QUEENS' COLLEGE 1967-1968 MARCH I969 QUEENS' COLLEGE AS AT 1 FEBRUARY 1969 Visitor HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN Pmoness HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER President ARTHUR LLBWllLLYN ARMITAGE, M.A., LL.B. Fellows ROBERT GEORGE DALRYMPLELAFFAN, M.A., formerly Tutor, Bursar and Director of Studies in History. CYRIL MomAGU SLEEMAN, M.A., formerly Tutor and Director of Studies in Natural Sciences. A.RCHIBAI.D DOUGLAS BROWNE, M.A., formerly Vioo-Presiden.t and Director of Studies in Mechanical Sciences. EDWIN ARTHUR MA:xwm.L, M.A., PH.D., Keeper of the Records and Director of Studies in Mathematics. JAMBS RAMSAY,ARTHUR M.A., PH.D., F.R.s., Director ofStudies.inNatural Sciences. REv. HENRY ST Jmrn HART, M.A., B.D., Dean of College, Hebrew Lecturer and Director of Studies in Divinity and Oriental Languages. Sm HAROLDWALTER BAILEY, M.A., F.B.A., LL.D. (Perth), Emeritus Professor of Sanskrit, Life Fellow. HAROLD SrnwART KIRKALDY, c.B.ll., M.A. Emeritus Professor of Industrial Rela­ tions, Vire-President, Senior Bursar and College Lecturer in Indwtrial Relations. DOUGLAS PAR.MEE, M.A., Director of Studies inModern Languages. CHARLES SYDNEY DBAKIN, M.A., Life Fellow, formerlyJunior Bursar and Director of Studies in Mechanical Sciences. JOHN HOLLOWAY, M.A., D.PHIL. {Oxon), D.IIIT. (Aberdeen), College Lecturer in English. JOHN EvAN BALDWIN, M.A., PH.D., Bye-Fellow. MAxwEu. MARsoEN Buu., M.A., M.D., B.CH., Senior Tutor and Director of Studies in Medicine. HENRY CoHEN, M.A., PH.D. (Dunelm), Director of Studies in Mechanical Sciences. DEREK Wll.LIAM Bowm, M.A., LL.B., PH.D. (Manchester), Tutor for Graduate Students and Director of Studies in Law. ANrn:oNY CoLIN SPEARING, M.A., Librarian and Director of Studies inEnglish. JAMBS Wru:.IAM LONGMAN BRAMENT, M.A., Sc.D., f.R.S., College Lecturer in Natural Sciences. JAMBS MARTIN PRENTIS,, M.A., M.SC. (Eng.), PR.D.. (London), Tutor, Financial and Rooms Tutor and Assistant Director of Studies in Mechanical Sciences. Noll.MAN FRANCIS HUGHES, M.A., Steward and College Lecturer in Natural Sciences. KENmmI EwART MACHIN, M.A., PILD., Tutor and College Lecturec in Natural Sciences. BRIAN SEBASTIAN PULLAN, M.A., PH.D., Tutor and Director of Studiesin History. I LIONEL CHAfu.Es KNIGHI'S, M.A., PB.D., HON.D.ES.L. (Bordeaux), King Edward VD Profes-sor of English Literature. BASIL FULI.EI.OVE MOGRIDGB, M. A., Assistant Director of Studies in Modern Languages. RICHARD TlM.OTHY FRANCISKING, M.A., M.S., PH.D. (California), Director of Studies in Economics andPolitics. Au.AN NurrALL HAYHURST, M.A., PB.D., c.B.G.B. Research Fellow (Chemical Engineering). CY1IIL SOFER, M.A., PH.D. {London), Reader in Industrial Management. AJIT SINGH, M.A., B.A. (Punjab, Chandigarh}, M.A.. (Howard, Washington), Assistant Director of Studies in Economics and Politics. BRIAN ALBERT CALI.INGHAM, M.A., PH.D. (London), Tutor and Assistant Director of Studies in Medicine. RoGER STUART Huss, M.A., Research Fellow (Modern Languages). JAMES DrGGLE, M.A .., PH.D., Director of Studies in Classics. PETER JAFfRBY WBBATLEY, M.A., PH.D., Junior Bursar and Assistant Director of Studies in Naturaln Scieces (Chemistry). JOHN Tu.BY, M.A., B.C.I.. (Oxon), Tutor, Prael.ector and Assistant Director of Studies inLaw. MICHAELJOHN MORGAN, B.A., Research Fellow (Psychology). DAVID STEPlil.N PEAllI., LL.B., Research Fellow (Law). JONATHANPAUL KINGSLAND Tn.LErr, M.A., PH.D., Research Fellow(Mathematics). JOHN EDWARD CARROLL, M.A., PH.D., Assistant Director .ofStudies in Mechanical Sciences. BRUCE MIDDLETON, M.A., PH.D., Assistant Director of Studies in Natural Sciences (Biochemistry). PERCY WRAGG ,BIIIAN M.A., SC.D., F.R.S., Professor ofBotan y. PETER GoNVILIR STEN, M.A., LLB., Regius Professor Civilof Law. REv. BRIAN LEsr.mAITE, HllBBI.ETHW M.A., Fellow and Dean of Chapel. WII.UAM ANDREW, PHILLIPS M.A.., PH.D., Research Fellow (Physics). PAUL ANTHONY GINSBORG, B.A., Research Fellow (History). DESMOND CHRISTOPHER ST MARTIN PLATT, M.A., D.PHll.. (Oxon). Assistant Director of Studies inHistory. Honorary Fellows SIDNEY SMITH, LITT.D., l'.S.A., f.B.A. Tm! RIGHT RBvmmND GEORGEARMITAGE CRASE. D.D., M.A. Tm! RIGHT RllvEREND THOMAS HANNAY, D.D., .M.A. SIR THOMAS LEsIIB ROWAN, K.C.B., c.v.o., M.A. Riw. HENRY CHADWICK, D.D., MUS.B., M.A., HON.D.D. (Glasgow), Rcgius Professor of Divinity and Canon of Christ Church in the University of Oxford. SIR TuoMAS PADMORE, c.C.B., M.A. Sm llRADER BULLARD, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.I.E. Sm HAROLDW AL:mR BMLHY, M.A., F.B,A., !,L,l), (Perth), THE SOCIETY We congratulate the President on his election as an Honorary Master of the Bench of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple. He was also a member of a UNESCO Mission to the University of the West Indies in May and June. Professor Sir Harold Bailey has been elected an Honorary Member of the Bhandarker Oriental Research Institute, Poona, and also an Associe Ettanger in the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Letttes (one of the five Academies making up the Institut de France). Mr Mathias has left us to become Chichele Professor of Economic History in the University of Oxford. Dr Beament is Draper's Professor of Agriculture as from October 1969. Dr Cohen represented the College at the Centenary Celebra­ tions in the University of Manchester (September 1968) to mark the election to a Chair there of OsborneReynolds, M.A., LL.D., M.I.C.E., F.R.S. Formerly a Fellow of Q!!eens', he had been appointed to the first Chair of Engineering at Owens College, Manchester. We congratulate Dr Diggle, Dr Tillett, and Dr Phillips on receiving the degree of Ph.D. Professor Trevaskis, formerly Fellow, is now Deputy Vice­ Chancellorof the Universityof Adelaideand willbe inCambrid ge for 6 months during 1969. The list of Fellows, now standing at 43, tells its own story of changes in Office and of arrivals and departures. Under the latter heading, we have been sorry to lose ( as well as Professor Mathias) Dr Baldwin, who, however, remains as a Bye-Fellow, Mr Fraenkel, Mr Lawson., Mr Baker-Smith and Mr Silk. We give a warm welcome to Dr Platt, historian. Among the changes in College Office, mention should be made of the election of Mr Hart as Deanof Collegeand Mr Hebblethwaiteas Dean of Chapel. The D Society has ended its long and distinguished course of 269 meetings, which have spread its influence far beyond the bounds of the College. It is to be reconstituted experimentally under a new name ( the E Society) for the rest of the present academic year under the Chairmanship of Mr Hebblethwaite. 3 Mr King has been granted leave of absence to be present at a meeting of the United Nations Development Commission in Ghana, and Dr Beament:is leadinga Royal Society Mission, also to Ghana, in the second halfof February1969. A.D.B. Sometime around Christmas last, a number of old members of the College received a circular letter from a self-appointed com­ mittee with the above heading.It drew our attention to the fact that 1969 marked Archie Browne's 6oth year as a member of the College-andalso of the Boat Club-and was also the occasion of his eightieth birthday. It went on to suggest that this called for some kind of celebration and a presentation to Archie to remind him of the facts. Those written to were asked to contribute a maximum of one guinea towards this cause and were invited to attend an informal party in College on 15 February. As a result, on a very cold February evening, the Erasmus Room saw the President and about mo members of the College assembled from all over the country. Archie was presented with a very handsome silver salver marking the conclusion of 'his first sixty years' as a member of the College, and his health was proposed by Sir Leslie Rowan who recalled that he had first met a young don from Cambridge called Browne when a schoolboy at Tonbridge in 1925, and went on to remind all present what a substantial pillar of the College Archie had become. Archie in an excellent reply made the typical remark that he felt we were all mad to come to Cambridge in such vile weather, and reminisced in his own very individual way about changes and growth in the College since 1909. He added that he felt that though much had changed, the best things about �eens' re­ mained as good as they ever were, including its undergraduates. He thanked us all for coming. The Committee, who organised the whole affair very dfi­ ciently,were mainlydrawn from the Boat Club and theEngineer­ e ing Faculty. They had hacl about 300 replies to their ltter and in addition to purchasing the salver have about £250 in hand to date (rs February). 4 This surplus is to become 'the A.D.B. Fund' and will be de­ voted to any minor requirements for the general benefit of the College of Archie's choosing for which no other source of money exists. The Committee wrote to as many old members as they them­ selves knew and this number was added to by others to whom their letter was first addressed. But they would like to apologise to many who did not receive their letter, and who would perhaps have liked to take part. They have asked the writer to stress that the fund is still open, and that any who care to contribute a maximum of one guinea should send it to 'The A.
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