plays audio safety messages. safety audio plays and should ride within the same row. This attraction attraction This row. same the within ride should and must be accompanied by a carer/helper at all time time all at carer/helper a by accompanied be must Guests with severe visual or hearing impairments impairments hearing or visual severe with Guests Guide Dogs are always welcome in our parks. our in welcome always are Dogs Guide the carriages. the remain seated at all times and keep their arms inside inside arms their keep and times all at seated remain procedures. should be fi t for purpose. for t fi be should attach the wheelchair safety belts. Passengers must must Passengers belts. safety wheelchair the attach and messages, and assist with any emergency or evacuation evacuation or emergency any with assist and messages, and appropriately including suitable footwear, and any mobility aids used used aids mobility any and footwear, suitable including appropriately Helpers must also be able to communicate any safety restrictions restrictions safety any communicate to able be also must Helpers driver who will be able to put the ramps in place and and place in ramps the put to able be will who driver conditions could be windy. Visitors should ensure they are dressed dressed are they ensure should Visitors windy. be could conditions unload the wheelchair via the ramp. Speak to the the to Speak ramp. the via wheelchair the unload leave all lifting to the helpers. the to lifting all leave unpredictable nature of the British weather paths may be wet and and wet be may paths weather British the of nature unpredictable hosts will give full instructions, but for everyone’s safety, we will will we safety, everyone’s for but instructions, full give will hosts accompanied by a strong carer who should load/ should who carer strong a by accompanied The majority of the park’s attractions are outdoors. Due to the the to Due outdoors. are attractions park’s the of majority The o� oading (including their transfer from wheelchairs). Our rides rides Our wheelchairs). from transfer their (including oading o� wheelchair bound guest wishing to ride should be be should ride to wishing guest bound wheelchair Environment Helpers must be able to assist disabled guests with loading and and loading with guests disabled assist to able be must Helpers we are unable to take mobility scooters. Any Any scooters. mobility take to unable are we guest they are assisting. are they guest manual wheelchairs at any one time. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, time. one any at wheelchairs manual Falconry Area where gradients are likely to be at their steepest. their at be to likely are gradients where Area Falconry required to sit in the same row, toboggan or carriage as the disabled disabled the as carriage or toboggan row, same the in sit to required This attraction has capacity to take two standard standard two take to capacity has attraction This Helpers accompanying guests with disabilities onto the rides are are rides the onto disabilities with guests accompanying Helpers from the Squirrel Tower (Canopy Skywalk), The Tree House and The The and House Tree The Skywalk), (Canopy Tower Squirrel the from adult (14yrs+). adult Particular attention should be paid to the paths leading to and and to leading paths the to paid be should attention Particular least one helper over the age of 14 accompany them onto the rides. the onto them accompany 14 of age the over helper one least Age Restrictions: Children under 8 must ride with an an with ride must 8 under Children Restrictions: Age confi dent in using the equipment and do not exceed its capabilities. capabilities. its exceed not do and equipment the using in dent confi For safety reasons, guests with disabilities are required to have at at have to required are disabilities with guests reasons, safety For Those using electric mobility scooters must ensure they are are they ensure must scooters mobility electric using Those The Big Red Tractor Red Big The point. point. for guests to be evacuated from the rides, possibly from the highest highest the from possibly rides, the from evacuated be to guests for should be accompanied by strong helpers. helpers. strong by accompanied be should mechanical problems or power interruptions), it may be necessary necessary be may it interruptions), power or problems mechanical Visitors in manual wheelchairs who wish to visit all areas of the park park the of areas all visit to wish who wheelchairs manual in Visitors In certain situations (such as extreme weather conditions, conditions, weather extreme as (such situations certain In Access to the ride is via the main queue. main the via is ride the to Access accessible by wheelchair but some paths are gravel or grass based. based. grass or gravel are paths some but wheelchair by accessible Helpers and some paths have a gradient of 1:5. The majority of the park is is park the of majority The 1:5. of gradient a have paths some and and should ride within the same row. same the within ride should and This means that the routes around the site is sloping in places places in sloping is site the around routes the that means This must be accompanied by a carer/helper at all times times all at carer/helper a by accompanied be must decisions made in the interest of your safety. your of interest the in made decisions The park is set within 88 acres of down land and a wooded valley. valley. wooded a and land down of acres 88 within set is park The Guests with severe visual or hearing impairments impairments hearing or visual severe with Guests discrimination. We hope that you understand and accept the the accept and understand you that hope We discrimination. scooter users scooter able to transfer from their wheelchair onto the ride. the onto wheelchair their from transfer to able refusal on the grounds of health and safety does not constitute constitute not does safety and health of grounds the on refusal however access routes are narrow. Guests must be be must Guests narrow. are routes access however We have been advised by the Health & Safety Executive that that Executive Safety & Health the by advised been have We Wheelchair and electric mobility mobility electric and Wheelchair Wheelchairs can be taken into the ride enclosure enclosure ride the into taken be can Wheelchairs danger to a particular individual or individuals for whatever reason. whatever for individuals or individual particular a to danger directions and sometimes of a fairly violent nature. nature. violent fairly a of sometimes and directions admission to certain rides/attractions should we feel there is a a is there feel we should rides/attractions certain to admission area. hands and feet, this ride involves oscillations in all all in oscillations involves ride this feet, and hands demanding and vigorous. We therefore reserve the right to refuse refuse to right the reserve therefore We vigorous. and demanding the entrance before the vehicle returns to the appropriate parking parking appropriate the to returns vehicle the before entrance the Guests must be able to brace themselves with their their with themselves brace to able be must Guests However, certain rides/attractions in our parks can be physically physically be can parks our in rides/attractions certain However, 300 metres away. It is possible for disabled groups to alight closer to to closer alight to groups disabled for possible is It away. metres 300 all that is practical to ensure a safe and pleasurable stay. pleasurable and safe a ensure to practical is that all this ride. this For visitors arriving by coach or mini bus the parking is approximately approximately is parking the bus mini or coach by arriving visitors For Attractions (BALPPA) welcome visits by disabled people and will do do will and people disabled by visits welcome (BALPPA) Attractions with broken/fractured limbs are advised not to use use to not advised are limbs broken/fractured with adjacent to the pedestrian entrance. pedestrian the to adjacent Members of the British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and and Piers Parks, Leisure of Association British the of Members pregnant women are advised not to ride. Persons Persons ride. to not advised are women pregnant We have car spaces for disabled visitors in our main car park, park, car main our in visitors disabled for spaces car have We for disabled people disabled for conditions, seizures, dizziness, claustrophobia and and claustrophobia dizziness, seizures, conditions, Parking Persons su� ering from back or neck problems, heart heart problems, neck or back from ering su� Persons Statement on public safety safety public on Statement Minimum Height Limit 1.1m Limit Height Minimum out wheelchairs. out decision about which attractions you are able to, or wish to use. to wish or to, able are you attractions which about decision 4D Cinema 4D purchases in our Shops or Cafes. Unfortunately, we are unable to hire hire to unable are we Unfortunately, Cafes. or Shops our in purchases enable you to assess your own abilities and make an informed informed an make and abilities own your assess to you enable Wheelchair users are welcome to ask for assistance when making making when assistance for ask to welcome are users Wheelchair any requirements for helpers to accompany guests. This should should This guests. accompany to helpers for requirements any is able to use a ride. a use to able is This guide gives details of ride restrictions, attractions access and and access attractions restrictions, ride of details gives guide This Equipment Map) the Ride Operator’s decision is fi nal as to whether a guest guest a whether to as nal fi is decision Operator’s Ride the as possible.
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