucs\ HmÀ½n¸n¡p¶Xv sN¿pt¼mgmWv. None Of The Above ‘NOTA’ DP¯chmZnXzamWv; Xsâ cmPy¯nsâ bpsS BhnÀ`mhw hcpw XncsªSp¸n \\vabv¡pth­n k½XnZm\AhImiw C´y³ P\m[n]Xy¯nsâ Hcp hniIe\¯n\v ]qÀ®ambn hn\ntbmKn¡Ww F¶ ImcWamIpw F¶Xn kwibanÃ. D¯chmZnXzw. hni¡p¶ tImSn¡W¡n\v hbdpIfpw, temIw I­ Gähpw henb P\m[n]Xy hnIk\sa¯nt\m¡m¯ h³ `q`mK§fpw cmPyamb C´ybn Hcp thm«n\v F´p hne Hcp kÀ¡mÀ C¶v hn`mh\w sN¿Ww. F¶p Nn´n¡p¶Xv ]ucXz¯n\v FXncmWv. Hcp aX{`m´pw, PmXnhyhkvYbpw, ]ucsâ AhImihpw ISabpamWv Ahsâ A\v[hnizmk§fpw CÃm¯ kaql§Ä thm«v. 1947þ {_n«ojpImcn \n¶v Ncn{Xw X½nepff sFIyw Du«nbpd¸n¡p¶ Hcp \s½ kzmX{´y¯n\mbn XncsªSp¯p `cWIqSw. Ignªp. C\n XncsªSpt¡­Xv C´y¡mcmb \½psS D¯chmZnXzamWv; kz´w hn[nsb, kaql¯nse \yq\]£§sfbpw kz´w t\XrXzs¯, kz´w `mhnsb... ZpÀ_ehn`mK§sfbpw ]cnc£n¡pIbpw AhcpsS AhImi§Ä kwc£n¡pIbpw icnbmb P\m[n]Xy {]{InbbpsS Ahsc kap²cn¡p¶Xn\v bXv\n¡pIbpw A´k¯bmWv thm«v tcJs¸Sp¯Â. sN¿p¶ `cWkwhn[m\w. P\§Ä¡pth­n P\§fm- XncsªSp¡s¸Sp¶ Hcp `cWIqSw. ChnsS cmPy¯nsâbpw P\§fptSbpw km¼¯nI `cWIÀ¯m¡Ä P\§fpsS kwc£IÀ. kwhn[m\¯n\pth­n {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ km¼¯nI, kmwkvImcnI, kmaqlnI t\Xm¡³amÀ. sshIrX§sf XpS¨p \o¡m³ PohnXw Dgnªp s]mXp\³a¡pth­n Gähpw \ÃXv hbv¡m³ X¿mdmsW¶v hm¡psImSp¯v F´msW¶v Xncn¨dnªv AXn\pth­n Cd§n¯ncnt¡­hÀ. {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ \sÃmcp Kh¬saâpv Hmtcm C´y³ ]uctâbpw D¯chmZnXzw D­mIm³ \½psS ]ucmhImiw His early years ]qÀ®amIp¶Xv PohnXw XoÀ¯pw hn\ntbmKn¡mw. Karol Jozef Wojtyla (voy-tee-wah) was born on May 18, 1920 to Karol Wojtyla Sr., an officer of the Polish army and Emila, who was a school teacher, in a small market town called Wadowice. His mother died when he was 8 years old. His father, an intensely religious man who did most of the house work, brought up Karol. As a child he was called Lolek by his family and friends. His family was not wealthy and he was obliged to work during COVER STORY The Lantern 06 APRIL, 2014 The Year of three Popes The year 1978, was a very unique year in the history of the Catholic Church. The year was called the year of three Popes. After the death of the saintly Pope John XXIII, in 1963, it was Pope Paul VI who continued the Second Vatican Council leading it happily to its conclusion. After 15 years of pontificate, Pope Paul VI died on August 6, 1978. In the following papal conclave, the 65 year old, Cardinal Albino Luciani of Venice, became Pope John Paul I. Just 33 days into his reign, Pope John secondary school in order to help his Paul I suddenly died in his sleep. Now a new Pope had to be family. As a boy he was an athlete, often elected. playing football as a goal keeper and was interested in theater. On October 14, 1978, a hundred and eleven Cardinals, from all the ends of the Catholic world, below the age of 80, met at the During Wojtyla's study at the state Sistine chapel, beneath the gaze of Michelangelo's huge fresco secondary school, Cardinal Adam of the Last Judgment. The Cardinals in their splendid robes were Saphieha, the Archbishop of Krakow cut off from the outside world, till they had elected a Pope. Their came visiting the school. The young Karol was assigned the task to give the only communication is the chimney leading to the roof of the welcome speech. The Cardinal was so chapel, where a smoke signal is sent up, by burning chemical impressed by his speech that he sticks. inquired of his pastor whether Karol On the evening of the second day, at about 5.15 pm local time, intended to be a priest. The priest's the puff of smoke that went up the chimney was unmistakably reply was that his interests seemed to lie white. A packed St. Peter’s square was buzzing with impatience. with the theater, an answer which The doors on the balcony of the papal loggia, swung open and disappointed the Archbishop. the announcement resonated from the loudspeakers: “Annuntio After completing his studies at the high vobis gaudium magnum … habemus papam!” (“I announce to school, in the summer of 1938, his you a great joy … we have a pope!”). The surprise that welcomed father moved to an apartment in the proclamation of Karol Wojtyla’s name was perceptible. He Krakow. He was enrolled at the chose the name John Paul II and became the 264th Pope of the Jagiellonian University and studied Catholic Church. An initial astonished silence was followed by philosophy, language and literature. He a chatter of questions, as it began to dawn on the huge crowd took private lessons in French and that the Cardinals had just elected the first non-Italian pope, could speak about 8 languages. In his since Pope Adrian VI (1522-23) in four and a half centuries. youth, apart from foot ball, he enjoyed The man from Krakow stepped out into the balcony in his new athletics, skiing, kayaking and swimming papal vestments. Perhaps sensing the surprise, he addressed in the Swaka River. He performed with them in Italian. His obvious fluency in Italian seemed to various theatrical groups and worked as reassure the crowd. a playwright. It was after his father's death due to heart attack in 1941, that “Do not be afraid to welcome Christ and accept his power,” John he started thinking seriously about Paul said in what would become the signature phrase of his priesthood. In October 1942, he pontificate. “Help the Pope and all those who wish to serve knocked on the door of the Christ and with Christ’s power to serve the human person and Archbishop's House in Krakow and the whole of mankind. Do not be afraid! Open wide – the doors asked to study for priesthood.
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