June 2, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 14521 JORDAN of Idaho, McGEE, METCALF, Moss, ADJOURNMENT TO THURSDAY, James M. Sullivan, Jr., of New York, to STEVENS, and YO"UNG of North Dakota. JUNE 5, 1969 be U.S. attorney for the northern district of New York for the term of 4 years, vice Justin Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi­ J. Mahoney, resigning. dent, if there be no further business to U.S. MARsHM. AUTHORIZATION FOR SECRETARY come before the Senate, I move, in ac­ OF SENATE TO RECEIVE MES­ cordance with the previous order, that Frank M. Dulan, of New York, to be U.S. SAGES DURING ADJOURNMENT marshal for the northern district of New the Senate stand in adjournment until 12 York for the term of 4 years, vice James E. Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi- o'clock noon on Thursday next. Byrne, Jr., resigned. dent, I ask unanimous consent that dur­ The motion was agreed to; and (at 1 James W. Norton, Jr., of North Carolina, ing the adjournment of the Senate from o'clock and 40 minutes p.m.) the Senate to be U.S. marshal for the eastern district of the close of business today until noon, took an adjournment until 12 o'clock North Carolina for the term of 4 vears vice Thursday next, the Secretary of the Sen­ noon, Thursday, June 5, 1969. Hugh Salter. - ' ate be authorized to receive messages Walter J. Link, of North Dakota, to be from the President of the United States U.S. marshal for the district of North Dakota NOMINATIONS f·or the term of 4 years, vice Anson J. An­ and from the House of Representatives derson. and that they may be appropriately re­ Executive nominations received by the f erred. Senate May 29, 1969, under authority of the order of the Senate of May 29, 1969: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without CONFffiMATIONS objection, it is so ordered. RENEGOTIATION BOARD William Henry Harrison, Of Wyoming, to be Executive nominations confirmed by a member of the Renegotiation Board, vice the Senate June 2, 1969: AUTHORIZATION FOR COMMITI'EES Jack Beaty, resigned. ExPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED STATES William Scholl Whitehead, of Virginia, to TO FILE REPORTS DURING AD­ be a member of the Renegotiation Board, John Conrad Clark, of North Carolina, to JOURNMENT vice Herschel C. Lovelass, resigned. be a member of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi­ COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY dent, I further ask unanimous consent Stephen Horn, of California, to be a mem­ that during the same period all commit­ ber of the Commission on Civil Rights, vice Murray L. Weidenbaum, of Missouri, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. tees be authorized to file reports, includ­ John A. Hannah, resigned. ing all minority, individual, and supple­ U.S. ATTORNEY SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION mental views. John P. Milanowski, of Michigan to be Hamer H. Budge, of Idaho, to be a member The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without U.S. attorney for the western district of of the Securities and Exchange Commission Michigan for the term of 4 years, vice Harold for the term of 5 years expiring June 5, 1974, objection, it is so ordered. D. Beaton, resigning. reappointment. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS NEW EEOC CHAIRMAN SUPPORTS dentally, will be absolutely necessary of being upgraded. This is an area of prime INCREASED POWERS TO ENFORCE when the Commission gets "cease and concern to me." CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS desist" powers. His views were the sub­ Mr. Brown, now the holder of a $38,000-a­ ject of a very informative article in the year post, may have been recalling his own father who has worked as an elevator opera­ HON. AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS Christian Science Monitor of May 21, tor and starter in a Philadelphia depart­ OF CALIFORNIA which I include in the RECORD so that it ment store for most of the past 40 years. will be available to all concerned. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES "So many times," he observed, "the busi­ article follows : nesses are willing to employ people at entry­ Monday, June 2, 1969 JOB BIAS CHIEF SETS Rl:Gm GUIDES level positions. But as you move up the (By Lya Shepard) ladder to skilled and white-collar positions, Mr. HAWKINS. Mr. Speaker, equal the percentage of minority workers drops otr opportunity for all Americans is a goal WASHINGTON.-If the public can expect dramatically.'' with which I am greatly concerned. Dur­ anything from William Hill Brown ill, the In its controversial Los Angeles hearings ing this and the preceding Congress I slender, soft-spoken Philadelphia lawyer in­ sists, it is that "the law is going to be en­ this March, the EEOC found what Mr. Brown have introduced legislation to remedy a forced-vigorously and fairly." terms "horrendous examples" of such black salient weakness in Federal civil rights ceilings in the areospace and filmm.aking in­ That sort of assurance hardly makes news dustries. law-the inability of the Equal Employ­ when uttered by most federal agency heads. ment Opportunity Commission to en­ But the case of Mr. Brown is special. BARRIERS DEPLORED force its decisions. The onetime postman and taxicab driver During these hearings even the mild-man­ There is a pressing need for this legis­ has just replaced tough-talking Clifford L. nered Mr. Brown joined Mr. Alexander and lation. Millions of our citizens still suffer Alexander Jr. as chairman of the embattled Commissioner Vicente T. Ximenes in deplor­ under discriminatory employment prac­ Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. ing the barriers facing blacks and Mexican­ Mr. Alexander, target of Senate conserva­ Americans. tices that while prohibited, manage to tives over alleged "harassment" of business­ "If you think you've done a good job," he survive because the relevant law has no men, never minced words in attacking job scolded one television network spokesman, teeth. As a result. these people see the bias to which minority workers were sub­ "then not only ABC but the country is in Federal commitment to equal opportu­ jected. bad shape." nity as empty, surely not a healthy situa­ By contrast, the man tapped by President Last week in a Denver speech before elec­ tion in a democratic society. Nixon to head the five-member EEOC lacks trical-power executives, the new EEOC chair­ Hopefully, a meaningful law will be the outgoing Democrat's fiery style, but not man charged that the industry was "the passed. In the meantime, we have been his fervor for civil-rights causes. worst employer of minorities of any industry During an interview in his 12th-floor of­ grouping." assured that the limited powers present­ fice near the White House, Mr. Brown indi­ The same accusation was leveled a year ago. ly available to EEOC will be vigorously cated that his sense of EEOC priorities is Since then, Mr. Brown said, "we have seen implemented. William H. Brown m, very much in line with that of Commissioner more motion than action by most of you, and the new EEOC Chairman, has forcefully Alexander. I am not disposed to see another such year indicated that despite recent political "Too many times people in business have go by." rumblings by some Members of Congress, tended to equate the idea of hiring hardcore Though Mr. Brown is a Republican ( ap­ he does not intend to soft-pedal the [unemployed) workers with "equal employ­ pointed to the EEOC by President Johnson), Commission's efforts. This is as it should ment,' " he said, gazing through a window Sen. Everett McKinley Dirksen (R) of Illinois at the Potomac and the faraway hills of sought at first to block his confirmation. A be. Virginia. meeting between the two men arranged by Mr. Brown's personal style combines "They've forgotten about the many, many Sen. Hugh Scott (R) of Pennsylvania man­ the diplomatic and legal arts that are thousands-if not the millions-who have aged to persuade the GOP floor leader to suitable to· his position, and not inci- been employed steadily at jobs without hope relent. 14522 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 2, 1969 Today Mr. Brown would like to strengthen There being no objection, the peti­ CHEVY CHASE MARINE DIES---CAPT. JOHN L. the EEOC's structure 1n several ways. He tions were ordered to be printed in the NALLS Is Kn.LED IN VIET Am COLLISION says he has solid White House backing. "Just RECORD, as follows: WASHINGTON, May 20.--Capt. John L. Nalls, prior to the time I was sworn in," the new a Marine pilot from Chevy Chase, Md., was chairman recalled, "the President told me REPRESSION IN SAIGON AND THE FATE OF PEACE NEGOTIATIONS killed in a midair collision Sunday over the the commission would have the 100-percent South China Sea the Department of Defense support of his administration to do the job We, the undersigned University of Cali­ announced today. we were charged with doing." fornia teachers and students call your at­ Captain Nalls, who was 26, was killed when, Mr. Brown maintains that "the key thing" tention to a number of acts of political re­ as his fighter was being refueled by an air is the EEOC quest for "cease and desist" pression engineered in the past three months tanker, a helicopter crashed into the tanker. powers to back up its fact-finding efforts. by our "duly elected allies," the regime of Seven other persons were killed. The commission now must rely on the Jus­ Nguyen Van Thieu in Saigon.
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