THE WEATHER NET PRESS BUN Forecaiit by V. 8. Weather Borean, Hartford. AVERAGE 11/^LT CIRCULATION for tiie Montb of November, 19^9 Bain or mow and sUg^htly colder tftirifht; Thmrsday rain or mow, 5,488 IcoiVi. StateTibV«y-C<>>»P- coldw. ' neMkera of the Aodlt Bnrean of Clrenlatlona • H*1 EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS ?OUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., VOL. XLIV., NO. 67. (Classified Advertising on Page 10) AUTO IMITATES FIRST PICTURES OF RIOTING IN HAITI WriNESSSAYS CRUNALtSAYS BUCKING BRONCO DEATHS REACH 57 HEISPERSON GORDON OF BUS Jumps Up Into Air on Street i MINE EXPLOSION and Driver Thinking . It OVERCROWDING Hexed Runs for Life. C L A n S L A IN Los Angeles, Dec. 18— (AP) More Bodies Recovered; • __E. R. Rueter drove serenely SEE RING SERE down a busy street here yes­ Odd Murder trial Begins in Cono. Co. Sets Limit at 40 terday and stopped promptly Five More Remam in when the traffic light turned Arkansas Mountain Vil­ red. 1 BOOTLEGGING IN M in e -^ s and Fallen Riders But Police Chief There was a terrific explo­ sion. Rueter’s car jumped lage-Four Men Are Be­ straight up about two feet and ^ Rocks Delay Rescue Says It’s Unsafe In Spite came down on all fours like a B A N K ^ T E R S bronco registering a protist at ing Tried for Mnrder. being ridden. As it bounded to Work— Bodies So Badly of P. U. C. Rule. ‘ a standstlU Rueter jumped out and ran. -i. , Mountain View, Ark.,,, Dec. 18— ShippeeAsks U. S. Comp­ A policeman took a hasty Burned Identification is Beginning this morning, the Con­ look at the car and started out (AP)—A man who claims he is j troller to Probe Scheme necticut company has adopted a after the fleeing driver, over­ Connie Franklin went on the wit­ taking Rueter two blocks away. ness stand this morning and testi­ Almost Impossible. new policy in the operation of its “Hey, wait!” implored the fied that he is the same person four local bus lines in Manchester. In­ Uncovered in Inquiry In­ law. “It’s all a mistake. Gas men, now on trial, are charged with stead of packing in every passenger in a sewer. Explosion. Man­ McAlester, Okla., Dec. 18.— (AP)J torturing and burning to death. ■Five more bodies, bringing to 57 that could possibly be wedged be­ hole lid blew up under your to Gander Activities. He said his real name was Mar- the total known in the explosion at tween the seats, as has been the car. Come back, you’re hold­ rion Franklin Rogers, but in recent ing up traffic.” the Old Town Coal Company mine case in rush hours heretofore, the ■ Rueter returned, but his car years he had gone imder the name gt North McAlester, were brought of Connie Franklin. Hartford, Dec. 18— (AP)— The bus drivers are working under in­ was hors de combat. Fire, in­ Hartford Times says today in a to the surface at 10 o’clock this spectors said someone probably He said he was an inmate of the morning. structions to stop for no more riders State Hospital for Nervous Diseases special despatch from Washington have been killed if the car had The five bodies were recovered after a limit of forty has been for a few months and* escaped in not stopped directly over the that reports from Connecticut of a from the sixth west entry after reached. The result was that this 1927. proposal to obtain national bank morning some of the citizens who manhole. He described his arrival in the three hours had been spent in re­ sought to pay their tokens for the St. James community last Janu­ charters at $80,000 each by a ring storing ventilation so toe rescue crews could proceed with thalr privilege of having their breath 12833739 ary, staying the first night at the claiming to have influence in the 'de­ squeezed out were left standing at home of S. H. Greenway, father of partment of the Comptroller of the work. Caveins had to be dug the station posts. Herman Greenway, one of the de­ Currency, has started an investiga­ through to reach the bodies. The company had an inspector fendants. tion by the governmental bureau. Bodies Burned. checking loads at the Center and Here Is the first picture from Haiti showing the His first job as a farm hand, he J. W. Pole, United States Comptrol­ The bodies were bruised and so far as known he found no bus to BY STOCK CRASH marines to enforce marital law and use machine guns and rifles on dissenters. This photo, rushed here by said, was with Joe White, another ler of Currency, said the investiga­ burned and Identification was not contain more than the prescribed S e PalA m Sican Srways. shows a demonstration by Damien students in front of La Presse newspaper defendant. Next he worked fpr tion had been ordered. effected immediately. forty aboard on arrival at that building, Port au Prince, just before martial law was enforced. Herman Greenway, he claimed. The investigation has developed Five members were yet unaccount­ point. Describes ^urtshlp out of infotmation obtained by ed for but it was believed their Scott Sees Gordon. The beginning of a courtship Bank Commissioner Lester E. Ship- bodies would be found during the Police Chief Gordon’s announce­ C. of C. Survey Shows That| ^ ^ with Tlllar Rumlner, the star wit­ pee, of Connecticut in his Investlga day. Search for the bodies was re­ ment that he would arrest the ness for the state, was described. tlon into the operations of Howard tarded by toe presence of gas and driver of any bus found to be seri­ CURTAIN OF FOG “We just sparked a little,” the H. Gunder, head of thirteen defunct wreckage caused by the explosion. ously overcrowded brought Na­ Business Was Better Than SU YER CALLS AT HOMES witness said when asked if they had Investment companies under Fed' The 52 bodies so far recovered thaniel J. Scott, manager of the a love affair. eral Grand Jury investigation in were in McAlestei^ morgues await­ Hartford division of the Connecti­ DELAYS STEAMERS Then he began relating the story New York following the collapse of ing funeral arrangements. It wss the Bankers Capital Corporation of cut company, to Manchester this of his movements on the day Frank­ said a crew of convicts from the TO MURDER THREE MEN lin was reputSd to have been slain. New York, This Information has morning for a conference'with the state prison here will be pressed Into ■ He and Herman Greenway, Hu­ been forwarded to Mr, Pole by Mr. police chief. , _ ' <♦> service to dig graves for toe whole­ Mr. Scott assured Chief Gordon Hartford, Dec. 18.— (AP)—The ! bert Hoster and Alex Fulks, all de­ Shlppee and on the strength of it CO-EDS MUST COVER ] New York Harbor Filled fendants, started to Mountain View the comptroller of currency has sale burial. that the company intended to use monthly business survey issued by | KNEES, DEAN RULES. every effort to give adequate serv­ the Connecticut' Chamber of Com-1 Carrying Death List He Kills to get a marriage license for him, asked the Department of Justice to he said. They all got drunk, he probe the matter. Information re­ THE RESCUE WORK. ice and promised that there would fnerce in conjunction with the lead­ be no more violations, of the law. Moscow, Ida., Dec. 17.— (AP) j With Liners; Many Tele­ added, and he fell off a mule. He garding this situation was given out McAlester, Okla., Dec. 18.— (AP) He pointed out, however, that the ing Chambers of Commerce of the Jailer, Justice of the —Willy-nilly, University of Idaho said he regained consciousness two today with the full approval of Mr. —Braving toe dread menace of fire, Public Utilities Commission has state discloses that Connecticut as a co-eds are going to be in style. phone Wijres Break Down or three hours later and went first Pole. rescue workers who had toiled certified the buses in operation here whole was not affected in Novem­ Th^y are under orders to cover to the Ruminer home and th^n to Mr. Pole’s Statement through the night today continued as being of a capacity of 29 seated ber by the recent stock market Peace and Another Citi­ up their knees before returning Herman Greenway’s home. The “In reply to your inquiries,” Mr. their grim task of removing bodies passengers and that the state law slump. to school after the Christmas re­ night he and Tillar started to the Pole Told the Hartford Times, “ I from the lower levels of thfe . Old permits the carrying of standing Building operations showed a sub­ zen With Shotgun. * cess. New York, Dec. 18.— (AP)—A home of Finish Ford, a justice of have received some information Town Coal Company’s mine in North passengers to the extent of 40 per stantial increase over the figures Miss Permeal French, dean o£ curtain of fog which' has paralyzed the peace, to be married, they stop­ only recently that charges had been McAlester, where yesterday 62 cent of the seating capacity. Fixing for November 1928. The dollar value women, announced the edict at ped^___ at _S. H. Greenway’s,. he said. made that----- Influence------------ could, be miners were trapped by an explo­ of permits issued in Willimantic in­ trjiffiC'in New York harbor for 24 eleven sis the limit of standees Romney, W. Va., Dec.
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