THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE LEWIS & CLARK TRAIL HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. VOL. 8 NO. 2 MAY 1982 American Philosophical Society - Philadelphia Foundation Director and Chairman colonies is pretty well over," wrote role in the cultural life of the Repub­ for the Foundation's 14th Annual Benjamin Franklin in 1743, "and lic for more than two centuries. Meeting, Hal Billian, Paoli, Penn­ there are many in every province in sylvania, has written the editor on circumstances that set them at ease, Following the Society's organiza­ tion in 1743, regular meetings were numerous occasions recounting the and afford leisure to cultivate the fine cooperation he has received finer art, and improve the common suspended. There were fewer men of from the principals of the various stock of knowledge." The scientific education and leisure in the colo­ institutions, societies, and govern­ and literary society for which nies than Franklin imagined. It ment agencies involved with our Franklin appealed was established was in 1769 that the Society achieved a permanent organiza­ August 8-11, 1982 meeting in Phila­ that same year. The American delphia. Foundation President Philosophical Society, held at Phila­ tion. From that time to the present Strode Hinds has echoed these delphia, for Promoting Useful Knowl­ day it has met regularly, except statements in his "President's Mes­ edge - to give its full title - is the when the British occupied Phila­ sage" on page two of this issue of oldest learned society in the United delphia during the American Revo­ lution. We Proceeded On. States. It has played an important Doctors, lawyers, clergymen and All the locations that annual meet­ journals, maps, miscellaneous papers and merchants, joined learned artisans ing registrants visit will have sig­ notebooks, with the Historical Committee of and tradesmen like Franklin, and the American Philosophical Society. See most of the founders of our nation: nificance and will add to a better Donald Jackson, (Editor); Letters of the Lewis understanding of the important and Clark Expedition with Related Docu­ Washington, John Adams, Thomas part Philadelphia had in the Expe­ ments, Univ. of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1962. Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, dition, both before and following Second Edition with additional documents Thomas Paine, Charles Thomson, and notes, 1978. Letters and Jackson's notes: Benjamin Rush, James Madison, the exploring enterprise. Most impor­ Clark to Biddle; Biddle to Tilghman; and tant to visitors will be the fact that Vaughan to Biddle; pp. 634·637. While Clark's and John Marshall were members. the original codices (manuscript­ letter to Biddle requested that the Ordway Distinguished foreign friends of the journals) of Captains Lewis and Journal be sent to him, and Biddle's letter to new nation: Lafayette, Steuben, Tilghman states that it was among the papers Kosciusko - European men of Clark and Sergeant Ordway are in and journals delivered to the American "Philo· safe-keeping in the archives of the sophical Society, the Vaughan to Biddle letter­ science and philosophy were proud American Philosophical Society. 1 receipt does not specifically list the Ordway to add the designation "M.A.P.S." Journal. For some reason the Ordway Journal ("Member, American Philosophical "The first drudgery of settling new went to neither Clark nor the Society, but re­ Society") to their names on title­ mained among the Biddle papers until its dis­ covery in the latter part of 1913, by Charles pages of their books. I. Nicholas Biddle completed the two volume Biddle, a grandson of Nicholas Biddle. The In 1780, the Society received a char­ paraphrase or narrative History of the Expe· Ordway Journal, following its discovery, even­ dition Under the Command of Captains Lewis tually was deposited with the Society, and ter from the State of Pennsylvania and Clark ..... in 1814. However, it was not Paul Cutright in A History of the Lewis and which guaranteed that it might cor­ until April of 1818, that at the request of Clark Journals, Univ. of Oklahoma Press, respond with learned men and in- Thomas J efferson and William Clark directed Norman, 1976, provides the details in his foot­ Biddle to deposit the original handwritten note 58, page 143. (continued on page 3) WE PROCEEDED ON derives from the phrase which appears repeatedly in the collective journals of the Expedition: - "this rrwming we set out early and proceeded on . " Capt. Meriwether Lewis, July 19, 1805. "... wind from the S. W. we proceeded on ... until 6 oCwck ... " Capt. William Clark, May 14, 1805. "... the fog rose thick from the hollars we proceeded on ... " Sgt. John Ordway, June 29, 1806. "We proceeded on with four men in front to cut some bushes ..." Sgt. Patrick Gass, June 18, 1806. "We set out early proceeded on past a lslOJl.d on the S. Side ..." Sgt. Charles Floyd, June 26, 1804. ". <:Wuded up . We proceeded on under a fine breeze .. " Pvt. Joseph Whitehouse, October 10, 1805. President Hinds' THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL Message HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. During the last week in March, Incorporated 1969 under Missouri General Not-For-Profit Corporation Act IRS Exemption Beverly and I had the opportunity Certificate No. 501 (C){3) - Identification No. 51-0187715 to spend three days in Philadelphia with Hal and Jane Billian. We had OFFICERS - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE time to walk to most of the places President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President which are programmed for the Foundation's 14th Annual Meeting, V. Strode Hinds. D.D.S. Hazel Bain, Arlen J. Large August 8-11, 1982. We were staying 3121 Grandview 1950 - 33rd Ave .• Apt. #1 120112 Rumsey Court. S.E. at the Independence Mall Holiday Sioux City. IA 51104 Longview, WA 98632 Washington, D.C. 20003 Inn where our annual meeting Membership Secretary headquarters will be. Our report to you is that we enjoyed ourselves Edrie Lee Vinson. Secretary Hazel Bain. C larence H. Decker. Treasurer immensely and believe that, if you Box 187 1950-33rd Ave,. Apt. #1 P.O. Box. 128 Clancy. MT 59634 Longview. WA 98632 East Alton. IL 62024 attend the meeting in August, you will too. The Holiday Inn was very DIRECTORS comfortable and is undergoing con­ siderable remodeling preparing for Stephen E. Ambrose Mildred Goosman Dan Murphy New Orleans. LA Omaha. NE Santa Fe. NM this summer's visitors. 1982 is the Todd Berens A rchie M . Graber Charles C. Patton 300th Anniversary for Philadelphia Santa Ana. CA Seattle. WA Springfield. IL and it will be a busy city this year. Harold Billian Helen Hetrick Sheila Robinson From the Holiday Inn's front door it Villlanova, PA Coleharbor, ND Glasgow. MT is on e block to the Independence Viola Forrest Gary E. Moulton William P. Sherman Walla Walla. WA Lincoln. NS Portland. OR Mall. The route is past Christ Church cemetery and the grave of Irving W. Anderson, Portland. OR Immediate Pa·st President. is a Foundation Director. Benjamin Franklin on one side of the street, with the United States PAST PRESIDENTS - DIRECTORS Mint directly across the street. "Honorary Past President" - E.E. "Boo" MacGilvra (Deceased) Within the next two blocks are th e Liberty Bell Pavilion, Independence Edwynne P. Murphy, 1970 Robert E. Lange, 1973-1974 Gail M. Stensland. 1977-78 St. Louis. Missouri Square, and Independence Hall. Portland. Oregon Fort Benton, Montana Nearby are the American Philosoph­ E.G. Chuinard, M.D.• 1971 Gary Leppart, 1974-1975 Mitchell Doumit, 1978-79 Tigard, Oregon Lewistown, Montana Cathlamet. Washington ical Society a nd the Second Na­ John Greenslit, 1972 Wilbur P. Werner. 1975-1976 Bob Saindon, 1979- 1980 tional Bank, now converted into Lansing, Michigan Cut Bank. Montana Helena, MT National Park Service Art Center, Lynn Burris. Jr.. 1972-1973 Clarence H. Decker. 1976-77 Irving W. Anderson, 1980-81 where the original Peale portraits of Topeka, Kansas East Alton, Illinois Portland, OR Meriweth er Lewis and William Clark are displayed. ABOUT THE FOUNDATION The con tacts we had at the Nation­ The purpose of the l ewis and C lark Trail Heritage Foundation. Inc .. is to stimulate nationally: public interest al Park Service Administration Of­ in matte rs relating to the l ewis and Clark Expedition; the contributions t o American history made by the fice, at the American Philosophical expedition members; and events of time and place concerning and following the expedition which are of historical import to our nation. The Foundation recognizes the value of tourist-oriented programs, and Society, and at the Pennsylvania supoons activities which enhance the eniovment and understandina of the lewis and Clark storv. The scope of the activities of the Foundation are broad and diverse. and include involvement in pursuits which, in the Historical Society were cordial and judgment of the Directors are. of historical worth or contemporary social values, and commensurate· with impressive. Hospitality was most the heritage of Lewis and Clark. The activities of the N ational Foundation ar e intended to compliment and supplement those of state and local Lewis and Clark interest groups. The Foundation may appropriately gracious, and Bev and I are certain­ recognize and honor individuals or groups for: art works of distinction; achievement in the broad field of Lewis and Clark historicpl research; w riting; or deeds which promote t he general purpose and scope of ly eager to return. activities of the Foundation. Membership in the organization comprises a broad spectrum of lewis and C lark enthusiasts inc luding Federal, State. and local government officials, historians. sc holars, and others The weather in August will likely be of wide ranging l ewis and Clark interests. Officers of the Foundation are elected from the membership. The Annual Meeting of the Foundation is traditionally held during August, the birth month of both Meriwether warm and humid.
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