2020 24th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV) Visual Design Thinking for Public Education: Improving knowledge development and exchange via transformative pictogram design 1st Nana Wang 2nd Leah Burns Sichuan University Aalto Univeristy China Finland 0000-0003-3902-7393 leah.burns@aalto.fi Abstract—How might the exchange and development of knowl- edge improve through a critical examination of pictogram- based methods of information visualization? In this article, we investigate the International System of TYpographic Picture Education(ISOTYPE), an influential model of pictorial diagram design theory and practice. Given ISOTYPE’s continuing impact on information design, we use it as a critical case study to assess the potential and limitations of pictorial diagrams(PD) for knowl- edge development and exchange. The goal of this study is not to evaluate artistic quality, style, or designer talent; rather, our focus is on analysis of the learning functions of pictograms and their potential for knowledge transmission and supporting reasoning behaviour among diverse audiences. We explore the different features of a pictogram, and how these features might support knowledge development through diagrammatic reasoning(DR). Three key questions are posed: 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pictograms for promoting learning and reasoning behaviour versus more abstract or representational visual information design? 2. What are the criteria for choosing the visual characteristics of pictograms? 3. How can the visual characteristics of pictograms be evaluated and revised base on the goal of supporting learning and reasoning behaviour? Index Terms Fig. 1. ISOTYPE, Atlas, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft,1930, reproduced from —ISOTYPE; Pictorial diagram(PD); Public ed- Osterreichisches¨ Gesellschafts - und Wirtschaftsmuseum ucation; Informal learning; Knowledge visualization(KV); dia- grammatic reasoning(DR) I. INTRODUCTION ”chart junk” [7] in information Visualization(info VIS) [4] [6], The International System of TYpographic Picture Educa- due to these pictograms hide the exact statistic number, and tion(ISOTYPE) considered as one of the classic pictogram these decorations of varies seems invalid to do tell the viewers language systems and which aimed for the public education, anything new. [7] [8] originated from the interaction of Austrian socialist Otto In this article, we argue that the pictorial diagram (PD) Neurath’s educational ambitions with the context of social- has been underestimated and neglected their contribution to democratic Vienna in the 1920s [1] [2] [3]. ISOTYPE is public education area in the KV relevant researches. ISOTYPE considered as one of the pioneers for the modern visualization adopting pictorial diagrams represent complex concept are still method even decades later. Like shown in Fig.1, ISOTYPE worthy to dig in. Especially when more and more wicked adopted pictogram to exhibit knowledge from different do- problems [9] addressed need inter-professional collaboration mains based on quantitative information, pictograms play a key or that seek to support various forms of public education and role in their works. The core founders, Otto Neurath and Marie engagement. Like COVID-19, it is difficult to get through the Neurath cooperated with German artist Gerd Arntz created epidemic without cooperation from the whole society. How- about 2000 pictograms as a “visual dictionary.” ever, just base on the line chart of infection cases update, like Otto Neurath strongly highlighted the primary responsibility shown in Fig.2, is impossible to gain a holistic view about the of ISOTYPE is for supporting learning. However, conversely, situation. What’s worse, the side effect even can provoke the ISOTYPE has been scrutinised, analysed and critiqued as turbulence and panic emotion, raise intense situation. Pictorial 978-1-7281-9134-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 502 DOI 10.1109/IV51561.2020.00087 an informal learning environment [16], learning is intrinsically motivated and reflects the learning individuals themselves, like learning ability, educational background, preferences, as so on [15] [17]. In museums, there are different groups of visitors, and even within one group, such as a school group, one still needs to consider different levels of education. Uncertainties about learning ability, experience, and learning background cause a bottleneck in trying to provide an accurate learner portrait, and the learner-centred approach lacks proof and accuracy. Besides, museum pedagogy prefers to describe learning in the museum as free-choice learning [16], in terms of the learning process starts from they want to, rather than because they have to. For supporting learning behaviours, ISOTYPE Fig. 2. New COVID-19 cases reported by day and by Race/Ethnicity provides a countable and meaningful pictorial language to in the U.S,https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases- communicate. By counting and comparing the pictograms, in-us.html people without typical education background can grasp the answer of some wicked problems, some examples include the apparatus in a diagram not only provides an accessible way management of food systems, health care, and education. Ad- to approach complex concept but also leading an integrated dressing these concerns requires the construction of complex knowledge transmission process, rather than a simplification adaptive systems [18]. of complex concepts in ways that limit possible responses. II. UNDERSTANDING THE VISUALIZATION OF PD IN THE C. PD and the advantages PUBLIC EDUCATION SETTING A. ISOTYPE as data-based knowledge representation method The linguistic turn in semiotics in the 1970s provided a instead of info VIS style new theoretical framework for the generation of meaning [19]. Pictogram is one of the most appealing keywords in existing This change also affected the study of knowledge transfer ISOTYPE researches, a collective agreement that the purpose in pedagogy [20]. The new theoretical trend highlights the of ISOTYPE is not to make data decorative [4] [5] [11]. function of interpretation by the receiver. It states that the However, majority researches still considered ISOTYPE as acquisition of knowledge is a dynamic process, emphasizing data-base info VIS style, in terms of their investigation focused the process of the receiver’s continuous logic construction, on the cognitive meanings of the pictogram, and examine the and application of knowledge or beliefs in the process of functionality of simplifying cognition [5] [10] [11] [12]. knowledge acquisition [21]. Info VIS reports the facts, While KV aims to transfer However, it is difficult for the public education agency to insights, experiences, and attitudes, which are invisible, in- evaluate the learning width and depth from a diverse audience. tangible, resistant to quantification, and difficult to externalise PD not only provide readable images but also by utilizing [13]. As the main founders of ISOTYPE, Neuraths considered visual attributes provide multiple levels of reasoning process ISOTYPE to be “more than sum of its pictograms”, by instead of a single target for all audience. Diagrammatic using their words, these pictograms just the “bricks” in ISO- reasoning (DR) is a reasoning method by using a diagram to TYPE(architecture), [1] . The most extraordinary contribution externalize the tacit logical procedures, ‘greatly facilitates the of ISOTYPE, is based on data, using pictograms to provide solution of problems of logic’ [22]. As visual inquire method, several learning possibilities, learn from the information (facts) pictogram plays the role in guiding in the DR process, bridges and discovery the knowledge(reasons). the invisible logic connections, visual connections undertake B. Informal learning setting and public education the semantic meanings in the reasoning process. ISOTYPE PDs, mainly work for externalizing logic connections by using Exhibitions and museums are appealing keywords when we visual apparatus, conducting reasoning and inquiring step by scope on ISOTYPE. The majority of diagrams came across step [23]. with audiences in the museum or other informal learning Moreover, for supporting learning behaviours, ISOTYPE settings, like a department store or park [3]. For example, PDs provides a countable and meaningful pictorial language the exhibition named Around Rembrandt, which ISOTYPE to communicate, by counting and comparing the pictograms, curated in 1935, held in department stores in Amsterdam, people without typical education background can grasp the Rotterdam, and Hague. By using PDs, exhibited all the relevant answer base on the diagrammatic framework, provide a more knowledge around Rembrandt, illustrated vivid pictures about accessible approach with the public to get in touch with typical artist real life back to the old time. Compare with school, in knowledge as they wished. 503 III. THE VALUE OF PD FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION Knowledge transmission and learning support both can be defined as the functions of KV. However, these synonyms re- flect different design approaches: learner-oriented and sender- oriented processes. In KV, human-centeredness is seen in that communities of learners determining the meaning instead of the senders of the visualization [24], generally emphasising support learning [25] [26]. However, in public education contexts, the huge amount of learners and their diverse back- grounds lead to learners being uncertain of their analysis. It becomes difficult to apply
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