Buying Time with Climate Engineering? An analysis of the buying time framing in favor of climate engineering Zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades einer DOKTORIN DER PHILOSOPHIE (Dr. phil.) von der KIT-Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) angenommene DISSERTATION von Frederike Neuber KIT-Dekan: Prof. Dr. Michael Schefczyk 1. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Gregor Betz 2. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 10.04.2018 This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-ND 4.0): https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.en Forewor This work is the outcome of three and a half years of research in the *,- priority program SPP 1689 QClimate Engineering P Risks, Challenges, 2pportunities'R as part of the proAect C-E-thics. The main obAectives of ) E thics was to sort, scrutinize and evaluate the main moral arguments about climate engineering. 7hile my colleagues worked, among others, on the trade-off argument, the lesser evil argument, and the argument from political economy, I myself was concerned with the buying time argument P an argument in favor of potential climate engineering deployment. It was a challenging argument in many ways: ,irstly, it was challenging to reconstruct a reasonable version of this argument, that adds to and clarifies the current discussion about a potential buying time deployment of climate engineering. Secondly, it challenged my own point of view about climate engineering. 7hile intuitively, I would headlong reAect any use of climate engineering, analyzing the buying time argument made me concede that there might be forms of deployment that actually could be beneficial and morally sound, albeit in very strict boundary conditions. .owever, those very clear :ut and limited deployment schemes are only morally acceptable when embedded in a comprehensive climate portfolio including fast and far reaching emission cuts. In the end, the need for immediate and drastic mitigation cannot be reduced by the possibility of future climate engineering deployment, nor be postponed. This thesis has been made possible by numerous people that supported and encouraged me in numerous ways. I would like to thank them, though I cannot possibly mention all of them here. I thank my doctoral advisor, -regor Betz, for giving me the opportunity to work in this fascinating proAect and to deepen research in my main areas of interests: climate, ethics and argumentation theory. .e gave this thesis the main direction and the right ÔdriveT. I also thank him for being very supportive and understanding of my family situation, always knowing the importance of putting first things first. I wish to thank my research group, the members of the shared research group 02BSTER and the members of the SPP, especially Christian Baatz for supporting me in all respects from discussing my ideas to conference organization to online paper research. I wish to thank my family for their amaOing support. Foremost, I thank my husband, -regor 1euber. .e is a wonderful husband and father, a loving man and an insightful !!!" ! partner in discussing my Cork. This thesis Could not have been possible Cithout his constant encouragement, his constant belief in me and his constant and selfless help in letting me work long hours on the weekends. I thank my father, Konrad Ott. He gave valuable insights to my thesis, greatly Cidening my vieCpoints, and Cas always available for late-night near breakdown phone calls. I thank my mother, ,eronika Surau Ott. Not only did she always show a keen interest in my research and discussed the thesis Cith me from a fresh and neutral standpoint, she also supported me and my family at home, allowing me to continue writing. I thank my brother, Immanuel Ott, for being a fierce critic and for teaching me to be an even fiercer advocate. I thank my mother in laC, Irina Neuber, for being there in the last Cee8 of my Criting, essentially enabling me to finish my thesis. Last, but never least, I Cish to thank my children, for being understanding, for always cheering me up Chen I come home, 7ust for being the cutest and most aCesome kids in the Corld, and for constantly reminding me of Chat is really important in life. I Could dedicate this Cork to them. ButG One result of my thesis is the rather blea8 prospect, that future generations might have no choice but to engage in climate engineering strategies. -e may find ourselves in a situation, in Chich the policy options Ce propose violate our own normative standards. This prospect is nothing I would wish to dedicate to anyone. This thesis is Critten Cith a deep love for nature" a love for every single being and for everything there is. It is Critten with the hope and faith that the current and future generations Cill be able, against all difficulties, to stabiliFe temperature rise, to turn the Cheel around and to stop polluting and eDploiting our planet. I hope to teach my children to be conscious about nature, to be aware of the limits Ce live Cithin and to be content H virtues that are so dearly needed in the anthropocene. I hope to show them the beauty of nature, the Condrous creatures and the mesmerizing places, from the smallest ant to the highest heights of the mountains H this is what I dedicate to my children. ! ! # Table of content ':33)7<'5-'9/,')7.:3,49')./'#)04'7,8:298'333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333'4 ! 5/)69,7'4 ! 7.975/:8905.'3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333'9 ! 5/)69,7': ! (+,'5203)9,'#.-0.,,%0.-'554975;,78<'3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333':4 ! 5/)69,7'@ ! (/,' :<04.'(03,'@7.:3,.*'33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333'A9 ! 5/)69,7'A ! 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