H160 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 12, 2011 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- that who literally saved lives, GABBY’s woman marries an astronaut, but a ant to clause 1(c) of rule XIX, further staff members, who were so heroic at love of science and a love of their coun- proceedings on this resolution will be this time, and just the shock that all of try brought them together. She was a postponed. them I know are still going through. champion for NASA and space explo- f But I know that they are really heart- ration before she married Captain ened by the fact that most people in Mark Kelly, but she has become one of RECESS America are just reaching out to them, the greatest advocates for the mission The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and people are saying, what can I do, of NASA. ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair how can I help, where can I be of serv- In 2007, our economy began to con- declares the House in recess subject to ice to this situation? tract and people lost jobs, and Rep- the call of the Chair. And that’s what we do in America is resentative GIFFORDS stood up to fight Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 42 we come together. We pull together. for them, for help for the Tucson area minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- We say, okay, we need to be Americans and for our great country. It has not cess subject to the call of the Chair. and Americans first. And I think that’s been easy, but GABBY does not give up. what we’re seeing out of this. And I As one of the more youthful Members f just hope that we, throughout this of Congress, Congresswoman GIFFORDS b 1355 country, can continue to maintain that has served at a time when the first feeling of goodwill toward one another, President of our generation was elect- AFTER RECESS of wanting to help one another, of ed. The recess having expired, the House wanting to reach out to one another The SPEAKER pro tempore. The was called to order by the Speaker pro and wanting to work together no mat- time of the gentlewoman has expired. tempore (Mrs. BONO MACK) at 1 o’clock ter where we are in the country, be- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I yield the and 55 minutes p.m. cause that’s what makes us great. gentlewoman an additional 15 seconds. f So our prayers and our support are Ms. CASTOR of Florida. It is a time with GABBY and with the others, and of hope and promise, but in the middle EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE they will continue to be. The reports of a time of great economic challenge REGARDING ARIZONA SHOOTING appear to continue to be good, which is for Arizona, for Florida, and for all of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- so gratifying and so heartening to all America. But GABBY GIFFORDS has an ant to clause 1(c) of rule XIX, pro- of us. And we all look forward to the optimistic eye to the future. She be- ceedings will now resume on the reso- day when she’s back here standing on lieves that working together we can lution (H. Res. 32) expressing the sense this floor with the rest of us. solve many of the challenges before us. of the House of Representatives with Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam And in her honor we must recommit to respect to the tragic shooting in Tuc- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- doing so. son, Arizona, on January 8, 2011. tlewoman from Florida (Ms. CASTOR). From the stories of the victims and The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Ms. CASTOR of Florida. I thank Mr. the heroes in Tucson, it is obvious that tion. PASTOR for yielding. it is a community composed of remark- The SPEAKER pro tempore. When Madam Speaker, on behalf of my able individuals. And it may explain proceedings were postponed earlier community in Florida, the Tampa Bay why the Tucson area has sent such a today, 4 hours and 6 minutes of debate area, I rise to honor my friend and col- remarkable public servant to represent remained on the resolution. league, GABRIELLE GIFFORDS, her staff them. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- The gentleman from California (Mr. and the other victims of the Arizona fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- DANIEL E. LUNGREN) has 2 hours re- shooting tragedy. The arc of time of utes to the gentleman from Louisiana, maining, and the gentleman from Ari- Congresswoman GIFFORDS’ service to her community and in the U.S. House Dr. FLEMING. zona (Mr. PASTOR) has 2 hours and 6 Mr. FLEMING. I thank my friend minutes remaining. so far has proven to be a time of change and challenge. from California. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- fornia. Madam Speaker, I yield such b 1400 port of House Resolution 32. Last week, time as she may consume to the gen- Through it all, Representative GIF- in an act of cowardly violence, our tlewoman from North Carolina (Mrs. FORDS has been a model public servant. friend and colleague, GABBY GIFFORDS, MYRICK). When we were sworn in 4 years ago, was gunned down at a public event in- Mrs. MYRICK. I thank the gentleman Congresswoman GIFFORDS and I arrived tended to give her constituents a forum for yielding the time. as part of a class, Republican and Dem- to express their opinions. While our I think like everyone else who is ocrat, that had very high ideals. She Nation honors, mourns, and remembers here, I’m here today in support of this was a leader from the very beginning. those hurt and killed in this senseless resolution, not only because it recog- We adopted ethics reform. We bolstered tragedy, it is imperative that we nizes what happened in that tragic sit- veterans. We sought modern solutions strengthen our resolve as public serv- uation that just shocked and saddened for energy challenges. We helped more ants to not let these acts deter us from all of us on Saturday, but I think most students attend college. And she, par- the important work we do and from people in America were really just in a ticularly, promoted scientific innova- who we are. state of shock and not actually know- tion. America was founded on the idea ing what to do at that time when we She sought a seat on the Armed Serv- that the people have direct access to saw what was happening, not just to ices Committee at a time when our their elected representatives, and as our friend, GABBY GIFFORDS, who is a country was struggling with the war in long as I serve, I plan to continue that friend with everyone here, but also to Iraq. She sought that seat because she tradition. As Speaker BOEHNER so elo- all of the other families that were wanted to ensure that the military per- quently put it, no act, no matter how touched by this. sonnel and the bases in her district had heinous, must be allowed to stop us It goes so deep in the Tucson commu- a champion—and did they ever. from our duty. nity when you look at the six people Congresswoman GIFFORDS rose quick- Our thoughts and prayers are with who gave their lives and the people ly to become a leader on solar energy Congresswoman GIFFORDS, her family, who are still in the hospital fighting and on immigration reform. GABBY and all those who suffered from last for their lives and all the heroes of that works to strike a balance with prag- week’s events. day. We keep hearing story after story matic policies that actually work. And Finally, God bless GABBY GIFFORDS. after story of the heroes that emerged, whether it was President Bush or God bless the victims of this tragedy. just ordinary, everyday Americans who President Obama, Congresswoman GIF- God bless this institution. And God do what we do in situations like that. FORDS spoke up boldly for additional bless the United States of America. We don’t think about ourselves, but we resources on the U.S. border. Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam come forward to help the other person. I know it sounds like a modern fairy Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- And there were so many people like tale, that a beautiful, smart congress- tleman from Minnesota (Mr. ELLISON). VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:12 Jan 13, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12JA7.041 H12JAPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with HOUSE January 12, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H161 Mr. ELLISON. I thank the gentleman America at a time when we saw one of and issues she cares so deeply about for yielding me this time. the bad things. but always in a way that is respectful On behalf of the people of the Fifth You know, as I was walking over of opposing views. She is a fierce com- Congressional District of Minnesota, here, I was thinking about Wednesday, petitor, but is always considerate of let me offer my heartfelt condolences I guess a week ago today, coming down others. to those brave Americans who lost on the elevator with Mark and GABBY The SPEAKER pro tempore. The their lives in the tragedy at Tucson, and her parents.
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