OnlvorBliyolOroBon Dol)t 01 juuuiu I JrlrL SPRINGFIELD NEWS (Hint Koirniry it. IMI.U 4 irliifttl I. 1mkii, ltrin1-nultorum- SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1917 VOL. XVI. NO. r rt ol t'nnxrn of M rli, my 34 $48 A MONTH FOR WIDOW INTERNED GERMANS TAKE EXERCISE SPUDS SAID TO BE ROTTEN CHRISTIAN CHURCH NO ONE 15 .vMri. W. P. Howill Hat 6077.34 Oe W. B. Cooper Wants His Money Any. EXEMPT Allan for her and Children. way? E, E. Morrison la Defendant MPROVEMENTS 10 FmyilKhi a month will bo W. B. Cooper Is plaintiff In a suit NOW; ALL BETWEEN I A. Mm U. V. Howell, by the stai filed early this week in circuit court Industrial u cell! cut commission which against E. E. Morrison, of Springfield iii.ulo nwtird in the claim for com In which ho seeks tho recovery of tho BE FINISHED 500 pcmii'ii I; (hu froth of Wm. K. sum of $2046.69, alleged duo on a 21 AND 30 TO Itowpll a ;r'irlitf resident, win quantity of potatoes which tho plain IN tli.O on May f tiMii Iho result of lo tiff sold him. 1 rrculvcd it no Booth-Kell- sa When asked about the suit, Mr. Prooonto Dlfforont Be Siruoturo mill n iMCDnili-- 1G, JMfl. Morrison stated that it really was not Exemptions to Determined Than It Did Mr, Howell loft u widow mid throo hlc affair at all since ho bad been act- After Completion of Regis- ing only as an agent a company Six Wookar Ago. children nnd tlm coinmlHHlon not for tration, June 5. $0077.34, to covor tho monthly cut of tho state, and purchased the paymen to to ho mudo to tho family potatoes and shjpped them to this company, When- - of.-h- ? oased. without scplng them. BUILDING IS NOW MODERN , . STATEMENT IS GIVEN OUT. untior mo staio compensation law, tbo shipment arrived, the buyers had which awards $30 per month to tho to resort the potatoes and found 11 They computed ( New Rooms, A Balcony, Fresh Paint widow of n liocciiHod workman and $0 carloads rotten. tho Provost Marshal General Issues Fulf for (itch child under tho ago 10 lotc as $2045.69, and Instructed Mr. and Paper, and Changed En of Data on How to Line Up yearn, a payment of $48 per month Morrison not to pay for the spoiled trance, Some of Features. will ho mado to Iho family. Tho product Under Draft nwrrd Ih mudo on a life expectancy of 19 years and hIx month h for tho widow Thlrtouti lniudivd dollars, nix week , Sen. Harry Washington, May 22. Tho provost; time, and the hard offortH oi n good Lane marshal general's office today was nii'ny men In tho charge of C. I.. Ar flooded with inquiries from all cor ictt, have worked wonder. I'ho Oregon Pioneers Pies at Hospital ners of the country regarding exemp- Christian church congregation now hnv tion from military service under the a much mora convenient and com-fortahl- o Need No Licenses selective draft act, Theso Inquiries-cam- o placo In which to worship, Prominent Oregonian Succumbs from individuals, employed, and-eve- nr.d Springfield has a qulto motion In San Francisco Late from members of Congress. rliucturo of which It can b? proud. May Now Hunt and Fish Free, Most of the inquiries contain spec. Last Night Folks who huvo been nwu from Says Legislature; Other Iflc questions, such as: Will a man homo a few weeks would scarce:; with one child be exempt, and will a recognlzo tho hulldlng on tho coru Changos in Laws. ' ' man whose sole Income is his salary t United States Senator Harry Lano of Fourth nnd A streets, slnco a Mk havo to register? The answer to all of Oregon died at the St. Francis addition han boon added to tin north ! these questions Is that there is no ex- .'. now provision mndo by tli lust hospital here at 11:46 o'clock Wednes- ide,r tho stcoplo has boon ronmvod emption from registration that each lcglHluturo provides for sovoral impor day night. and tup boll towor romodolcd and flu , male person between the ages of 21 chaugus Ho'had been confined to his bed for lil.od, now iloorH nnd stops added, thr taut in tho law regulating and 30 years, Inclusive, must regis- Itiotca by American Prt.n AstocUtlon. tho past several days, suffering from entrance chnngod, nnd a bright no tho granting of hunting and fishing ter. llconses. At Kort Mcl'borson, (la., the Interned men of the seized German ships are a hardening of the arteries. ont of whlto paint spread ovor nil j permitted to exercise, but under the watchful eye of our soldiers. The top In reference to this matter. Brigadier-- I Plohoors who camo to tho state of Senator Lane arrived in San Fran- Icaldc, too, thero nro many clannch. photo is of a barbed wire stockade being erected the camp General Enoch Crowder, provost Oregon prior to year 1SC0 can nt cisco several days ago a very sick One of the latest and boat features the marshal general, said today: now hunt and fish without paying a man. nnd went nlmnHf ImmnHlnfplv tn li tho addition of a gallory at the Second Registration Not Probable. Identity es- the hospital, wh'ere-- ho was attended hack of tho main auditorium. Co license. Tholr must bo tablished, together with proof that "FOR MEN ONLY" SHOULD NOT PASS ny ur. h. a. u. Ryntogei. "In regard to the ages, it is part- rides being a real addition in aprcsr-nnco- , young they aro pioneers d)y affidavit If nec- Dr. Ryfkogel declared the case was icularly pointed out that It a tho balcony also affords sol'. n twenty-firs- essary. Tho law also permits vet- honelesR almost from thn liftrlnnlnc man's t birthday falls on room for about 100 mora folka than ! 5 he must register; on erans of tho Civil War and of tho In- of his service, declaring that the J.un but. the was possible boforo, Bonca h Iho SAYS COMmTTEE SAYS BROTHERHOOD cther hand 11 hls thirty-firs- t birth- - dian wnrs to fish and hunt free. Spo-cla- l trouble of his patient had advanced , balcony, which extends acroaj tlu day will bo to men too far for medical science to be of IaIs on tnat datc' no Is exempted th end, Is room for nn ontranco licenses granted In any assistance "Some will ask: Will there be a ) theso classes. hull and another classroom. In i at-si- The senator's wife was his bed- - second registration for men who I Under the now law which went In' Will Bo Given A Bond Issue Not Feasible, at additional rooms havo been c:ju. Springfieldians Road ' twenty-firs- t year t'r to effect May 21, women mny fkn at the end, tain their between (d, Including a bnnquot hall In I he Meal Decide 5 without licenses, but cannot hunt Chance to Eat Splendid Members After June and the dato of the draft? pecond story. ThlH will bo lltti'i. - wlll not be regfslri? without a license. Boys over 14 And Help Worthy Work. Hearing Debate. Dr. Harry Lane, junior United States iThere' asecond wlthjhot water, a stovo.and other con- lion day for first of 500,000 'must havo licenses for cither hunt-- ' senator from Oregon, former mayor of the draft veniences. men. will be anoth- - Ing or flBhlng. j Whether there 1 Portland, former superintendent of the Tho woodwork Insldo will now o second 500-00- Tho feo for hunting licenses was "For Men Only" is tho edict which According to the decision made at Oregon State hospital and lifelong er ree'stratlon for the n mnhogany stain finish, Instca 1 "f Offl- - nrnihprhnrvi i, . r, nen has not been determined. from $1 to $1.C0 has gono forth concerning tho civic tho loiinin last Mnmlnv t. 11 IX L KJl m1 1 1 forr,er-I- j raised nnd tho fee " rm nxa uui U S , Ut , the tan painted surfaco which - of war department believe for fishing licenses was also raised banquet to bo given by tho local chop- evening, tho $6,000,000 roads bond bill August 28, 1855. He was the son of rials the mot tho oyo. Tho choir loft, which wm De from $1 to $1.60 nnd tho feo for a tcr of the lied Cross association next should not DasB at this time. It. L. vn tt t .i e one registration in In largo enough to hold tho plu o at ai,., t,,at U l raUe combination license from $2 to 43. Monday evening, May 28, beginning Kirk, M. M .Peery. and L. K. Pago Brandson of General Joseph Lane, th" flrit back, wilt hn fitted with tan temh-o- r the nece!8"LB00,0-0- the W.-hn- men seven o'clock in tho W. O. ll. contended that tho bill should pass, governor tAO crlulC'' of each' upholstered chairs. New carpotn nt first territorial of Oregon. 0 , IS FROM BUGGY Tho object of tho banquet Is to in- v,hlle Thomas Sikes, W. F. Walker. !s.a,8 some confusion n vlll bo laid on tho nlsloH. con. THROWN He was graduated from the Willamette "Thf Tin million M. Dressier upheld neg.v t,,c nl "dF of persons who belong to Kiegatlon facing terest citizens in lha three nnd C the university in 1876.
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