SUCCESS THE AUSTRALIAN BANK OF COMMERCE lies In what you do with what you have. Waiting LIMI TED. for something to turn up rarely pays, and when It Authorised Capital - $5.000.000 does, time at least has already been lost. What Capital Paid up and Reserves • 12.685.303 Aggregate Assets at 30th June. 1926 $16,789,590 you have now Is your only capital, however meagre Director*: SIR MAKK SHKl.DON. K.B.K., Chairman ; FKANK X. YAKWOOD: H. It. LYHAOHT. O.H.K : It may seem, and the sooner you get It working UKOKGK J. HI.V. LL.I>.: LIKUT.COI. T. L. F RUTI.KIMJK the sooner will ultimate success come. JAMKM KKLL. General Manager: C. M. C. SHANNON. Chief Inspector for New South Wales: W. G. Hul.L. Thrill Is just a good exhlbiiion of Common Sense, and no amount is too small to save. Head Office, Sydney (Corner George and King Streets) BRANCHES AN'I) KKCKIVING OFFICES AT 158 PLACES IX XKW SOUTH WALKS. Let the Savings Account do it (or you —there BRISBANE :-2lil Queen *t. Chief Inspector for Queensland—L. AVKYAKD. Manager— G. H. HOWKI.I.. your money will not only be accumulating, but BRANCHKS AND RECEIVING OFFICES AT 27 working for you—earning Interest. PLACES IN QUEENSLAND. MELBOURNE:-325 Colllnn-st. Manager-M. B. FINNEY. ADELAIDE:—.15 Kundle-nt. Manager-K. T. MOODIK. A Savings Account costs nothing lo open and PERTH:—73 St Georges Terrace. Manager—A. C. DIHDIN The JSavy League Journal every post office is an agency of the LONDON:—87 Thread needle nt.. E.C. 2 Manager—A. F. JKNKINS. Agents tlirougiiout the rest of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, and at all Chief Cities throughout the World Commonwealth Bank of Hustraha EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BANKING Vol.. VIII. No. 3. SVDNKV, JULY, 1927. pRICK 3d BUSINESS TRANSACTED. (Guaranteed by the Commonweilth Government. Naval Limitation. When Making Your Will Appoint HE Naval Conference at Geneva, whether it of light cruisers commensurate with the obligations T comes to agreement or no, has done much and duties of the Empire to-day. Thus the as Your Trustee to ventilate the disarmament views of the three British representatives, especially those of the maritime nations convened thereat. an organisation whose experience and Dominions, have pronounced the considered faiih integrity lend themselves to capable and From what may be gathered through the cables of all thinking men and women of the Empire. secure administration of trust Estates. the American delegates seem to be chiefly con- To renounce or even diminish this margin of safety cerned, not with disarmament, per se, but wilh and join in agreement for the mere sake of agree- THE PERMANENT TRUSTEE securing complete equality with the British Empire ing would not only be a retrograde but a suicidal in all and every class of vessel. pact—an implication that our right to defend our COMPANY OF N.S.W. LTD. This may be, of itself, a legitimate and praise- lives and living with reasonable safeguards was no has estates under control exceeding longer admitted even by ourselves. £11,000.000. A special Act of Parliament worthy aspiration, and we are ready to concede renders the whole of the Company's that many motives, without doubt, are playing Whatever may h* ihe outcome of the Coiw capital and assets—over one million actively behind the demands at the conference ; pounds—liable for the protection of | ; Ceilings within the means of even the ference.it will h»./e done at least one lasting good; j j modest Homebuiider. but such an one is not the stuff out of which olient8' interests, thus ensuring absolute 1 the reminding of all British peoples that their security. After 39 years' service, the Send to-day for our free Catalogue M. 2 ' disarmament is woven. Cohipany possesses a wealth of experi- I ; WUNDERLICH LIMITED very being nationally and individually, depends at ence rarely acquired by an individual. I i Baptist Street. Redfern, Sydney The British delegates, moreover, have come bottom J.I the safety for commerce throughout the Arrange an interview. Booklet free on | WUNDERLICH fairly into the open. Their proposals have been Seven Seas. This axiom can never be reiterated request. J* Art Metal Ceilings I backed by substantial reasons, and the greatest too much or too often ; and when it is burned deep J. W. BARNES, E. V. T. WHITTLE, actuating force is seen to consist of an earnest Manager. Assistant Manager. hf-B r - Iff IIII II ' in our consciousness we may rest content, well- desire lor economy coupled with safety. They knowing that all policy and decision will square 25 O'CQNNELL STREET, SYDNEY. have, hawever, stood out first and last for a force automatically with this principle before execution. 14 THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL. THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL. ' 15 3 / \ Interstate Steamship Sailings The Pirates of the Phoebe. From Shoalhaven to the Society Islands and to Samoa. Modern Passenger Steamers: When Queen Maihara Wrote to Governor Darling. Regular Passenger and Freight Services IIY THOMAS DL'NHAHI.V. KATOOMBA N the year of grace, 1827, just a century ago, " DIAR FRIKND OAKLING." things were stirring at the Shoalhaven. CANBERRA to all Australian Ports. I That was the last ever seen in Australian waters Alexander Berry and David Wollstonecraft had of the Phoebe. Nearly a year later, however. ZEALANDIA secured a large land grant there. On this they Governor Darling received a letter dated August KAROOLA BUILT FOR SPEED AND COMFORT. had a large farming establishment out of which was 25, 1828, from Maihara, Queen of Huahine, in .he BOMBALA to grow the great Berry estate of later years. In Society Islands of which the following is a literal addition quantities of cedar were being cut on the translation made by one Robert Brown :— DIMBOOLA Shoalhaven River, and shipped to Sydney by the " Dear Friend Darling, Peace be to you from KANOWNA 25 ton brig Phoebe, owned by the partners. God. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO ORUNGAL On December t4, 1827, the Phoebe was lying TELEPHONE "Some white thieves are here who have come at Crookhaven with 8,000 feet of cedar on board ORMISTON A dm laid* Steamship Co. Ltd. - 22 Bridge Strati, Sydney . 9520 from Botany Bay in a boat which they stole from A. U. S. N. Co. • -7 Bridge Stmt, Sydney - 10SSS to he taken to Sydney, when she was seized for a Botany Bay; they are here with us. They have Australian Steamship Ltd., Kembla Building!, Margaret St., Sydney 6221 much longer voyage. Fifteen assigned servants, stolen a boat belonging to Barff; they have also McOwraith, McEacharn Line - 61 Pitt Street, Sydney • • 7566 prisoners of the Crown who were working for Berry broken open a house belonging to Mahine and Huddart, Parker, Ltd. - - 10 Bridge Street, Sydney • 9566 and Wollstonecraft, went on board and took th, have stolen therefrom six muskets and a cask of Melbourne Steamship Co. Ltd. • Cr. Clarence and Barrack Streets 6213 vessel. powder; in fact they have left nothing in the At daybreak on December 15, they put to sea house. intending to reach America. They had a map of INSURE WITH THE " We despatched a boat after them with a num- the Pacific, and one of them, Hunter, who had ber of our men ; they overtook them out at sea been a seaman and seems 'to have been an op- when they commenced firing upon our people, timist, told the others that they could reach killed two and wounded six ; five escaped unhurt. America in 25 days. Three others, Taggart and The thieves escaped. MERCANTILE MUTUAL two brothers named Bowes, seem also to have had INSURANCE CO., LTD. some little knowledge of the sea. The others were " This is our word unto you, the Governor of landsmen. All the fifteen were Irishmen. Botany Bay, unto all the inferior chiefs and in- ferior Governors, and to all the people of Port An Australian Insurance Co. Established 1878 Their provisions for the voyage consisted of 56 Jackson, agree cordially to our word ; this is what bushels of wheat, two tons of potatoes, a little pork, we say : send one of your ships Darling, and fetch three pigs and seven casks of water. FIRE, ACCIDENT, MARINE and these thieves, and take them again to Botany Bay : The runaways compelled John Henry Smith, they are a set of evildoers; behold two of our WOREERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE who was measuring the cedar, and three other people have been killed, and six wounded. These men who formed the crew of the Phoebe, to pilot MOTOR-CAR, PUBLIC RISK, BOILER EXPLOSION, PLATE GLASS, BURGLARY, men are very troublesome : they are murderers : ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, LOSS OF RENTS, LOSS OF PROFITS, them out of Crookhaven. In fact they asked they are ungrateful: we have behaved kindly to FIDELITY GUARANTEE PLUVIUS (RAINFALL) INSURANCE Smith to make the voyage with I hem but he them, and they have behaved ill to us. It is prudently declined. AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE, CROPS, HAYSTACKS, FENCING, because the Gospel has influence over us that we It fell calm and the Phoebe had to be towed out WOOL FROM SHEEFS BACK TO WAREHOUSE. have not killed the white men who remain amongst HOUSEHOLDER'S AND HOU8EOWNER-S COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE. of Crookhaven. When she had cleared the heads us. We are striving to prevent any difference Smith, the three men of the crew and two sawyers arising between you and us and then it will be wel Be Patriotic. Insure Australian Property in an Australian Insurance Co. who had been pressed into the work of towing with us all.
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