U.S. POSTAGE PAID LA JOLLA,CA. February 1994 UC San Diego’s African-American Newspaper ! t. The People’sVoice Mission :. The. Voic_....__ee (based on "The People’s Voice Manifesto,’ ~ag...~, TPVVol. 15, ...... No.1, Feb.92) i,, Editorials... The People’sVoice ) Ourmission: Vol.16 No.1 New visions institutionallyracist, but there’s nothing anyone can thosethat do aregetting paid very well. Well maybe do aboutit becausechange is unthinkabletoday. We notthat much, but enough to keepthem complacent. By Paul Beaudry 1) We willeducate and uplift the African-American peoples in gen- needsegregation, blatant racism, and some2000 WAKE UPI!!I!!! lynchingsper yearagain before anybody will do eral.We planto reportpast and current news, and offer commentary on Editors PaulBeau&y, editor-in-chief YEAH,TPV IS IN THEHOUSE! ! ! ! Helloto allyou anything.In themeantime let’s ask the government Thisis a partof thereality that we facetoday and it’s thestate of African-American affairs. oldfans, and welcome for all you new fans. TPV is for anothersocial program so we can he more timeto start being pro-active about your attitudes (as We supportand uplift African-Americans in general, and particu- DeniseCarter backon theblock and we havea newstaff, new ideas, dependenton frees*#t. No, the plantation days are opposedto beingre-active after you’ve been jacked). larlythose on UCSD’scampus. In an eraof decliningenrollment of JamesPatterson andsome new directions we would like to pursue.It’s overand thosedumb niggers over there that are Howare our G.P.A.’s? How is ourenrollment in the African-Americansat UCSD and abroad, we arefully committed to in- greatto seebow many people wanted to seeTPV back studyingtheir heritage are running their mouths Universityof California? When was the last time we BusinessManager in fulleffect and supported us as we worked24-7 (or againabout doing something African. Africa is on encourageda high school student to attendcollege and creasingthe enrollment and retention of African-Americans.We are theother side of theplanet, I don’tknow anybody maintainhigh marks in school?When was thelast DeniseCarter at leastsome of us did)to get a paperout before the committedto educating students on theirhistory, heritage, and legacy. In end of BlackHistory Month (the shortest month of thatlives there, and I haveno plansof evervisiting, timewe read a book,saw a movie,or eventalked about anera of increasingracism, we stand as a bastionagainst further spread of theyear). If youcan believe it, this project came so who cares? a high-achievingBlackman or Blackwoman?When racismof any sort, and we are fully committed to educating all students StaffAdvisor togethervery quickly, and the staff and editors were wasthe last time we educateda non-black friend about concerningthe accomplishments andachievements of the Diaspora (the MarvilaMadrid ableto getthe newspaper re-chartered, a constitution Blacksaren’t unified, we don’ttalk to eachother, achievementsin Afri~lture?Or do we evenknow re-written,articles in, business contacts connected, a lighter-skinnedbrothers and sisters have it easy, they enoughto sayanything? peopleof African descent). networkestablished (homies and all), and a paperout aren’tpure African blood anyway, and nobody likes StaffWriters and Poets in recordtime. beingBlack except to complainabout what they Thetime to start learning about the real world is NOW. 2) We areagainst discrimination of all forms, whether it bediscrimi- HelaneAdams, Dean Felton, Charlie Glover, don’thave and whatthey can get whenthey’re Whilewe’re in a universityenvironment, we have nationbased on immutable characteristics, lifestyle, preferences, orcul- StephaanHarris, Gaye Johnson, Jill Logan, Mikey Justsix weeksago Jamesand I weresitting down sexuallyexcited. Black people are too damn lazy to accessto a numberof brilliantprofessors, supportive ture. hammeringout a planof attackfor our AASUAm- plananything like a revolution,because now that we facultyand staff, a hugeuniversity liberty, and a Printer bassadorspresentation we plan give for Spring quar- canwork in previouslywhite-only positions, we’re numberof on-campusclubs and local organizations (1)too busy trying to makeenough money to buy whoare dedicated to upliftYOU!!! (Yeah, I know Trident-WebOffset Printing teron theproblems facing the Blackman today. We 3) We aspireto makea differencein the state of affairs affecting wouldhit one topic after another and then go offona Europeancar or spendthat money on whitedesigner soundlike a UCSDcommercial, so I’ll quit while I’m African-Americans.We donot intend to bea reflectionof traditional news tangent.Every issue we talkedabout was deep and labelsso wecan look hip. Either that or we’re (2) too stillahead). The point I’m trying to make is don’tbe bias,but to bea reflectionofthe genuine achievements of African-Ameri- SpecialThanks we hada lotof strongexperiences tied to them.He’s busytrying to moochsome money and a placeto stay afraidto beginyour African education while you’re cans.We seeka morepositive and authentic portrayal of African-Ameri- AlethiaNancoo, Sean Banks, Victoria Valle, 100%and I’m Mulatto.I’m from ’Frisco and he’s froma tolerantrelative or friendto seehow long we stillhere. Don’t take these resources for granted; canget by withoutdoing anything. peoplebefore our time have died just so we canclaim cans,offering alternative interpretations totraditional media. MarciaStrong, Randy Wooter, Bik-na Park, fromOrange County. He transferredfrom a commu- nitycollege, and I transferredfrom a. university.I thatwe areuniversity students. That’s quite an honor AnthericaEmerson, Craig Dawson, Curtis Will- read constantlyand he’s a big TV man. But we There’sa third classification; they’re right in the anda responsibili~,whenyou think about it. We are 4) Understandingthat unity is requiredfor any goal involving any iams,Brain Slack, D.A., James Cheatham, George definitely,agreed on onepoint-- as a whole,today’s middle.They work at stealingfrom their own com- thenew future, the new leadership of our communities groupof people,we wouldlike to beseen and used as a toolto accomplish Lewis,Conley Major, Dr. John Warren, Chris youngBlacks in collegeare toocomfortable. Not munitiesand neighborhoods, so basically they’re a at home.We needto takethe opportunity to learn thatgoal. As a campusmedia representing students of color,African- Findley,Maureen Davis, God, all of thepast TPV exactlyfinancially, butmentally we’ ve alreadypicked moochthat forces their proposal, possibly at the whilewe stillhave the chance.There is a lotof expenseof yourlife (but occasionally they’ll shoot learningto do nowand a lotuplifting to do whenwe Americansin particular, wefeel obligated and take pride in amplifyingthe staff(back to 77), and all the staff at V_.Q/,..,F_I.Q.IIIg~ ourplace in society(be it highor low),and we expect thatwhen we graduate,it will be there. youanyway). And that’sthe Blackcommunity in graduate,so we needto getready and prepare our- "Voices of the People," thus e.~. nutshellladies and gentlemen, and they never lived selves. Notonly are we committedto destroyingthe ignorance which Someof us haveconstructed this perfect world where happilyever after, because first of all most of them blindfoldsmany of us,but we are especially concerned With the plight of everyoneknows exactly where to go; thoseheaded didn’tlive too long to beginwith. Whatdo youdo whenyour little brother says, "No, I African-Americanstudents. We wantto encourageself-confidence and Theopinions and views contained in forthe high places will get the high places, those in don’twant to go to college.You were black when you There’snothing we cando aboutit, because most of self-pride.This requires that you know who you are -- whereyou came Voiceare those of its authors and do not necessarily thelow places will get the low places, and those in the middlewill stay there, and Americawill remain us don’tknow our friendsfrom our enemies, and cont.on pg. 7 from,where you are at, and where you want to go. This will fulfill our representthe opinionsofTPV, ASUCSD, or the mostimport/rot mission. regentsof theUniversity of California. Thearticles andpoems contained herein may not be reprinted withoutwritten permission from the authors, c. Justin Time On thecover: 1994, ~ag..~. All rights reserved. By DeniseCarter I’m justas Americanasthe next guy. But no sales that untilwe get a handleon the"who" we arewe will never day.I wonderhow those not so celebratoryAmeri- be ableto influencethe "what" we are. THE PAN-AFRICAN ASSOCIATION EMBLEM has beenUCSD’s African- ThePeople’s Voice! --Just in timefor Black History cansfelt on thispast Martin Luther King Jr. holiday Americannewspaper since 1977 and is recognized Month! whenif it had not been for the holiday the death toll in Now,some of us,may have reached a level of success Los Angeleswould truly have been phenomenal. withinAmerican society that their only concern is to A.The silhouette ofAfrica is thecenter of ourspiritual, philosophical, and as anofficial campus print media by theAssociated intellectualperspectives, mission, and goal. Wellits hereagain folks, Black History Month. achievetotal assimilation. They may be embarrassed StudentsMedia Board of ~ Pleasea’d’dr"ess all ’ Timeto pullout that I canbear America’s indifference to our Black History andterribly "put upon" when coflfrofited withthe bulk comments,letters, manuscripts, or donations to ~ treasuredbut worn book of poetrywith the anger and month.I can even put up with quasi-cultural of BlackAmericans remaining
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