Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83981-5 - Messiaen Studies Edited by Robert Sholl Index More information Index A Bosch, Hieronymus 211 Abbate, Carolyn 122–3 Boulanger, Nadia 34, 50 Adams, John 233 Boulez, Pierre 2, 9, 37, 46–7, 49, 65, 66, Adorno, T. W. 68, 69, 172–3, 174, 176 67, 71, 77, 143, 190, 232, 232, agape 40 245, 247, 251 Alquie,´ Ferdinand 43 Piano Sonata No. 2 53 Antoine, Pere` Louis 217–18, 229 Structures 1a 64 Apollinaire, Guillaume 221 Sur incises 247 Aquinas, St Thomas 49, 91, 213, 217, Braque, Georges 44 224–5, 228–9 Breton, Andre´ 34, 35, 50–1, 55, 61 Aragon, Louis 42 Arcane 4, 55 Arletty 18 First Surrealist Manifesto 38–9 Arrieu, Claude 3 Mad Love (L’Amour fou) 41, 55, 60 Aubin, Tony 5 Nadja 55 Augustine, St 90, 92 le point sublime 41, 55, 61–2 Aulnoy, Madame d’ 211 Second Surrealist Manifesto 40–1 Auric, Georges 4, 5 use of Tristan ideal 60–1 Britten, Benjamin 173 B Bunlet, Marcelle 4, 5, 20, 23, 24, 25, Balthasar, Hans Urs Von 79, 94–8, 99, 26, 27, 30 208–9, 229 Barraine, Elsa 18 C Barto´k, Bela 232 Calvino, Italo 143, 253 Baudrier, Yves 6, 7, 11 The Castle 123–5, 132, 141–2 Les Musiciens dans la cite´ 7, 11, 12 Capdevielle, Pierre 5, 11–12 Beaumont, Etienne de 22 Caplet, Andre´ 4 Benjamin, George 246 Carne,´ Marcel Benjamin, Walter 40, 172 Les Enfants du paradis 17 Berg, Alban 66, 232 Carter, Elliott 233, 242–3, 245–6, Lyrische Suite 34 252, 253 Wozzeck 105 Catholic Action (l’Action Catholique) Berio, Luciano 212, 214, 230 Rendering 253 Chagall, Marc Berlioz, Hector 4, 234 Bouquet with Flying Lovers 37 Les Nuits d’et´ e´ 4 Chailley, Jacques 4, 27, 28 Symphonie fantastique 123 Cantique du soleil 4 Bernac, Pierre 6, 7, 11, 15 Chaix-Ruy, Jules Bernstein, Leonard 173 From the Fairytale to the Celestial Birtwistle, Harrison 232, 233 210–11, 220–1 Bizet, Georges 4 Chirico, Giorgio de 53 254 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83981-5 - Messiaen Studies Edited by Robert Sholl Index More information 255 Index Claudel, Paul 14 E Cocteau, Jean 4, 9, 18, 22 Ecole d’Arcueil 15 Cohler, Jonathan 185–6 Eluard, Paul 35, 45–6, 54, 55, 61 Congar, Yves 209, 213, 214 La Courbe de tes yeux 45–6 Copland, Aaron 65 Un Bel Oiseaux 46 Cortot, Alfred 2, 18 Emmanuel, Maurice Sonatine IV sur des modes hindous 23 D Dada 38 F Dali, Salvador Fabre, Lucien depiction of ecstasy 42 Dieu est innocent Daniel-Lesur, Jean-Yves 5, 6, 7, 11, 13 Rabevel ou Le Mal des ardents 16 Trois Poemes` 11, 12 Ferraud, Pierre-Octave 5 Pavane 11, 12 Fetis,´ Franc¸ois-Joseph 240–1 Dassil, Lia 10 filiation (adoptive) 39 Debussy, Claude 12, 63, 232 Franc¸ais, Jean 5, 26 Prelude´ a` l’apres-midi` d’un faune 5 Franck, Cesar´ 4, 7 Delannoy, Marcel 5 Freud, Sigmund 38, 39 Berceuse 15 Eros and Thanatos 39–40 Chanson du Galerien´ 15 Delaunay, Robert 194 G Delbos, Claire (Messiaen’s first wife)15, Gaulle, Charles de 19 20, 26, 27–8, 29, 38, 60 Giacometti, Alberto 51 L’Ame en bourgeon 15, 25 Gide, Andre´ Paraphrase sur le jugement dernier Oedipe 16 21, 22 Gluck, C. W. von 222 Deleuze, Gilles 166–7 Orfeo ed Euridice 221 deterritorialisation 163 Goehr, Alexander 244–5, 246, 248, 251 ‘impossible ear’ 167 Goeyvaerts, Karel 63, 72 territorialisation 161–2 Golea,´ Antoine 63 and immanence 161 Gould, Glenn 173 and Messiaen’s techniques 162 Grisey, Gerard´ 246 and Time 162–4 Groupe des Six 15 Delvincourt, Claude 5, 15, 26, 27, Guardini, Romano 208, 214–15 29, 71–2 Guehenno,´ Jean 8 Bocasserie 15 Guitry, Sacha 18 Demarquez, Suzanne 4, 15 Variations, interlude et tarentelle sur un H theme` populaire corse 15 Hakim, Naji 248 Denis, Maurice Hanslick, Eduard 97 Woodcuts for the Fioretti 211, Harvey, Jonathan 234, 235, 247–8 225–6 Hegel, G. W. F. 38, 41 Derain, Andre´ 18 Hindemith, Paul 64 Desormi´ ere,` Roger 18, 26 Honegger, Arthur 4, 5, 6, 15, 26, Domenach, Jean-Marie 213 28, 30 Dongen, Kees van 18 Poemes` de Claudel 15 Dubois, Theodore 25 Le Roi David 24, 206 Dukas, Paul 5, 245 ‘Semaine Honegger’ 20–1 L’Apprenti Sorcier 122–3 Dupre,´ Marcel 3, 21, 23, 24, 26, 245 J Durey, Louis 221 Jacob, Max 44 Durufle,´ Maurice 5, 12, 30 Jaubert, Maurice 5 Dutilleux, Henri 12 Joachim, Irene` 11 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83981-5 - Messiaen Studies Edited by Robert Sholl Index More information 256 Index Jolivet, Andre´ 4, 5, 6, 7–8, 11, 17, Maxwell Davies, Peter 232 20, 22, 30, 44 Milhaud, Darius 22 Complaintes du Soldat 7, 11 Monnier, Adrienne 9 Messe dite pour le jour de la paix Mozart, W. A. 10–11, 20 Don Giovanni 230 Suite for String Trio 11 Piano concerto No. 24 174, 176 Munch, Charles 5, 9, 26, 29 K Murail, Tristan 246–7 Kant, Immanuel 39 and the sublime 39, 43, 88, 89, 94 Messiaen, Olivier Kerman, Joseph 214, 230 appointment to Conservatoire 18–19, 65 Kierkegaard, Søren 95 art and religion 252–3 Association de Musique Contemporaine L (AMC) 4–5, 11, 12 Lacan, Jacques Cage, John 71–2, 77 ‘quilting point’ 150 ‘Le Cas Messiaen’ 36 Langlais, Jean 12, 30 Conference´ de Kyoto 37 Lautremont´ (Compte de) [nee´ Isidore Conference´ de Notre-Dame 86, 87, Lucien Ducasse] 200, 204 Les Chants de Maldoror 43 diary addresses 31–3 Leeuw, Gerardus van der eblouissement´ 39, 41, 79–80, 98–100 sublime in music 88–9 and aural experience 90 Leibowitz, Rene´ 64, 66, 77, 190 and Couleurs de la Citec´ eleste´ 80, 194–5 criticism of Messiaen 68–70 and faith 81, 82–3 criticism of Stravinsky 68, 69 form and fragmentation 86, 87, 88 on the Modes of Limited and ‘the idol’ 91–4, 99–100 Transpositions 70 and love 99–100 publications on serial music 67–8 and modernity 40, 43 teaching 67 and stained-glass windows 80–2 Levy,´ Lazare 18 and the sublime 87–90 Lifar, Serge 18 and synaesthesia 81 Ligeti, Gyorgy¨ and La Transfiguration de Notre- Lontano 166 Seigneur Jesus-Christ´ 83–7 Lindberg, Magnus 246–7 hybridic art 41–2 Litaize, Gaston 30 La Jeune France 4, 5, 6–8, 10, 11, #12, 15, Loriod (Messiaen), Yvonne 2, 6, 11, 17 12, 17, 20, 21, 29, 30, 31, 38, 65, Massenet and Gounod 234 181, 185 Messiaen, Alain 29, 222–3 Lortz, Joseph 213–14 Messiaen, Pascal 20, 28 Lucretius Messiaen, Pierre 2–3, 20, 28, 219, 222–3 De rerum natura 147–8 Messiaen’s iconoclasm 250 Luther, Martin 95 Messiaen’s music in the context of Lutoslawski, Witold 34 twentieth-century music 232–4 on neoclassicism 36, 68, 69 M order of service for funeral 59 Machabey, Armand 7–8, 12–14 pocket diary 2, 20–33 Mallarme,´ Stephane´ 57 as Surrealist 41 Malliol, Aristide 18 time Marion, J. L. aesthetics and theology of 49–50 the idol and ‘dazzlement’ 90–4, 97 and colour 42 Martenot, Ginette 4 and eternity 50 Massenet, Jules 245 TMLM 1, 15, 16, 20, 21, 24, 28, 30, Massine, Leonide´ 22 31, 63, 68, 69, 73, 101–2 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83981-5 - Messiaen Studies Edited by Robert Sholl Index More information 257 Index tradition 233–4 genesis of 145 TRCO 1, 66–7, 101, 103, 149, 151–9, ‘impossibilities’ 145, 146–7, 159–60, 160, 235–40 166, 167 inferior resonance (resonance´ Olivier Messiaen (works alphabetically) inferieure´ ): 154 Apparition de l’eglise´ eternelle´ 89 minting (le monnayage) 148, 159, L’Ascension 4, 29, 31, 36, 59 164–6 personnages rythmiques 163, 166–7 Le Banquet celeste´ 36, 89, 234 relation to Greek poetry 147–8 birdsong symmetrical permutions (permutations and musical syntax 121–3, 125–44 symmetriques´ )in148–50, 159, and ‘set theory’ 101–2 160, 163 theological music 160–1, 167 Canteyodjaya´ ˆ 72, 73, 77, 148, 191 use of birdsong 148, 163 genesis of 64–5 Concerto a` quatre 230 and serialism 66–7 Les Corps glorieux 1, 7–8, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24, Des Canyons aux etoiles´ ...196, 211, 27, 28, 29, 30, 70, 92, 184 215, 216 Couleurs de la citec´ eleste´ 145 Catalogue d’oiseaux 102, 235 and colour 194–5 L’Alouette calandrelle 113–14, 133, 135 and time 195–6 L’Alouette lulu 111–12, 125, 126, 133–4 La Bouscarle 113–14, 120–2, 132, Diptyque 14 134, 138 La Buse variable 115–16, 120, 131, 133, Eclairs sur l’au dela`...145, 147, 138, 140–1 252, 253 Le Chochard des Alpes 105–7, 108, Et Expecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum 196 126, 137–8, 138, 140–1 chord types in ‘source harmonies’ La Fauvette des Jardins 191, 234, 235, 103–7, 120 237–9, 242 Le Chouette hulotte 111, 138, 140–1 chorales 243–4 Le Courlis cendre´ 116–18, 134, 137, 138, and modernism 232–3 141 relationship between dissonance and Le Loriot 108–9, 126–8 consonance 237, 239, 241–2 Le Merle de roche 115, 132–3, 134, 138 Son-couleur relationship 235–41 Le Merle bleu 109–10, 134–7 form 188 and ‘programme music’ 119–24, 142 Messiaen’s relationship to ‘tradition’ La Rousserolle effarvatte 112–13, 126, 189–92 132–3, 134, 191 mosaic form 189 Le Traquet rieur 116, 134, 135 mosaic form in Couleurs de la citec´ eleste´ Le Traquet stapazin 110–11, 120, 128–9, 192–6 130–1, 133–4 mosaic form in St Franc¸ois d’Assise Chant dans le style de Mozart 230 198–205 Chants de terre et de ciel 5, 6, 7, 10, mosaic form in La Transfiguration de 24, 25, 27 Notre-Seigneur Jesus-Christ´ 196–8 ‘Charm of Impossibilities’ 73, 106, 242 divisions in 74–5 Harawi 10, 17, 35 rhythm and pitch in 73–4 I La Ville qui dormait, toi 55, 59 serial practice in 74–5 II Bonjour toi, colombe verte 46, 49, 50 Chronochromie 77, 166 III Montagnes 51 basic techniques in 145, 147, 160 IV Doundou Tchil 50–1, 53 and ‘chord types’ in Strophe I 151–9, VI Repetition planetaire 47–9, 50, 53 164–6 VII Adieu 51 chromaesthesia 160–1, 163, 164 VIII Syllables 53, 54 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83981-5 - Messiaen Studies Edited by Robert Sholl Index
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