XXIII COARSE ANGLING European CHAMpIONSHIP CAVANELLA PO – MAY 20 and 21 2017 Welcome, dear angler friends, I am delighted to express on my name and on behalf of the Italian Sport Fishing and Underwater Activities Federation (FIPSAS), the best greetings to all participants at this Coarse Angling European Championships that this year is going to take place from May 20th until 21th 2017, in a charming area of Veneto Region, along the “Canalbianco” bank. I am sure that all attending athletes, who will join Rovigo as well as all managers, judges and stewards will find a way to explore and appreciate our beauties and taste Veneto people’s hospitality and of all those who have made all efforts for the organization of this sport fishing important event. I am particularly delighted to express my warmest welcoming to all in the aim to live together some happy days in the name of sport. A special “good luck” to all Judges convened to manage this race, in the certainty of their professional and fair commitment they have also expressed in precedent occasions. Finally, I wish to thank the organizing Committee and his President, the local authorities and all journalists for their support and contribution for this event’s good success. The FIPSAS President Prof. Ugo Claudio Matteoli OFFICIAL PROGRAMME From: Sunday 14 May 2017 (arrival of teams) To: Monday 22 May 2017 (departure of teams) INFORMATION ABOUT LOREO CITY This city is located in the “Basso Polesine” between the Adige and the Po river. A series of little streets leading into “Piazza Longhena”, which preserves its ancient appearance next to the Cathedral (1658), rich of many artworks. Next to the Cathedral, there is also the “Oratorio della SS. Trinità”. Another important element is also the Church of “Madonna del Pilastro”, the oldest church of the “Basso Polesine” built presumably in 1153. INFORMATION ABOUT ADRIA CITY A CITY 'THAT GAVE THE NAME TO THE SEA The city of Adria stood on the stretch of the coast where the Po River discharged its waters into the sea, it was connected with throughout a port channel, in so far as it had the honour of giving the name to the Adriatic Sea. Places you can visit: “ENTE PARCO REGIONALE VENETO DEL DELTA DEL PO” Via Marconi 6, 45012 Ariano nel Polesine, tel 0426/372202, fax 0426/373035, e-mail: [email protected]; web site:www.parcodeltapo.org “MUSEO ARCHEOLOGICO NAZIONALE” Via Badini 59, tel. and fax 0426/21612, e-mail:[email protected]; web site: www.archeopd.beniculturali.it THE COMPETITION VENUE The competition will take place on the “Canalbianco”, Municipality Cavanella Po (Rovigo). The venue for the competition is about 2 km long and the average width is of about 90 m while the average depth is of 4 m. It is a navigable canal and it is 15 km far from the sea where it flows. No sluices regulate the water stream, so it is subject to tides, which can cause a water level variation up to 1 metre. Rare weeds are present in the canal and the bottom is quite regular for fishing. The water stream is strongly affected to tides, with upstream and downstream movements. THE FISH SPECIES The main fish species to be caught in “Canalbianco” are: breams, from small size to big size up to 2000 g; in less quantity also crucian carps, mullets, bleaks and others. No minimal sizes are requested. The main fishing techniques: Roubaisienne and telescopic rod without real. Organising Committee: Organising Committee Via C. Grotto, 19/a - 45019 Taglio di Po Rovigo Mail: [email protected] Tel: 0039 340 8120916 – 0039 347 1559415 MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF GROUNDBAIT AND BAIT AND ROD LENGTH 20 liters of groundbaits, including earth, gravel, corn maize, wheat, hempseed, etc. and other additives that are not toxic for the fauna and the water environment. 2.5 liters of baits, of which a maximum amount of 1 liter can be aquatic larvae (jokers and bloodworms). In any case the maximum amount of bloodworms can be 0.25 liter. A maximum amount of 0.5 liter of earthworms is allowed in the total baits The maximum rod length will be 13 metres. The keep-net mesh cannot exceed 10 mm on 10 mm. The keep-net shall have either a minimum diameter of 40 cm for the round ones or a minimum diagonal of 50 cm for the rectangular ones and a minimum length of 3.50 metres WHERE WE ARE AND HOW TO JOIN US The competition venue is located on the territory of Loreo, a village of about 3,500 citizens. It is a picturesque village characterized of buildings that make it be considered as a small Venice. How to arrive: The venue is about 30 km far from the three Highway exits of Boara Polesine, Rovigo and Villamarzana It is about 7 km far from the highway “Romea” PADOVA KM 60.00 VERONA KM 120.00 VENEZIA KM 50.00 FERRARA KM 70.00 BOLOGNA KM 100.00 By flight: a) Coming from the Airport of Venice (Marco Polo): (point A in the follow map), take the highway “Romea” n. 309 direction “Rosolina” after take the Provincial road n. 45 direction “Autodromo”. b) Coming from the Airport of Bologna (G. Marconi): (point B in the follow map), follow the indications to join Motorway A13 direction Rovigo. From Rovigo take the highway road n. 443 direction Adria after take the Provincial road n. 45 direction “Autodromo”. c) Coming from the Airport of Verona (Caselle): (point C in the follow map), take the highway road Transpolesana n. 434. From Rovigo take the highway road n. 443 direction Adria after take the Provincial road n. 45 direction “Autodromo”. By car: a) coming from the Motorway A/13 (Padova-Venezia), get out in Boara Polesine, after 1 km take the beltway and follow the indications towards Adria and, after, to Loreo. Before arriving in Loreo, follow the indications towards Cavanella Po and after you’ll arrive in Canalbianco. b) coming from the Motorway A/13 (Padova-Venezia), get out in Rovigo, cross the city and then get on the Provincial Road to Adria and the Loreo. Before arriving in Loreo, follow the indications towards Cavanella Po and after you’ll arrive in Canalbianco. c) coming from Bologna, through the Motorway A/13, get out in Villamarzana, take the Transpolesana road towards Rovigo, then the East Beltway and follow the indications to Adria and the Loreo. Before arriving in Loreo, follow the indications towards Cavanella Po and after you’ll arrive in Canalbianco. d) From the Highway no. 309 “Romea”, get out in Rosolina towards Rovigo, cross Loreo and, after about 2 km, follow the indications towards Cavanella Po. REGISTRATION OF NATIONAL TEAMS All teams should register on Monday 15 May 2017 between 7:30 am and 3:00 pm at “Autodromo di Adria” – Via Smergoncino n. 14 – Adria. Tel. and Fax: 0039 0425 34199 - email: [email protected]. The Committee will be present to provide you with further information on the event. Each country should bring national flags and a CD of its national anthem. CONTACTS For any information required, please contact the Organising Committee - Via C. Grotto, 19/a - 45019 Taglio di Po Rovigo Mail: [email protected] Telefoni utili: 0039 340 8120916 (Giovanni Rascacci) – 0039 347 1559415 (Agostino Altieri) REGISTRATION AT THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP Registrations for the Coarse Angling European Championship should be sent within 1st May 2017, through the attached registration forms. All additional information will be handed to teams on registration. REGISTRATION FEE FOR DELEGATIONS Team registration fee € 1,300.00 FIPSed fee € 150.00 The registration fee includes 9 tickets for the gala dinner, 6 fishing licenses, insurance and some possible gadgets. The participating Nations are charged of all accommodation costs. For accompanying persons, the gala dinner ticket cost is € 60.00 per person. The registration fee of € 1.450,00 (€ 1,300.00 plus € 150) shall be paid on the following bank account, headed at the “Comitato Organizzatore Europeo 2017”: Bank: Prossima IBAN n° IT39S0100503309000000009811 SWIFT/BIC : BCITITMX ACCOMMODATION There is a wide selection of angler friendly accommodation in the area. Special rates have been secured for the championship – book early. Each Federation shall call directly the hotels. PROGRAMME OF THE COMPETITION The venue shall be closed during the fourteen days preceding the first training day (closed from April 30 to May 15 2017) for all the members of the participating official delegations. During these 14 days, training at the venue shall be forbidden for all Nations in the entire area chosen for the championship, as well as 500 metres upstream and downstream of said area (including the opposite banks). There is another part of the Channel (Piantamelon), which has the same characteristics as the section that will be used as competition venue of the European Championship: there it is possible to fish for trainings at any time of the year. Anyone who is interested shall inform of it in due time the organizers, who shall provide the fishing permits (€ 13.00). MONDAY 15 MAY 2017 07:30am – 03:00 pm Team registration at “Autodromo di Adria” – Via Smergoncino n. 14 – Adria. 07:30-09:00 am Drawing and distribution of the teams «box» numbers for the official trainings will take place at “Autodromo di Adria” according to an official FIPSed grid. For countries who are not present during the draw, the draw will be performed by a FIPSed representative. 09:50 am Heavy baiting 10:00 am Start of training 06:00 pm End of training TUESDAY 16 MAY 2017 09:50 am Heavy baiting 10:00 am Start of training 06:00 pm End of training WEDNESDAY 17 MAY 2017 09:50 am Heavy baiting 10:00 am Start of training 06:00 pm End of training THURSDAY 18th MAY 2017 09:50 am Heavy baiting 10:00 am Start of training 02:00 pm End of training 05:00 pm Concentration of the Team at Adria (Rovigo) “Sede Municipale dei Vigili Urbani” – Via Mazzini 05:30 pm Parade opening and official welcoming of the XXIII Coarse Angling European Championship at “Piazza Cavour” in front of the “Teatro Sociale” FRIDAY 19th MAY 2017 09:50 am Heavy baiting 10:00 am Start of training – COMPULSORY! 02:00 pm End of compulsory training 03:00 pm Venue must be free by all competitors 04:00 pm 1st captains’ meeting at “Autodromo di Adria” SATURDAY 20th MAY 2017 07:00 am 2nd captains’ meeting at “Autodromo di Adria”.
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