Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76020-1 - The Negotiated Reformation: Imperial Cities and the Politics of Urban Reform, 1525-1550 Christopher W. Close Index More information Index Aalen, 26n20 consultation with Donauworth,¨ 37, Abray, Lorna Jane, 6 111–114, 116–119, 135–139, Aitinger, Sebastian, 75n71 211–214, 228, 254 Alber, Matthaus,¨ 54, 54n120, 54n123 consultation with Kaufbeuren, 41, 149, Albrecht, Archbishop of Mainz, 255 157–159, 174–176, 214, 250, 254 Altenbaindt, 188n33 consultation with Kempten, 167–168, Anabaptist Mandate, 156n42 249 Anabaptists, 143, 151, 153, 155 consultation with Memmingen, 32, 50, association with spiritualism, 156 51n109, 58, 167–168, 175 in Augsburg, 147, 148n12, 149, consultation with Nuremberg, 65, 68, 149n18 102, 104–108, 212–214, 250, 251 in Kaufbeuren, 17, 146–150, 148n13, consultation with Strasbourg, 95, 102, 154, 158, 161, 163, 167, 170, 214, 104–106, 251 232, 250, 253 consultation with Ulm, 33, 65, 68, in Munster,¨ 150, 161 73–76, 102, 104–108, 167, 189, Augsburg, 2, 11–12, 17, 23, 27, 38, 42, 192–193, 195–196, 204–205, 208, 45–46, 90, 95, 98, 151, 257 211–214, 250, 254 abolition of the Mass, 69, 101, controversy over Mathias Espenmuller,¨ 226n63 174–177, 250 admission to Schmalkaldic League, 71, economic influence in Burgau, 184 73–76 end of reform in Mindelaltheim, alliance with Donauworth,¨ 139–143, 203–208 163, 213, 220 Eucharistic practice, 121 Anabaptist community, 147, 149 fear of invasion, 77, 103n80 April 1545 delegation to Kaufbeuren, Four Cities’ delegation, 144–146, 160–167 167–172, 253 attitude toward Augsburg Confession, goals at Diet of Frankfurt, 222–223 15, 75 goals in Donauworth,¨ 115, 121, 124, Augsburg Interim, 249–250 127, 130–134, 137, 141–142, collapse of negotiations with 177–178, 220–221, 231, 254–255 Donauworth,¨ 240, 247 goals in Kaufbeuren, 144–146, 158–159, conflict with Ferdinand over 162–163, 168–169, 175, 177–178, Mindelaltheim, 193–195, 200–203, 216–217, 221, 231, 244, 254–255 205–206 in Schmalkaldic League, 73, 79, 190, consultation with Bavaria, 135 196, 198, 202, 222–223, 248 277 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76020-1 - The Negotiated Reformation: Imperial Cities and the Politics of Urban Reform, 1525-1550 Christopher W. Close Index More information 278 Index Augsburg (cont.) Augsburg, bishop of, 23, 41, 112–116, in Swabian League, 30–31 146, 182, 189, 193, 206, 209, 215, installation of preacher in 224 Mindelaltheim, 188–193 opposition to Reformation in introduction of reform, 95–97, 100, 108, Donauworth,¨ 211–214 252, 255 Augsburg Interim, 49, 52n111, 89, 157, marriage regulation, 103–106, 257 249–251 member of Three Cities’ League, 61–69, Augsburg-style reform, 14n31, 14n32, 15, 128–134, 260 111, 220n47 movement of Spanish troops, 134–139 in Donauworth,¨ 119–128, 134, negotiations concerning Braunschweig- 141–142, 219–222, 252–253 Wolfenbuttel,¨ 78–82 in Eastern Swabian countryside, 244 negotiations concerning Donauworth’s¨ in Fussen,¨ 209–210 and Kaufbeuren’s proposed admission in Kaufbeuren, 144–145, 158–160, 164, to Schmalkaldic League, 226–231 172, 177, 216 occupation of Donauworth,¨ 234–241 Austria, 53n113, 135, 209 political organization, 24 preacher pay scale, 106–108, 257 Bader, Augustin, 147–149, 147n7 program of expansion, 12, 18, 68, 85, Basel, 26, 46, 85, 92, 93, 100, 250 121, 139, 141, 158–159, 177, 185, Basel, university of, 176 188, 191n43, 209–210, 214–215, Bavaria, duchy of, 23, 30, 37, 77, 85, 254, 259 103n80, 112, 116, 135, 167, 186 relations with Donauworth,¨ 39, Bern, 93, 93n34, 225n63 110–111, 126, 130–134, 138, Besserer, Bernhard, 74 140–143, 235, 241, 247, 253, Besserer, Georg, 205 259 Biberach, 25n18, 26n20, 45, 45n90, relations with Kaufbeuren, 45n90, 90, 54–55, 79n88, 92n26 166, 223, 226, 232, 234, 242–246, Blarer, Ambrosius, 91, 97 257, 260 religious mission to Esslingen, 100 religious similarities to Memmingen, religious mission to Memmingen, 58, 176, 258 98–100 rights in Burgau, 183–186, 196, 204 religious mission to Ulm, 92, 94, 95, rivalry with Ulm, 28, 31, 51, 185, 99 212–213, 258 Blickle, Peter, 4 rural reform in Eastern Swabia, 179, Boos, 198 244, 248 Brady, Thomas A., 77, 199 rural reform in Haunstetten, 186–188, Braunschweig, 72, 72n59, 76 254 Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel,¨ duchy of, Schmalkaldic League levy, 230 76–77, 199, 222, 248 Schmalkaldic War, 1–2, 209, 234 sequestration, 78–83, 81n99, 199 social networking, 34–36, 40, 44 Brecht, Martin, 7 strategy of negotiation, 207, 236, 254, Bremen, 72 259–260 Bucer, Martin, 34n48, 35, 98, 99, 198n72 surrender to Charles V, 249 religious mission to Augsburg, 70, 89, transfer of preachers, 85, 89, 216–222, 90, 95–97, 109, 147 242–245 religious mission to Ulm, 91–95, 99 underground sects, 86, 151 views on the Eucharist, 15, 74n70, 123 Augsburg Confession, 9, 15, 62, 70, 73, Bucher, Hans, 120, 122 74, 210, 212, 245, 247 Burgau, margravate of, 37, 179, 194, 203, in Augsburg, 75 205 in Donauworth,¨ 111, 118, 140–142, complex of legal rights, 181–184, 211 189–190, 196, 201, 204 in Kaufbeuren, 17, 145, 150, 160–162, 165, 166, 169–172, 177, 211, 216, Calvin, John, 84 229, 253, 260 Castile, 256 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76020-1 - The Negotiated Reformation: Imperial Cities and the Politics of Urban Reform, 1525-1550 Christopher W. Close Index More information Index 279 Cathedral of Our Lady, Augsburg, 86 occupation by Augsburg, 234–241, 248, central-place theory, 257–259 255 Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 26 parallels to Kaufbeuren, 145, 157, 159, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1, 8, 11, 164, 170, 177, 214, 216, 217, 229, 29, 30, 40, 46, 52n111, 67–68, 78, 230, 232, 245, 254 80, 103n80, 150, 199, 209, 248 potential admission to Schmalkaldic mandates to Kaufbeuren, 214, 232–233, League, 223, 226–231 250 procurement of new preachers, 219 mobilization orders for Schmalkaldic regional political context, 12, 114–115, War, 232 259 surrender of Donauworth,¨ 241 relations with Augsburg, 2, 13, 30, 36, victory in Schmalkaldic War, 248–249, 39, 90, 110, 118, 126, 134, 138, 250n6 140–143, 181, 185, 191, 207, 210, war strategy, 233–234 214–215, 221, 235, 241, 247, Cities’ Chamber in Imperial Diet, 22 253–255, 259 Clasen, Claus-Peter, 146 relations with Nuremberg, 259 collective politics, 7–8, 81–83 Schmalkaldic War, 1–2, 18, 71, 209, Colmar, 45 211–215, 231, 234–241 Cologne, 23, 28, 91 surrender to Charles V, 241, 246, 249 Constance, 20–22, 27, 50, 53n113, 55, 58, Dutch Republic, 9 79n88, 92, 92n26, 98, 98n57, 99, 99n64, 100, 174n94 Eck, Johannes, 98 Constance, bishop of, 53–54 Ehinger, Johann, 106, 106n97 Eiselin, Stephan, 102n75 Dachs, Jakob, 106n95 Erfurt, 256 Decapolis, 45 Espenmuller,¨ Mathias, 18, 152, 153, 155, Dickens, A. G., 3 156, 164, 172–177, 216, 219, 243, Dieter, Stefan, 149, 154 244n119, 250, 252, 253 Dinkelsbuhl,¨ 48, 48n100, 50 Esslingen, 79n88, 100, 150n18 Donauworth,¨ 3, 11, 16–17, 24, 29, 51, 55, 63, 75, 85, 95, 258 Ferdinand I, German King and Margrave alliance with Augsburg, 139–143, 163, of Burgau, 9–10, 18, 67, 74, 75, 213, 220 102n75, 103n80, 110, 114, 116, 135 Bavarian occupation (1458–62), 23, 26, and ius reformandi, 203 114 opposition to reform in Haunstetten, consultation with Augsburg, 111–116, 186, 254 135–139, 163, 211–214, 223, 228, opposition to reform in Mindelaltheim, 228n68, 254 193–195, 200–203, 205–207, 254 consultation with Nuremberg, 219–220, opposition to rural reform, 179, 188, 258 195–196, 205 consultation with Ulm, 212 rights in Burgau, 181–184, 196–197, Diet of Frankfurt, 223 201 in Swabian League, 30 Flinner, Johann, 209, 243 initial moves toward reform, 38, 113, Four-Cities’ delegation to Kaufbeuren, 115–116 144–146, 157, 167–174, 178, 219, introduction of reform, 111, 119–128, 255 134, 251–254 Franciscan church, Augsburg, 86–87 loss of imperial city status (1607–9), Frankfurt, 27, 28, 75, 79, 255, 257 53n113 Frecht, Martin, 20, 91, 95, 107, 151 movement of Spanish troops, 110, Freissleben, Johann, 85, 217–219, 220–221 134–139, 237 Friess, Peer, 10, 169 Musculus’s religious mission, 89, Frolich,¨ Georg, 86–88, 159, 163, 244n121 119–128, 176, 216, 252 negotiations concerning Donauworth,¨ negotiations with Three Cities’ League, 115, 141, 211 62, 68, 117, 128–134 Fugger family, 185 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76020-1 - The Negotiated Reformation: Imperial Cities and the Politics of Urban Reform, 1525-1550 Christopher W. Close Index More information 280 Index Fussen,¨ 209–210, 231, 234, 242–244, 247, Imperial Diet, 9, 22, 37, 45n90, 46, 150 248 Augsburg (1530), 7, 8, 16, 70, 117 Augsburg (1547–8), 8, 49, 249 Gersthofen, 237 Regensburg (1541), 49 Gienger, Georg, 202–203, 202n82, 208 Speyer (1526), 58 Gmund,¨ 26n20 Speyer (1529), 1n1, 7, 60, 156n42 Gogglingen,¨ 205 Speyer (1541), 48 Goll, Simon, Abbot of St. Ulrich imperial Speyer (1544), 116, 133, 156n42, 190, abbey, 186–188 197 good neighborliness, 112, 168–169 Worms (1521), 23 Goslar, 76 Worms (1545), 157, 194 Gottingen,¨ 195, 197, 205 Ingolstadt, 241 Graubunden,¨ 242 Isny, 25n20, 45, 45n90, 79n88, 92n26, 97, Gray, Emily Fisher, 112 157n44, 230 Grimoldsried, 244 ius reformandi, 180, 197, 198, 203, 206, Guderian, Hans, 149 207, 254 Gundelfingen, 85, 191 Gutenberg, 40 John Frederick, Prince-Elector of Saxony, 1, 21, 71, 75n72, 159, 190, 229, Hagen, Marx, 81n98 244n121, 245 Hagenau, 45 attitude toward Augsburg, 73–75 Hamburg, 72, 198n72 attitude toward southern
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